Chapter 7

The following morning, Lulach’s cries woke me. I rose groggily to find my baby boy nestled safely beside me in bed, Thora lying protectively at our feet. Our midnight watchman was gone.

“There now, little love. I’ve got you,” I whispered to Lulach. I changed his wet bed clothes then sat down to feed him.

The first light of dawn was just peeking above the horizon. A soft lavender color filled the skyline. I closed my eyes and thought about Banquo. I felt immense gratitude. Unmoored from Gillacoemgain, with Macbeth’s nature unclear and Malcolm’s plans threatening, I’d felt so alone. How fortune it was that Banquo had appeared in the middle of the mess. There was still something between us. I may have buried my feelings to survive, but they still existed. Only someone who truly loved me would come in the middle of the night to care for me and another man’s child.

I sighed heavily. Even before Lulach was sated, Ute slipped into the room and started packing up my belongings.

“We’re headed for Inverness this morning,” she told me. I couldn’t help but hear the excitement in her voice. “Macbeth’s father, Findelach has a grand castle along the river Ness. Did you ever see it?”


“You’ll be very comfortable there, my lady. It will be a fresh start. There are too many memories for you here.”

Ute sang happily as she worked, trying to cheer me, I suspected. She packed up my belongings then saw to Lulach so I could get myself ready.

“Is it a far ride to Inverness?” I asked.

“We’ll be there by midday.”

I looked down at my gown. It was spotted with blood and dirty from the road.

“Bring the blue gown,” I told her.

“I was going to suggest, my lady, that perhaps you needed some freshening up.”

I was still bleeding from childbirth, leaking milk, and covered in blood and mud. I felt like a wild animal who’d been running scared. Once I finally got to Inverness, I’d take a long, hot bath. For now, I stripped off my dirty gown and washed with soap and warm water from a pot sitting by the fire then put on fresh garments. Afterward, I felt much better.

Once I was re-dressed, I left my chamber and went back to Gillacoemgain’s room. I took two servants with me. I left them at the door then went inside.

Gillacoemgain had no family save Macbeth. Lulach was not even his own. I opened the wardrobe. Inside, I found some of my dresses. They were gowns I’d worn before Lulach and Crearwy had grown too big. Turning, I opened Gillacoemgain’s trunk, which sat at the end of the bed. Inside, I found a chainmail shirt, a shield, a heavy helmet, daggers, and knives. From another chest, I drew out two pairs of leather breeches and a pair of vambraces. I placed everything inside one of the trunks then covered Gillacoemgain’s belongings with my gowns. I would keep Gillacoemgain’s armaments for Lulach. Taking one last look at the chamber, my heart feeling heavy, I turned and exited the room.

“That trunk,” I told the men, pointing. “Please have it loaded onto the wagons headed for Inverness.”

“Yes, my lady,” the agreed in unison then got to work.

I went back downstairs to get Lulach. Banquo was in my chamber.

“Ah, here you are. Are you ready, my lady?” he asked courteously. There were dark circles under his eyes. Clearly, he hadn’t gotten much sleep. “I’ve arranged a wagon for you, the baby, and your maid.”

“Thank you. Where is Macbeth?” I had not seen him at all that morning.

“He rode ahead to ensure everything was ready for you,” Banquo replied. I saw him smother an emotion that had fleetingly crossed his face. Jealousy? Anger? I wasn’t sure what.

Ute and I followed Banquo to the yard where a large party of soldiers and several carts waited. I noticed that some of Cawdor’s household staff was riding along with us. The wagons were laden with Cawdor’s treasures: food, wine, ale, and other supplies. The stables were busy as even more soldiers arranged for the livestock to be moved to Inverness. Amongst Macbeth’s men, I spotted Standish.

“Ute, please take Lulach and get settled in. Where is Kelpie?”

“Your horse? There. I asked the soldiers to see that he was sent along with the others to Inverness,” Banquo said then added under his breath. “I recognized him.”

I nodded then motioned for Banquo to come along with me. “I’ll only be a moment,” I told him then headed over to Standish.

Standish, who’d been with Gillacoemgain for many years, looked tired and annoyed as he eyed Macbeth’s men and Cawdor’s goods leaving the castle. He softened, however, when he saw me.

“Lady Gruoch. How are you, lady? They said you and your babe arrived here with Macbeth’s party. Are you well?” he asked, worry painted all over his face.

