The reception was a loud, brash affair at Zaphod's home. The swimming pool was filled with Old Janx Spirit and Ford was one of the first to dive in. Bolo dived in to save him when he tried to drain the pool orally.

Arthur and Fenchurch stood by the food, trying to identify something that looked appetising and edible. It was a long fruitless search.

"I wouldn't say it was the most romantic wedding I've ever been to," said Arthur.

"It was certainly one of the best gigs I've been to," laughed Fenchurch.

"Still, I suppose the priest could do it another way, if you asked him," said Arthur.


"Not that I was thinking of asking him."

"Of course not."

Arthur looked deeply into a Kopwilsilus dip.

"Arthur, let's get married."

Arthur looked up.

"What? Why did you have to say that?"

"It seemed like you were having trouble."

"You've ruined all my plans, I was just building up to a big speech." Arthur looked back at the dip, which seemed to look back.

"I'm sorry, pretend I never said it."

"Well it's a bit difficult now."

"Arthur, ask me."

"Fenchurch, will you marry me?"

"I'll have to think about it."

Arthur picked up the dip in mock anger

"I've thought about it. I will."

"I'll get the priest."

"I don't want to get married here, I want to get married on Earth."

"But that's omps away from here."

"Well I'm sure Zaphod or Ford will lend you a towel and you've still got your copy of the Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. We can leave after the party." She paused.

"You know, I'm really getting into this hitch-hiking lark."
