There was a mood of celebration around the rebel camp that night. The fires were banked high and the rain passed in the early evening so that everyone was outside the tents and caves. Jugs of ale were passed round and those that had served on the landship told their tales to the rebels that had stayed in camp. Anglhan found himself beside the main fire, sitting between Barias and Lubrianati. The two chieftains stank of untreated hide and stale sweat as they talked across Anglhan.

"The lord says that with these weapons, we're ready to go," said Lubrianati. "We'll be going at the half-moon."

"That's about six days, isn't it?" said Barias, rubbing his hands cheerfully. "Seven nights from now, we'll be in Magilnada, drinking their beer and fucking their women."

"You heard the boss," warned Lubrianati. "This isn't a raid. We'll be staying. That's hard to do when someone is after you for having your way with his sister."

Barias's unconvinced expression was all the answer he needed to give. Anglhan spied Aroisius approaching through the camp. The self-appointed future lord of Magilnada stopped to speak with some of his men. They were joking and laughing, excited by the prospect of the coming attack. That didn't suit Anglhan well at all. He turned to Lubrianati.

"So, it's your men that are going to be storming the gate, right?" Anglhan said. "I would bet they're pleased they've got some decent weapons and armour."

"Most of the new stuff is going to Griglhan's men," said Barias, which Anglhan already knew to be true. "They'll be climbing down the cliff."

"Oh," said Anglhan. He furrowed his brow. "Hmm."

"What?" asked Barias. "Why the frown?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Just ignore me."

"You think that my men should get more of the weapons?" asked Lubrianati, pulling Anglhan towards him.

"It doesn't matter what I think," replied the landship captain. "I'm just a trader. Aroisius is your leader. I'm sure he knows best."

"If you have something to say, slave-man, just say it," said Barias. "What's wrong with the boss's plan?"

Anglhan snatched his jerkin from Lubrianati's grasp and stood up haughtily. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Aroisius getting closer, just at the edge of the light on the far side of the fire.

"Nothing," Anglhan snapped. "I would have thought the best gear would go to the men doing the most dangerous job, which as I see it is those making the assault on the gate."

Anglhan stalked away before they could ask any questions. He slipped past the closest tent and stopped in the shadows to watch what happened. Aroisius waved a greeting to the two chieftains and sat down close to them.

"I've been thinking about who gets the new weapons," Lubrianati said gruffly. "We should have another think about the plan," added Barias.

With a smug grin, Anglhan turned away and headed across the camp.
