“Lauren?” He yelled her name, rushed for her bedroom and halted again when he saw the destruction of the doorframe.

Shadow gripped his shoulder. “Someone broke through it.”

A snarl tore from Wrath and he stepped over books that were spilled over her floor. The scent of the unknown male Species was stronger in her room, the only scent he could detect besides Lauren’s, and he saw the busted bathroom door. The counter had damage from where a broken drawer had been ripped out. He was inside in seconds, stared at the open window and jumped up on the counter.

“The human is dead,” Brass growled.

Wrath spun, pain shot through his chest, and he met the male’s eyes.

“The male. Not Lauren,” Brass assured him, yanking out his cell phone and holding it to his ear after he dialed. “I’m calling for assistance.”

Wrath gripped the windowsill, had to fight to fit through it and saw signs on the grass of what must have taken place. He tracked the footprints, small ones and large ones, until he found where the male had grabbed her. Her footprints disappeared and the larger ones were deeper with the combined weight of the male and Lauren.

“He carried her,” Shadow stated from behind him.

Wrath followed the tracks around the building and lost them when they reached the sidewalk near Lauren’s door. He rushed back inside, crouched near the dead body and examined it with his gaze.

Shadow gripped the letter opener, jerked it out and sniffed the handle. He looked up and held Wrath’s gaze. “Lauren killed this male. She had to be afraid. I can smell fear and it probably caused her to sweat, including her palms. Her scent lingers on the handle.”

Brass’ voice carried. “We’re scenting an unknown Species male here and he’s got the smell of Mercile.”

“What does that mean?”

Wrath twisted his head and refrained from snarling at the task force male who’d driven them. He’d followed them inside. Lauren was gone and she’d had to kill someone. Wrath’s worst fears filled his mind and he couldn’t even speak around the lump that formed in his throat that she might be dead.

“A Species male has been here but he carries the smell of the soap Mercile always made us use. No free Species would ever purposely touch it.” Shadow straightened. “Go outside and ask the neighbors if anyone saw anything. Bring them here if they did. We need to question them.”

The man at the door turned, rushed out, and Wrath threw back his head. A howl tore from his throat. Lauren was gone. His gaze returned to the dead human on the floor. She’d killed him and that meant whoever had taken her would seek revenge for the death. They’d kill her as punishment.

“Keep calm,” Shadow demanded. “You can’t help her if you fall apart.”

“They will kill her.”

“We don’t know that.”

Brass cleared his throat. “There’s blood and a note on the couch.”

Wrath shoved him out of the way, leaned down and sniffed. Lauren’s scent was the only one he could pick up on the couch and he knew the smell of her blood. There was only a little of it but it didn’t ease his terror that she might be dead.

“They want the humans we captured yesterday returned to them and they want to trade Lauren for them,” Brass said after reading the note.

Wrath turned slowly and glared at Brass. “We’ll trade them.”

Brass nodded. “We will. We’ll get your female back.”

“Our male chased her outside, captured her, and carried her. We found the tracks.” Shadow said. “I don’t understand. He could have allowed her to escape yet he didn’t.”

“I will kill him,” Wrath swore.

Shadow gripped his arm and held tightly but Wrath refused to calm. He couldn’t. Mercile employees had Lauren. He knew his ragged breathing was out of control but he couldn’t get a handle on all the emotions warring inside him. She was in danger, hurt, and every instinct inside him screamed for him to do something. Anything.

“Sir?” It was their driver, the human task force male.

Brass faced him. “Yeah, Ted?”

“One guy who lives in an apartment upstairs said he saw four men and one woman show up about two hours ago. He thinks one guy is still here since he never saw him leave.” Tim’s head turned and he stared at the dead body. “I’m guessing that’s the one.”

Wrath tried to jerk away from Shadow. He had questions for the human who’d seen something but his friend pulled hard enough to make him stumble.

“No,” Shadow growled. “Calm down. You do her no good when you are in this condition. Take deep breaths.”

He fought down his rage.

“They left a number.” Brass studied Wrath. “Don’t make a sound.” He opened his cell phone, glanced around him and read the note again. “Not a sound.” He dialed and put it on speakerphone.

“I see you got my note.” The voice was female. “I don’t know this number so I assume you’re Lauren’s mate?”

Brass arched his eyebrows at Wrath but spoke before he could. “Yes. When and where do you want to make the exchange? Don’t harm Lauren or you will never see your people alive again.”

“Is my sister still alive?” The woman’s anger and distrust were easy to hear. “I want to talk to Mel right now.”

“I am not at her location as you must know but it can be arranged for you to speak to her. I would like to hear my female to make sure she is alive.”

“You’re not talking to her until I get to talk to my sister. Call me back when you’re with her. How long?”

“Give me an hour. I need to travel to where your sister is being held. She is well and so are the males who were captured with her. Her living arrangements are much more comfortable than the ones we were accustomed to while we were imprisoned.”

She snorted. “At least we let you get laid occasionally. I’m mentioning that because Lauren is going to learn all about breeding tests and being passed from cell to cell if I don’t talk to my sister in less than sixty minutes. I doubt your mate would survive since they haven’t had access to a woman in months.” She hung up.

Brass growled. “Did you catch that? She is either bluffing or she’s got more than one of our males.”

“She thinks Lauren is my mate.” Wrath wished that were true. “Why?”

“I don’t know.” Brass shook his head.

