ESMERALDA HAS THE GIRLS UP AND GATHERED around her. She whispers how important it is that they be very quiet. Max climbs out the back window first and I lift the girls one at a time to his waiting arms. I focus all my attention on listening, making sure no one is approaching the church until they are all safely hunkered down outside. Then I signal Max to move out.

Esmeralda grabs my hand and kisses it.

I touch her cheek.

Then they are gone.

I still have Max’s duffel and I open it and take inventory. There are two grenades, the guns and plenty of ammunition. Too bad Max didn’t pack real explosives—dynamite or C4. It would be an easy way to take care of both the drugs and the men—rig a bomb.

The fact that I don’t know how to rig a bomb I view as a minor impediment. And make a note to do some research on that when I get home.

I listen but don’t yet hear the approach of a vehicle signaling the arrival of the drugs. Time to alert Culebra and get him ready to act when I say the word.

I open my thoughts to him and he’s there.

What’s going on? I haven’t heard from you for hours. Did Max make it?

Come and gone, I reply.

What do you mean gone?

Just left with the girls.

So, it’s just you and me.

How many men with you?

Three now. Two just came back. They think Luis is loco. They said that fucking all that young pussy has softened his brain. They found out what he did to the villagers when he discovered the new girls had gone missing. They plan to go along with him until the truck gets here, then get the hell out the first opportunity they get.

Think they all feel that way?

At least the ones who went out with Ramon looking for Max. They aren’t too crazy about Ramon, either. Think he’s planning something. Trust is not big among these thugs.

I let a beat go by before changing the subject. How are you holding up?

Fine. I’m done waiting for these cogidas locas to tell us where Santiago is. I say we get one or two of them somewhere alone and make them talk.

My thoughts exactly. There is one complication. I tell him about Adelita following Max and how she came back to stop Ramon. That it was Ramon who kidnapped her from her village. I also tell him that right now she’s tied next to the well and that Luis will probably kill her after he uses her to help process the shipment coming in today.

Brave girl, Culebra says. Stupid, but brave. But you have no intention of letting him kill her.

Not a chance. I’m thinking we let her work for the narcos. Then when the truck gets ready to leave, we lob one of Max’s grenades into it. That will take care of one problem. If we’re lucky, most of the men will be inside, too. Ramon, you can take care of. Once I’ve got Adelita safe, we’ll take her and Luis and meet Max. Can you get free?

Just tell me when.

Culebra falls quiet and I do, too. More waiting. More nervous energy building up with no way to release the pressure. I wish I could let Adelita know I’m here and that we’ll get her out when the time comes. I take out one of the grenades and toss it hand to hand, feeling its round heft, listening to the safety ring jingle against the fuse. This tiny activity brings some relief, some promise of action to come.

While vampire rests quietly inside.

She is not restless or anxious. She is patient.

And hungry.
