Haunted Anna Strong Chronicles - 8 by Jeanne C. Stein

To the people of Mexico caught in the cross fire. I wish there was a real-life hero to save you.

Philosophy is perfectly right in saying that life must be understood backward. But then one forgets the other clause—that it must be lived forward.




This was a difficult book to write because there is a war going on south of our borders and we seem powerless to do anything about it. But that’s the great thing about writing fiction: I can take a problem I’m interested in and “solve” it, if only temporarily and on a small scale, through the efforts of my heroine.

As for the writing process itself, I have the usual suspects to thank. Members of the Pearl Street Critique: Mario Acevedo, Warren Hammond, Tamra Monahan, Aaron Ritchey, Tom and Margie Lawson and Terry Wright.

For correcting my Spanish: Mario Acevedo, Warren Hammond and Mario’s friend Armando Provencio.

For being there in this crazy book business: my agent, Scott Miller of Trident Media, and my editor, Jessica Wade at Penguin (and their hardworking staff members).

For support and encouragement: loyal friends and readers who tell me they love Anna as much as I do.

And for everything else: Phil, who is always ready to discuss story with me, and Jeanette, who is becoming known far and wide for turning my books out on store shelves!
