
Every time I write an acknowledgments page, it’s different. But there is one constant: My agent Zoe, who is my fiercest advocate, and the one who keeps me from going crazy during the process of making a book. Thank you for all that you do—and for not slapping me with a dead fish by now.

I must also sincerely thank my editor, Jocelyn. This book was acquired before you joined Razorbill, and I was terrified you wouldn’t have the same passion for Lexi and her story, but my worries were unwarranted. I cannot even imagine what this book would look like if it weren’t for your input. You kicked my butt, and for that, I thank you. My sincerest, gratitude, also, to Gillian for your input during edits.

Thank you, as well, to Ben, who wanted nothing to do with “a mermaid book,” but gave Ripple a chance anyway.

For Billy, Sammy, and Bridget, thank you for coming through at a moment’s notice and pointing out where the story jumped the shark.

And Cyn, as always, I appreciate your honesty—and your ability to be blunt as hell. My career is better because I know you.

My love to my husband, who left the house time and again with our daughter just to give me time to write; this book would have come out sometime in 2035 if it weren’t for you. Your love and support mean the world to me.

Finally, thank you to my readers, who cared enough to email me about Prada And Prejudice or You Wish. Your emails never fail to make my day.
