There was no way of telling time. The sun was a pale, muted disc hidden behind the impenetrable clouds. Eventually, the waters grew calmer. The waves died down to nothing more than ripples, and the sound of the raindrops pelting the surface grew louder. When Gail leaned over the side, she was able to see more ruins beneath them. The rooftops were closer to the surface, and much more debris floated around them.

“We must be entering higher ground,” McCann said. “The water is getting shallower.”

Novak nodded in agreement. “Keep an eye out.”

Soon, the bottom of the boat began to scrape overtop the underwater structures. Treetops, steel girders and jagged, exposed construction timbers jutted from the water like skeletal fingers. Other than the rain, the area was completely still. There was no sound or movement. Even the seabirds had disappeared. The white fuzz wasn’t as prevalent in this region as it had been in other places they’d sailed through in recent weeks. It clung to a few of the trees and girders, but most of the ruins were relatively free of it.

They passed a circular water tower and a church steeple. Both towered above the waterline, but neither structure offered shelter from the elements. The current took them close enough to the steeple that Gail could have reached out and touched it, but there was nothing to salvage other than roofing tiles. Novak made a half-hearted attempt to grab one of the gutters, announcing his intent to use it as an oar, but the gutter held fast. The boat rocked dangerously beneath them, and Gail urged him to sit back down. The boat bumped against the side of the steeple and then kept drifting.

“Look ahead.” McCann pointed. “How about that? It looks secure.”

Gail and Novak turned in the direction he had indicated. Ahead of them was a large, rectangular office building. The four topmost floors were above the water. An array of antennae and ductwork covered the roof. It appeared deserted, and intact. There were no broken windows, and no cracks or holes in the sides of the building.

“It looks solid,” Gail said. “But the current isn’t taking us anywhere near it.”

Novak stood up again, more carefully this time.

“What are you doing?” Gail asked.

“Getting us there. I’m already wet, right?”

Without another word, he draped his legs over the side and then slipped into the water, nearly capsizing their boat in the process. Novak clutched the bow with one hand and blinked water from his eyes.

McCann paled. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, boss-man. Look at how dirty that water is. The pollutants are a lot thicker here than they were further out to sea.”

“Then I’ll make sure I don’t swallow any.”

“Are you crazy?” Gail moved to the front of the craft. “Have you forgotten about the shark-men already?”

“We want to get away from them,” Novak said, “along with all the other creepy-critters out here. That building looks like our only shot. Now sit down, Gail. If you guys want to help, paddle with your hands.”

Still gripping the bow with one hand, he began to propel them through the water, grunting with the effort. McCann leaned over the side and began paddling with his hand. After a moment, Gail did the same from her side. They moved slowly, and she kept her eyes on the water, waiting for something to charge up from the depths.
