The Plant Stephen King

January 4, 1981
Zenith House, Publishers 490 Park Avenue South New York, New York 10017


I have written a book that you might want to publish. It is very good. It is all scary and all true. It is called True Tales of Demon Infestations. I know all the things in it from first hand. Contents include stories from “The World of Voodoo,” “The World of the Aether,” and “The World of the Living Dead.” I include recipes for some potions as well, but these could be “censored” if you felt they were too dangerous although for most people they won't work at all and in a chapter called “The World of Spells” I explain why.

I am offering this book for publication now. I am willing to sell all rights (except for movie rights; I will direct the film myself). There are photos if you want them. If you are interested in this book (no other publisher has seen it, I am sending it to you because you are the publishers of Bloody Houses, which was quite good), please answer with the “SASE” I have enclosed. I will send the manuscript with return postage in case you don't like it (or don't understand it). Please respond as soon as possible. I think “multiple submissions” are unethical, but I want to sell True Tales of Demon Infestations as soon as possible. In this book there is some “scary s**t!” If you know what I mean!

Yours sincerely,

Carlos Detweiller

147 E. 14th St., Apt. E

Central Falls, R. I. 40222