“We need to go now to reach Homeland and place that call,” Wrath said and tried to lunge for the door but Shadow jerked him back, still holding his arm. He twisted his head and flashed fangs. “Let go.”

“No.” Brass stepped closer. “We aren’t going anywhere. Tim and the secondary team are on their way to us right now. They will find out everything they can about the dead human male. We can conference call with Homeland. We don’t have to actually go there to allow this female to speak to her sister.” He paused. “They can trace the call too. We have no assurances that they’ll make the exchange in good faith. They could kill Lauren out of spite.”

“They want their people back,” Shadow reminded everyone. “They’ll keep her alive since they know that’s the deal.”

Tim Oberto strode into the apartment, a few of his team members behind him, and quickly assessed the situation. “I was informed that Lauren Henderson has been kidnapped.” He glanced at Brass. “We’ll try to get her back.”

Brass handed over the note. “We need to set up a conference call between Homeland and the kidnappers. They wish to speak to the female prisoner you captured yesterday. They want to exchange Wrath’s female for the captured humans. We will do this to get his female back.”


“We will do this,” Brass stated firmly, cutting Tim off. “We will capture those monsters again. The sister of the female has Wrath’s future mate. Saving Species is our priority. Lauren is one of us because she belongs to him. I don’t know if your men heard us but a Species male was also here and he helped kidnap her.”

Tim gasped. “Why in the hell would one of yours betray the NSO?”

Shadow sighed. “He’s still in captivity. We smell it on him. They might have found a way to control him or perhaps he doesn’t know Mercile is his enemy. He is—”

“Dead,” Wrath snarled.

“Confused,” Shadow corrected, frowning at Wrath. “He knows no better.”

Brass nodded. “Confused.” His gaze fixed on Wrath. “He will be deemed unfit if he has harmed her with malice.”

Tim eyed Brass. “Unfit?”

“Leave it at that. He will never be a threat again if he is deemed unfit.”

Tim nodded at Brass. “We have that too for unfit humans. It’s called the death penalty and I’m all for that in some cases.”

“We need to return to your headquarters and set up this call. The faster we make the exchange, the better.” Brass stared at Wrath. “I know this must be difficult but know that everything will be done.”

“I want to be there,” Wrath demanded.

“Only if you calm.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes,” he swore, holding Brass’ gaze, and meant it.

Tim spoke to one of his men. “Run that dead bastard. I want to know everything on him, including where he bought his last condoms and who he used them on. Call me as soon as you have info and have someone clean this mess up. We don’t want it on the news.”

“Yes sir.” The guy saluted and stepped around them to reach the body.

* * * * *

Shadow sat in the SUV next to him and bumped his shoulder. “We’ll find her.”

“I’m afraid.”

“I know.”

“She could be suffering, hurt, or even dead. They could be lying.”

“We have her sister. Humans care about family. They won’t risk killing her if she’s useful to them. We know how Mercile works.”

Rage flooded through Wrath. “Yes. They lie and aren’t to be trusted.”

“We have what they want. Lauren is useful.”

That had to calm him because nothing else did. Another fear gripped him. “She will want nothing to do with me if she survives this. Her association with me has put her in danger.”

“Let’s deal with one problem at a time.” Shadow paused. “She would have gotten away if they hadn’t had one of our males with them. She’s smart and she killed someone trying to save her own life. She’s strong, Wrath. She’s a survivor. We have to keep hopeful that this will work out.”

* * * * *

Lauren was scared, tired, and hungry. Someone had turned off the lights in both hallways, the sun had gone down and it was pitch dark in the room. Strange little noises kept making her jump as she huddled in the center of the cage, too afraid to go near the sides in case that creep Marvin tried to touch her. The room was growing colder by the minute.

No way was she using the blanket in the corner. It smelled like sweat, dirt, and ten-day-old, reeking laundry. She also needed to use a bathroom desperately. Another little noise sounded but it wasn’t from the direction of the three men sharing the room with her. She hugged her chest tighter.

“Why are you afraid?” It was the unfriendly canine Species.

“I can’t see anything. What is making those sounds?”

“There are rats. They are not near you and they leave us alone.”

Shit. I don’t want to know that. “Great. I’d like to eat something instead of being on the menu for rodents. Please tell me they aren’t really big.” She imagined cat-sized ones and shivered. “How do you guys go to the bathroom?”

He paused. “We call out and they bring us a bucket.”

Ewww. She winced but she was desperate enough to do it.

The canine growled though. “We’re males and it is easy for us. I wouldn’t call out if I were you. The human will probably make you open your shirt to allow you to leave your cage. Use the blanket in your cage since you’ve refused to touch it. Toss it outside the cage.”

A rat squeaked loudly as lights were flipped on in the hallway that led to the bathrooms. Mary appeared and held out a cell phone. Confusion filled Lauren when the bitch stopped outside her cell. “Here she is. Talk to them and watch what you say.”


“Lauren?” It was Wrath’s wonderful voice. “Are you well?”

“Yes. I’m okay, Wrath.”

“Has anyone harmed you?”

“No. I’m locked in a cage.”

A snarl came over the phone from him. “I’m going to get you back no matter what it takes. Trust in me.”

“I do.” Hot tears poured down her cheeks and she opened her mouth, wanted to tell him she loved him in case she never got the chance, but Mary hit a button on the phone face, lifted it to her ear, and walked a few feet away.

