Chapter Eleven

AMANDA DIDN'T PAUSE FOR a breath until Brookside Towers was way out of sight and she felt reasonably safe. She couldn't believe how close she'd come to even more serious trouble back there. The last thing she needed was to feel sorry for Jenna. Becoming Jenna Kelley was no more appealing to her than being Tracey Devon. Jenna certainly didn't have a better life than Tracey. At least Tracey lived in a nice house where there was food in the kitchen. And at least Tracey had a pair of normal parents.

Well, sort of normal. They were normal to the septuplets. But for Tracey… Amanda couldn't quite figure it out. Okay, Tracey was a nerd and she didn't have any friends, but weren't parents supposed to love their kids unconditionally, even if they were pathetic? The more she thought about it, the more she realized that it wasn't the fault of the Devon Seven that Tracey was such a mess. It was her parents' fault.

At that moment she wasn't in any mood to face those parents, even if they couldn't see her. And she decided to take advantage of her invisibility by paying a visit to a place that she'd been trying not to think about.

Had it really been less than a week since she'd been in her own home? It felt like forever. It was funny how she'd forgotten what a pretty house it was. She stood there, at the end of the driveway, and just admired it.

Then she caught her breath. There she was- Amanda Beeson, accompanied by Katie and Britney, walking right by her. Boy, if she only knew what they'd been saying about her in the restroom, Amanda thought. She picked up her pace so that she could enter the house with them.

Her very own mother came into the vestibule to greet them. "Hello, darling. Hi, girls."

Other-Amanda didn't bother with greetings. "Mom, we're starving. Is there anything to eat?"

"Of course there is! I made chocolate-chip cookies for you."

"Yum," Katie and Britney chorused, but Other-Amanda stamped her foot.

"Mom! You know I'm on a diet! Why did you have to go make cookies?"

"Amanda, darling, there's no need for you to be on a diet," her mother protested as she followed them into the kitchen.

"Oh, what would you know?" Other-Amanda muttered.

Jeez, was she rude or what? Amanda thought. But wasn't that what she normally would have said?

"Girls, would you like some milk with those cookies?" Amanda's mother asked, opening the refrigerator and taking out a carton.

"Mom! Could we have some privacy, puh-leeze?"

Amanda could see the annoyance on her mother's face, but the woman didn't say anything. She probably didn't want to embarrass her daughter by scolding her in front of her friends. That was the kind of thoughtful person she was.

As soon as her mother left, Other-Amanda said, "Guys, did I tell you what I did to Tracey Devon in gym class? I told her I saw a bug crawling out of her hair!"

Britney and Katie burst out laughing. After what she'd heard her friends say in the restroom that day, Amanda-Tracey knew they were faking their enthusiasm for Amanda's meanness. They were such hypocrites! And she didn't want to listen to it anymore. She started for the door and then had another thought. She ran up the stairs to her very own room, went into the closet, and grabbed her favorite red ballerina flats. It wasn't really stealing, she told herself. After all, they were hers.

By the time she got back to Tracey's house, it was after six, and since she was still invisible, nobody could see that she was home. But her absence clearly wasn't having any effect on the household. In fact, there was an event going on-a reporter and a film crew were there. The Devon Seven were all wearing identical pink dresses. Tracey's mother had obviously been to the beauty salon, and even Tracey's father had come home early from work.

They were all gathered in the living room, and Amanda hovered in the corner to see what was going on. An attractive woman was standing in front of a camera and speaking.

"The impact of multiple births on a family is enormous, financially and emotionally. Mrs. Devon, what did the arrival of septuplets do to your life?"

Tracey's mother uttered a tinkling little laugh. "Well, as you can imagine, our lifestyle certainly changed. George and I used to go out to dinner frequently and to the theater. We can't do that as often now."

"We're going out tonight," Mr. Devon added, "for the first time since the girls were born."

"Do you go out less now because of the expense?" the reporter asked.

Mrs. Devon looked insulted. "No, we're quite fortunate in that sense. But it's very difficult to find a babysitter when there are seven children in the house."

Eight children, Amanda thought. There are eight children in the house. Maybe Tracey wasn't an adorable little kid and maybe she didn't require a babysitter, but she had to count for something.

Mr. Devon interjected a comment. "Of course, we don't mind giving up our social life. With seven daughters, it's a party in this house all the time!"

Eight daughters! What is the matter with these people? Don't they care about Tracey at all? Have they forgotten her? Amanda was really beginning to get irritated with them.

"Do you ever think about having another child?"

"Heavens no," Mrs. Devon said. "Seven is plenty!"

Now Amanda was fuming, and she couldn't keep quiet. "Eight! You have eight kids!"

There was a shriek from a cameraman, and another man yelled, "Cut! What happened?"

The cameraman's eyes were huge and he was pointing in Amanda's direction. "That-that girl! She just popped up out of nowhere!"

So she was visible again. That was a relief. It wasn't a relief to the cameraman, though. His face was white and his hand was shaking as he pointed. "I'm telling you. Look at the tape-she wasn't there a second ago."

