Chapter Twelve

A howl drove into Sugar’s mind and shattered the daze she’d been caught in. Reflexively, she swallowed a mouthful of warm, salty liquid. She focused on Daedalus's face while he knelt by her head, then onto the Vasi standing in the doorway as if in shock. She dropped the flesh in her mouth and wiped her chin. A hot blush burned across her cheeks.

What had they caught them doing? She couldn't recall anything. Running her hands over her torso, she almost fainted in relief to feel clothes. She sat up, leaning on her elbows. “Hey.”

The anguish in Sam’s face sent a wave of concern over her.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” She searched the room and startled at the sight of Pallas. His shirt was covered in tears and blood.

He gave her a small smile. “I’ll be fine. If you’re done with that, I’d like some.”

She followed where he pointed and gasped. A corpse lay next to her. “What…?”

Strong hands gripped her shoulders. “It’s all right. The worst is over.” Daedalus kicked the body toward Pallas.

While the body rolled over the floor, she glimpsed fangs. “That’s a vampire. Were we attacked?” Things seemed fuzzy, like she’d tossed back a few too many wine coolers. “Wait, what are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be killing someone?” She rubbed her temples—

With both hands.

She stopped and dropped them in her lap, staring at her fingers, then wiggled all ten. How was this possible? Blood stained her palms, and there was a metallic taste in her mouth. Oh no, he didn’t. With her tongue, she traced her teeth and felt the beginning points of fangs. “No.”

A tortured whine masked what she’d said. It came from the vampire Pallas fed upon.

“I didn’t know you could feed upon your own kind.” Her mouth went dry.

Daedalus knelt in front of her, blocking her view. “Those like Clementine can’t. My clan is different. Vampire blood doesn’t contain many nutrients unless they’ve just fed—” He choked on the last word and shot a glare over his shoulder at Pallas.

She touched her neck where a lingering ache faded and found nothing. “We’re in the library.” Memories tumbled open from where they’d been dormant. “We were attacked.” She blinked. “Where’s Stephen?”

The Vasi shifted to human form and gathered close together like pack did when distraught.

Without her cane, she rose to her feet. Standing. Assessing her legs, she took a few unsteady steps past Daedalus. “That vampire bit me.”

Forlorn, he watched her.

She spun and confronted him. Betrayal tore at her dead heart. “You shouldn’t have.” She couldn’t breathe, but then again, she didn’t have to.

“Sugar.” Robert’s voice was rough with emotion.

“How could you let him do this to me?” She twisted from them, back to her lover. “You all knew my wishes.” Her legs moved of their own accord toward him. She was whole. No limp or paralyzed arm.

“It’s not their fault, babe.” Daedalus spoke, but she couldn’t accept this change. If she did, it meant this was all real and not some nightmare. “They came afterwards. I—I…” He cleared his throat. “You had just died when I entered the room. I only had minutes to think.”

“Think?” She halted inches from him. “Think? I don’t see any evidence of thinking here.” Her voice grew louder with each word. “Take it back.” With two fists, she pounded on his chest. “Take it back!” Her cry held an edge of crazy to it, but she’d earned the right.

Daedalus clutched her against him.

She struggled against his iron hold, then sensed a gentle caress inside her head and his whispered command. “Sleep.”

* * *

Sugar relaxed in Daedalus’s arms, and he cradled her against his chest, carrying her.

“Why?” Sam approached them, his stare riveted on Sugar’s peaceful face.

“What would you have me do? Let her die on my library floor? What’s done is done.” He shouldered the shifter out of his way and spotted Stephen creeping from under the table where he’d lain unconscious. “Need help?”

He rubbed his head. “I don’t think so. I hit my head.” His gaze fell on Sugar. “Is she hurt?”

Daedalus flinched. “She’ll be fine now.” Part of him wanted to shout with joy that she’d live forever. The other cringed that she might refuse to stay at his side after his betrayal.

Pallas let the vampire he was feeding from fall from his lap. “I could use more.” Blood trickled from the corners of his mouth. “I wouldn’t leave me alone with any of them.” He pointedly stared at the shifters.

Lust for blood could seize even the oldest of them, especially when injured. Pallas could do a lot of damage after being used as a pincushion. Torn between duty and desire, he held his place between brother and pack.

Stephen rose onto his feet and held out his arms. “I’m in no shape to feed Pallas. I’ll take Sugar to her bedroom.”

Sam’s expression darkened, and he took a step toward Stephen, but Robert’s hand stayed him. “This isn’t the time or place to lose your temper. We still have the empty house to deal with and finding that last traitor.”

“No.” Daedalus corrected Robert and settled Sugar in Stephen’s arms. After plucking a wooden shard off the floor, he stabbed it through the heart of the vampire he’d used to change Sugar.

The vampire’s skin turned gray. Cracks formed over his flesh before it started crumbling. Too drained of blood, the creature faded to ash quickly.

Numb, Daedalus straightened and faced the shifters. “He’s the one who should have been at the last house. I killed any of his nest who stood between me and the library. I doubt any escaped.” Daedalus’s voice sounded dead to his own ears.

Robert stood next to him and stared at the pile of ash at their feet. He rested his hand on Daedalus’s shoulder. “I’ve been where you are.” His gaze traveled to Esther, the mate he’d accidentally infected with the shifter virus. “We’ll work this out.”

Daedalus shook his head. “No, you have to leave. It’s for your own safety.”

“Are you crazy?” Sam held Clementine tight in his arms. The Sigma’s suffering was palpable. He was Sugar’s personal guard by both pack decree and friendship. “Spice will skin us alive if we return without Sugar.”

Groaning, Daedalus rested his head in his hands at the reminder of Sugar’s twin sister. “She's wanted Sugar to cross over so she can be whole. You'll have to return to Chicago and explain. Keep them away, especially Spice.”

“Daedalus is right.” Clementine stroked her mate’s hair. “Young vampires have poor control over their hunger. She might kill one of you.”

The tightness within his chest loosened, and he gave Clementine a small nod. He needed the support. The Vasi didn’t have to add to his problems. He carried enough guilt. “Can you imagine if she did? She'd never forgive herself. She'll have a lot to deal with, and I need to focus on her. No distractions. Maybe with a little divine intervention I can get her to forgive me.”

“You can’t take care of Sugar and regain control of Pal Robi Inc. by yourself.” Esther knelt next to Pallas with a stake in her hand and met his glare. She offered him her wrist. “You’ll stay and help him?”

His gaze darted to the stake. “Or?”

“It’s not a threat. The stake is in case you try to drain me dry. We’ll heal you.”

“And in return I stay with Daedalus?” He kissed the inside of her wrist. “I always admired warrior women.” Then he sank his fangs into her flesh.

“I’ll stay as well.” Clementine pressed her hand over Sam’s open mouth to stop his flood of denials. “Sugar needs guidance. I too was turned against my will.” Clementine gave Daedalus an apologetic smile. “She might not want anything to do with you, so I’ll stay to make sure she has a mentor.”

The bottom dropped out of his stomach. Sugar had to forgive him. Maybe not today or next decade, but eventually he’d find a way to make this up to her. Even if it took a thousand years.
