The Firbolg soldiers manning the guard post in the northern wastes of the Bakhran Pass took the slave children into their custody without comment. The slave children were bundled up with Firbolg army blankets and packed aboard a pair of wagons scheduled to depart for Canrif with the second-week caravan, which arrived in time.
Achmed gave lengthy instructions to the Bolg soldiers who were to guard the slave children until they were delivered to Grunthor. The children would be cared for in Ylorc until he and Rhapsody returned, when they would either be allowed to remain or travel to Navarne to live. The boys were in high spirits; one look at the strange weapons and armor of the Bolg had caused excitement to roar through the group like wildfire. Only the bald apprentice seemed reserved, eyeing the Bolg soldiers apprehensively.
As the caravan prepared to depart for the Cauldron, Rhapsody took Omet aside.
“Will you be all right?”
The apprentice smiled wanly. “I hope so. I don’t expect I’d make much of a meal, being on the thin side.”
“The stories about cannibalism are greatly exaggerated,” she said, running her fingertips affectionately over the fuzz that was beginning to darken his pate. “You will be safe among the Bolg. Ask to see Grunthor, and tell him I said to put you to work. Look him in the eye and stand your ground—he’ll respect you for it. Don’t limit the uses of your skill and imagination. I believe that you could become one of the great artisans of the Rebuilding.”
“Thank you.”
“But if you are uneasy, or you find living within the mountain is not to your liking, when I return I will see that you are escorted to wherever you wish to go.” Omet nodded. “In the meantime, please look after the boys for me.”
“I will.”
She turned him toward the southeast, where a trace of pink was just cresting the blue horizon.
“Somewhere in those mountains greatness is taking hold,” she said. “You can be a part of it. Go carve your name into the ageless rock for history to see.” Omet nodded, then climbed into the wagon with the slave boys, and rode away over the rocky snow amid a tumble of waving hands and shouted goodbyes.
Dusk found the travelers, four now in total, camped on a bluff overlooking the banks of Mislet Stream, a red tributary of the Blood River. The water was frozen now, cloudy pink in the coming darkness.
The campfire crackled in the bitter wind, filling the cold air with sparks. Rhapsody drew her winter cloak around her, seeking to hold the wind and the desolation at bay.
How much longer will it be like this? she wondered, stirring the fire with a long, thin reed, dry and cracked from winter’s cold. How many more nights must I spend wandering? When will it end? Will it end?
Nine living children of the F’dor, and one yet to be born. They had two. In a little more than eight weeks the baby would be born south of Tyrian. How can we possibly find them all in time? Rhapsody struggled to keep the panic from gripping her as her stomach knotted. The knowledge that Oelendra was waiting for them at the border of Canderre to take possession of the children they had found, and had been for three days, only made the queasy sensation worse.
A light, shaking sigh matched the whine of the wind, and she looked up from her contemplation. Aric had chosen to sleep near the horses, away from the adults and Vincane, who now dozed in herb-induced slumber near the fire. Rhapsody rose, feeling the cold in her bones, and went to the child, bending beside him to check his festering leg. She crooned a soft tune, aimed at easing his pain in sleep, then came back to her place near the fire beside Achmed.
He was staring into the western distance, his face shielded, his eyes clouded with thought. Rhapsody waited for him to speak. It was not until the bottom of the sun had sunk below the rim of the horizon that he did.
“We can’t make it to the carnival, or to Sorbold now before the birth of the last child.”
Rhapsody exhaled. As always, Achmed was giving practical voice to her thoughts. The oldest child of the Rakshas was a young man, a gladiator in the nation of the Sorbold, in the northwestern city-state of Jakar. Achmed had never been thrilled with the prospect of attempting a rescue of this child, but Rhapsody had been insistent, and finally he had granted the possibility as long as the timing allowed. Prior to their diversion back to Ylorc, had they followed the schedule, the gladiator, whose name was Constantin, could have been found outside Sorbold, at the winter carnival of Navarne. By the time they got there now, however, the carnival would be over and Constantin would have returned to Sorbold. It seemed the rescue of the additional slave children had been bought at the price of the gladiator’s damnation.
“The baby is due to be born in the Lirin fields to the south of Tyrian forest,” she said mildly, watching the sunset herself. “We’ll be in the area. We could go to Sorbold after Oelendra takes the baby off our hands.”