"Don't be ridiculous," the other man said. "You just didn't see her come in." He peered at Amanda.

"Who are you, anyway?"

"I'm Tracey Devon. I'm the Devon Seven's older sister."

The director seemed taken aback. "Really?" To the reporter, he said, "I didn't know there was an older sibling. Did you?"

The reporter turned to the Devon parents. "I don't think you've ever mentioned another child." Then, turning back to Amanda, she said "What did you say your name is, dear?"

"Tracey." Amanda glared at Tracey's parents. "Remember me?"

Mr. Devon seemed somewhat befuddled. "Of course, don't be silly…"

Mrs. Devon broke in. "We thought you'd be interested only in the septuplets. Tracey is our firstborn; she's twelve."

"Thirteen!" Amanda corrected her. That was when it hit her-why Tracey's special gift was the ability to disappear. No one ever saw her, so she just faded away. If no one paid any attention to her, why bother being visible?

"Would you like to be interviewed, Tracey?" the reporter asked. "I'd like to know how having seven identical siblings has affected your life."

Idon't have a life, Amanda thought. I mean, Tracey doesn't have a life. And there wasn't anything she wanted to say about the Devon Seven-she didn't even know them.

"No, I don't want to be interviewed," Amanda said. If she'd been at her own home, her mother or father would have corrected her: "No, thank your She glanced at the parents. As usual, they weren't paying attention. They both just seemed completely puzzled.

The Devon Seven were staring at her, too. They were probably amazed to hear her speaking, or to hear other people speaking to her. Amanda resisted the urge to stick out her tongue at the little darlings and give them a dirty look. No, it was the parents who deserved the dirty look. Somebody had to take the blame for Tracey's miserable life! Without another word, Amanda left the room and ran upstairs.

Throwing herself on Tracey's bed, she contemplated her situation-Tracey's situation. It wasn't right and it wasn't fair. Amanda pounded the pillow in frustration. She even began to wonder if maybe Tracey did have a worse life than Jenna. At least Jenna's mother seemed to love her.

But what really bugged Amanda was the fact that Tracey didn't do anything about it. She just let them ignore her and went along with it by disappearing.

Then Amanda sat up. Maybe it was Tracey's own fault that her life was crummy. Well, if Amanda was going to have to live as Tracey for a while longer, there was no way she'd follow in Tracey's footsteps.

A little voice inside her asked, And what if you have to live as Tracey forever? She forcibly pushed that horrible notion out of her mind. For as long as she did have to be this sad girl, she wasn't going to suffer like Tracey did. It was time for Tracey to take some responsibility for herself.

Amanda remained on the bed, thinking about how to go about doing that. After a while she heard the film people leave, and she came out of her room. She still wasn't sure what her first move would be, but she had to do something.

The seven little girls were now bouncing around and making a lot of noise. Mr. Devon was trying to hush them as Mrs. Devon went to answer the ringing telephone in the kitchen. From the bottom of the stairs, Amanda watched as Mr. Devon made futile efforts to get the kids under control.

"Kandie, stop jumping-you're giving me a headache."

"I'm not Kandie-I'm Mandie!" the child declared.

Mrs. Devon emerged from the kitchen with a stricken look on her face. "That was Lizzie. She can't babysit."

"What?" Mr. Devon yelled. "But we're meeting my boss and his wife. We can't cancel now!"

"Well, what do you want me to do?" Mrs. Devon shrieked back.

Amanda saw her opportunity. "I'll babysit."

Mrs. Devon continued with her tirade. "I can't find a babysitter at the last minute!"

"Yes, you can!" Amanda said more loudly. "Didn't you hear me? I said I'll babysit."

She must have spoken even louder than she thought, because she actually got both the parents' attention. But neither of them seemed to have understood.

"What did you say?" Tracey's father asked.

Amanda was getting impatient. "I said, I'll babysit for the girls."

Tracey's mother stared at her. "You?"

"Yes, me. I'm thirteen years old, remember? I can watch them. I'm not saying I'll entertain them, but I can make sure they don't play with matches or sharp knives. I can keep them alive till you get back."

Mr. Devon looked at Mrs. Devon. "Why not? We're not going that far. I'll leave my cell-phone number; she can call if there are any problems."

Mrs. Devon still looked uncertain. "Well… I suppose that would be all right."

"Absolutely," Mr. Devon assured her. "Thank you for offering, Tracey."

"Oh, I'm not doing this as a favor," Amanda corrected him. "I expect to be paid. How much do you pay Lizzie for babysitting?"

Mr. Devon was startled. "I don't know." He turned to his wife. "What do we pay the babysitter?"

"Five dollars an hour," Mrs. Devon said faintly.

"That will be just fine," Amanda said. "Five dollars an hour. If I'm not up when you get home, please leave the money on the kitchen table."

Still looking a little dazed, Mrs. Devon nodded.

"Good," Amanda said. "I'll be in my room. Let me know when you're ready to leave and I'll get to work." She couldn't see them as she turned to go back up the stairs, but she could conjure up the pleasant vision of two stunned parents, and it made her smile.
