Sarah regained consciousness while Henry helped Novak and Gail pack the supplies. She moaned, and her eyes fluttered. When she sat up, her expression was confused and alarmed. Henry rushed to her side.

“You’re okay,” he said. “You just passed out.”

“Who…?” She pointed at the new arrivals, unable to finish the sentence.

“Don’t you remember? They’re here to rescue us.”

Frowning, Sarah shook her head. “Everything… everything is messed up. I can’t think straight. What’s wrong with me, Henry?”

“Stress? You’re tired. I don’t know. But we’re safe, Sarah. Once we get onboard their ship, you can get lots of rest. And I’ll watch over you.”

Smiling, Sarah touched his cheek. “You remind me of… Kevin. He would have liked you.”

Henry opened his mouth to respond, but a shadow fell over them. He glanced up, and Gail stood there, holding several black garbage bags.

“Put these on,” she said. “You’ll have to tape or tie them around you.”

“What for?” Henry asked.

“To keep yourself from getting infected. You’re both clean now. We need to keep you that way until we get to the ship.”

“Make no mistake,” Novak added. “If either one of you comes into contact with the fungus between here and there, we’ll have to leave you behind. I don’t like saying that, but you deserve to know it before you go outside.”

The tower trembled and groaned again, silencing further debate. It listed to the side, and this time, it didn’t right itself.

“Jesus…” Gail whistled. “We need to go. This thing won’t hold much longer.”

“You two prep,” Novak said. “Gail and I will finish with the supplies. You guys will carry them, while we take the front and the rear. We’ll take care of anything that crosses our path. You think you’re up to hefting supplies, Sarah?”

She nodded. “I’m better. I promise.”

He studied her carefully, and finally said, “Okay.”

While Novak and Gail finished packing, Henry and Sarah covered themselves in plastic. They taped the bags around their ankles, wrists, waists and necks. Then added smaller bags to cover their hands. Then they fashioned ponchos out of more trash bags, covering their heads. When they were finished, only their eyes and noses were exposed. Novak and Gail helped them shoulder the packs.

“We appreciate what ya’ll are doing,” Henry said. “But I’ve got to tell you, it don’t feel right going outside without a weapon.”

“Understandable,” Gail said, “but can either of you manage a weapon and the supplies?”

“I’ve got a Taurus,” Sarah replied. “It’s a short barreled .357, and I can holster it over the plastic.”

“How about you?” Gail nodded at Henry.

“Just a hatchet,” he said, “and this here knife. It belonged to our friend, Mr. Garnett. I reckon I can tape the knife to my hip and carry the hatchet.”

“Okay,” Gail agreed. “But understand—if those things are close enough to fight off with a hatchet, then chances are you’re going to get infected. And we won’t hesitate to fire.”

Henry nodded. “Fair enough.”

He and Sarah quickly armed themselves.

“Ready?” Novak asked.

They nodded.

“Then let’s do this. I’ll take point. Gail will bring up the rear. Stick close. If we get spread apart out there, they’ll be on us in seconds. Just let me clear a path with the flamethrower, and then follow right behind me.”

He opened the door and stepped out onto the stairwell. Swallowing hard, Henry followed. He heard Sarah rustling along behind him, and then the light disappeared as Gail shut the door.

“Soft…” a chorus of voices rasped from below. “Soft…”

Henry said, “Oh shit…”
