Richter woke early with the dawn. He decided to leave Sion sleeping, and made his way downstairs after gathering his bag and weapons. A half asleep barmaid gave him a biscuit to break his fast. Thanking her, he grabbed one more, and walked outside, eating on the move. Bleh! This tasted like it was barely made with any lard at all! His grandmother wouldn’t have fed this to the dogs! Sigh, he had so much to add to this world! On the plus side, the sky was clear. There was still moisture on the pavestones from the cool night before. Though the sun was rising, two moons could still be seen low in the sky. He walked at an unhurried pace. It occurred to him that this was one of his only moments of solitude since waking in The Land. It was, he reflected, a beautiful morning.

Hafiz’s shop was still locked when Richter arrived. A round of vigorous knocking brought a sleepy and annoyed face to the window. Holding up the biscuit bribe, Richter gave his most winning smile. Hafiz didn’t seem impressed, but unlocked the door anyway. The disheveled man bowed his head, “What can your most humble servant do for you,” he said, clearly irritated.

“Just how many Potions of Clarity could you sell per month? Each lasts a full day and gives a 25% bonus to experience.”

Hafiz lifted his head, a large wolf-like smile slowly growing on his face.

Huh, Richter thought, if that’s the way I look it is kinda creepy.

The two men haggled good-naturedly for about an hour. It was clear that the negotiations were more about a shared enjoyment of the art of bargaining, than a need to one up each another. With his high Charisma and the promise of future profits, Richter ended up paying with half of his gold and about a third of his remaining gem stones, but he was able to get all of the items he and Mama had come up with. He also bought enough grain and foodstuffs to ensure that his people could eat for four to five months even without hunting. That should last them until the first crops came in. They agreed that one of Hafiz’s emissaries would meet him at Leaf’s Crossing with two plough horses, one bull, seven cows, ten sheep, several dozen chickens and twenty pigs. Richter asked for some goats, but those apparently were only in the northern part of the Kingdom, and could not be obtained on short notice. Hafiz promised to arrange for delivery of several at a future point. Richter smiled thinking about goat stew, yum! He felt that he might have gone overboard with the animals, but he was a southerner! The idea of actually getting bacon and fried chicken made his mouth water. If there was one thing this world would thank him for it would be evolving dinner meat past mutton! It required another five gold to arrange transport to be waiting in Leaf for these supplies. It seemed steep, but Hafiz assured him it would cost a large amount just to convince a ship captain to let animals ride in his hull. Thinking of the smell, Richter revised his earlier opinion and acquiesced.

Hafiz, or someone he worked with, would also meet him at Leaf’s Crossing at the beginning of each month. They would collect the potions, and anything else Richter had to sell. They would also take any requests the fledgling village might have.

Business concluded, the two men clasped hands and parted ways. Richter was happy to see the following prompt:

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 2 in Trade. 0.5% bonus to buying and selling.

Richter walked to the Hall to see what Mama had found. He tried to use his internal map, but in just the space of a day the tent city had changed! Richter wouldn’t have believed it possible, but it seemed the Grand Market was almost a living thing. Sighing, he found another urchin and gave him a few coins. Somehow the barefooted boy was able to navigate in a way that not even the Traveler’s magic could match! Half an hour or so later, he emerged on the promenade and walked towards the Hall. He found Mama at the back and was early enough that the line hadn’t formed yet. When she saw him she gave a few muttered directions to one of her aides, then stood and led him outside. He told her of the nonhumans that had agreed to come with him and what their professions were. She nodded and said she had several families of hunters and farmers, as well as several individuals in a variety of professions, that would happily join him. He was taken outside by one of her associates and spent the next several hours meeting the candidates. He spoke to each about nonhumans, and dismissed from consideration any who showed issues with them. He ultimately chose another fifty-seven humans. When their families were factored in, he had agreed to take in another one hundred and three people to the village. He went back inside and paid Mama her fee, five coppers per person. He was about to leave when she stopped him. “There is one more person I would like you to meet.” She grabbed one of her older associates, and stepped to the side with him. The man looked somewhat confused.

“Do you trust me Randolphus,” she asked.