“I am. As is my little one,” I said.

“May the gods bless you both,” Standish replied. “I was sorry to hear about the other child,” he said then reached out and gently squeezed my arm.

“Thank you,” I replied, my eyes feeling watery. “I’m glad to see that Macbeth didn’t…that Cawdor was unharmed.”

Standish nodded sadly. “After we learned that Gillacoemgain had perished, we let Macbeth in without conflict. My lady, I am so sorry for you.”

“Thank you. I wanted to ask… I wondered if you knew what happened to…Gillacoemgain’s body, if it was brought back to Cawdor.”

“I’m sorry, my lady,” Standish said, his eyes wet with unshed tears. “They say he was burned beyond all recognition, his men along with him, including Fergus. Many families lost their heads of house alongside him.”

I swallowed hard. “Oh,” was all I could utter for the moment. Pulling myself together, I added, “Send a rider with names. I will see what I can do to help those families.”

“Lord Macbeth may not like—” Standish began then cast a glance toward Banquo.

“I don’t give a damn. I am the Lady of Moray. I will care for my people.”

Standish smiled. “We’re so pleased you’ve returned, Lady Gruoch, even if it is under the worst conditions. I’m glad Prince Duncan didn’t claim you as some rumored.”

“As am I. I was wondering, have you seen the lad Eochaid? The others say he went missing.”

“No, my lady.”

I frowned. “I’ll check the mews before we go.”

He nodded. “My lady, what did you name our future lord?”

I smiled. “Lulach.”

“All hail Lord Lulach,” he said with a smile.

“Be well,” I said, pulling Standish into a hug.

“You too, my lady,” he replied, and when I pulled back, I saw him dash tears from his cheeks.

“Just a moment more?” I whispered to Banquo.

He nodded, and we went together to the mews where Gillacoemgain’s falcons had been kept. To my surprise, the pens were open, and the birds were gone.

“What is it?” Banquo asked, catching the startled expression on my face.

I held on to the door of the pen. I closed my eyes then said, “Gillacoemgain’s birds… They’re not here.”

Banquo stepped outside. “There,” he said, pointing upward.

I joined him, following his gaze. Overhead, the falcons flew over the field then into the forest.

“Someone set them free,” Banquo said.

I turned back to the cage. Inside, I noticed something odd. On one of the ledges was a bright red rose.

I reached in and grabbed it. It was frozen solid, as if someone had brought it freshly bloomed in summer only for it to be frozen by the winter chill.

“A rose,” Banquo said, looking at the blossom. “How?”

I lifted the rose to my nose and inhaled. The perfume of summer was still frozen inside. Eochaid had gone back to the realm of the faerie. I was sure of it. And it was he who’d set my love’s birds free. It was only fitting. Gillacoemgain’s spirit was free. Why shouldn’t his birds be as well?

“Fey things,” I whispered in reply.

Understanding what was not easy to explain, Banquo nodded then we turned and headed back toward the cart.

“Who will keep watch over the castle?” I asked Banquo.

“Macbeth has assigned another of his generals to stay here.”

“He didn’t ask me about it.”

“Macbeth is the Lord of the North. He doesn’t need to ask you,” Banquo replied then added, “and it probably never occurred to him that you might have an opinion on the matter.”

“Cawdor is Lulach’s birthright.”

“Yes, and I urge you to remind him of it,” Banquo said. “Inverness is Macbeth’s home. I think he just wants to go back. He has been Malcolm’s ward, a prisoner in truth, for many years. I think he just wants to go back to being…himself. But Macbeth will benefit from your advising. He needs to see you are not a southern court lady. He’s used to fine ladies acting like lapdogs. You must show your strength.”


Banquo sighed. “Are you ready?”

“As I ever will be.”

Banquo helped me into the cart then left to go rally the rest of the party.

“My lady, I’m surprised to see you’re so familiar with the Thane of Lochaber. I didn’t know you knew Lord Banquo?” Ute said, her voice thick with unasked questions.

“Yes. I’ve known him many years,” I replied simply, but said nothing more. Ute took the hint and didn’t press me further.

The wagon driver clicked at the horses, and we headed out. I looked back once more at Cawdor. My heart filled with sorrow as I sensed I was leaving both Cawdor and Gillacoemgain’s memory behind.
