A heavy bladed axe plunged out of the dark as he fought a losing battle. Stabbing and swinging his sword, he fought as hard as he could. Again and again the axe gouged into his skin eliciting blood and pain with each blow. He collapsed. Looking up the goblin chief’s face that was peering down at him, the monster raised its axe to strike one last time, and sever his head…

Gasping, Richter stood swiftly, knife in hand, blinking away the terrors of his dream. After a while he was able to slow his breathing but his heart still hammered wildly. He may have done what was needed the night before, but he was still a twenty-four year old man from a modern world. Until last week he hadn’t done anything more violent than punch the occasional frat boy that had gotten handsy with his female friends. As he became more aware of his surroundings, he realized Sion was also up with an arrow nocked looking for the threat. Closing his eyes for a moment, he collected himself, before opening them again and looking at Sion. “There is no danger my friend. None outside of my own nightmares.”

Sion looked at him, relaxing the draw on the bow. “Yesterday was a dark day, and I think better of you that it could not be so easily dismissed.” With a pause of his own and then a small smile, he added, “My friend.”

Judging by the weariness he felt, they had only dozed for a few hours. The torch had gone out while they were sleeping, but some faint grey illumination filtered down from an unknown source in the ceiling. Richter heard the sounds of activity outside of the cave. There was no way he could go back to sleep right now so he turned to Sion and said, “Let’s see what we have.”

Richter walked over to the goblin chief’s body. He felt his gorge rise at the mix of smells: copper and nickel from the blood, sour stench from body reek and the nauseating reek from the feces that had escaped in death. Though he had ignored these in the heat of battle, faced with the harsh reality after a night’s rest, he was doubly glad for the workers who would clear the other bodies.

Searching the goblin he first picked up the single-headed axe.

You have found: Magic Iron Axe. Damage 15-20. Durability 33/35. Item class: Uncommon. Quality: Average. Traits: Unknown. Requires Strength 17.

Richter had not seen a requirement for weapons before. He could only assume that was because no other items he had acquired had requirements. Or maybe he had met the requirements so they hadn’t been shown. Either way it did explain why the axe had seemed to resist him the night before. He also did not know how to identify the axe. He set it aside for now. Stripping the rest of the armor, he looked at each before setting them aside.

You have found: Wooden Buckler. Durability 8/30. Item class: Common. Quality: Average. Defense +1 (Max defense +4). Weight: 2.3 kg. Type: Light Armor.

You have found: Iron mail shirt. Durability 16/50. Item class: Common. Quality: Poor. Defense +5 (Max defense +9). Weight: 9.1 kg. Type: Medium Armor.

You have found: Hardened leather pants. Durability 8/20. Item class: Common. Quality: Poor. Defense +1 (Max defense +2). Type: Light Armor.

You have found: 28 silver and 41 copper.

You have found: poor quality garnet.

Moving over to the hobgoblin, Sion had already stripped it of its belongings, and had laid them upon the ground.

You have found: Novice black mage robes. Defense +1 (Max defense +5) (additional +7 vs magical attack). Durability 2/20. Item class: Common. Quality: Above Average. Weight 3.5 kg.

You have found: Magic staff: Attack 13-16. Durability 19/20. Item class: Rare. Quality: Above Average. Weight 4.2 kg.

You have found: Magic bracelet: Durability 10/10. Item class: Uncommon. Quality: Above Average. Weight 0.3 kg.

You have found: 11 silver and 24 copper.

You have found: Unknown potion x 2.

You have found: Unknown potion

Huh, it looked like the attack and defense of the items was affected by it durability. Richter guessed it made sense. Why would armor on its last legs still offer the same protection as when it wasn’t beat all to hell? He was happy that he had found loot, but he still didn’t know how useful it was.

“I’d be a lot more excited if I could identify any of this stuff,” he verbalized.

“I can help with that,” said Futen, materializing just to the side of Richter’s face.

“Arghh! I swear to god I’m going to put a bell on you if you keep surprising me like that!”

“It was not my intention to frighten you, Lord Richter.”

“I’m not frightened. Nobody said frightened. I’m just, startled! When you are approaching me in the future though, become visible a couple of feet, let’s say twenty feet, away! Understood?”

“Yes, Lord Richter. Would you like my help?”

Thinking he heard a bit of attitude in its flat voice, but then assuring himself that was impossible, Richter replied, “How can you help?”

“Normally to identify an item, you must use a spell or item. Alternately you can take it to a magical college or temple to have a magician or priest uncover its true identity for you. I have the ability however, to identify all but the most powerful of items. I can do this now if you wish.”

“Can you teach me,” Richter asked eager to have this power.

“I am aware of your Limitless ability my lord, but that can only be applied to skills. As this is an ability, it would not apply, and I know of no way to teach abilities.”