“Very touching,” Mary sneered. “Now you’ve heard for yourself that she’s alive and well. You have your proof of life. You’d better do exactly what I say if you want her to stay that way. The meeting will take place at five in the morning and the location will be texted to you right before then. I’m not giving you time to set up a trap and if we see anyone, your girlfriend will die. You better make sure my sister and her friends are all there or your girlfriend gets a hole in her head.”

Whatever he said made Mary pale. “I said we’d meet at five. Don’t threaten me, animal. You’ll get her back as long as you don’t screw with me.” She hung up and turned to glare at Lauren.

“Your animal needs to be put back on a leash. This is what happens when you give them a false sense of being people.”

“They are people.” Lauren gripped the bars as she rose to her feet, her legs a bit sore from sitting on the hard, cold surface. “May I use the bathroom?”


A new man came down the hallway, this one smaller than the thugs who had shown up in Lauren’s apartment, and he looked worn out with his tired expression and sagging shoulders. “You bellowed?”

“Unlock her door and take her to the bathroom.”

He came forward, produced keys, and warily studied Lauren. “Don’t give me any trouble.”

“I just want to use the bathroom.”

He opened the door and Lauren moved slowly, didn’t want to give them a reason to hurt her, and noticed Mary placed another call on the cell phone. Mark pointed. “This way. It’s close and you need to leave the door open. I won’t watch you.”

“They made the deal,” Mary informed someone. “They agreed to the money too.”

The hallway was a long one and boasted male and female bathrooms and other doors that Lauren had no clue about. They had locks on them.

The guy turned his back to her and blocked the doorway. She walked to a stall. The doors had long ago been removed. It hadn’t been cleaned either and she quickly used the bathroom. He glanced at her once when she turned on water, splashed some on her face and used her finger to brush her teeth. She returned to him.

He hesitated, opened his mouth, but Mary shouted from down the hallway.

“What’s taking so long? Hurry up!”

“Go,” he ordered her, moving out of her way so she could leave the bathroom.

Mary gripped Lauren’s arm the second they walked into the large room, gave her a hard tug and returned her to her cage. Mark locked the door and Mary glared at him. “Go get 140.”

The guy fled, obviously afraid of his boss. Mary put her hands on her hips and stared at Lauren. “You really believe they are people?”


“They are nothing but animals who can talk. Do you enjoy fucking one? What’s that like anyway? I’d never trust them enough not to snap my neck.”

Lauren hesitated but couldn’t refrain from answering. “I’d say you have a really good reason for that fear after meeting you.”

Mary’s lips twisted into an ugly sneer. “I would never allow an animal to shove his penis in me. I have standards. I’m not a dumpy blonde with bad hair who is so desperate she’ll let anyone fuck her. I’m assuming with your weight problem that you don’t have the luxury of being picky. You’re just happy when anything is willing to bend you over.”

Anger burned but Lauren clenched her teeth. She might be overweight but at least she wasn’t a crazy, vicious bitch. Staying alive was the priority and it really sucked not being able to respond.

“Even them.” Mary glanced at the three New Species in their cages before giving Lauren an amused look. “They’d probably fuck my grandma if I shoved her into a cage with them. You’re kind of pathetic for hooking up with one. Nobody else wanted him and you were the only taker. Sad.”

It was bad enough the woman insulted her but now she’d dragged Wrath into it. Lauren gripped the bars and stepped closer. “Wrath is as sexy as hell and did you want to know what it’s like being with him? It’s the best sex ever. He blows my mind and makes me scream. He touches me like no other man ever has, worships me, and I bet no man has ever been willing to do anything for you. I might not be gorgeous or have a model body but, lady, you’re a cold-hearted bitch who no man could ever love.”

Fury glittered in the other woman’s eyes but at that moment Mark returned with a very tall, grim-looking 140. Mary spun, backed away and pointed at Lauren. “Put him in her cage. She loves spending time with animals.”

Mark hesitated but walked over to the door, opened it, and stared up at 140. “In you go.”

“No.” He refused.

“Get in there,” Mary snapped. “Marvin is watching your girlfriend. The longer you drag your ass, the longer he’s with her. You know what a pervert he is.”

A snarl tore from 140 and he stomped through the door. Mark locked it and put space between himself and the cage. He stared at Mary. “How did it go?”

“The animal swears he’ll bring them to the exchange. Mel sounds scared but fine and mentioned they were going to prosecute her under New Species law.”

“What’s the difference?” Mark looked nervous.

“Since they are the ones who arrested her, she falls under their jurisdiction. Those fucking animals are allowed to kill her if they want.”

“Fuck,” he hissed. “You mean they can execute us?”

“Yes. I hate those fucking animals.” Mary glared at the four New Species. “All of them. I need a drink. You stay up here and watch them. Got it? I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Okay.” He didn’t look happy.

Mary stormed through the hallway and disappeared. A door slammed and the silence in the room was absolute as Mark just stood there. He finally turned and his gaze fixed on Lauren. It looked as if he wanted to say something but instead he glanced at 140.

“I’ll go get your food.” He rushed away.

Lauren was locked in a cage with 140. He slowly turned and studied her body, sniffed, and his body language changed from rigid to near relaxed. “Marvin didn’t touch you. Good.” He paused. “I smell your fear but I won’t harm you.”

“Thank you.”

He nodded and turned, glancing at the other New Species. “How are you?”

