The dawnlight was gray under the ragged trees as Luca stepped across the boundary line of the camp.
There was a loud alarm whistle and a young fern she didn’t know stepped from the shadow cast by one of the tents, rifle lifted, face stony. “Stop there, or I’ll shoot.”
“What is this? Where’s ixis Shishim?” Luca looked round. The corral was gone, and the jomayls, but two of the tents were familiar-she recognized a patch Xaca had sewn over a rip. “What happened?”
Shadowy forms were coming from the tents, spreading out behind the sentinel, then Kanilli darted forward. “Luuuucaaaa,” she cried and flung herself at the fern. “You came back,” she cried, the words muffled against Lucca’s shirt.
Wintshikan stepped into a patch of moonlight. “It’s all right, Phula, she’s one of ours. Let me see you, all of you, you’re all back, and who are these? Never mind, you can tell me in a minute. You did it. God’s blessing on you, you did it.”
Luca walked over to the leather cushion where Wintshikan was watching the celebration. She dropped to the ground and sat examining the older fern’s face. Once Heka, still Heka by the rule of the Cards. Of Shicoram ixis now. “I’m not going back to the old ways.”
“I know.” There was sadness but acceptance in the old fem’s voice. “Those are fine young mals you brought back to us. Impix, aren’t they?”
“Farmer’s sons.”
“Ah. That will be useful.” She grinned, the years falling from her face though the wrinkles deepened. “Never thought I’d be welcoming Impix. We’ll have to build like that coast village, remember? We can’t make things like city Impix, but we can grow food and raise maphiks for their meat and leather. Did you know I planned to pass the Shawl to you when we reached Linojin?”
“I thought maybe you would.”
“Do you mind if I don’t?”
“No. Now that I understand where you’re going.” Luca looked at the mix out round the fire-two Remnants to blend and a pair of Impix to fit in somehow. “Everything’s going to be so different, we’ll need a center for a while to give us order. When the Change is finished, though… vumah vumay, we’ll see.”