Trusting that if there was a way to teach abilities, the remnant would have at least heard of it over the thousands of years of its existence, Richter let the matter drop. Before asking Futen to use his ability however, a thought occurred to him. “How do you know about my Limitless ability?”

“I possess a skill called Analyze. It allows me to know in-depth information about creatures.”

“So that is something I can learn! Do you have any other skills?”

“At this time I am only aware of the one ability and one skill that I have told you about Lord Richter. As I have only recently been awakened by your claiming of the village, my memory is highly fragmented, however. It is entirely possible that as time goes on I will remember more. Also if the village rises in level, then I may have access to further powers.”

Nodding, Richter said, “Let’s identify these items then. Afterwards you can teach me your skill.”

The light within Futen flared white, and suddenly the information was given to Richter in a series of prompts.

“How is it I suddenly have this information, when you are the one who has the skill,” Richter asked.

“You are the Master of this village. As long as we are close to one another, I can give you information without verbalizing. As the village grows, the distance we can interact over will grow as well.”

Impressed again at the versatility of this unasked for helper, Richter focused on the item information.

You have found: Staff of Decay: Attack 10-12. Durability 19/20. Item class: Rare. Quality: Superb. Weight 4.2 kg. Traits: +4 Death damage. Has 5% chance to cause rapid decay upon target from direct strike or when channeling Death magic. Requirement: Alignment -2 or below.

You have found: Bracelet of Health: Durability 10/10. Item class: Uncommon. Quality: Above Average. Weight 0.1 kg. Traits: Increase maximum Health by +50.

You have found: Minor Mana Potion x 2. Taking this will restore 40 mana points over 6 seconds.

You have found: Minor Health Potion x 1. Taking this will restore 40 health points over 6 seconds.

You have found: Iron axe of Strength. Damage 15-18. Durability 33/35. Item class: Uncommon. Quality: Above Average. Traits: +1 to Strength. Requires Strength 17.

Remembering the black sludge that had come off the bear from one Death spell, Richter shuddered thinking of what would have happened if the staff’s special ability had struck him. Telling Sion the properties of each, the sprite spit on the floor upon hearing of the staff’s true identity. “We should destroy this evil thing. For some reason I can’t stand the sight of it!”

“How,” Richter asked. “Do I snap it over my knee? I somehow don’t think that would work.”

“Unfortunately we most likely do not have the strength, and even if we did, it is not wise to tamper with the inner working of magical objects without the proper knowledge. Will you bring it back to the Hearth Tree so that the Mother can dispose of it?”

You have been offered a Quest: Destroy Evil’s Weapon. Sion has had an extreme reaction to this staff. He hates it so much he can only think of destroying it. He wants your help carrying it back to the Hearth Tree so that Hisako can destroy it. Reward: Unknown. Yes or No?

Richter barely gave it a thought before nodding his assent. Though he and Sion had a rocky start to say the least, the sprite was a comrade. He would trust his Companion’s judgement. Focusing on what was in front of him, Richter looked at the axe wondering at the strength requirement. He had already used it to sever the chief’s head. It just didn’t make logical sense to him that a simple item had a requirement. Picking it up, he took a practice swing, and felt immediately off balance. Taking a few more, he stumbled disoriented. The last swing came dangerously close to cutting Sion. In the face of the glare he received from the diminutive man, he sheepishly placed the axe back down on the floor. Well, no point arguing with the facts. This axe was just not for him.

The sprite had shown no interest in loot, but Richter remembered the large amount of damage the thrown warrior’s dagger had caused. Picking up the bracelet he handed it to Sion. The sprite initially looked like he would refuse, but Richter said “You are a great warrior my friend, but I seriously doubt this will be the last battle we are in. You have to grow stronger and survive. This will help.” After a small protest, the sprite thanked him and slid the bracelet on his arm up to his bicep. He immediately stood a bit taller, and it seemed he had somewhat greater tone and definition than a moment before.

Placing the money in his pouch, Richter took a second pouch that had belonged to the hobgoblin and slid the potions into it. Picking up the staff, he felt revulsion. It was like holding a writhing snake. He dropped it quickly. Cutting a length of cloth from the hobgoblin’s clothes, he wrapped it around the staff, which greatly lessened the feeling of revulsion. Turning to Futen he said, “Have the workers collect all of the other items and lay them aside. I will review them upon returning from the Hearth Tree.”

“Is there anything else you would like to have done, my Lord?”

“I need to know what other resources there are available. I need to know what we can use to build the village.”

“I will search the boundaries of the village and this level. I can go no further than what you have laid claim to my lord. You will need to explore and vanquish any enemies in the lower levels if you wish to know what other powers, and riches may exist in the catacombs.”

