Aalun's apartments filled half of the coldward wing of the palace, a sprawling collection of reception rooms, halls, feasting chambers and bedrooms. Woollen rugs patterned with designs from all across the empire covered the floors. The main halls were painted with murals depicting the most famous sights of Greater Askhor: the cataracts above Narun; the four-towered bridge at Karnassu; the white peaks of the Ersuan highlands; the Maasrite aqueduct from Lehmin to Osteris; the ziggurat of the Brotherhood in Oraandia; and many others with which Ullsaard was not familiar. Walking from room to room was like taking a tour of the Askhans' conquests and achievements.

A small army of half-seen servants kept the apartments in order, filling water bowls, replacing dying blooms and wreaths with fresh flowers, washing the marble floors and brushing the hangings.

Aalun led Ullsaard to a circular chamber containing cushioned benches along three-quarters of the wall, the row of windows above showing the city beyond to hotwards and duskwards. The general took his helmet from under his arm and placed it carefully on the bench, gaze drawn to the view outside. The last rays of the sun trickled over the slate roofs as torches sprang into life along the criss-crossing streets and windows glowed from within. The Askhor Mountains stood like jagged teeth against the red and purple, the sliver of the dying sun perfectly centred on the Askhor Gap where the Wall stood.

"A remarkable piece of planning," said Aalun as Ullsaard stared at the view. "My ancestors showed good foresight to choose such a place for their capital."

Ullsaard said nothing. He was still surprised by Aalun's argument with his father and his dismissive attitude to his brother's health. The prince stood beside him and looked out of the window.

"Greater Askhor did not happen by chance," Aalun said quietly. "It was conceived by the intelligence of Askhos, forged by his strength and that of his descendants. The empire cannot be ruled by any man of lesser character or ability if it is to continue to grow."

Ullsaard looked at the prince.

"You think your brother a lesser man?"

"Not in heart or spirit," Aalun said with a doleful shake of the head. "But this sickness, it has weakened his body and clouds his thoughts. Three things keep the empire intact and allow it to expand. Firstly, common cause, self-interest if you will; the benefits of being an Askhan citizen far outweigh the burdens. Secondly, fear of Askhor's legions; men like you who are willing to be ruthless against the few to protect and expand the interests of the many. Thirdly, a strong king who will wield that power in defence of our ideals. A strong king who will temper the greed and ambitions of other men so that those who serve are not reduced to slaves and those that govern do not become corrupt."

"You think that Kalmud would fall prey to these other men should he become king?"

Aalun sat down on the bench and nodded for Ullsaard to sit next to him. The prince leant towards Ullsaard, hands clenched in his lap.

"We both know that to lead takes stamina, of the body as well as the mind. When we are tired we make poor decisions, when we are hungry we are hasty in our judgements. I have no doubt that Kalmud would rule to the best of his ability, and would never willingly surrender the interests of the empire. But should one of the governors, Nemtun perhaps, or Asuhas, wish to gain some advantage or other they need only wage a gentle war of attrition to get their way."

"But what about your father's argument? To suggest that circumstance might change the succession seeds doubt for the future. If you wish to help your brother and the empire, why not allow him to succeed his father and stay close to him? Between you and Udaan, I am sure you could protect him."

Aalun drew back, folding his arms across his chest.

"Protect him? What sort of leader needs protection? It is unfair to the people of the empire to be ruled by a man in name only. It is also unfair to Kalmud to put him in such a position. Such stress could labour his health further. I would be the last man to wish to hurry him to his pyre."

"I have seen good officers humbled by minor injuries and infections," said Ullsaard. "Still, many kings have ruled well into old age and not suffered. That includes your father."

"Old age and clinging to life are not quite the same things," replied Aalun. He sighed lightly and stood. "I may be worrying about nothing. My father may live several more years yet and my brother may recover. You are a good citizen, Ullsaard; loyal, determined and dedicated. I recognised these virtues in you long ago, which is why I have always supported you. There were those that said a coldlander could never aspire to greatness, but I saw your potential, nurtured your ability, provided you with the means to aspire. In your judgement, have I ever acted out of selfish reasons or against the good of the empire?"

Ullsaard shook his head.

"And do you trust me?" asked Aalun.

"Of course," said Ullsaard. "You have shown great trust in me and you deserve no less in return."

