Lea leaned close to Roz, her hair brushing her sister-in-law’s cheek. “It’s all my fault,” she whispered.
Axl let out a cry and tried to break free from Roz’s grasp. But she had him securely by the shoulders, and he only succeeded in pitching himself off the grass, his tiny sneakers kicking air.
“Lea, what? I can’t hear you.” She lowered her arms around the little boy’s waist and held him tight. “Take it easy, Axl. Be a good boy and I’ll buy you some candy.”
Lea wiped a tear from her eye. “I said it’s my fault. All of this.”
Roz narrowed her eyes at her. “What are you saying? I don’t get it.”
“Ira and Elena. I’ve put them in so much danger. I love them so much. I. . couldn’t bear for anything to happen to them. They’re my children, Roz. My children.”
“Lea, please-”
“Mark warned me but I didn’t listen to him. I wanted those twins so badly. I mean, I thought I wanted them. And now, look what I’ve done, Roz. Look what I’ve done.”
“Lea, you’re not making sense. Of course you’re upset. I’m upset. Look at everyone here. We’re all going out of our minds with worry. But how can you blame yourself? You didn’t-”
“I brought them home. I should have known. Why didn’t I listen to Mark? To Martha? I can’t believe it, Roz. I tried to tell the police it’s the twins. I tried to show them the photos. But then Mark ran and they. . they ran after him. They wouldn’t have believed me, anyway.” She couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. Wrenching sobs escaped her throat.
Roz let go of Axl and wrapped Lea in a hug. “Stop. Stop it. You’re saying crazy things. How can it be the twins? You know that can’t be true. Lea, no one blames you. Mark doesn’t blame you.”
“He should. Don’t you see? He should blame me. When he knows. . Oh, Roz, when he knows. .” Another uncontrollable round of racking sobs.
“Aunt Lea is sad?” Axl gazed up at Lea. He looked about to cry, too.
She forced herself in control for his sake.
“Yes, Aunt Lea is sad, but she’ll be happy again soon. You wait and see, honey.”
“Evil. So much evil. I have proof, Roz. I have the photos. I wanted to show the police. But they wouldn’t look at them. I know you think I’m crazy. I know-”
“I don’t think you’re crazy, dear. I just know you haven’t had time to recover from that horrifying hurricane.”
“Recover?” Lea cried. “Recover?”
“Take it easy, please, Lea. You’re frightening Axl.” She wrapped him in another hug.
“Now here I am, I’m standing here helplessly while poor Ira and Elena are in there. My babies. They’re in such danger, and there’s nothing I can do. It’s-it’s too late!”
“Lea, the police are here. The FBI. Look at them all. They’ll get the kids out. I know they will.”
“No. You don’t understand. They’re helpless. They’re completely helpless. They can’t get them out. They can’t save anyone against so much evil. Martha warned me. Martha emailed me again yesterday. All the details. All the horrible details.”
Holding Axl between them, Roz pressed her cheek against Lea’s. “Stop. Stop. It’ll be okay. You’ll see, dear.”
They stood that way for a long moment. And then Lea pulled back when she heard cries and shouts of surprise from the crowd of parents.
“The front door is opening. Someone is coming out!”