Scarlet drove down Main Street, passing the bakery, the cemetery, and a small bookstore, taking note of how very quaint and normal the small town of Avalon looked. Tall trees lined the road, standing guard in front of the town library and the coffee shop.

It was ideal and peaceful and it made Scarlet wish she were normal. She wished she wasn’t cursed and stressed about dying and emotionally connected to a guy she couldn’t touch.

She wanted a normal life. A real life.

Scarlet pulled into the Millhouse parking lot and parked. She looked at Heather beside her. “Why couldn’t you just call in?”

“Uh, because I called in all weekend and now it’s getting to the point where I might get fired if I don’t do some face-to-face damage control with Clare.” Heather started to get out of the car, then looked at Nate in the backseat. “You don’t think Ashmen would come after us here, in broad daylight, do you?”

Nate shrugged. “I doubt it. But no worries, Scarlet and I are here.”

Heather rolled her eyes. “Like that makes me feel safe.”

“Hey.” Nate looked offended. “I took out an Ashman not two nights ago.”

“You did not ‘take out’ an Ashman. You ran a toy sword through an Ashman’s heart and barely slowed him down.”

“It’s a collector’s item. And I didn’t see you trying to fight off the Ashman. You were too busy snoring in Gabriel’s bed.”

Heather pointed at him. “I don’t snore.”

“You slept in Gabriel’s bed?” Scarlet looked at her friend.

Heather nodded. “Uh, yeah. There was no way I was going to sleep by myself when my memories were fair game to any and all Ashmen and Laura-slash-Ravens.” She shook her head. “I can’t believe Laura is Raven! That’s just so crazy.”

“Shh!” Scarlet scolded as she looked around. “Laura could be nearby.”

“Right.” Heather exited the car. “Are you guys coming with me?”

“Yep.” Scarlet got out as well, but Nate stayed inside. “You’re not coming?”

“I’ll wait out here. You know, just in case an Ashman shows up.” He smiled at Heather.

“You suck.” Heather curled a lip at him before going inside, Scarlet right behind her.

Heather kept looking over her shoulder as they waited in line at The Millhouse.

“Would you stop being so paranoid?” Scarlet nudged Heather. “No crazy Ashman is going to attack us in a crowded coffee house.”

“I hope you’re right.”

Scarlet said, “You’re the one who insisted on coming into town to talk to your boss.”

“I know.” Heather tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I think I’m just a little rattled from seeing Gabriel’s blood all over the floor the other night.” She sighed. “And I’m scared to ask Clare for the night off. But I am just too freaked out to come into work and take coffee orders like there aren’t crazy Ashmen running around town.” Heather looked at her with big eyes and concluded, “Gabriel could have died, Scarlet.”

Scarlet’s stomach dropped. “I know.”

They reached the register and Clare, looking prim and perfect with her dark hair pinned to her head in a classic way and her apron nicely pressed, smiled at them. “Hi girls. One hot chocolate and one Millhouse special?”

Heather nodded. “Yes, and one get-out-of-work-free-card for me.”

Clare raised a brow. “You can’t make it in tonight? Again?”

Heather scrunched her nose. “I’m so sorry! Call it a family emergency.” Heather bounced a little.

Clare slanted her eyes at Heather with pursed lips, but said nothing as she stepped to the side to make their drinks.

Heather muttered, “I am so fired.”

Clare returned to the register and handed each of them a hot to-go cup. She looked at Heather. “You don’t have to come in tonight, but you better be here to help with the Millhouse booth tomorrow night at the town fair, understand?”

Heather smiled sheepishly. “Is that tomorrow?”

Clare glared at her.

“Right.” Heather nodded emphatically. “I will be here.”

“You’d better be.” Clare slanted her eyes at Heather.

“I promise.” Heather smiled. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Clare waved her off. “Go, before I change my mind.”

“You’re the best!” Heather called as she and Scarlet stepped aside to let the next customer order. “And I love your coffee!”

Scarlet smiled, sipping her hot chocolate. “You’re crazy, Heather.”

“I know,” Heather said, swigging her hot drink as they left the crowded coffee shop. “But I’m also work-free for the next twenty-four hours. So first thing in the morning, we will go see Mr. Brooks. And tonight, we will convince my parents that I am a normal teenage girl who doesn’t run around with immortals and Ashmen.”

Heather’s parents had cracked down on the never-ending sleepovers and insisted Heather come back home. The plan was for Scarlet to stay at Heather’s tonight while Gabriel stood guard outside the house.

It wasn’t ideal, but it was better than asking Heather’s parents if she could stay at a cabin with three immortal boys. Indefinitely.

There was an Ashman out there, searching for the map, and until they found him, no one was safe.

Scarlet pursed her lips, looking around at the busy Main Street of Avalon as they left The Millhouse. People everywhere were setting up tables and booths and umbrella stands for the fair. It was starting to look like the Kissing Festival all over again. With less germs and more clowns.
