
Michael senses other packs north of him. They are coming into the area in greater numbers, filling a gap that was created when he took the greater share of packs south with him. Some time ago, responding to a call for help, he called to the packs in the area and they responded, resulting in the large pack he currently has. Now there are others infiltrating into the area north and he knows it is due to a shortage of food.

So far, Michael has been able to provide for his pack and keep them safe. He’s kept them away from the two-leggeds, though his anger at them hasn’t subsided. He supposes he is marginally grateful to them that Sandra is no longer a thorn in his side but that doesn’t diminish his feelings toward the two-leggeds. They are dangerous and to be feared. Aside from his natural hatred and rage against them, they are a threat to his pack. They must be destroyed. His fear of them exacerbates his anger.

Michael senses several strong ones leading several of the packs but knows he has an advantage in strength over any one of them. Should he call, they will respond and acknowledge him as leader. None of the ones to the north have drawn together like his and remain scattered.

In nights past, he’s felt many of those packs fall to the night death in the sky that comes occasionally. He wishes he knew what it was and attack it. It’s the one thing that forces him to keep his distance from the two-leggeds and some prime hunting grounds. Many of his pack and others have suffered because of it. His hatred of it has grown as strong as that of the two-leggeds themselves. He knows it serves them somehow, and he feels that he should be able to know why, but the answer lies just out of his range of understanding.

With the strong ones coming south and bringing their packs with them, Michael knows it’s just a matter of time before he will journey up and contact them.

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