Existence is an illusion for the Blankness on the Other Side.

REVISION: Existence is an illusion for the Blankness that is the Otherside.

REVISION: Existence is nothing but a curtain that, yanked open, reveals the Empty Stage.

(NOTE: Stop capitalizing the first letters of select words in order to incite Big Signification in those words. It looks forced. And very dumb.)

REVISION: Existence is nothing but a big curtain that, yanked open by a fat man, reveals the organs that skim across the surface of the body electric like deranged waterbugs.

REVISION: One day deranged waterbugs will usurp the tyranny of bureaucratic echolalia.

REVISION: The harder you study, the dumber you get.

(NOTE: Cliché. And poorly written. All of it.)

REVISION: I can’t get the theme song from that movie out of my head. Did I hear it recently somewhere or did my unconscious usher it onto the stage of my consciousness?

REVISION: I don’t like my roommates. Not one of them. I miss my wife too. Not enough to call her. She’ll just get mad. I’m mad enough for everybody.

REVISION: Madness is like life: it goes on and on and on and then somebody passes the baton.

(NOTE: No rhyming. No alliteration. No assonance.)

REVISION: There is only one Quasimodo. Everybody else is a crude imitation at best. And when the earth swallows the bell tower, all that remains are sonic memories and matte bronze skies.

REVISION: I don’t want this for me. I don’t want this for anybody. I’ve had too much coffee. I haven’t had enough wine. One needs wine. One needs wine. One needs wine.

FINAL REVISION: Too much coffee, not enough wine.
