Carlo spun the syringe between his thumb and forefinger, suddenly unsure whether or not he’d identified the right spot to insert it. The male vole adhering to the immobilized female glared up at him balefully, unable to do anything for his trapped co but promising her tormentor a suitable punishment once he was detached. Carlo could only sympathize. Over the years, biologists had managed to produce a strain that would breed, not merely in captivity, but in the face of stresses and indignities that would have seen their wild ancestors prudently deferring the act. With no hope of privacy, the caged voles could not afford to miss an opportunity.

“Do you want me to do this?” Amanda offered. “You might be a bit out of practice.”

The protocol Carlo had prepared referred to landmarks on the skin patterns that were shared by every member of this strain of voles, but his notes had been based on a stylized reference version of the pattern. Now that he was facing a real animal again after a three-year hiatus, he was beginning to recall just how tricky it could be to identify the features on each individual.

The reference pattern showed a junction between three crisp dark stripes, just behind each shoulder. For this subject, the injection was meant to go in the top corner of that junction. But the stripes on the clamped female in front of him were diffuse, and the corner between them showed a gradient of diminishing pigment at least half a scant wide. This didn’t mean the task was hopeless; if you took your bearings from the entire hide it was still possible to get an accurate fix. But he hadn’t had to do that for a very long time.

“Actually, if you don’t mind—” Carlo moved aside and handed the syringe to Amanda. She quickly thrust the needle into the female’s skin, up to the depth calibration mark, then pushed the plunger, delivering a small dose of suppressant. The male emitted an angry chirp; Amanda withdrew the needle and closed the lid of the cage. Carlo reached over and shifted a lever that loosened the clamp on the female. He didn’t want any confounding mechanical effects interfering with the fission process.

“Thank you,” he said. “I’m still waiting for the old instincts to come back.”

“I can believe that,” Amanda replied. “I have the opposite problem: you could put a rock in front of me and I’d start to see hide markings on it.”

Carlo had thought he’d be the one confidently demonstrating the protocol to her, as a first step in convincing himself that he could rely on her to perform some of the trials without his supervision. But he’d only been two years her senior the last time they’d worked together, and he felt foolish now for assuming that he’d somehow retained his old advantage in experience. His own world wasn’t full of imaginary voles; it was strewn with hallucinatory wheat petals.

The male began squirming and thrashing about, eager to be unencumbered. Apparently the exchange of signals was over to his satisfaction, but the skin of his chest was still stuck in place. He grabbed the transitioning female with all four paws and forced himself apart from her, then he scampered around in a frenzy, clinging to the twigs that crisscrossed the cage like guide ropes, chirping loud warnings.

“No one’s tried this before during fission?” Amanda asked.

“A long time ago, with a much coarser suppressant.” If she hadn’t heard of that work it was because nothing much had come of it. Carlo didn’t want to waste time repeating other people’s experiments, but the new preparation Tosco had discovered blocked signaling in a smaller volume of tissue, and also seemed to have fewer side effects. “I’m not expecting to find some magic spot where we can interrupt transmission and see the number of offspring halved,” he said. “But to get anywhere, we’re going to need the best map we can make of the pathways that influence fission. Even these tiny doses will probably interfere with a dozen individual pathways, but that will still be a big improvement on the last map.”

Amanda said, “I’ve had some success with microsurgery, for identifying phalangeal control pathways in lizards.”

Carlo was intrigued. “So you cut into the leg under a microscope… and managed to paralyze a particular toe?”

“Almost,” she replied. “I have to infer things from incremental damage—I can’t actually sever the pathway for any given toe without severing other things as well. And of course the lizards either re-route the signals within a chime or two, or resorb the whole limb and reconstruct it.”

The female vole had already been limbless in her mating posture, but now her body was deforming further into an almost featureless ellipsoid. Carlo could just make out a shallow longitudinal trench that marked the beginning of the primary partition. Whatever change the injection had wrought, it hadn’t suppressed the start of fission itself.