“Of course, Jala,” he said in a cultured voice.

“You have been a wonderful help, and a better friend. I have been happy to help you, but you are being wasted here. This man is about to start a new village, and quite honestly has no idea what he is doing.”

“Hey,” Richter exclaimed.

“Don’t interrupt Mama,” she scolded. Turning back to Randolphus, “He is making a new community, but does not know how to handle the countless problems that will come up. I think you should go with him.”

Addressing Richter now she said, “Randolphus was the chamberlain for the late King. He faithfully managed the affairs of the castle for decades. You are lucky to have him. Now you are both strong willed and pig headed, so rather than waste anymore of my time simply say, ‘Thank you Mama!’”

Feeling like he was in third grade, Richter simply chuckled and said, “Thank you Mama,” and was quickly followed by Randolphus doing the same. With a slight smile on her face she went to sit behind her desk, saying over her shoulder, “No charge.”

Randolphus was a tall older man with a well-trimmed grey beard. His hair was long and black hanging around his head to his shoulders. He wore a grey shirt with a black vest and black pants. When they shook hands to have a more formal introduction, his grip was firm, but he did not squeeze overly hard. “I know you from the other day. Despite her good intentions I would not force myself into anyone’s service. Do you have any need of my aid?”

“If you are half as impressive as she said, I really will be lucky to have your help. Our village will be the definition of humble compared to a King’s palace, but I intend to make it something special. Will you help me?”

“It would be my pleasure, my Lord,” Randolphus replied, bowing his head.

“We will be traveling to the Forest of Nadria. What I really need right now is someone to organize all of the workers Mama has arranged. Can you get them all to Leaf’s Crossing? I will have a ship to pick them up in a week’s time give or take a few days.”

“It will be done my Lord.”

Knots of tension that Richter had not even been aware of began to unravel from his back and neck. He smiled and said, “Randy, we are going to get along great!” He turned and left with a bit of pep in his step, missing his new chamberlain’s long suffering sigh over his new sobriquet.

By the time Richter made it back out of the Grand Market more than half the day was gone and so Richter decided to check back with Sion. Entering the inn, Terrod ran up to him. “Where have you been? Never mind! We have broken the code, or at least part of it! I know where Isabel is!”

“Where? I am ready to go with you.”

“Do you know who Count Stonuk is?”

“No, I haven’t heard anything about the nobility in the Kingdom.”

“Well he is one of the main proponents of the new laws, and a personal friend of the King. His lands are less than a day’s journey south, but he has an estate inside of the city. A friend of mine works on his estate here, helping in the kitchen. He told me that a Wood Elf fitting Isabel’s description has been seen,” Terrod’s voice caught for a second and he stopped. Then his face firmed, his eyes full with unshed tears but also a vicious anger. “She has been seen in his personal chambers. He is having a ball in three days, and then he’s leaving the city for the season. I won’t be able to get to her once he’s back in his own lands surrounded by all of his guards.”

“What about on the road? We slip into their group while they are moving, grab Isabel, and slip out when they stop,” Sion asked.

“They live too close! He would most likely leave in the morning and travel straight there without stopping. It’s completely open terrain. We won’t have a chance. In the light of day any attack will be seen miles off! And even if we succeeded, we cannot openly attack the nobility to rescue an elf. Word would get back to the King and all the nobility would be in arms. It would give the King carte blanche to enact even harsher laws against the nonhumans. The only thing stopping him now is that some of the older and more powerful nobles would not go along with it.”

“So what is the plan,” Richter asked.

“My contact can sneak us onto the estate the night of the ball. Three of us. Four max. Sion I’m sorry but you cannot come, any nonhumans would ruin the plan immediately. Once we are inside, we pose as servants. He told me that Isabel is being kept in a room attached to the count’s chambers. Each night they are brought their food by one of the servants. I will pose as the servant and go to her.” Terrod looked at Richter, “What I need, is for you to handle the guards in front of the baron’s chambers. Ideally, in a way without bloodshed, and without them being able to identify us. No matter what though, they will need to be dealt with or I won’t be able to get Isabel out.”

