JANUARY 1. NEW YEAR’S DAY. WHAT A ROLLER coaster of a holiday season I’ve had. One good thing that came from my family’s surprise visit was that I didn’t have time to think about Culebra. Now that they’re gone, his story keeps intruding into my head.

An assassin. How could that be?

I’m in the office, taking down the lights we’d strung on the deck. Tracey and David are still on vacation. It’s the first break we’ve taken since Tracey came on board. I’m enjoying it. I trust they are, too. And with Stephen due to come home in a few days, I’ll be able to take advantage of the fact that I’ve been pulling office duty and let my partners take over. Stephen and I can spend some quality time together. Some quality bed time.

I get that tickly, tingling feeling that comes when I think about sex with Stephen. He’s human, but I don’t have to hold back with him. He allows me to love him completely, which means I can feed from him if I need or want to. He doesn’t impose limits. Quite a difference from the other human lover I had—Max. I thought he had gotten over our breakup, had gotten past the bitterness. Seeing him at Culebra’s made me realize he hadn’t let go of any of it. He blames me for being what I am.

As if I had a choice.

As if I’d voluntarily choose to give up my family or the possibility of children or the million other simple pleasures I no longer enjoy because I’m vampire.

As if I’d take on the burden of being the Chosen One, always looking over my shoulder, always aware of my role as protector if there were any way to avoid it.

I realize I’m working myself into a fit of righteous anger when the string of lights I’m tugging on breaks with a snap.


I stare at the broken strands.

Max can still push my buttons.

I toss the lights into the trash.

At least he took my mind off Culebra.

* * *

THE OFFICE LOOKS PRETTY GOOD. LAST HOUR I STORED the decorations, did some filing that had piled up, straightened the desk, even swept the floor. A little physical activity is always a good way to clear the mental decks.

It’s late afternoon. The sun is low on the horizon, and I step outside. Clouds are boiling up from the south, which means more rain. The air is heavy with it. Time to get home and settle in with a nice glass of Merlot.

You know the feeling you get when someone is watching you? The itch just out of reach under your skin? I have that feeling now and it stops me cold. My senses spring into hyperdrive. I tilt my face up to sniff the air.

And I catch it.

At first I think I must be imagining it. The scent of fresh washed hair and sunshine. I know who it is before I see that the office door is open and spy the two figures standing there.

For the second time in a week, I get a surprise.
