What Ayari Thought He Saw In The Forest

Ayari returned to the campfire.

Suddenly he seemed startled. "Janice is here," he said.

"Yes," I said. Janice looked up at him, and Alice.

"What is it?" asked Kisu.

"I thought I saw her in the forest, a moment ago," he said. "Was she not gathering wood?"

"No," I said. I leaped to my feet. "Take me to where you think you saw her."

"It was there," said Ayari, a moment later, pointing to a space between trees.

We investigated the area. I crouched down and studied the ground in the moonlight. "I see no tracks," I said.

"Doubtless it was a trick of the lights and shadows," said Ayari.

"Doubtless," I said.

"Let us return to camp," he said.

"Yes," I said.
