Tristan reached the main hall and found himself completely blocked by the mass of villagers surrounding the building. Everyone was curious. Everyone was excited.

Everyone was in his way.

Not caring if he was shot down by his father’s guards, Tristan began scaling the side wall of the castle like he had when he was a child, lifting himself into the lowest window of the hall and lowering himself down into the ceremony room.

He squeezed his way through the crowds until he was at the edge of the altar, but hidden in the sea of faces. He saw Gabriel standing at the altar with a smile on his face.

Gabriel looked genuinely happy and for a moment—a split second—Tristan was filled with jealousy.

Scarlet did not belong to Gabriel.

But then Tristan remembered why he had asked Gabriel to care for her. And he remembered how Gabriel had selflessly promised to do so.

Tristan tried to shove his jealousy aside and replace it with gratitude.

And then he saw her.

Dressed for the occasion, with all eyes on her, Scarlet walked to the end of the aisle and up two stairs to meet Gabriel. She was breathtaking.

And she would never be Tristan’s.

Tristan let his heart break down the middle and crumble into pieces in the pit of his soul.


Gabriel smiled. Villagers crowded the hall, eager to watch the ceremony and celebrate with their new earl.

In just minutes, he and Scarlet would be wed and they would start their life together. A new life. Free of death. Free of sorrow.


Gabriel looked at Scarlet. She was beautiful and perfect, she smiled at him with love.

His heart was full.

He took Scarlet’s hand into his own and whispered, “You look lovely.”

Scarlet gave him a crooked smile. “I certainly hope so. I can’t breathe in this thing.” She tugged at her corset and Gabriel smiled.

The minister cleared his throat to begin the ceremony, but never had a chance to utter a welcome.

Fire rushed through the center of the crowd, building a wall on both sides of the aisle and people screamed in fear as they fled the room.

The flames licked up toward the tall ceiling and smoke gathered in the hall, clouding up the aisle.

And through the smoke walked Raven.

Holding a carefully drawn bow and arrow, she looked at Gabriel. “You should never have crossed me.”


Scarlet heard a shuffling to her right, but she couldn’t pull her eyes away from the crazy girl with the arrow.

Gabriel gave the mad woman a dark look. “What are you doing, Raven?”

The crazy girl cocked her head to the side. “Do you love this peasant girl?” She glanced at Scarlet.

Scarlet took a step back and caught sight of a person coming toward her on her right. Which was odd, because everyone else in the hall was running awayfrom the scene. Turning her head, Scarlet saw….


It was Gabriel’s face and Gabriel’s body, but the boy shoving his way through the exodus of people, covered in dirt and sweat, was Tristan.

And he was coming for her.

Scarlet’s mouth parted. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

Tristan was alive.

Gabriel spoke to Raven, “Yes. I love her.”

“Are you sure?” Raven asked.

Tristan was alive.

Scarlet couldn’t control her thoughts. Or her singing soul, coming back to life. Whole. Complete. No longer broken.

“I am sure,” Gabriel said.

Just as Tristan reached the altar, his eyes shot to Raven. Scarlet’s eyes shot to Raven as well.

“Then may you never know love without her,” Raven said wickedly.

And the crazy witch readjusted her bow and aimed at Scarlet.

Gabriel charged at Raven, Tristan closed in on Scarlet, and Scarlet watched Raven release her arrow.

Before Scarlet could move, Tristan threw his body in front of hers to shield her from the arrow.

Scarlet watched in horror as blood poured from the back of Tristan’s shirt. Then she felt a stabbing pain enter her body.

Looking down, Scarlet saw the arrow sticking out from her chest.

Tristan’s body fell limp to the floor in front of her, she heard Gabriel yell, and then Scarlet fell to the ground as well.

Blood filled her mouth, pain filled her body, and sadness filled her veins as she watched Tristan’s head turn in her direction.

His eyes, looking at her in sorrow, turned a brilliant, magical shade of green, before the life drained from them completely and they went dark.

Scarlet went cold and numb as she watched her hunter die.

She choked and gave herself over to death as well.
