Chapter Five

On the interstate, the landscape quickly changed from urban life to rural as they left Chicago toward the small city of South Bend. Sugar squirmed in her seat. The dense silence within the car pressed in on her. She opened her mouth to start a conversation then shut it with a snap. She didn’t know where to start. What she wanted to discuss seemed too personal with Pallas in the vehicle. Trying to heal their relationship would have to wait until they arrived at Daedalus’s estate.

She shrugged out of her sweater, suddenly very hot. Time would crawl if she didn’t find a way to break the tension. “Uh, Pallas, how are you enjoying the modern world?”

“I’m not. It’s too loud and too fast. The air stinks.”

“Oh.” Sugar glanced at Daedalus. “Have you known each other long?”

He cleared his throat and tossed Pallas a look via the rearview mirror. “Yes.” His grip tightened on the steering wheel. “Let me tell you a few stories about Pallas…”

The drive to Daedalus’s estate passed quickly. He regaled Sugar with tales of Pallas’s greatest deeds. Most of which consisted of pillaging, wenching, and drinking. Considering the amount of detail in the stories, she could only assume her fiancé had taken part in all of the above with his brother.

She twisted in her seat and watched Daedalus’s face grow more animated as he told her about a supposed hot spring in Siberia. He didn’t speak of his past often, and if she asked questions, he might stop. So she kept quiet and soaked in the details. She pictured her lover with a troop of Nosferatu warriors marching across the cold wastelands. The image stole her breath away and sent a foreign thrill of desire toward her lower abdomen.

Pallas lay across the backseat, his eyes closed as if asleep, but she caught a glimpse of a grimace at the mention of the springs.

They may not be related by blood, but from the stories she understood why they called each other brother. Daedalus had never mentioned him before tonight. How many others did he keep secret?

Through the windshield she spotted the great stone wall surrounding Daedalus’s estate. She’d been here once. Three years ago, she’d shown up uninvited, dressed to make him forget her naiveté and determined to bring Daedalus back to Chicago. A smile tugged at her lips. It hadn’t required much effort. She'd taken off her dress, and he’d been ready to leave with her. Could she find this kind of courage again? Maybe, she was here after all.

“What’s that smile for?” He stopped by the gate to punch in his security code.

“Just recalling the bearskin rug in your study.” She’d seduced him on it.

His fingers hesitated over the keypad, and he tossed her a questioning glance.

Did she want a repeat performance? Not tonight. Unlike her vampire companions, the drive had exhausted her.

Sam parked next to them by the front entrance to the old stone mansion. Ancient trees lined the property, reaching up to the starry sky as if in worship. A cool breeze rustled the leaves and sent a shiver down her spine. All this night needed was a wolf to howl to complete the spooky affect. Maybe she should ask Robert to do it.

Her shifter friends spilled out of Sam’s rust bucket. She couldn’t believe they’d opted to use it. Maybe they expected more trouble than she did and thought it an acceptable loss in an attack.

Esther stumbled toward the bushes and puked.

They all watched in stunned silence. Robert raced to her side like a good mate and pulled her hair back. “I got you.” He slipped his arm around her, the concern clear on his face. The female was a rock. She’d be the last person Sugar imagined to get carsick.

The front door swung open. “Master Daedalus, should I have been expecting you?” A thin male with stringy dark hair wrung his hands as he approached the Nosferatu. Sugar's paranormal-creature alarm rung, but she couldn’t guess what he was yet.

“No, I couldn’t risk a phone call. I’m still not sure if any of the lines have been tapped.” Daedalus set his hand on the young male’s shoulder. “These are my friends, and they’ll be staying with us for a few days while I get Pal Robi Inc. back in order.” Daedalus pointed to the shifters. “Can you set them up in rooms while I escort Sugar and Pallas?” He picked up her luggage and headed toward the door.

Robert held out his hand and approached the stranger. “We’re from the Vasi pack.”

A set of luminous grey eyes met hers as the young male lifted his gaze from the ground. He sniffed the air and went stiff. The young shifter snarled. “I don’t deal with pack.”

Sugar’s eyebrows shot up. Shifters were a very social race, or at least she’d thought that until now. “Daedalus, maybe you should show the others to their rooms.” She leaned on her cane and drew closer to the tense shifters. “I’m Sugar and I’m not pack. Can you show me to my rooms?”

He blinked and glanced at Daedalus before taking her luggage from him.

For a moment, it appeared as if Daedalus didn’t want to hand them over. “Take these to my bedroom and start a fire in the hearth. I’ll settle the others. You have nothing to worry about. They’re not here for you. They’ve no interest in recruiting anyone. You’re safe, Stephen.”

He swallowed visibly before darting his gaze back to the ground. “If you say so.”

“Sugar is my fiancée. She’ll follow you.” He set a hand on her shoulder and whispered, “He’s not dangerous.”

She nodded once, unable to take her eyes off the stranger, another person Daedalus had never mentioned.

