A shot taken…
A new enemy revealed…
Lynn has been rescued from deep within the heart of a night runner lair. The answer why she was taken remains a mystery. Sandra lies in a pool of her own blood ending her desperate measures to draw Jack to her. As Red Team celebrates their joy of Lynn’s freedom, they are unaware that a sight is centered on them from afar. A bullet tears through the air, streaking their way.
Harold discovers information that stuns the small group of survivors and further threatens their fragile handhold on existence. They have overcome one challenge only to find that a new, more dangerous one replaces it. There’s more to this new world than Jack ever suspected.
With only a single team at his disposal, Greg is sent to continue the search for survivors. Separated from the group and unable to call for help, the small group must journey along lonely and perilous back roads in the hope of finding family members. In the end, Greg must decide between saving others and the safety of his team. Meanwhile, with the crew anxious to get home, Captain Leonard sails down the western seaboard to search for answers as he struggles to come to grips with the world.
The group tries to stay one step ahead but there’s trouble infiltrating from the north. And Michael is stirring from within the depths of his lair.
The winds of change are blowing…
Book I — A New World: Chaos
Book II — A New World: Return
Book III — A New World: Sanctuary
Book IV — A New World: Taken
Book V — A New World: Awakening
Book VI — A New World: Dissension
Book VII — A New World: Takedown
Book VIII — A New World: Conspiracy
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