Well, here we are on the eighth book. Who would have guessed it would have come this far. I, for one, am absolutely thrilled it has as I enjoy writing about this group of survivors. They have become more than just characters in a story, they have become a part of me that I enjoy spending time with. Yes, the voices in my head. The fun thing about writing about them is that I never really know what is going to happen. Within certain set parameters, the tale unfolds as I set the words down.

I’ve had a few messages regarding UV lighting so I thought I’d take the opportunity to talk about that. I truly wish that UV lighting could come into play and work it into the story line with teams pushing into night runner lairs. UV lighting operates on a shorter wavelength than that of the visual spectrum. It’s really divided into three different UV types but I won’t go into that. The sun emits all three types and it’s UVB that is the most damaging. Most of the artificially produced light, i.e. tanning beds and handheld devices, operate in the UVA spectrum. This light can be harmful if overexposure occurs but that exposure takes some time for it to be effective in that manner. I can’t see that anyone would want to hold a lamp to a night runner for an extended period of time, and I can’t imagine that the night runner would be cordial enough to hold still during that time. Well, enough about that. I’m not meaning to come across negatively, I just want to mention it and show that it wouldn’t be a very feasible option.

I’d also like to mention that there is a lot of planning that involves Frank so there is a lot of interaction there. I just don’t write about a lot of the pre-planning that goes on as I’m sure you’d be skipping over those sections just as I would be falling asleep at the keyboard writing it.

This book is a little different than the others. There are a few threads going on, and an introduction to a new one. I won’t spoil it here but you’ll see it. Speaking of which, here I am prattling on, keeping you from the story. So, let’s get on with it shall we. I hope you enjoy the continuation of Jack’s and the group’s tale. And, if you happen to enjoy it, please head back and leave a review. I’d be forever grateful.

John O’Brien