Stephen tucked her bags under his arms and returned inside, tossing furtive glances at the others.

Slinging her purse over her shoulder, she limped after him with her cane in hand. “Wait up.” She slowed in the foyer, impressed with the grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling. When she’d first visited here, there had been many people inside this house, and the chandelier had sparkled with light.

Now only empty darkness greeted her arrival.

“Where is everyone?”

“Dismissed.” He climbed the stairs.

“Daedalus fired everyone?” It didn’t sound like him.

“No, they’ve been transferred to other nests since the master wasn’t residing here anymore.”

“And you?”

“Groundskeeper. Someone has to mow the lawn and collect the junk mail.”

She chuckled. “You live here by yourself then?”

“Yes.” He led her down a wide hall decorated with different types of blades. She’d been a warrior’s lover long enough to name most of the weapons.

“So. No pack?”

He stopped in his tracks and took a deep breath. “You’re human. Why do you care?”

She continued walking until she could face him and shrugged. “I’m curious.”

“I’m not joining that pack.”

“And I’m not asking you to. I’ve never met a lone wolf before.”

“Master Daedalus took me in and gave me a home. Are you satisfied now?” His tone wasn’t angry, more hurt than anything. She almost regretted asking.

“Yes, I meant no offense.”

It was his turn to shrug. He opened the double doors to what looked like an apartment. They entered into a sitting area and crossed to a master bedroom complete with full bathroom. The only thing missing was a kitchen.

Stephen set her luggage by the bureaus and glanced at her cane. “Do you want me to unpack?”

“Oh no.” She waved him away. “I can take care of the bags myself.” It might take her a few hours, but she could technically do it.

He tilted his head and met her gaze. If he shaved, he’d be quite handsome. “You seem unsteady.”

She grinned. He reminded her of a younger version of Eric. “It’s an acquired skill. Really, I’ll be fine.” Gathering another nursemaid to hover around her would drive her nuts.

“You should be careful hanging around people like us. Humans tend to become collateral damage.” He exited the suite, closing the doors behind him.

She had already been damage. What would a little more be?

Leaning on her cane, she undid the buttons of her blouse with one hand. At home, she had covered most of the mirrors and didn’t own a full-length like the one on this closet. Slowly, she removed each piece of clothing and allowed them to flutter to her feet until she stood exposed.

A pale woman leaning on her cane stared back at her through the mirror. She appeared young, but her eyes were tired and haunted. Her breasts sagged, her ribs could be counted, and her hipbones poked out, let alone her lackluster hair.

The little food in her stomach went sour. Tilting her head, she broke eye contact with her reflection. She didn’t want to be that thing. How could Daedalus still want her when he knew what she'd once looked like?

With a cry, she hurled her cane, piercing the poor likeness. Mirror shards clattered to the floor. The sudden loss of support had her left leg buckling, but she never landed on the sharp, cutting pieces.

A set of strong hands caught her.

She twisted to meet a set of sea-blue eyes. Covering her breasts with her good arm, she turned away. Heat burned a path across her cheeks.

“What happened?” Daedalus crushed her to his chest as he carried her to the bed. He settled her bare ass on the covers while his gaze traveled over her skin. “Uh…”

She hadn’t allowed him a glimpse of her body since returning from the rehab center. “Stop looking.” She couldn’t grab a blanket without exposing herself completely.

He took a shaky breath and peeled her arm away from her chest. “No.” His low answer barely reached her ears.

Frowning, she twisted to face him, but her frustration vanished as something flashed in the corner of her vision. She followed it to a chunk of mirror protruding from his knee. “You’re hurt.”

He glanced at where she pointed. “I am?” With a swift jerk, he yanked it out and tossed it where the other pieces lay scattered on the carpeted floor. “Now what was I doing?” He pulled her hand off her breasts again, staring with interest, and scooted her farther on the bed. “Oh yeah…”

“Daedalus!” She attempted to use her sternest voice, but it wavered as his hungry stare swallowed her next words. Would she continue to push him away? Hadn’t she learned anything? “Go slowly.”

He gave her a lascivious smile. “I’m a man in the desert and you’re my oasis. I’ll do my best.” He latched his lips around the closest nipple and pinned her body to the mattress. With his large palm, he caressed her other breast.

Tingles of pleasure traveled over her flesh, something she’d forgotten her body could do. “Daedalus.” Her voice shook. It wasn’t intentional, but his touch set off sensations she’d thought dead. This wasn’t like riding a bicycle, and she couldn’t move very well. What if she botched things so bad he laughed?

Releasing her nipple, he shifted his position and captured her mouth with an open growl. Surging his tongue inside, he drank in her kiss as if starved and she was the only sustenance.

A wave of desire crashed over her, shattering her doubts to dust. With her good hand, she grasped the back of his head and pulled him to her. For some reason, Daedalus still wanted her, even broken and ugly, and she craved him like oxygen. She was done suffocating and breathed him in.