The blond frowned. “How do you think? How is your mate? Is she better?”

140 shook his head. “No. She is still weak.”

“What’s wrong with her?”

140 snapped his gaze to Lauren. “What do you care?”

She flinched at the look of hatred in his eyes. “I am not the enemy.”

He inhaled and some of his anger faded. “You aren’t. I know this. You are with one of our kind. Tell me about him.”

“He’s a few inches taller than you and he works with a group of humans who are searching for those of your kind who haven’t been freed yet. They track down people like those assholes holding us.”

“You were telling the truth about the NSO, weren’t you?” It was the dark canine.

Lauren met his eyes. “Yes. Everything I’ve told you is true. When places like this are found by the people Wrath works with they come in to rescue us. They take you home to the NSO and you are free.”

“Tell us about them,” 140 urged.

Lauren began to talk, sharing everything she’d ever read or seen in person during her brief visit to Homeland. They listened and shock showed in their eyes often. She finally stopped. She didn’t let them know she was aware of exactly where they were in case Mary or any of her men were listening. She was afraid they’d move the New Species to a different location.

“I’m going to tell them about you when I get out of here. They’ll find you.” It was a promise she made.

140 sighed. “There is real hope of them coming for us, isn’t there? That we could go live in peace with our kind away from our enemies?”

“Yes. I did mention the hate groups, right? There aren’t many of them but they are annoying. Most people are good, not like the assholes you’ve dealt with, and they are as horrified as I am over Mercile Industries.”

Footsteps sounded and Mark returned carrying plastic bags in his hands. He stopped near one of the cages. “Move back.”

The golden-haired New Species edged to the back corner of his cage. Mark reached in and dropped a bag, moved to the next one and left another bag. He finally stopped at Lauren’s cage. 140 moved, pressed against the back of the cage, while Lauren didn’t budge. He set down two bags and backed away. His gaze fixed on Lauren.

“I was told you’re dating a New Species. Is that true?”

“Yes. Are you going to insult me too?”

He glanced behind him and lowered his voice when he faced her again. “I want a deal. When you get out of here, will you talk to your boyfriend for me? I’m willing to give them the address of this place in exchange for a million dollars, total immunity against any crimes and safe travel out of the country. I didn’t know they had their own justice system. They can make deals, right? I never signed on for any of this shit but they’ll kill me if I don’t do what Mary says. The only choice they gave me was to stick around Mercile to be arrested or go with them.”

Lauren bit her lip, her mind working, and hope filled her. “To agree to your terms they’ll want all the New Species back alive.”

“We have four of the men and one woman. Mary and her sister were researchers at one of the facilities. They took these five and we helped get them out after the search warrant was served. We all thought it would blow over but it didn’t. Mary just wanted to protect her research with these ones but now it’s all gone to hell. Our place got busted. We’re probably wanted by the police and I can’t even contact my parents or sister. I’m sick of living in this dump and being treated like shit. I just want my life back.”

Lauren felt zero pity for him but he was desperate and she was willing to take advantage of that. The bastard had worked for Mercile and was still holding New Species in cages. “I’m a mate,” she lied. “I can negotiate a deal with you and they’ll accept it.”

Hope filled his eyes. “Really?”

“Yeah,” she bullshitted. “A million dollars, immunity and a helicopter ride to the nearest border is a bargain for the lives of five New Species. I know they will agree.”

“Okay.” He nodded. “How can we do this? If anyone here finds out they’ll put a bullet in me.”

“Do you have a phone?”

“Yeah but I’m afraid to give it to you. They could trace that shit. I’m not stupid.”

She plotted fast. “It takes at least three minutes to trace a call.”

“I’ve heard that.”

She had no idea if it were true or not, didn’t care either, but he needed to get a message out. “Call Homeland, keep it under three minutes and tell them you know where five New Species are. Give them your terms and tell them I made a deal with you. My name is Lauren Henderson.” She paused. “Tell them my code word is Jasper’s. That will assure them it’s for real and we actually spoke.”

“Code word?”

“You know how parents give their kids a safe word? New Species use code words and mine is Jasper’s.”

He paced as he contemplated her offer and finally nodded. “Okay. Mary is gone for a few hours, the guys are taking off in a bit and I’ve got access to the office. They keep cell phones in there. Homeland, you said?”

“Yes. Call Homeland.”

He walked away and Lauren began to pray he actually made that call and that someone got her secret message. It was a long shot but a lot of humans worked with Wrath. One of them might remember Jasper’s. It had been a popular club once.

“Was that the truth?” 140 drew her attention. “Will the NSO make a deal to buy us?”

“They’ll do anything to get you back.”

140 smiled. “I like you.”

Chapter Sixteen

Wrath paced, too worried about Lauren to sleep. He heard footsteps running down the hallway and spun just as his door was pushed open. Shadow burst into the room.

“Come with me now.” He spun and bolted away.

Wrath was on his heels a heartbeat later, terrified something bad had happened. The NSO had assured him they’d meet whatever demands the kidnappers made to get Lauren back safely but humans were unstable. They could have changed the terms.

Shadow ran down the hallway into the main living area and slowed. Wrath paused at his side. Tim and some other humans were sitting at the table with Brass, who pointed at the phone that had been brought into the room.

“We will do that,” Justice North stated from the speakers on the phone. “This female is very smart. We know they have five Species and now have a way to get them returned to us.”

