Chapter Four

Most of Daedalus’s belongings were at his estates. He didn’t need to pack much. A few weapons filled his bag in case they ran into trouble on their travels. So why was he lingering in his chambers?

Tired of listening to his excuses for not leaving, Pallas waited outside in Daedalus’s car.

Anxiety gnawed at his heart, leaving an empty void in its wake. He rubbed his chest to ease the growing discomfort. The only task remaining was to say goodbye to Sugar. Why did it feel so final? He’d left before, yet this time seemed different.

Tossing the bag over his shoulder, he tightened his resolve to return ASAP. If those traitors had just left him alone, instead of trying to kill him, he would have let them have Pal Robi Inc. He couldn’t run the risk of them harming Sugar or the Vasi anymore. He left his basement study and headed for the front door. At the top of the stairs he hesitated at the pile of luggage.

“Hey, you blocking my way for a reason?” Sam’s voice traveled from below. Daedalus shared the basement with him, Clementine, Katrina, and Tyler. The place was too crowded. Sam carried a full backpack. “I still have to pack my car. Not sure if all those bags will fit in my trunk. Do you have any space left in your car?”

Daedalus stepped to the side and let him pass, not sure how to respond. His gaze traveled to Eric, who watched from the living room entrance. “I said no help.” He couldn’t guarantee anyone’s safety. Death would be a close companion.

Eric avoided his glare. “He’s not going with you.”

The click of Sugar’s cane met his ears as she traveled from her bedroom. His stomach clenched. Would she even care that he was leaving?

“He's escorting me.” Her golden curls were pulled into a ponytail, and a light sweater hung over her shoulders. “So are Clementine, Esther, and Robert.”

“Where—?” He spun as the front door swung open.

Pallas stomped inside. “Why is a shifter adding more luggage to your car? You usually travel light.” His gaze traveled to Sugar. “Hell no.”

She lifted her chin and set the cane in front of her. “Hell yes. My place is beside Daedalus.”

“Babe…” It had never occurred to him she’d want to accompany them. “It’s too dangerous.”

“Which is why I’m bringing the others.”

“I can’t be seen using shifters to reclaim my place in Pal Robi Inc. Vampires would perceive that as weakness.” His dead heart raced as he ascended the stairs to face her determined stare. She cared. There was hope for them after all.

“They’re not for you, but for me. Sam is my Sigma. He and Clementine are my protectors.”

Daedalus raised an eyebrow, his chest ready to burst with joy. “Esther and Robert?”

“If this is such a hazardous mission, my guards need backup. I also recall your estate has an elaborate security system. They’re perfect to get it running properly again.” She brushed his cheek with her fingertips. “You wouldn’t make me go without them, would you?”

“Never.” The answer barely escaped his lips, his throat had constricted so tight.

“Daedalus, you can’t be serious.” Pallas’s voice of reason stabbed his conscience. How could he possibly be considering this?

Sugar’s soft touch transformed as she gripped his chin. “I’m going.”

He blinked at her firm tone. This wasn’t the gentle librarian he’d first met. She’d grown into something more after her physical trials, something stronger that he wanted to explore and own. “Why do you care if she comes, Pallas?”

“She’s a distraction.”

With a snarl, he rounded on his brother. “You have a lot of demands for someone who can’t back them.” He lifted Pallas by the throat and pinned him to the door. Was it a mistake for him to drag Pallas along now that Sugar would escort him?

“I’m a voice of reason since you’re letting your dick make all the decisions.” Pallas managed to force the words out of his restricted throat.

“No brawling in the brownstone.” Sugar’s command pierced through the red haze of rage clouding Daedalus’s mind, and he loosened his hold. “Take it outside. I won’t be replacing another door.” The sharp clack of her cane hitting the floor punctuated her order.

Pallas grinned. “She sounds a lot like my mother.”

“As if you remember her.” Daedalus set Pallas back on his booted feet. He turned his attention to the small woman who controlled his heart. “Are you sure about this? It might get bad. I can’t promise anyone’s safety.” What was he doing? She should stay here where the pack could watch over her.

A hint of sadness pulled at the corners of her eyes. “I know.”

“One of the shifters might die. Can you live with that?” Even he wasn’t sure if he could. They’d all grown on him. How had he let things get so out of control?

Robert joined Eric at the living room entrance. “We’re all aware of the dangers. What’s the point of training to fight if we don’t use it for what we believe in?”

Pallas snorted. “You believe Daedalus should run Pal Robi Inc.?”

“No, we believe Sugar should be at his side.”

It took all of Daedalus’s skill to school his expression. Appearing as shocked as he felt at Robert’s declaration would give Pallas more doubt. He handed his brother some of the luggage by the door then carried the rest to the car.

Pallas followed on his heels. “Have you lost your mind? We never bring women into battle.”

Sam had his trunk open, and Daedalus set the small bags inside it. The shifter growled. “None of the females fight. Well, except for Esther. She could beat the shit out of all of us.”

Daedalus shot him a look. “None of you will be accompanying me when I take back Pal Robi Inc. Your job is to protect Sugar at my estate.”

“Of course.” Sam shut the trunk.

His joy at Sugar showing she still cared might have blinded him. The consequences could be dire. A hand settled on his shoulder, and he faced Sam.

“Dude, I won’t let anything happen to her. Leaving her behind would cause more damage than you can imagine. She needs to stay with you even though she’d never admit it.”

