The next day, news circulated around the camp that Aroisius had decided to split the weapons between Barias and Griglhan. Anglhan wondered what hold the rebel leader had over his subordinates that he could get them to agree swiftly with his commands. Was the promise of Magilnada enough to get these rebels, brigands and hillmen to put aside their rivalries? He decided to find out how much control Aroisius really had over his army.

An idea came to him as he wandered into the main storage cave. Inside he saw Cannillan, second-in-command of Urias's gang. The shaven-headed lieutenant's back and upper arms were criss-crossed by whip scars, and his wrists and ankles bore the telltale marks of long-time bondage.

"I bet you don't have much time for the likes of me, do you?" Anglhan said solemnly as he joined Cannillan. "I know it's worthless, really, but I hope my gift goes just a little way to atoning for my past greed."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know, my gift? The weapons and armour? I hear that Aroisius is sharing them out amongst the groups to make sure everything is fair. Now that he's decided not to give them all to one group, I'm sure he's stopped any hard feelings."

"He's splitting them between Griglhan's and Barias's mobs, that's all."

"Oh, I must have misheard. I thought he said he was going to give them to those that needed them most. You know, the most important leaders, the best warriors. I thought that sounded like a sensible plan. I mean, no point giving a nice sword to some pig-fucking hillman who doesn't know one end from the other. And after all, my gift really is for those who have shared the burden of debt that I have helped spread, not for a bunch of opportunists who've just come down from the mountains for a bit of fighting and looting." Cannillan's eyes narrowed and his brow creased.

"Sorry, you look busy," said Anglhan as he backtracked towards the cave mouth. "I didn't mean to interrupt."
