Mindful, I remember that it has been at least 48 hours since my last workout. Usually I go to the gym every day. Sometimes twice a day.

I confiscate one roommate’s set of dumbbells and appropriate another roommate’s Swiss ball. They hang their heads and I tell them to grow up.

I do a long set of dumbbell flyes on the Swiss ball. As I near the fiftieth rep, the Swiss ball explodes underneath me and the dumbbells fly out of my hands and one of them knocks somebody down and the other one bounces off of an unmade bed and crashes through a cobwebbed window.

The shriek of hate that emanates from my larynx is as inhuman as it is holy.

I deflate like an impaled zeppelin and cave into my soul.

All of my roommates rush to my aid. I stave them off with a pointed crowdstare. Eventually I am able to stand up and accomplish a few elementary stretches, assuaging my damaged vertebrae. This seems to make them happy.