Richter looked back at Terrod, “I said I would help you and I will. I don’t know much in the way of stealth skills though. My Imbued arrow will kill them, but you know how much noise it makes. It would alert every guard in the house!”

Terrod was nodding quickly, “I know, I know! I have thought of that! No one that we freed can come with us for the same reason that Sion needs to stay behind. Nonhumans would immediately be detained and questioned. But that doesn’t mean they don’t want to help. There are two adepts mages present, one of Dark and one of Earth. The Dark adept has a spell that could accomplish what we need. I’ve already checked though. None of the humans that are part of our group have the affinity to learn Dark Magic, but I thought you might. You already seem to have multiple magics. Will you try?”

No matter what Terrod had asked, Richter would have complied. The desperation and stress in the man’s voice was heartrending, “Of course Terrod. Where can I find them?”

“Come with me,” he said walking towards the stairs of the inn.

At the end of the hallway on the second floor there was a small open area. A rectangular table was there with six chairs. Sunlight streamed through the window, but a light breeze came through as well making for a very pleasant climate. A dwarf, an elf and a gnome sat around the table. Richter used Analyze on each in turn.

Name: Zarr. Mountain Dwarf Level 17. Health 420. Mana 350. Stamina 320. Disposition: Friendly. Dwarves have several subclasses that determine their specific powers. Mountain dwarves are a hardy folk that get bonuses to Constitution and Endurance each level. They have keen eyesight that gives them excellent night vision. Natural miners, it is said mountain dwarves can “smell” veins of precious metals. Increased resistance to negative physical effects. Increased affinity and resistance to Earth Magic. Mountain Dwarves get three points to distribute per level, and each level give +1 to Constitution and +1 to Endurance.

Name: Ulinde. High Elf Level 18. Health 310. Mana 320. Stamina 260. Disposition: Friendly. Elves have several subclasses that determine their specific powers. High elves are gifted in archery and most magical arts. They have increased resistance to magical attack. High Elves get three points to distribute per level, and each level give +1 to Intelligence and +1 to Wisdom.

Name: Quasea. Arcane Gnome Level 16. Health 150. Mana 730. Stamina 110. Disposition: Friendly. Gnomes have several subclasses that determine their specific powers. Arcane gnomes are obsessed with knowledge. Increased dodge and sneak. Gifted in magical arts. Bonus to Intelligence each level. Arcane Gnomes get three points to distribute per level, and each level gives +2 to Intelligence.

Richter greeted each in turn by their names.

Zarr looked at him sternly, “You should not use yer ability on a person without their consent lad! It’s bad manners!”

Quasea just laughed however. “Oh Zarr, stop teasing the boy. As if you wouldn’t do the same if you could!”

“Hmpff! Not really the point at all is it Q,” he replied.

The elf stepped forward and extended his hand, “Well met Richter. Thank you so much for your help in freeing our people! Terrod has told us how pivotal you were in the fight against the Night Blades. They were, unkind to our people to say the least. Though none of us were held captive in that hole, the suffering of our people still pained us! When I heard the adepts were going to meet you, I volunteered as well. I am an adept Archer and a journeyman of Light Armor, Zarr is an adept Earth Mage, and Quasea is an adept Dark Sorceress. We can increase your skills over the next three days. It should greatly increase your chances to retrieve Isabel.”

“I appreciate your offer, but I’m not sure if I could afford your expertise,” Richter said cautiously. The idea of getting more skills was an amazing temptation, but he couldn’t believe they would just help him out of the kindness of their hearts.

“We don’t require payment, but it shows wisdom that you don’t jump at the first opportunity for more power,” Quasea answered. The gnome had fair skin and long red hair that was woven into a ponytail draped over her left shoulder. She was about four feet tall and had a round, kind face. She wore a black robe belted with dark purple rope that stopped just above her knees, tied in front with an intricate knot. She looked him in the eye with purple irises that matched her robe, but her gaze was more playful than challenging.

