from the office of the editor-in-chief TO: John Kenton DATE: 2/23/81

I thought about shagging my butt down the hall to talk to you, but I'm expecting a call from Harlow “The Axeman Cometh” Enders in a few minutes, and don't want to be out of my office. But maybe it's better that I write this down anyway, because you don't seem to really believe anything unless it's in print.

John, let this go. The Detweiller thing is over. I know the whole business knocked you for a loop-hell, it did me, too-but you've got to let it go. We have got some serious problems here inhouse, just in case you didn't know it. There's going to be a reevaluation of what we're up to in June, and what were up to is not much. This means we could all be out on our asses in September. Our “year of grace” has begun to shrink. Quit worrying about Detweiller and for Christ's sake find something I can publish that will make money.

I can't make myself clearer. I love you, John, but let this go and get back to work, or I'm going to have to make some hard choices.