“He’s talking about Lauren,” Shadow whispered.

Confusion filled Wrath but Brass gave him and Shadow a signal to be silent.

Tim sighed. “Are you able to get that kind of money? The guy wants it in a few hours.”

“That isn’t a worry,” Justice replied.

Tim was grim. “The exchange is going to happen in the middle of the night. Where the hell can we get that kind of money? The banks are already closed.”

Justice laughed and so did Brass. Tim shook his head. Wrath wondered what was going on and why there was a meeting about Lauren. He also noted the mention of the exchange possibly happening before dawn and five Species were involved now.

“What is so damn amusing?” Tim slammed his palm on the table. “What aren’t you telling me?”

Brass cleared his throat. “Lauren rescued Wrath when my team was captured and she called Homeland for assistance. One of males told her that they have the ability to quickly trace all incoming calls there. He didn’t believe she really had an unconscious Species with her and accused her of being one of those humans who harass us. He identified her location to prove his point. She talked one of the humans holding her into calling Homeland directly.”

Justice spoke. “She remembered and hoped we could track the signal. She went even farther to ensure that we’d be able to pinpoint the location.”

“It just takes longer to trace a cell phone signal, which the human male used when he called to make his demands but we have bought the best technology there is. We were able to pinpoint the cell tower used where the call originated.” Brass grinned. “Tell them, Justice.”

“This human called and had to explain the deal Lauren made with him. She not only talked him into calling but convinced him we’d agree with any deal she made with him. To prove it, he told us her specially assigned Species code word.” Justice chuckled. “Which we don’t have and that tipped us off that it must be a message.”

A new voice came on the line. “It’s Tiger. I immediately called the local police authorities in the area of the cell tower and asked them if her code word meant anything to them. I had them pull in all their detectives to pool their resources and as soon as they heard it, one of them remembered a club. Her word was ‘Jaspers’ and do you want to know what the name of that club once was?”

“Jasper’s.” Tim smiled.

“Exactly,” Justice chuckled again. “It was turned into a restaurant but eventually it closed down. According the police the building has been unused for a few years but they were kind enough to place a call to power and water for us. Someone is paying to keep the lights on.”

Tim stood fast enough to almost knock his chair over. “I’ll get a team ready immediately. We’ll breach the building.” He snapped his head in the direction of his men. “Find out if we can get the blueprints on it and I want current satellite pictures.”

“Yes sir.” The guy fled to do Tim’s bidding.

“Is Wrath there?”

He stepped closer to the table and the phone. “I’m here, Justice.”

“Your female is very smart. You should be proud of her.”

“I am.” He paused. “I just want her back safely. Wouldn’t it be better to exchange her for what they want, rather than go in after her in an assault?” He glanced at Shadow, seeing worry in his friend’s eyes too over that concern.

Silence stretched but Brass broke it. “We’ve interviewed the human female Mel. She’s unstable and we fear her sister is more so. There’s no guarantee she’ll keep her word, Wrath. We think this is the best option. We’ll hit them fast and hard. Justice is sending both helicopters our way with our people. It will be a joint venture.”

“Her safety is as paramount to us as are our people,” Justice swore. “We want to get them all home. We have two humans trying to make deals with us, both of them want different things, and that implies they aren’t aware of it. They could figure out they are betraying each other and kill your Lauren. It would also give them time to move our people before dawn. We really thought this out.”

“Okay,” Wrath conceded. “I will be there.” His body tensed. “I insist.”

Brass gripped his shoulder. “We agreed you should be with one of the teams going in but you need to keep in control. Do you understand me? One sign that you’re losing it and you’re out of there.”

“When do we leave?” He wanted it to be right then.

“We’re set to go in an hour,” Justice stated. “The helicopters should be setting down in the parking lot in about fifteen minutes. That should give Tim time to plan the mission. We don’t want to rush in there without a plan in place. We’re going to hit them hard and fast, but effectively.”

Wrath grimly nodded. “Agreed.”

* * * * *

Lauren watched the men eat and tried to hide her aversion. It wasn’t cooked at all, just bags of totally raw chunks of meat. She declined when 140 offered her some.

“You need your strength.”

“I can’t eat that,” she admitted. “Really. It makes me sick.”

He frowned and offered it to her again after he used his teeth to tear off a small strip. “One.”

She took it and popped it into her mouth. The metallic taste of cold blood was horrible and it was chewy. It took a while but she managed to choke it down.

“Eat another.”

“Nope. That was it for me. Trust me on that. You don’t want to see it come up.” Her stomach churned. “I’m good until breakfast.” Hopefully I’ll be out of here by then.

140 sighed, appeared slightly disappointed with her, but didn’t argue. He divided her portion of the food into fours, which he split among the other men. They didn’t talk even after they finished their quick dinner and Lauren leaned back against the cage wall. She was tired and it seemed as if a lot of time had passed.

Footsteps drew her attention and Mark walked out from the hallway. He stopped about six feet from her cage. “I called them and they accepted the deal. They are getting the money and my immunity paperwork in order.” He puffed out his chest. “I told them I insist on it being on paper so I have proof. They are planning on having it all done by three. I’m going to leave and they’ll come right after I give them the address.” He pulled out a small little camera and waved it slowly at the cages. “My proof that you are alive and well.”

“Is that deal for all of us?” Lauren worried about that.