“I will tell you why we are helping you. We owe you a debt either way for freeing our loved ones. I also personally know Isabel, and I would not leave her in the hands of a pig like the count. More than that however, by deciding to come with you, we have tied our fate to you. The others may not have picked up on your secret, but I am an adept of the Dark. The Dark is useful for many things, but primarily it is used to conceal. I can feel the Mark you try to hide. That coupled with what Terrod told us about the “defenses” you had in place for the village, really only lead to one simple conclusion. You are the Master of a Place of Power,” the last was said as a statement.

All three looked at him, and Richter felt trapped by the weight of their attention. The five of them sat in silence gazing at one another. He did not want his abilities known broadly. He had not forgotten Hisako’s warning that his power would make him a target. Analyze had shown that all three were friendly to him though. They had also all agreed to join his community. There really didn’t seem to be much risk. He held up his left wrist and willed the Mark to appear.

“I am the Master of the Mist Village and the Power it is built on. I promise I meant everything I have said before. Everyone that comes to my village will be treated fairly. I am, the Master though,” he added forcefully. Now that Quasea had forced his hand, he decided it was best to establish the guidelines for how things would be.

The gnome only nodded. “I quite understand… my Lord Richter.” She bowed her head slightly and the other two followed suit. “We did not expect anything else. That brings us to the main reason we are helping you. If we are going to make your village a home, then the more prosperous it is, and by extension you are, the better off we all will be. Though don’t expect us to always instruct you for free in the future,” she said with a smile and a wink.

Richter responded with a smile of his own, “Then I gladly accept your help. Where do we start?”

He spent the next three days with the three masters. The skills the Bow adept taught him were all stamina dependent, and predictably Zarr’s and Quasea’s skills were mana based. The spell that was necessary for the mission came from Quasea, Troubled Sleep, but required a skill level of three in Dark Magic. She also taught him two level one spells that he cast relentlessly until his Dark Magic level increased to level three. After working with the three trainers, his skills had increased and he had gained several new ones:

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 4 in Light Armor. +2% to defense of all light armor.

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 5 in Light Armor. +2% to defense of all light armor.

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 6 in Light Armor. +2% to defense of all light armor.

Congratulations! You have learned the subskill: Grace in Combat. If wearing all light armor, dodge increased by 10%. This is a subskill of Light Armor.

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 2 in Grace in Combat. Dodge increased by 11%.

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 6 in Archery. +2% bonus to aim. +2% bonus to damage.

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 7 in Archery. +2% bonus to aim. +2% bonus to damage.

Congratulations! You have learned the subskill: Double Shot. You can fire an arrow and then a second arrow with less than a second between them. Accuracy of first shot decreased by 25% and accuracy of the second shot decreased by 50%. Cost 20 stamina. This is a subskill of archery.

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 2 in Double Shot. Accuracy of first shot decreased by 24% and accuracy of the second shot decreased by 49%.

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 3 in Double Shot. Accuracy of first shot decreased by 23% and accuracy of the second shot decreased by 48%.

Congratulations! You have learned the subskill: Drill Shot. Strong focus lets you find holes in an enemy’s armor. You can ignore 10% of an opponent’s armor. Takes two seconds to aim. Cost 25 stamina. This is a subskill of archery.

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 2 in Drill Shot. You can ignore 11% of an opponent’s armor.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Dark Magic. Increasing your skill will unlock more spells. It will also increase the power of your spells.

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 2 in Dark Magic. New spells are now available.

Congratulations! You have reached skill level 3 in Dark Magic. New spells are now available.

Congratulations! You have learned the spell: Night Vision! The target of this spell can see with only the faintest light. This is a spell of Dark Magic. Cost 5 mana. Duration: 3 hours. Range: 10 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: N/A.

Congratulations! You have learned the spell: Cloying Darkness! Cast a cone of thickened darkness 15 feet in length from your hand. Movement and Attack speed of targets decreased by 20%. All in area of effect will suffer from spell. Will not work in direct sunlight. This is a spell of Dark Magic. Cost 30 mana. Duration: 10 minutes. Range: 10 feet. Cast Time: 1 second. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Congratulations! You have learned the spell: Troubled Sleep. Places your target in a restless sleep. He will be plagued by nightmares until awakening. Any attack or hostile action taken against target will awaken them. Area of effect five feet. This is a spell of Dark Magic. Cost: 50 mana. Duration: one hour. Range 15 feet. Cast time: 3 seconds. Cool down: 15 minutes.

