The Net In The River

"Look out!" cried Ayari.

It seemed to rip up from the water, extending across the river.

It rose before us, reticulated and wet, dripping, a net, a barrier of interwoven vines.

"Cut through!" shouted Kisu.

At the same time, behind us, we heard shouting. From each side of the river, about two hundred yards behind, we saw canoes, dozens, being thrust into the river.

"Cut through!" cried Kisu.

Ayari, with his knife, slashed at the vines.

We brought the canoe against the net, so that I and Kisu, too, each armed with a panga, might slash at the woven wall which had, on vine ropes, sprung from shore, lifted up before us.

The shouting behind us came closer.

The trap, weighted, just below the surface, is activated by two vine ropes, slung over tree branches, ropes which are drawn taut when two logs, to which they are attached, one on each shore, are rolled or dropped from a concealed scaffolding. A signal which we had failed to note had doubtless been given.

The keen steel of our pangas smote apart thick vines, Water from the wet vines, struck loose by our blows, showered upon us.

"Get the canoe through!" cried Kisu.

We turned the canoe. A spear splashed near us. Ayari lifted aside vines. The canoe, vines sliding against its side, slipped through.

"Paddle!" said Kisu. "Paddle for your lives!"
