. . . and we’re back, I don’t have to hope you stayed with us, I know you did, because here is where you find the truth. Not the liberal drivel the No-News Networks pass off, but the straight dope. Hundred-and-fifty-proof truth, uncut and uncolored, a coast-to-coast broadcast of nothing but the good stuff. Get ready to drink deep, because El Swifto is fired up this morning.

It’s been two weeks since the tragic events of December 1st, when enemies rose up in the heart of our nation and used our own weapons against us.

And in response, America has done . . . diddly squat is what we’ve done, my friends, and that’s just the polite term I’m using, because the one I have in mind is not radio friendly.

This country was founded by men who acted. Men of vision and strength who faced everything thrown at them head-on. That’s the America I love. And in that America, we would already have rained death on Wyoming. We would have glassed the New Canaan Holdfast and mounted Erik Epstein’s head on a spike. We would have blasted the whole collection of cowards and deviants back to the Stone Age.

But instead our politicians wring their hands and talk, and talk, and talk. A bunch of bureaucrats, that’s what we’ve got instead of a government. Not leaders, not commanders, not world builders. Frightened little boys and girls without the stones to act.

This is America today, my friends. This is the American Nightmare.

Let’s go to the phones. Dave from Flint, it’s great to have you on the program.

“Swift, sir, it’s an absolute pleasure. Thank you for telling it how it is.”

Just doing my duty, Dave.

“What I want to know is, what can regular people do? I agree with everything you’re saying, I’m ready to do something about the abnorm situation, but I don’t know what.”

Well, let me be clear here. The leftist media likes to accuse me of racism. They call me intolerant, a fearmonger. They fling similar insults at any patriot who dares stand up.

But they can’t stop me from telling the truth, and the truth is that the New Canaan Holdfast in Wyoming—which slaughtered our soldiers, assassinated our president, and destroyed the seat of our government—is an abnorm group. Founded by abnorms, financed by abnorms, ruled by abnorms.

The Children of Darwin—who starved three cities and burned one to the ground—are an abnorm group.

John Smith—oh, I know, the liberals like to say he was framed, but you heard it from Swift, he’s a terrorist—is an abnorm.

Some people say that not all abnorms are evil. Maybe. But this is a time of war, and while not every abnorm is an enemy, all our enemies are abnorms.

If there are good ones out there, patriotic ones who stand by their country, by our country, yours, Dave, and mine, then I say, fine, they’re my brothers.

But my feeling is that there are ninety-nine decent, honest, normal people for every one of the twists—oops, the FCC will ding me for that—and it’s time we remembered. So if our government is too weak, too soft, too tangled in gridlock, and too fat on pork to do anything, well, maybe it’s time we acted ourselves.

Thanks for calling, Dave. Next up we’ve got Anne-Marie from Lubbock, Texas . . .
