Bonus от Александра Клыгина

Доброго вам времени суток! Если вы дочитали до этого места, значит, вам понравилась сага про Джона Дебри. И теперь – специально для вас – бонусы!

В процессе написания саги были созданы многочисленные стихи, рассказы, просто заметки на полях и даже целый CD-диск музыкальных ремиксов «John Debry’s songs». Автор подумал, что все это может быть интересно истинным поклонникам Джона Дебри. (А раз вы дочитали до конца четвертую часть, вы точно истинный поклонник.) Так и родился раздел «Бонусы от Александра Клыгина». Здесь вы найдете стихи Клыгина, ставшие текстами песен на диске, и незавершенный, но, тем не менее, интересный рассказ «Конец света».

Приятного чтения!

P.S. Для обратной связи с Александром Клыгиным существует электронный ящик . Приветствуются конструктивные предложения.

«John Debry’s song»

My name is John Debry and I am a cop,

My work is catching cats at moonnights

I live in the city which is called New-York

I thought that it's a capital of planet.

At nights I walked on the streets,

I had no friends, I had no enemy.

Pretty women are not in love with me

Only the moon walks with me here.

And I don't know why I was born

I am just a little part of the sistem.

I want to be such as James Bond

But I am not cool and I am not an Englishman.

But all was changed one rainy day

When I came to an Indian's shaman.

He saw my future, he saw next day

And said I should see a magic power!

I was afraid and went to drink.

I fall in love with July Wraker.

I was a hero, it was great.

I was a friend of agent Mulder.

And I was just a simple man,

But I have met sir Eldorado.

Now I'll never be the same

Because I saw his magic power!

And night had come in afternoon

All magic doors were really opened.

And on the sky there was full Moon

This battle never will be forget!

I killed strange monsters at this night

And I became a really hero.

Dark forces was destroyed in fight

And now world's clear like a new mirror.

I was in the city called Babylon

I made friends with king Hammurapy.

Way home for me was very long

But now I know what means «Be happy».

I was in Mexico on the bridge

On the bridge of Carlos Castaneda .

I saw another world which's rich

In that world every man is Buddha.

And I came back to USA ,

I am working as a Santa-Claus

I told with mister President

I know, I'm dumb, but he is dumber!

I see the Statue of Liberty

And it can show me it' s fuck forever,

But now I know that I am free,

In other world we'll be together.

I was in the greatest pyramid

Sir Eldorado was my teacher.

And now I know, why I must live

I have to live to be creator.

Maybe I'm a little alien tonight

When I am walking on the streets of New-York

I am not James Bond, I never was in Europe ,

But I am lightbright, but I am lightbright!

His name was John Debry and he was a cop,

His work was catching cats at moonnights

He lived in the city which is called New-York

He thought that it's a capital of planet.
