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On the warehouse roof the Amrapake moved impatiently in his chair, then coughed and settled back to watch the rite progress.

Fuaz Yoyote wiped the fear, sweat from his face, tucked his hands back in his velvet-lined sleeves.

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The choir chanted:

CHU MA VAY YAL CHU MA VAY YAL Juvalgrim chanted:

Iron Father, come and bless us

Giver of Strength and Might

Come O Lawgiver, make this wrong right. The choir chanted:

CHU MA VAY YAL CHU MA VAY YAL The drums rattled tank tank t t t tank tank…

The small bronze hammers beat against small bronze anvils, the tink-t-tinks sinking into the chant and emerging from it, sinking again.

Adjoa Prime and Anaxoa Prime were slick with sweat, their ropy arms starting to tremble as they brought the Great Hammers down on the Sacred Anvil DONNNG DONG DONNNG DONG DONNNG

A Red Mist rose from the Forge and spread along the Iron Bridge, turning the struts crimson as it flowed over them; when it reached the Southbank Approach it oozed along the River on both sides and seethed against the Barrier; like acid burning holes in leather it ate into the Invisibility that barred them from the Low City.
