Chapter 22

“We need to pick a date soon. Even if we narrow it down to a month, that should satisfy your parents for a while.”

“Yeah, in other words, before my mother has a chance to bug us about it.”

Drake chuckled. He was getting to know the Russos fairly well. As much as they all complained about Malinda’s nagging, they loved her dearly. In fact, Drake and Bliss were strolling through the Russos’ neighborhood, having come for a visit—voluntarily.

“So, what are you thinking of in terms of a good month?” Bliss asked. “Is there a fire season or anything we should avoid?”

“The city doesn’t have to worry about that as much as rural areas do. High summer when the vegetation is dry can be a problem out in the country—or even the suburbs. But we shouldn’t need to worry about it.”

“Yeah, now that Zina is gone, the city doesn’t have to worry at all.” Bliss bit her lip. “She is gone, isn’t she?”

“She really is. And I don’t think she’ll be bothering us anymore after the dressing-down she got from Gaia.”

Bliss seemed to relax. “Autumn is nice. Does that sound okay to you?”

Drake draped an arm around her shoulder. “Anything you want is fine with me.”

“Maybe we should get married sooner. Like as soon as we can book a church and fake you a birth certificate. Then they wouldn’t have time to put together a full-blown carnival. I know my mother will be relieved that she’s not the only one who rushed into a June wedding.”

“Can you handle the pressure of coordinating something quickly?”

Bliss laughed. “I think you know I can handle pressure. Hell, I work best under pressure.”

“You’re amazing. You deserve to have the wedding you want. I’m still impressed by how well you handled Zina’s threats to you at the time.”

Bliss snorted. “I was scared, but I didn’t have time to fall apart. And I didn’t want her to get the better of me and run my life. Not even for a little while.”

Drake kissed her cheek. “That’s the woman I love.”

“Come to think of it, you must be afraid sometimes when you run into a fire—but you do it anyway.”

“I’m more afraid for the guys with me. I’m fireproof. They’re not.”

“True.” After a few moments of quiet contemplation, she brightened. “We’re getting off the subject. So, when do you want to get married?”


Bliss chuckled. “Right this minute?”

“Yup. Right here, right now.”

“You know my parents would have a fit.”

“I know. We’ll give them the whole three-ring circus later, but right now—while it’s just you and me…” Drake stopped walking and took both of Bliss’s hands in his. He faced her and said, “Bliss Russo, will you take this sorry-ass dragon to be your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you can tolerate me?”

Bliss laughed. “In other words, forever?”

Her smile warmed his heart. “If forever exists, then yes.”

“Yes, Drake Cameron. I will. Do you think you can put up with my sarcasm and impatience for the rest of eternity?”

“I do.”

“I now pronounce us officially crazy,” Bliss said, and they kissed.
