McCann found Novak sitting where they’d left him, with his back up against the damp, mildewed wall. He trembled beneath his wet clothing, and when he turned at McCann’s approach, the younger man noticed that his teeth were chattering.

“You okay?” McCann asked.

Novak nodded. “Just cold. Arm still hurts like a bitch, but I’ll be okay. What’s up?”

“We found someone. A man.”

“You shoot him?”

“No.” McCann shook his head. “His name is Simon. He says he was a prisoner here. I believe him. He was tied down when we found him, and he’s pretty banged up. Looks like he’s been tortured.”

“Where is he now?”

“Upstairs with Gail.”

Novak frowned. “You left her alone with this guy?”

“She’s got the shotgun. And trust me, dude, this guy isn’t going to be able to do much. Seriously. He’s all messed up. He’s weak and looks like he’s probably running a fever. That fucker who attacked us did a number on him. I just came down to tell you, and to find him something to wear.”

“He’s naked?”

“Yeah. Why? Is that important?”

Novak shrugged. “It’s better for Gail. Naked people often feel more vulnerable. He might be less likely to attack her if he’s feeling that way.”

“Oh.” McCann’s ears turned pinkish-red. “I thought you were going to make a joke about leaving her alone with a naked man.”

“Well, there’s that, too.” Grunting, Novak stumbled to his feet. “Introduce me to this Simon.”

McCann turned to leave but then realized that Novak wasn’t following him. Instead, he was staring out the broken window they’d entered the building through.

“What’s wrong? Did you see something?”

Novak hesitated. “No… while you guys were gone, I kept hearing splashing sounds out there. Couldn’t tell if it was the waves or something else. It’s hard to see through the downpour and all that mist.”

“Maybe one of us should stay here and stand guard.”

“You think this Simon can walk down here?”

“I don’t know. Maybe, if Gail and I help him.”

“Let’s try that. I don’t like leaving this hole unguarded. We’re in enough trouble as it is. See if he can make it down here. If he can’t, come and get me.”

“Sounds like a plan.” McCann started to leave again, but then turned back and studied Novak carefully.

“You sure you’re okay, boss man?”

“Yeah.” Novak sighed as he sat back down again. “I’m just tired. I could sleep for a week. Too bad there’s not a dry bed left anywhere in the world.”

McCann studied Novak closely, noticing for the first time the dark circles beneath the older man’s eyes, like smudges of soot. His skin seemed pasty and colorless, his lips thin and pale. His fingertips were wrinkled from overexposure to moisture and his posture was stooped and sullen. It was a marked contrast from the man he’d been before the rain—or even the man he’d been just a few weeks ago. That version of Novak had seemed to still have hope. This version seemed to cling to survival out of some grim sense of duty than anything else. McCann considered everything they’d been through in the last twenty-four hours, and decided he couldn’t really blame Novak. He probably looked and felt the same way himself. He’d just been too busy to realize it yet.

“Get going,” Novak said. “Naked and injured or not, I don’t like the idea of Gail being alone with this guy for too long.”

Without another word, McCann headed back down the hallway. The carpet squished beneath his feet and the stairwell echoed with his footsteps. On the second floor, he passed by an office that he and Gail had missed on their first search. It was located at the rear of a reception area. He realized upon passing it that they’d checked the chairs in the waiting area and behind the switchboard but had forgotten to check the office itself. Perhaps he’d find something for Simon to wear inside the room. He listened at the closed door, but heard no sound from within. Reaching down, he turned the knob and found it unlocked.

He took one step into the dark room, pausing to let his eyes adjust to the gloom. Something moved in the shadows. Gasping, McCann stumbled backward as the sound rustled toward him.