“Yeah. You, them, and the woman in the basement.”

Lauren glanced at 140 and he seemed relieved his mate was included. She didn’t blame him. He’d said the woman was sick and she hoped it would be something simple that a full medical staff could handle. The NSO would make sure she got the best doctors. They took really good care of their own.

“I’m going to go pack,” Mark informed them. “I have to think of where I want to live.”

He left quickly and turned off the lights. She wished he hadn’t as darkness settled around them. The bastard no longer cared what happened to them as long as he got his deal. Hope swelled in her chest that he’d remembered to give her code word and that someone would run a search on it, figure out there used to be a club, or that they’d call Amanda to ask her what it might mean. Her best friend would instantly remember their old hangout.

Wrath was smart and he’d figure it out. She definitely had faith him. Time had lost meaning and she couldn’t even estimate if it were still early evening or past midnight. All she could do was wait in the darkness. It sucked.

“Are you cold?” 140’s voice startled her.

“I’m okay. A little chilled but I’m not touching that blanket. It reeks and who knows where it’s been or what’s been done to it.”

He chuckled. “True. Come here and I’ll keep you warm.”

“No thank you.”

“I have a female. I won’t attempt to mount you.”

“You’re damn straight you won’t. I have a guy and I love him. No offense.”

“Come here. I will hold you. Our bodies are warmer than yours.”

She hesitated. “You won’t touch me in a sexual way?”

“No. I said I have a mate.”

“And that means what?”

“I do not want another female. I only want to mount mine.”

There is that mounting word again. She hesitated but nodded. “Okay. Where are you? I can’t see a thing.”

Big, gentle hands touched her waist. She gasped when he just dragged her closer, forced her to lie on her side, and he shoved an arm under her head. One arm tightened around her middle and jerked her closer to his body. She found herself spooned by a stranger. 140 just held her, didn’t try anything funny, and his body heat was nice. She relaxed against him.

“Thank you. You are warm.”

He rested his chin on her head. “You are chilled. Your skin is cooler than it was today.”

“You remember my skin temperature?”

“I noticed everything. It’s what we do.”

“Are we alone in here with just the other New Species men?”

He lifted his head. “Yes.”

“Can all of you hear me if I whisper?”

“Yes.” His body tensed. “Why?”

“Will anyone else hear me? Do you know if they have listening devices or cameras?”

“They don’t and none of them are nearby. I’d smell them.” 140 sounded sure.

She whispered. “I tricked that man into calling the NSO. I am hoping they will send help to us really soon. Homeland traces all incoming calls and they might know where we are. They will come get us before any scheduled exchanges. I don’t want any of you to be alarmed if that happens.”

The arms around her middle tightened noticeably, almost squeezing her to the point of pain. “Will they kill us?”

She knew he meant him, his mate, and the three other men in cages. “No. They are your people, 140. They are going to rescue you. They work with my people and I don’t want any of you to be alarmed if they show up.”

His hold eased. “I am afraid to hope for freedom.”

“I understand.”

Time seemed to stretch on forever. Lauren yawned, the stress of the day getting to her. 140 wasn’t Wrath but in the dark he reminded her of the man she loved. She wasn’t afraid to have hope. I’m getting out of here and I’m going to see Wrath soon.

* * * * *

Wrath wanted to go into the dark building immediately but Brass gripped his arm, shaking his head.

“Wait. They are setting up now. We need to do this right, hit it at once from all sides and take over as quickly as possible to avoid any fatalities. The infrared is showing a lighter heat signature near the hot spots. That means it’s a human.”

Tim watched the portable tablet device monitor in his hands and spoke. “We found her.” He looked grim when he lifted his head, seeking someone out in the group clustered around him.

Wrath didn’t like the way Tim held his gaze with a look of near pity. He glanced back down at the screen.

Brass addressed the issue. “What is wrong, Tim? Tell us.”

“We didn’t detect Lauren Henderson’s heat signature right off because another masks it. She’s with one of yours and they are lying on their sides. He is right against her. She’s smaller than him, at first it seemed a blurred image but we got a better angle. They are lying together real tight.”

Rage filled Wrath. “They’ve forced bred her to one of the males.”

Shadow gripped his other arm when he tried to spin around to rush to Lauren’s aid. Brass’ hold clamped down tighter as both of them held him in place.

“You don’t know that for certain,” Shadow rumbled. “Calm.”

“Calm or leave,” Brass agreed.

He took a deep breath to regain control of his anger. He nodded sharply to let them know when he had. “We need to go in there.”

“We have to wait until the lesser heat signatures are farther away from the hotter ones. They could have guns. The problem is that we’re picking up a human close to a Species.” Tim touched his screen and turned it to show the men around him. “This is the blueprint of the building. There’s a small storage basement and that’s where one of yours is being held.” He tapped the screen. “The human is damn close. It’s harder to read the heat signatures belowground but we’ve got them here and here.” He pointed.

“We need to create a distraction,” Brass suggested.

“That’s what I was thinking. We put an SUV in the parking lot to observe the back of the building. We could set off its alarm. That might pull the human to the back of the building to check out what is causing the noise. We can breach if they fall for it.”

“Do it,” Wrath urged, desperate to get in there and find Lauren.

Tim tapped his ear. “Trey?”

Everyone on the teams could hear any chatter on the coms and a male answered. “Yeah?”

