Chapter 12

The revelry of Beltane eve would continue on to further revelry on Beltane day. I woke, however, with my head pounding, a sour taste in my mouth, and my head lying on Banquo’s chest. It was early morning still; the sun had barely risen. I closed my eyes and soaked up his warmth. I surprised myself. It felt so good to be close to him.

I opened my eyes again to see Epona, Druanne, and Aridmis setting food out on the breakfast table. The sweet scent of fresh baked bread filled the air. Bride was sitting by the fire turning sweet cakes over on the cooking stone. She winked at me. My cheeks reddened. It wasn’t like that. Nearby, Uald snored loudly. Untangling myself carefully from Banquo, I rose quietly. He stirred but slept on. I covered him then headed to my house.

I entered quietly. I hoped Sigurd and Gwendelofar would still be asleep. I didn’t want to interrupt their intimate time. My wish was granted. They were both sleeping. I moved silently so not to wake them. Gwendelofar was covered by her soft coverlet, but Sigurd lay uncovered and stretched out on the bed beside her. He was a hulking figure and naked as a babe. I saw he had tattoos all across his chest and down his waist, the tattoos stopping just above his sleeping cock nestled on a bed of straw-colored hair. I paused, feeling my heart beat harder. For a moment I imagined what it would be like to bed him, to feel him inside me, but his image got tangled up in my imagination with Banquo. Gwendelofar stirred and turned, uncovering her breasts. Her small pink nipples were erect in the morning air. She looked so beautiful. I wondered for a moment what it would be like to join them in that bed, to feel both of their naked skin against mine: his cock and her soft, sweet breasts. My cheeks reddened. I turned away from them, knowing the energy of Beltane was getting the better of me. I grabbed a clean dress from my trunk and headed back outside.

Beside the fire, Banquo still slept. Thora had taken my spot on the mat beside him, no doubt soaking up the last of my warmth. I followed the small trail behind the coven to the deep pool at the spring. I removed all my garments and jumped into the water. It was far colder than I expected, but the nipping chill felt wonderful. I was dipping my hair into the water when a huge wave splashed my face. The massive spray came as someone jumped into the spring. Surprised, I wiped the water from my eyes and looked around to find Sid grinning at me.

I laughed and splashed her. “Back again! And just in time. I didn’t think we’d see you so soon.”

“And now you’ve seen me right down to My Lady,” she said with a naughty laugh. She bounced around in the water, washing the dirt from her face.

“Where were you?”

“It’s Beltane for the Fair Ones too,” Sid said with a wink but then frowned. “I need to be clean. Hush,” she called to the invisible apparition above her. “Do they call you Cerridwen now?”

“Yes, and Ludmilla has become Gwendelofar.”

Sid grinned wildly and dived under water. Jerking on my legs, she pulled me under. Laughing and spitting out water, I clambered back upward.

“I am glad you’re back,” I said, “I think.”

She laughed. “Are the men here?”

I nodded. “Epona and the others are preparing breakfast for them now.”

“Ah, Epona the pleaser. Do you know she is over eighty years old?”

“She cannot be.”

“Glamour,” Sid said simply and scrubbed her dirty arms.

Just then, Thora appeared at the side of the creek. She barked a little bark and looked behind her.

“I told you she could track,” I heard Banquo call as he neared the side of the stream. Seeing both me and Sid naked, he then exclaimed. “Oh! I’m sorry, ladies.” He turned his back.

“Don’t be sorry. Strip and come in. The water is warm,” Sid told him.

Grinning, I pinched her under the water.

“Cerridwen?” he queried, looking over his shoulder.

Sid brought out the wicked in me. “Yes, come join us, Banquo,” I said. “Meet my sister, Sid.”

He laughed nervously. “Are you sure?”

Laughing, I splashed him. He chuckled then began to undress.

“Is he yours already, Raven Beak?” Sid whispered but then got distracted by the invisible Nadia near her shoulder. “Hush! I’m asking her—”

I thought on the result of an answer in either direction and decided not to reply.