Using his knees for balance, Daedalus tugged at his T-shirt. The sound of tearing sliced through the room as he pulled it from his back.

A glimpse of his sculpted chest sent her hand fluttering from his head, to his shoulder, to finally rest on the tattoo over his heart. A snake eating its own tail and a symbol of eternity. Strength and virility pulsed from her lover, and she absorbed all that she could.

She wanted to fuck him, ride him, make him beg for mercy. Lifting her leg around his waist, she clung to him lopsided. Her gaze traveled to her weak leg. It wasn’t paralyzed like her arm, but she couldn’t raise it off the bed.

With a snarl, she punched the mattress and yanked away from their kiss. “Get off.” Unshed tears burned her eyes, but she didn’t look away.

He hovered above her, hurt flowing over his face. “No.”

Snapping her eyes wider, she glared at him. The tears trickled over her cheeks unchecked. “I can’t do this.”

“We’ve just begun to try.”

“I—I can’t move like I want to,” she shouted.

He gave her a slow smile. “It only means I need less restraints.”

All the air left her lungs. She’d been inexperienced when she first encountered Daedalus. It was lust at first sight, and he’d introduced her to many delights in the bedroom prior to her injuries. Her sexual tastes ranged in the more vanilla flavor, but she had enjoyed rope play. Being at his mercy had always excited her.

He guided her weak leg back around his waist. “Maybe I can ask Pallas to hold it here for me?”

Her gasp echoed in the bedroom, followed by her laugh. “You’re such an ass.”

“You like my ass.” He ground the hard bulge in his jeans against her groin.

“I doubt I’m his type.” She worked her hand between them and undid the button.



“Anything with a pussy is his type.” Fangs rested on the pulse point of her throat. “And I was teasing. I never share.” He pierced her flesh with a single stroke.

She gasped. The black pit of sorrow growing in her heart faded a little. Oh how she missed playing in bed with him—the way his strong hands gripped her flesh as if she were made of the finest porcelain or how his soft lips contrasted his hard body. She arched her back into his embrace and clung to his shoulder. He hadn’t consumed any of her blood since before the attack. The medicines she took probably tainted her flavor, and she cringed at his possible reactions.

He made soothing noises as he petted her hair. His bite went deeper, and he swallowed with a moan.

She pulled his zipper open and cradled his stiff cock. Stroking the length, she worked him free of his jeans and directed it to the entrance of her pussy.

Her invitation couldn’t have been clearer. Daedalus thrust his tip inside, before retreating again.

The slight intrusion burned even with the wetness of her need. She was tight with neglect, but her lover would cure this problem.

With a slow assault, he entered and drew back, cock teasing yet not completely sliding into her core.

She gripped his ass and dug her nails into his steel flesh. “More…”

He released his bite. “It’s been so long.” Licking her small wound, he chuckled. “I can do this all night.”

“Not if you ever want to do this again.” She squirmed and tried to thrust him deeper, but her coordination sucked.

“You want me, Sugar?” He ran his hands along her sides, caressing her curves.

She sensed him shiver. “Fuck, yes.” When she had first met Daedalus, her trepidation of non-humans had driven her away from him and the shifters, but she learned acceptance. Once again, she had allowed fear to rule her life, but this time she’d tried to drive Daedalus away instead. What a fool she’d been.

He pushed farther in, but not all the way, before stroking back. Each thrust stretched her unused muscles with an exquisite burn. His breathing grew labored, not for need of air but for control. “You’re so tight.” He groaned as he slid inside.

The rough material of his jeans rubbed against her inner thighs, scraping a path of passion. He wanted her so desperately he hadn’t even undressed. Why? She couldn’t see what drove him wild with desire.

Their gazes locked, and she traced his sculpted cheekbones with her fingertips. So handsome. Looking at him made her chest ache. “I love you.”

“I was beginning to wonder if you still did.” His full lips curved in a smile as he slid to fill her.

Her eyes fluttered closed at the sensation. “Yes…”

He set a gentle, slow pace, grinding against her clitoris each time their bodies met.

Warmth built in her lower abdomen, spreading with growing bliss. Gibberish fell from her lips, encouraging her lover not to ever stop.

He covered her mouth with a kiss, hot and open. He claimed her like he’d done a thousand times before her injuries. Somehow he didn’t see a difference between the woman she was and the woman she'd become.

Bliss transformed to ecstasy, and she moaned, wild with need. She was still his Sugar, limp be damned.

His thrusts quickened and his rhythm became erratic.

She clung to him as best she could, not releasing his mouth. White light blinded her vision even though her eyes were closed as she reached her climax. Digging her nails into his ass, she rocked her hips, demanding deeper contact.

Arching over her, Daedalus shoved his cock in her wet pussy, crying out. Muscles stood out along his throat and his arms trembled. “Oh, yes!” He stayed still and spilled his seed inside of her, then he finally took a breath and collapsed. “Oh, yes.” This time he whispered it in her ear.
