The DAR does. They’ve got a list of every abnorm in these Disunited States. Ask for it, though, and they say things like, “disclosing said information is not in the interests of public safety,” because it could “jeopardize the well-being, both commercially and personally, of American citizens.”

Igor, bring out the Debullshitization Device. Yes, good, my freaky little friend. Punch it in, let’s see the translation.

What? Are you sure, you rancid cripple?

Huh. Igor says that translates to, “We care more about not panty-twisting the twists than about the lives of your children.”

Luckily, there are still a few heroes-not-zeros in our drugs-not-hugs world, and more than one of them are members of our little hacker community.

And so, hot from the DAR systems, lifted like a goth girl’s skirt on free razor blade night, is a list of 1,073,904 abnorms—and their addresses. You’re welcome.

You better be grateful, bitches, because this looks to be the swan song. The Governot is already huffing and puffing to blow our house down. Payback’s on you—make a little chaos for kOS, will you?

So take it. No seriously, take it. Download it, share it, spread it around like corporate PAC money.

Here’s the whole list.

Here it is by state.

By city.

By zip code, you lazy twat.

This act of civil disobedience brought to you by the merry pranksters and puckish rogues of Konstant kOS. All rights raped.