Sid smiled.

Banquo stripped down and a moment later, before I could get a good look at him, jumped into the water.

“Ahh,” he yelled as the cold water hit him. “You lie, sisters.”

Sid and I both laughed, but Sid swam over to him and wrapped her arms around him. “I just wanted to see you naked,” she told him then looked deeply at his face. “You’ve the eyes of a king,” she whispered.

He grinned at Sid.

“What is it you say?” Sid asked Nadia. “Ah, the eyes of a queen as well. He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” Sid asked me.

“Yes.” He really was beautiful. And for a moment, I saw both Banquo and Sid before me with that strange double-vision as I had seen in the barrow. Once more Sid’s face changed, and I saw her as Boudicca had seen her, with her pale golden hair. And I saw Banquo too. He looked as he had in the vision I’d seen the night before, his long red hair pulled back into a braid. Prasutagus a voice whispered from my memory. He was Prasutagus, your husband.

My husband, but not my King, and not the raven-haired man from my visions.

Sid stroked her hand across Banquo’s chest then leaned in and kissed him while she moved his hands to her breasts.

Banquo quivered.

I giggled nervously, but for some reason, I didn’t feel jealous. It felt…okay…for Sid to be there with us.

“Don’t laugh, come,” Sid said and pulled my hand.

I glided easily in the water.

She moved one of his hands to my breast as she kissed his neck. “Eyes of a king,” she whispered in his ear.

Banquo stared at me, uncertain if he should take his hand away or not. Sensing his uncertainty, Sid pulled away from Banquo then guided me in front of him, putting his other hand on my other breast. I inhaled sharply. It felt so wonderful to have him touch me. My hands drifted to his waist. I touched his bare skin, felt his body. A feeling like lightning shot through me. Sid swam around behind me and joined her hands with Banquo’s. They both gently touched my breasts, playing with my nipples. Sid then took her hands away and stuck them under the water. I shifted, uncertain, when her hands drifted between my legs. She gently moved my legs apart and touched the soft folds therein.

“So sweet,” Sid whispered. “Feel,” she then told Banquo. Taking one of his hands, she guided him between my legs. He gently stroked me, his fingers never intruding, just touching me gently, his thumb working the sweet spot. My whole body shook. I closed my eyes. I could feel Sid’s hands on my breasts again, stroking me softly, then the feel of her wet, hot mouth sucking my nipples. Banquo leaned forward and kissed my neck as he rubbed me, touching all of me. I trembled when I climaxed.

Banquo took his hands away then held me gently by the back of my head and leaned in and kissed me. I didn’t resist him. His mouth tasted sweet. I caught the light doughy taste of sweet cakes and spring water in his mouth. After a moment, he pulled back. He was breathing hard.

Sid reached up, cradled his face, and kissed him playfully. Her hands roved under the water once again, but this time she found Banquo. “Impregnate Anwyn,” she whispered to him, “offer the spring your seed.”

Banquo closed his eyes. He breathed deeply, and his face began to twitch with excited sensations as Sid touched him under the water. I kissed him passionately, my tongue roving inside his sweet mouth. I felt him shaking. A few moments later, he contorted with excited release. Panting, he wrapped his arms around us both and kissed our cheeks.

“You are very sweet,” Sid told Banquo as she waded out of the water. Grabbing her heap of clothing, she tucked it under her arm then headed naked back to the coven, leaving me in Banquo’s arms.

Banquo sat down on a large rock underwater, and I crawled onto his lap, my arms around his neck, my head resting upon his chest. I could feel his declining manhood under me. We relaxed in the cold water, Banquo’s arms wrapped around me.

“What is she?” he whispered.

“A faerie thing,” I replied.

“How is it I feel so deeply for you but only just met you?” he whispered.

I smiled and looked deep into his eyes. Prasutagus. The named floated on the wind. “This is an old love renewed,” I whispered.

“May the Goddess let it be so,” Banquo replied.