Tim outlined the plan. “Everyone get ready to blow in on my command. We all go in at once, no delays, and remember we’ve got five victims in there. We’re assuming the four New Species have never been freed so wait for New Species assistance before you free them unless we hit a hot zone.” He released his ear and stared at Brass. “Are your teams ready?”

“We’re already prepared to fight for the freedom of Species.” He glanced at Wrath. “And for the females of our males.”

“What if it is a hot zone?” Wrath didn’t even want to think about someone taking the time to set explosives or other deadly precautions that would kill anyone inside the building in case of a breach. “We aren’t abandoning them, are we?” He wouldn’t leave Lauren.

“It’s a grab-and-go if it’s a trap.” Tim frowned and held Brass’ stare. “You sure he’s okay? This is personal for him.”

“It’s personal for all of us. There are Species in there as well. He’s got a right to try to save his female.”

“Shit.” Tim sighed. “I don’t think this is a good idea. We need everyone coolheaded.”

Brass released Wrath’s arm and leaned in closer until they were practically nose to nose. “You go for your female. Don’t hurt the male with her, Wrath. Do you understand me? We don’t know the circumstances and until we do, swear to me that he’s safe from you. I give you my word to personally lock you in a room with him later if he hurt her without justified cause.”

“I swear.” They were hard words for Wrath to say but the most important thing was Lauren.

Tim reached up and touched his ear. “Set off the alarm. Everyone get ready to breach on my mark. Remember the damn layout.”

Wrath’s heart pounded and fear gripped him hard. He silently swore to get Lauren past whatever horrors she’d endured. They could deal with anything together, as long as he got her back alive.

Chapter Seventeen

A car alarm going off in the distance woke Lauren and she tensed, disorientated, but the arm around her waist reminded her quickly of reality. She was locked inside a cage with 140, her cheek pillowed on his arm and the sound she heard was a typical one.

“It is fine,” he assured her. “We hear those sounds sometimes.”

“Car alarm,” she supplied. “Everyone seems to have one these days. I’m guessing it’s windy outside or a cat jumped on it. My Tiger has set off many of them.”


“My pet.”

“Are you warm enough?”

“Yes. Thank you.” He was keeping her warm, made sleeping bearable in the confined space, and she closed her eyes again, ready to drift back off.

140 growled, his body turned rigid and his head jerked up.

“What is it? Do you see a rat?”

“No. I smell humans.”

“I do too,” one of the other Species hissed.

“Unfamiliar,” one of them growled.

“Thank God!” Joy hit Lauren as she tried to sit up but 140 held her against him. “Let me up. It’s got to be the cavalry.”

“Who?” 140 didn’t release her.

“The NSO. They must have found us, got my message, and figured it out. Everyone remain calm,” she whispered. “These will be the good guys and some of your people should be with them.” Tears filled her eyes. “Wrath must be out there too.”

A male shouted and it was the start of rapid action that had Lauren screaming in terror and confusion. The boards over the windows blew apart, glass shattered and loud booms deafened her. Men’s shouts, blinding lights, and smoke came with it.

Big shapes seemed to fly through the now-destroyed windows and the big body behind her was instantly gone. He almost stepped on her when he pinned her body between his calves, planting himself above her in a half crouch. He snarled.

She had to blink a few times to adjust to the flashlights bouncing all over the big room. Boots pounded over the old dance floor and she watched dark shapes rush past the sides of the cages. One of the big shapes hit the other side of the cage and snarled. Her head jerked in that direction and Wrath crouched down enough for her to see him clearly.

“Wrath!” She tried to turn on her stomach and crawl to him but 140’s legs still pinned her.

140 spun, snarled at Wrath, and refused to let her go. Wrath showed sharp teeth but didn’t make any scary sounds. He did lift his flashlight though, enabling her to see more of his features. It was the best sight Lauren had ever seen.

“140? This is Wrath. It’s okay. Can you ease up on my legs and let me go to him?”

He moved, stepped away, and she crawled a few feet to Wrath. His hands came through the narrow bars, cupped her face and pulled her so close her skin brushed against metal. His eyes looked black as she stared deeply into them. The sounds of shouted orders from the task force faded away as all her concentration centered on him.

“Did he force breed you? Hurt you? I can’t smell right now from the way we had to come in.”


She shoved her hands through the bars to touch him. He was warm. He let her caress his jawline on both sides and even lowered to make their faces level.

“You’re telling me the truth? You haven’t been harmed?”

“I’m okay. I’m great. You’re here. You came for me.”

“Always,” he swore.

He pulled back to stare at something behind and above her.

She turned her head and saw 140 watching them quietly from the other side of the cage. He frowned, his eyes narrowed and he shook his head.

“I have a mate of my own. She is downstairs. I was only keeping yours warm. Her skin is colder than ours. Please find my mate.”

Lauren glanced at Wrath. “She’s sick. I don’t know what they’ve done to her or why but they are keeping her in the basement.”

Brass was suddenly there. “I’m on it. I’ll get her.” He rushed away.

Wrath released Lauren and moved to the door of the cage. A human member of the task force met him there. The man dropped to his knees, aimed a flashlight on the lock and withdrew a small kit from one of the pockets on his pants.

“This is a piece of cake,” the man chuckled, glancing up at Wrath. “Can I let them all out? Is it safe?” He turned his head to warily stare at 140. “We are here to rescue you and your people. We’d appreciate it if you didn’t try to attack me. You boys would kick our asses.”

