Cerex slid his ship into the shadow of the moon and settled to wait for night to slide across the landing site he’d chosen for putting Yseyl onto her homeground.
He swung his chair around and contemplated her. “You’re clear about how to use that?”
She nodded, laid the disruptor into its case and closed the lid.
“Mind a little advice?”
“From an expert slider? Why not.”
“They watch you, the Ptaks. And they’ve got paid agents working both sides. They’re going to notice you when you start siphoning people out through the Fence, so you haven’t got long. Maybe a couple months. And you’re not going to be able to sneak a few through at a time, the Ptaks will just pick them up and toss them back. Hm. How’re you going to get people to listen to you?”
“I’ve… done some thinking about that.”
“Why go back into that mess? One person, it’s like spitting in that sea down there, sea won’t even notice yoti. Come along with me. Once I buy my contract, there’s a thousand and a thousand stars to visit and each of them with something worth stealing. A ghost like you and me with my ship and contacts, we’d have a real good thing.”
Yseyl shook her head. “I can’t. You kept your word, brought me back. I appreciate that. But I couldn’t just go away. Not and live with myself.”
Cerex shrugged. “It’s easier than you think, dreamer. But I won’t argue with you.”
Yseyl managed a wavery smile. “Maybe after I finish this job. I…” she paused, shivered. “I did enjoy very much playing the game back there. Walking the edge with nothing on line but me. No! I can’t forget… No. Just set me down where we planned. The mountains north of Linojin.”