will be cast out and not allowed to return. Do you understand?”
“You will be required to do Service to God for five hours each week. You will be given a token for each hour completed and should display those tokens to any Brother, Bond Sister, Anya of Mercy, or Prophet Speaker who requests to see them. Do you understand?”
He opened the much carved wooden chest that sat at his elbow and took out a small bronze square with a hole in one corner. “This is a luth. It is your key to the Freedom of Linojin. You will see that today’s date is stamped into the metal. Six months from today you will go to the Grand Yeson and put forth your reasons for remaining in Linojin. If these are accepted, you will be given another luth at that time. If they are not, then you must leave. Do you understand?”
“Carry the luth with you always. If you are found without it, you will do penance and then must leave. Do you understand?”
“Then welcome to Linojin, O Pilgrim. God’s blessing be yours.”