“No.” Achmed tossed some frozen grass into the fire. “It’s too much of a risk. If I’m caught while in Sorbold secretly, stealing as valuable a commodity as a gladiator, it will be an act of war. This mission, as I’ve told you from the beginning, was to gather these children for the blood we could get out of them, not to save their souls.”
“Perhaps for you.” Rhapsody’s gaze didn’t move. “How ironic,” she said, with a bitter tinge in her voice. “I suppose that means we are no better than the Rakshas, tying children up like swine and slaughtering them in the House of Remembrance. I guess blood is the means, whether you are well-intentioned or not.”
“Perspective is everything, Rhapsody.”
“I’m going after him,” she said mildly, still not moving her eyes from the vanishing sun. “I appreciate all that you have done, and will do, but I am not abandoning him. I understand your predicament, and I can’t ask you to risk your kingdom for this. But I’m going into Sorbold, even if I have to go in alone.”
Achmed exhaled. “I’d advise against it.”
“I can ask Llauron for help.”
“I’d advise against that even more.”
“You’re not leaving me many choices,” Rhapsody said, searching the sky for the earliest stars, waiting for their appearance to begin her evening devotions.
“Leave him. When this is over I will hunt him down and put him out of his misery; you know as a Dhracian I cannot abide anything tainted with F’dor blood being left alive.”
“You’ll be damning him to the Vault of the Underworld.” Her comment was rote; they had argued unproductively about this many nights before this one.
Achmed shrugged. “If you like I will sprinkle holy water on the cinders of his corpse for you.”
“Thank you, no.”
“Well, there’s always Ashe. He could round up the rest of them. You called him on the wind once, and he came.”
Rhapsody shuddered. “Yes, I did, but I was standing in the gazebo at Elysian, which is a natural amplifier. I don’t know if it would work in the open air. Besides, you know very well that I don’t want to tell Ashe about these children until I’m back from the Veil of Hoen.”
Achmed’s fists clenched more tightly, but his face did not move. “He doesn’t deserve the protection you are always wrapping around him like a child’s blanket,” he said bitterly. “Perhaps it would do him some good to fight his own battles, to be responsible for wiping his own arse once in a while. It is making me ill to watch you be his arse-rag.”
The light of the setting sun filled her eyes, making them sting with memory. “Why do you hate him?”
Achmed didn’t look at her. “Why do you love him?”
She stared silently over the endless fields to the horizon, darkening now. The rosy glow of sunset was deserting the clouds, leaving only hazy gray where a moment before there had been glory. Finally she spoke, her voice soft.
“There is no reason for love. It just is. And when it’s there, it endures, even when it shouldn’t. Even when you try to make it go away. It’s hard to make it die. I’ve learned it’s also unnecessary—and unwise. It only lessens you for it. So you accept it. You lock it away. You let it stay. You don’t deliberately kill love. You just don’t act on it.”
She glanced his way, noting his eyes fixed beyond the rim of the world, his folded hands resting on his lips, lost in thought. “But hate is different. If you’re going to hate, you should at least have a reason.”
Achmed inhaled the cold wind of the coming night, then let his breath out slowly.
“I don’t hate. I have given up hate. But I disdain Ashe’s promises, his misplaced loyalty, his weakness.”
Rhapsody ran her hand over a dry stalk of highgrass, blanched and frozen, that jutted forth from the snow.
“He’s no longer weak. I’ve seen what he’s endured, Achmed. Even in his agony, his isolation, he spent his time protecting the innocent, struggling to find the very demon that held his soul captive. He’s whole now. He’s strong.”
“You misuse the word; I thought Namers were more selective in their use of accurate language. He’s been mended. Mending him did not make a god of him. He will betray you again, fail you, lose his grasp while you hang in the balance, arrive moments too late. I have seen it before.” He glanced at her and their eyes met. “So have you.”
She pulled the stalk of grass from the frozen ground. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I believe I do.”
