Chapter 21

We rode all day, finally arriving at Glamis as the sun was setting. The castle looked beautiful framed with the backdrop of a pink and orange sunset. It was made of reddish-colored brick and stone. The center building was tall with high watchtowers all around. Two small sections of the castle formed wings on each side. From a glance, I could see that either Banquo or Macbeth had housed the army in the south wing of the palace. The grounds around the castle were neatly kept, but forest covered much of the land nearby, which was not ideal for preventing subterfuge.

In spite of all my courage and sincere desire to rule the land, a knot formed in my stomach as I approached the edifice.

I had married Macbeth.

My fate was tied to his.

Now, I would need to find a way to make everything work.

While I was carrying Banquo’s child.

We were met by guards who escorted us to the castle gate. Grooms came to fetch the horses. Killian spoke to Macbeth’s men, nodding as he listened.

“Your Majesty,” he said, returning to me. “We have been housed in the northern wing of the castle, not far from your lodgings. Shall I go see to the Moray staff?”

“Yes, please.”

“Do you want me to send someone along with you?”

I shook my head. “No, I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure, my lady?” Killian whispered.

“Thank you. Yes. I have my steel.”

Killian shook his head then turned and went with the others.

Steadying my nerves, I turned to the footman. “Please take me to Macbeth.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The interior of Glamis Castle was like nothing I had ever seen before. The castles I had lived in were old, showing their ties to the ancient kings of the realm. Glamis was luxurious. Everywhere I looked, I saw tapestries and rugs, beautiful furniture, paintings, and other ornaments. As I followed the servant, I considered the castle. Fife’s estate also had fine trappings. I’d never thought much of it. But as I considered, I wondered why all the wealth in the realm was centered in the south.

The footman led me to a chamber not far from the great hall. There, Macbeth was sitting at a table reading dispatches.

“Your Majesty,” the footman called.

Macbeth waved his hands rudely as if to shoo the man away.

The servant shifted uncomfortably. Clearing his throat, he said, “Your Majesty, Queen Gruoch is here.”

Macbeth looked up then flopped back in his seat.

“You’re dismissed,” he told the footman. When the man left, he asked, “Where is your guard, Gruoch?”

“I have guard enough here,” I said, setting my hand on my sword.

Macbeth huffed a laugh. “I’m surprised you’re back.”

“Did you think you would rule Scotland alone?”

“Of course not. Why would I ever dream of that? My loving wife is here to help me.”

“What’s a loving wife without a loving husband?”

Macbeth laughed. “Will you sit?” he said, motioning to a chair.

I observed him carefully with my raven’s eyes. It was safe, for the moment.

I took a seat.

Macbeth poured some wine and set the cup in front of me. “You’ve just returned from Fife.”

“Yes. I put a friend to eternal rest.”

“I’m sorry to hear it,” Macbeth said. He poured himself a glass of wine then sat down.

“What have you been working on?” I asked.

“Deciding whether or not to attack England.”

“Attack England?” I blurted out. He couldn’t possibly be serious.

Macbeth nodded, his bottom lip jutting out as he considered it. “We have a great army. We’re strong. Why not?”

“Because many of the southern lords are still against you. And Thorfinn has taken the army to back to Magnus. And, because, there are better ways to gain control. Allies, Macbeth. We need allies.”

“Such as?”

“The Holy Church of Rome? The Franks? The Irish? We have many options to choose from. But first, we need to stop bleeding silver. Where is Crinian?”

“In Dunkeld.”

“Summon him. While he is here, send a force to seize the treasury. We shall put someone truly loyal in charge of the realm’s wealth. Crinian can return to being abbott if God still calls him, and Bethoc will join us at court.”

“Now, that is a wily plan,” Macbeth said with a tittering laugh. “You don’t trust Crinian?”

“We just murdered his son.”

“True. But I believe his love of silver outweighs his sentimentality for my dearly departed cousin.”

“We shall see.”

“Quite the sacrifice, Gruoch.”

“Removing Crinian is no sacrifice.”

“I mean bringing Bethoc to court. I suspect you’d rather gouge your eyes out than listen to her talk about the weather.”

Surprising even myself, I laughed. “That is true. But it will be good to have her here for when we reacquire Donaldbane.”

Macbeth raised an eyebrow. “Indeed?”

“Indeed. I’m working on it as we speak. Now, about the southern lords, who do we need to make an example of? Who is still backing Siward, making noise?”


“Let’s send some men to Menteith to let him know, by the sharp end of a sword, that we disapprove,” I suggested.

“As you wish, Your Majesty.” Macbeth grinned.

“I’m tired. It has been a very long day,” I said then rose to go.

“Gruoch…” Macbeth called out to me. In his voice, I heard the tone of the man I had first met, the man I had first married, the man I had hoped to love. But knew that sound to be a lie.

I cast a glance over my shoulder at him.

“I’m glad you’re here,” he said with a smile.

“Goodnight, Macbeth,” I said then turned and left.


Never again.