"I am glad to hear that, friend. It is these bonds, between the legions and the Blood, which make our people strong. I will exert what influence I have over my father to grant you the Greenwater campaign. Cosuas has had his opportunities, I think you deserve one now."

Aalun waved a hand towards the door. Ullsaard stood.

"I should not keep you from your family any longer. Thank you for coming."

Ullsaard was taken aback by the abrupt end to the conversation.

"I am happy to be of whatever help I can," he said uncertainly, picking up his helm. He fidgeted with the crest for a moment. "Thank you for explaining the situation. If you need me for anything else, just ask."

"I am certain I will," Aalun said with a smile.

Ullsaard left the prince's apartments with his thoughts dragged in different directions. Foremost in his mind was the notion of commanding the Greenwater campaign. The prospect filled him with excitement. His mood deflated as he remembered the warning of the king; that he would be away from Askh for a very long time. As he strode along the still stone corridors of the palace, his thoughts began to stretch further into the future. Ullsaard considered the alternatives Aalun had presented. He suspected that Kalmud, and later Erlaan if Kalmud was not to survive long, would be a conservative king. There was little chance that either would endorse an invasion of Salphoria; even less that either would not promote one of their Askhan First Captains to the rank of general to lead such a conquest. Aalun, though, had always acted in Ullsaard's best interests. With his sponsor as king, Ullsaard felt he would be in a position to drive forward Askhor's fortunes.

Bells sounded the third hour of Howling just as he arrived back at his apartments. The main room was empty, save for his chief of servants, Ariid. The aging retainer stood up as Ullsaard entered.

"Your wives have each requested the pleasure of your company for this night," Ariid said as he helped Ullsaard take off his breastplate. The general tossed his helmet onto the main table and stretched, feeling more tired than after a day of battle.

"I shall sleep with Allenya. Bring us both breakfast in her chambers, no earlier than Low Watch."

The servant nodded his acquiescence and withdrew, leaving Ullsaard alone in the quiet. He stood in the hall for a moment and closed his eyes, savouring the stillness. No growl of ailur, no snort of abada or kolubrid hiss could be heard. No clink of armour, scratch of whetstone or pad of sandaled foot. No crackle of campfires, flap of tent door or creak of pole. Everything was still. He smelt roses and hill daisies, burning wax of the watch candles, fresh lacquer on the table.

He listened to the slow beat of his heart, counting each long breath as he drew it in. Peace. No clamour, no attention, no pressure. Memories of the fight with the behemodon flashed at the edge of his thoughts and he opened his eyes, unwilling to face the reality of how close he had come to never being here again.

He cut across the apartments to Allenya's bedroom and quietly pushed his way through the heavy curtains across the door. A red-panelled lantern bathed the room with a soft glow. His wife lay on her side in the bed, sheets and blankets covering her up to the waist, her hair spilling across her arm and covering her breasts. Ullsaard watched the gentle rising and falling of the covers, the wisps of her hair fluttering with each exhalation. He pulled off his tunic and let it drop to the carpeted floor, loosened his belt and stepped out of the embroidered skirt. He kicked off his sandals and walked slowly to the empty side of the bed, eyes still on Allenya, her face ruddily lit against pillows bordered with golden thread.

He slipped as gently as he could beneath the covers, but Allenya stirred with a murmur. She rolled to her back, eyes still closed.

"Husband," she whispered, half-asleep.

"Wife," he whispered in return, stroking a calloused hand across her hair, pushing it from her face with a thick finger.

She smiled and a hand flopped languidly towards him, absently stroking his hairless chest. He encircled her with his arms and buried his face in the brown curls, kissing her lightly on the side of the neck. His desire stirred as his eyes travelled from her eyes, down her cheek, passed her slightly parted lips, finishing on her breasts. The sight of her naked skin caused his heart to beat faster, while his lust began to swell him. He reached out a hand but stopped before he touched her, his fingers hovering just above her flesh. He looked back at her face, the embodiment of the peace he had felt earlier, and pulled back his hand.

Allenya rolled back onto her side, away from him. He settled further into the bedclothes, sinking into the soft mattress and pillows. He felt her warmth against his stomach, the curve of her backside and legs beside him but not touching. She was not Meliu, to be turned this way and that as his lusts dictated. This was Allenya, his wife and love. He kissed her again, on the back of the shoulder, and closed his eyes. She reached back and their fingers entwined.

Ullsaard's hot ardour cooled to a warm wave of contentment, and he fell swiftly into sleep.