“Really?” The question slipped out. Before Sam could answer, Daedalus gestured to Pallas to place the luggage in the sports car. It would be a tight fit.

Sam approached and whispered, “This might be the chance we’ve been looking for to bring her back from the brink of self-destruction.”

Even though he didn’t require air, he felt short of breath. She’d only shown him disinterest since the night of the attack. Why the sudden change? Why were the shifters so eager to risk their lives? Why wasn’t he saying no? With a head full of questions, he could only nod.

* * *

Sugar hugged Spice close. When she had disappeared to Las Vegas years ago, Sugar thought she’d never see Spice again. Since her return to Chicago they hadn’t been apart. Sugar couldn’t imagine not sharing her meals with Spice or helping take care of her baby.

“Call me.” Spice hugged Sugar even tighter. “Every hour.”

Sugar leaned her head against Spice’s as her ribs groaned under the pressure of shifter strength. “Thank you.” She managed to squeak out the words.

Spice loosened her iron hold. “For what?”

“For showing me how to protect him.” And for pulling her head out of her ass. In her stupid attempt to save him from heartbreak, she might have pushed him into an early grave. She’d only caused unnecessary pain.

Eric cut in and replaced Spice. He lifted Sugar in his arms in a bear hug. They’d been best friends since childhood, and she couldn’t imagine a better mate for her twin. “Sugarbear, watch your back. No one will sleep well until you return in one piece.” He set her back on her feet, supporting her weak side until she caught her balance. “Sam and Robert will follow Daedalus and Pallas as much as possible. Clementine and Esther will stay with you at all times. Your safety overrides all their other orders.”

She opened her mouth to argue, but he placed a finger over her lips.


She would just have to make sure she stayed safe then.

“Did you pack your gun?” Spice had made sure to teach her how to use one with her working arm, but it took a lot of her concentration to balance. She could reload it one-handed and had developed decent aim, however she wasn’t any good in most emergencies. It took her too long to pull out the gun and prop herself against a wall. There was a time she abhorred all forms of violence. All it had taken was a shifter attack to change her mind. A fine line existed between assault and defense. She skirted it carefully.

“It’s in my purse.”

Spice took Sugar’s cane and activated a secret button on the head. A wooden stake popped from its tip. Her sis had purchased the custom cane for her. Setting it to normal, she handed it back with a heavy sigh. “I don’t want you to go.”

Sugar kissed her cheek. Taking the stairs one at a time, she made her way to the door where Katrina and Tyler waited.

Tears spilled from Katrina’s eyes. “We should go too.”

“You have a pup to raise.” She hugged her and Tyler close. “I don’t plan on getting in trouble. It will probably be the most boring adventure in the history of adventures.”

Katrina chuckled half-heartedly.

Sugar tugged Tyler’s curly red hair. “Watch over them for me.” She gestured to Spice and Eric. Even alphas needed guarding sometimes.

He nodded and showed her his almost nonexistent yet wiry biceps muscle. “I’m on it.” Odd in comparison to his much larger beast when he shifted.

Someone honked the car horn, and Clementine raced from the basement. “I’m ready. Are you?” The pretty vampire’s cheeks were flushed.

“Let’s go.” Sugar followed her outside.

The others were occupied coordinating their GPSs. Pallas stood next to Daedalus’s car, running a fingertip along the curve of the hood.

She couldn’t suppress her smile. He appeared enamored. “Can you drive?”

“Not yet.” He gave her a wink. “I want you to understand that I think your coming is a terrible idea.”

“You’ve made that abundantly clear.”

He drew close, tilting his head. “Why would you take such a risk?”

“I have shifters to guard me.”

“They heal fast. Humans don’t.” He stared at her weak side. “You’re very fragile.”

A hot spike of fury exploded in her chest. She set her cane on his boot and released the mechanism before logic took over. The wooden stake pierced his foot.

His eyes went wide, but he remained still. “That hurt.”

“Good.” With a push of a button, the stake retracted into her cane.

He leaned against the car and swallowed before meeting her stare. “If you belonged to anyone else, I’d kill you.”

She clutched her fleeting anger as she faced off with the Nosferatu warrior. All her instincts screamed to apologize, but he’d never respect her if she cowered, and gaining Daedalus’s brother’s approval mattered for some reason. “I know.” Then she returned his wink before opening the passenger-side door and slipping inside the car.

Her pulse thundered. His vampire hearing would detect it, yet she couldn’t restrain a fleeting smile. She’d grown brave since returning from the hospital. Recovering from life-threatening injuries could do that. Sugar didn’t fear death like she used to. She feared the loss of herself more. Who was this new Sugar that prepared to do battle? If she wasn’t careful, she might begin to like this part of herself. Either way, Pallas recognized that she had the means to fight and was willing to use them.

Disabled did not mean vulnerable.

The driver’s door opened, and Pallas folded the front seat forward so he could crawl into the cramped back.

Daedalus sank into the driver’s seat with an uncertain expression. It had been a long time since she’d seen him nervous. “Ready?”

She followed Daedalus because she loved him. It was time for her to stop pushing him away and cherish him during the short period of time they had together. She set her hand on his thigh and moved it upward. “Very.”

Why had it taken Daedalus’s life to be endangered for the veil of self-pity to vanish from her eyes? Somehow she’d make it up to him.
