I’M DROPPING OFF SOME LETTERS WITH MY DAD’S secretary when I hear him yelling again.

“I don’t know why she’s so important, but she is! Apparently the whole deal hangs on her.… I don’t care what you tell your men! Say that she’s an industrial spy with information on the drug I want. That’s near enough to the truth. Just get as many people onto the street as you can!”

Dad’s secretary looks up at me and rolls her eyes.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“He’s been agitated for the last few days. I guess some deal he really wants is falling apart.” She picks up her coffee mug and heads for the break room.

Dad has lowered his voice, so I scoot closer to his door.

“My informant says she’s probably coming from Alaska by boat,” he says. “Could be landing anywhere along the western seaboard. Everyone and their mother will be after this girl. We have to get her before our competitors do. Hell, I’d comb the streets myself, but you’re the security expert, so I’m trusting you to find her.”

A manhunt, I think. Now this sounds interesting.