That had been the answer to Richter’s question before sleeping. Apparently, the Place of Power was home to monsters. Through the millennia, creatures of various types had filled the underground levels. It was unclear if the Place of Power had created the monsters or if there were other entrances to the underground levels and they had moved in. What was clear was that the catacombs under his feet were not safe. The chamber they were in, which Futen had called a “Great Seal” stopped any monsters from coming up from the catacombs below.

“Well then the only other obvious point,” Richter said, “is that it’s a bit grandiose to call this pile of rocks a village? Can the worker’s build some houses, and clear away some rubble?”

“The workers are only the most basic of creatures, my Lord. They will follow any direction, but only exactly as it is given. They lack any real intelligence. Complex tasks, such as building a house will be beyond them.”

“Very well, have them gather stones and sort them by size and type into different piles. Also have them chop down trees that have grown inside the boundaries of the village and stack them. Finally have them dig a trench around the area outside of the boundary of the village.”

Turning to leave, a last thought occurred to him. Pulling out the clear gem he had taken from the goblin chief’s body, “What is this?”

“That is the Heart Crystal my Lord Richter. It is the embodiment of your dominion over these lands and the source of your connection to the village.”

“Does that mean if someone takes it from me suddenly they own the village,” Richter asked with some alarm in his voice.

“In its current state yes, but you can bind the stone to you. In this way it will be tied to you and your bloodline. You will also gain the powers inherent in the crystal.”

“What powers?”

“Each Place of Power has certain characteristics depending on the composition of ley lines that creates it. As I stated before, this village sits upon a strong collection of Air, Water, Dark and Life ley lines. Binding to the Heart Stone will tie your soul to the Place of Power. By fulfilling certain requirements you will obtain mastery of each of those powers in turn.”

Tied to his soul huh? That didn’t sound creepy or ominous at all! The other option was to lose this village to the first thief that took the Heart Stone though. After a few more moments thought, Richter asked, “How do I do it?”

“Simply will it my Lord.”

Focusing upon the gem, he stared into its depths. He suddenly felt that he was being pulled into the stone, though he did not actually move. A slight tingle played across his skin. The sensation became focused upon the inside of his left wrist. He realized with a start that the Heart Stone was gone.

“It is done,” the remnant said its deadpan voice.

Looking at his wrist, Richter saw a silver grey circle on his inner wrist where the strange sensation had focused. It had a swirl of grey smoke within its boundaries that seemed to move slightly as he stared at it. After a moment the mark faded from view. He knew somehow he could summon it back if he desired.

You have received a Mark: Master of the Mist Village.

Making their way out of the tunnel, dawn seemed to be just breaking. The workers had not been idle. There were three piles at the base of the hill leading from the cave, one of items, one of weapons and the other of armor.

Richter was about to ask Futen to call a worker over, but he remembered what was said about the village being an extension of himself. Focusing on the nearest worker, he willed it to come closer. It promptly left its task and came to stand before him. Smiling, he said, “Futen, how do I analyze the worker?”

“Yes my lord. You must gaze upon it. Focus until it becomes the only thing that exists. See past the external to the internal truth. This attention will draw its information to you.”

Focusing upon the worker, he stared intently at it. Richter looked at the light grey swirls that slowly moved under its skin, the clear lines of its arms, head, torso and legs. He gazed at its shapeless face and suddenly just knew!

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Analyze. Cost 5 mana. You will be able to know information about other creatures simply by looking at them. The greater the difference in level between you and the target, the less effective your skill may be.

Mist worker, Lvl 1. Health: 50/50, Mana 0/0, Stamina 400/400.

“I was able to do it Futen, but the information is pretty basic.”

“Yes my Lord. You will have to increase the level of the skill to obtain more information.”

Pleased nonetheless, Richter let the worker return to its duties.

The bodies had been dragged outside of the boundaries and placed within a pit the workers had dug. Grabbing a few water skins from the pile of items, he removed the stopper from each, pouring out a small amount of the contents. The first appeared to be water as expected. The second he quickly cast aside deciding not to ponder what the vile contents could be. The third however appeared to be oil. Moving over to pit he poured the contents over the bodies. Striking flint, Sion lit one of the torches from the goblin camp and then cast it into the pit. After a short time, the flames were licking eagerly at the naked green forms. Giving one last order, Richter said, “Once the bodies are consumed, fill the pit with dirt again. I don’t want to be reminded of these creatures.”

“Is there anything else I can do, my Lord?”

“Don’t hesitate to advise me if you have something useful to say. Do your best to take care of the village and me. I want to be made aware of any major decisions, but in my absence do your best to protect and grow the village.”

“It will be done my Lord,” answered Futen’s deadpan voice.

Richter and Sion began their trip back to the Hearth Tree.