“So you know how to paralyze a lizard,” Carlo said, “but have you ever thought of doing the reverse?”

Amanda buzzed softly. “The old yellow flash muscle twitch? I know it impresses students, but I’m not sure that there’s much to be learned that way.”

“I was thinking of something subtler than a twitch,” he said. “Imagine severing the pathways from the brain… but then introducing motor signals of your own.”

Amanda was skeptical. “Even if we could manage the mechanics of an intervention like that, we’d have no way of knowing the proper time sequences for the signals. Believe me, I’ve stared down a microscope at enough flickering lizard tissue to know that I’m never going to be able to transcribe what’s happening.”

“I have some ideas about that,” Carlo confided. Faint lines could now be seen neatly dividing each half of the vole blastula, displaced to the usual degree above the midline to guarantee an extra quota of flesh to the daughters. The father-to-be screeched triumphantly, as if he knew that his captors had been thwarted. But any celebration was premature; in the old studies a similarly placed dose of suppressant had led to stillborn males.

“What ideas?” Amanda pressed him.

“Run a long strip of light-sensitive paper past a probe into the tissue,” Carlo replied. “Turn the variation of light over time into a variation over space. You could have the whole history of a motor sequence spread out in front of you, to read at your leisure.”

Amanda thought it over. “I suppose that might work.” She shifted her grip on one of the ropes they shared, sending a brief shudder through Carlo’s body.

“You could copy the pattern,” he said. “Maybe modify it too. Then send it back into the body using a strip of paper of variable transparency, moving in front of a light source. But the beauty of it is, you could send it back to a completely different site, if you wanted to. Maybe even send it into a completely different animal.”

Amanda buzzed softly, not quite mocking him but amused at his audacity. “So that’s the plan? Record the way a biparous animal initiates fission, then feed those signals into a quadraparous species in place of their own version of the sequence?”

“I don’t know,” Carlo said. “Maybe that’s naïve. The difference might not come down to anything we can localize that way.”

“Still, it makes more sense than a drug,” Amanda conceded. “I wouldn’t say it’s not worth trying.”

They watched in silence as the primary partition began to fracture, cracking into plates of shiny brittle tissue that stuck to one side or the other. The male approached and started pawing at the structure, trying to hasten the separation.

Carlo glanced over at his colleague, wondering what her reaction would be if he dared to ask her: On a scale of one to twelve, how much comfort does it give you to know that this is the fate of your flesh?

When the blastula had split completely, the male took hold of one of the halves and carried it across the cage, backing away awkwardly with its two hind-paws gripping the scaffolding of twigs before extruding another pair to make the task easier. Carlo wasn’t sure why the animals were so emphatic about the separation. So far as he knew co always recognized co, whatever the first sights and smells they encountered, and in any case when a crossed mating was contrived it appeared to cause no problems. Maybe it was simply advantageous for the male vole to have the strongest possible instinct to aid the process of fission—rather than standing by uselessly if the blastula became stuck—and it did no harm to take this sentiment further than was strictly necessary.

The secondary partitions were still intact, but one pair of young voles were already beginning to twitch and squirm, limbless balls of conjoined flesh struggling to wake into their own separate identities.

Amanda said, “They all look healthy so far.”

“Yes.” Now the other pair were wriggling too, and Carlo couldn’t help feeling a visceral sense of relief. The experiment had told him nothing—except that the new suppressant hadn’t been crude enough to do as much damage as the old one when delivered in the same spot. He should have been disappointed. But the sight of the four live infants was impossible to receive with anything but joy.

The father approached the tardier of the pairs, stroking his children’s skin with his paws and tugging at the partition that still glued them together.

Carlo turned to Amanda. “We’d better move on. We can check the whole brood for deformities tomorrow, but we need to set a pace of six matings a day or this map’s going to take forever to complete.”