The grains of the seedpod slid between her fingers, then scattered onto the snow. “It’s easy to criticize something you think of as a weakness, something you’ve never had. But if you’ve never been in love yourself, never had to balance it against duty, never been totally lost in it, you can’t—
“Stop!” The word came forth violently enough to make Rhapsody drop the remains of the grass stalk. “How do you know what I have had? How do you know I can’t understand from personal experience how weak love can make you? How dare you presume that I would condemn anyone, even him, without having walked those paths myself?”
Achmed’s eyes finally turned on her, and they were blazing with dark light. “I know everything about the promises of youth. I know that stupid surrender, that need to save the unsavable that love makes you believe is possible. That’s what I despise most about Ashe—that he has made you expect that he can save you, or you him. That he has made you believe you need saving. That he was worth saving at the cost you paid to do it.”
He broke his gaze away and stared out into the new darkness at the horizon’s edge. Rhapsody watched him for a moment, then looked westward herself.
“Who was she?”
The Fibolg king exhaled, then lowered his gaze. “Please. This is lore that will remain lost. Consider this my own Sleeping Child, better left alone.” Rhapsody nodded. “Does Grunthor know?”
“He knows all, because he doesn’t judge, or remind. You could ask his opinion of Ashe if you really wish to have an objective analysis.”
She rose and stretched her arms. “I don’t. It doesn’t matter. He’s gone.”
“He’ll be back.”
“No, he won’t. He’s off to propose to a First Generation Cymrian woman, someone the Patriarch’s ring of wisdom confirmed as a good choice for his Lady.”
Achmed leaned back and stared into the fire. “Proof again of what I said earlier about his weakness and misplaced loyalty.”
“I don’t think his loyalty is misplaced,” Rhapsody said. “We knew from the beginning that this was his destiny. He was born to be the Lord Cymrian, Achmed, whether he wants it that way or not. He needs a noble bride. I knew it before I fell in love with him—I knew it when I fell in love with him. I know it now. Nothing has changed. He has gone to fulfill his destiny, just like we will one day fulfill ours.”
“Well, that’s good to hear, but I still suspect we’ll see him again eventually.”
“It still doesn’t matter. It’s over.” She scanned the deep blue of the sky, looking for the evenstar, but mist clouded the horizon, making it hard to find. “At least he gave me that.”
“An ending. It’s what I want more than anything with these events that have been unfolding ever since we met, you and I. I’m tired, Achmed.” She turned and looked at him, and her eyes had lost their inner spark, fueled now only by weariness. “I’m tired of looking for a hidden demon. I’m tired of living in anticipation that each person we meet could be the host of the F’dor. I want to know who it is, and to kill it, once and for all, with you holding its spirit in thrall so that it can’t escape.” She turned away toward the setting sun again. “I’m tired of the nightmares. I want to finish this; I want it to be over. I want to sleep peacefully for once.”
A choked laugh went up in the darkness behind her.
“That won’t happen. I’m sorry.”
“Why not?” A cold wind blew through her hair, chilling the sweat that had appeared at his words.
Achmed’s voice was soft.
“You do know that if we aren’t destroyed outright there is a good chance that we will never die—at least not for thousands of years? You, Grunthor, and I—like the First Generation Cymrians, we seem to have cheated Time with our little trek within the Earth. That lovely blessing of immortality comes at a cost.
“You want it to be over—it will never be over, Rhapsody. Just as the Grandmother stood for centuries guarding the Sleeping Child, ours will be lives of endless vigilance. After you’ve seen what hibernates within the Earth, and know that there are demons out there that seek nothing more than to release it, how can you ever sleep peacefully again? Only the ignorant and the oblivious sleep well. Only the hopelessly naive believe it will ever be over.”
With a sudden, angry sweep she drew the sword; Daystar Clarion roared forth, blazing, from the scabbard of black ivory, burning deeply in the cold air, reflecting its pulsing light off the snow. Rhapsody turned to face him.
“Fine. Then I’ll be ignorant and oblivious; I’ll be hopelessly naive. I don’t think you understand, Achmed. I have to believe it will one day be over. I have to, or I can’t go on.”
She turned away and walked to the crest of the nearest swale, searching the sky again. The evenstar winked from behind a frosty patch of cloud. Rhapsody cleared her mind and began to sing her evening devotions.
Achmed smiled slightly as the clear notes caught the wind.
“Trust me, you’ll find you can,” he said, more to himself than aloud.