You have reached skill level 2 in Earth Magic. New spells are now available.

Congratulations! You have learned the spell: Summon Insects: Summons a host of stinging and biting insects in a ten-foot-wide circle. Causes minimal damage, but impedes concentration. This is a spell of Earth Magic. Cost: 25 mana. Duration: 5 minutes. Range 20 feet. Cast time: 1 second. Cool down: 20 minutes

Constant use and depletion of his stamina and mana earned him a +1 to Constitution, Endurance and Wisdom. Double Shot, which had seemed almost useless initially got less of a penalty as he leveled. He could see the benefit of continuing to invest in the skill if at level 50 he could fire twice as fast as another archer. Drill shot could definitely come in handy as well. Richter had asked Ulinde if Drill shot could negate all armor when the skill level was high enough. Unfortunately, the answer was no. Different skills had different caps they could advance to. Drill shot, for instance, could ignore 60% of armor when maxed out at skill level 50. The armor penetration also depended on the type of arrow being used and the type of armor it was being used against. A simple iron arrow would barely harm dragon scale armor for instance, even if Drill shot was maxed. Once again reality was intruding on Richter’s plans for world domination!

There was no denying the usefulness of the training. Ulinde explained that training with someone at a higher level than you in a skill would increase the speed with which you learned the skill. The amount of the bonus was based on the level of the trainer compared to your respective level. Richter also asked how Ulinde could teach light armor skills, when he was only a journeyman in that skill. He looked confused for a moment until Richter talked about how he knew only adept and master magicians could teach spells. Ulinde nodded in understanding and said that didn’t apply to learning new skills.

An added benefit of the training was that Sion was able to learn from Ulinde as well. He obtained the skills Grace in Combat, Double Shot and Drill Shot, but even more useful, Stun Shot. It was a level 10 archery subskill, so unfortunately Richter couldn’t learn it yet.

Training had been tiring, but extremely beneficial and efficient. He definitely progressed faster than he would have alone. Richter was extremely thankful that these three were going to be part of his village. He expressed that to Quasea, and she just gave him a pinch on the butt with a saucy wink before walking off.

The gnome’s forward behavior didn’t hold Richter’s attention long. He was day dreaming of creating a culture of open learning in the Mist Village. Knowledge was guarded jealously in The Land. The price of the books was a clear indication. One book cost three months of wages for the average worker. That wouldn’t be the case in his village. Every skill that could be learned would be. Dreams of arrow shooting Dark Earth magicians were dancing through his head. He decided to be honest with himself. Jedis. He really wanted Jedis!

The three days came and went surprisingly quickly. The only breaks Richter took from his training was to check on the progress of his new people. Both the humans and nonhumans had been industrious about organizing for passage to their new home. The human settlers, along with Randolphus, had left for Leaf’s Crossing the day before. Richter had paid a coin to a messenger to run ahead and carry a message to Rosy at the Whistling Hen. It had told her that he needed to rent out the entire inn to house the human portion of his people for a day or two. He included in the message what he hoped was a sufficient amount of coins for their room and board, but promised to make up the difference in a few days if he was short.

The nonhumans had slowly ferreted their families to the Laughing Imp or other safe houses that Terrod and his compatriots had access to. It had been an emotional series of days for them as there was a very real possibility that they would not see those left behind for several years, if ever again. Terrod and Richter had decided to implement everything on the same day. The same day of the count’s ball, the holds of the ships they had commissioned were slowly filled throughout the day with the nonhumans. Richter and Sion would join them after saving Isabel. She would also come to the Forest, as it would be way too dangerous for her to remain in Law after escaping the count. Terrod would stay behind, and try to find the other nonhumans that had been sold. So far no further information had been gleaned from the ledger. Ultimately he was planning to sell the inn, and if possible make a new life in Leaf’s Crossing, Isabel could join him some time later. Due to his training and organizing, Richter lost track of time. Before he knew it Terrod had walked into the room at the end of the hallway where Richter was sitting with Zarr and simply said, “It’s time.”