140 nodded. “We know you are not our enemies.” He turned his head to the other three New Species. “Relax. They are here to free us.”

“Let them out,” Wrath ordered. “I will handle it if one attacks.”

The human on the floor went to work on the lock. In thirty seconds he managed to pick it. He stood, pulled the door open and stepped back. Lauren rushed into Wrath’s open, welcoming arms.

He lifted her off her feet, his arms almost crushing her to his chest, until their faces were level. She threw her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist. She clung to him and buried her face against his neck, thrilled to be able to touch him again. The lighting in the room growing stronger finally caught her attention and she lifted her head to peer around.

Members of the task force who had come in with battery-operated lanterns stood watching them calmly and Lauren chuckled when Wrath began to sniff at her.

“I need a shower. You might want to hold off on that until I smell better.”

He chuckled. “I don’t care. You’re safe.”

“I knew you’d come.” She stared deeply into his eyes. “I had no doubt about it.”

He growled. “I am not letting you go again.”

“My mate,” 140 growled. “Can I go to her?”

Wrath tilted his head to peer around Lauren, his hold eased, but he refused to put her down. “Wait here where it’s secure. They will bring her to you as soon as they deem it safe to move her. She will come to no harm from us.”

140 paced the cell and Lauren didn’t understand why he stayed inside it when the door had been left wide open. She glanced away, realized the other cage doors had been unlocked by the task force member, yet not one of those three had stepped outside their enclosures either. Her gaze swept the room to search for a reason, realized at least ten humans and five New Species were watching the newly released men and wondered if fear kept them from venturing out.

“You can come out of your cages,” Lauren informed them.

The golden-haired feline male stepped carefully out of the cage, looking uncertain and prepared to attack if necessary. Movement from the corner of her eye had her head turning and she gaped as a tall, long-haired New Species female came striding into the building. She wasn’t wearing a uniform, just jeans and a T-shirt. Her dark gaze flicked around the room, skimmed past Lauren and Wrath and fixed on the feline who’d just frozen steps away from the open cage door.

“I’m formerly 52 but I’ve taken the name Midnight.” She stopped a few feet away from him, openly studied his features, and smiled warmly. “You are safe from the technicians who held you and are no longer at their mercy.” She paused. “You are free. You are going to go home with us, to our people, and you’ll never be locked up again.” She bowed her head to him slightly, before meeting his stunned stare once more. “We call ourselves New Species and you have family now.” She glanced at all four males before facing the feline male again. “All of you are family.”

“I can’t believe this is real.” The blond feline moved away from his cage and turned to look at Lauren. “You weren’t trying to fool us with the stories you shared.”

Lauren shook her head. “No. I wasn’t.”

The dark canine stepped out of his cage and stalked toward Midnight. The tough-looking Species woman tensed slightly, faced him but didn’t back away. He moved a little too close to her, his gaze roamed her body and he sniffed. Lauren would have smacked any guy who openly showed his sexual interest but Midnight seemed not to be offended. He hesitated.

“May I?”

Midnight’s gaze narrowed. “You wish to get a better sense of me?”

He just stared at her.

“Fine but don’t touch. I don’t know you.”

Her body language remained on alert but she held still as he slowly circled her, sniffed a few times and seemed to take in every inch of her body and clothing.

“What is he doing?” Lauren whispered to Wrath.

“He’s not sure what to make of her and all the scents he’s picking up have to be new to him. We take pleasure handpicking everything we use for how it smells. Shampoo, body wash and even our laundry soaps. He won’t approach a male with his curiosity so we brought in a female, hoping it will speed up the process of them learning to trust us.” Wrath kept his voice low, his lips almost against her ear and his hold tightened. “She’s less threatening to them.”

Lauren watched the canine finally back off a few feet, a frown firmly curving his lips. “You’re one of ours but you smell so different.”

“This is freedom.” Midnight glanced at the other New Species who’d just left the cages then turned her attention on 140. She sniffed the air, slowly stepped closer to where he waited in his cage and paused by the open door. She glanced at Shadow.

“Where’s the female Species? Is she his mate? I can pick up her scent coming off him.”

“Brass and the team are getting her. She was held in a separate location in the building.”

140 growled. “I want her.”

“Easy,” Midnight crooned, opening her hands on her side. “She’ll be safe with them. They will bring her as soon as she’s freed.” Her gaze darted to Shadow again. “What is the holdup?”

“I don’t know.”

“What happens to us now?” The canine stepped closer to Midnight. He invaded her personal space again but didn’t touch her.

Midnight held her ground once more and just met his intense stare calmly. “You will follow me out of this building. There are vehicles outside waiting to take us home and you’ll meet more of us.” She paused. “We have kind, nonthreatening humans who work for us. They will check you over to make sure you don’t need medical treatment and you will be nice to them.”

His eyebrows rose.

“They are our friends.” Midnight hesitated. “I know you can’t understand that but these humans never harmed our kind. They didn’t work for Mercile and they help us. We aren’t doctors but they are. Do you understand?”

He growled and Midnight did something that made Lauren gasp while Wrath tensed. The woman suddenly spun, her foot shot out and she knocked the canine’s legs out from under him. He hit the floor hard on his back and Midnight dropped on top of him. She straddled his waist and growled as she leaned over him. Her hands cupped his face and she got so close they could have kissed.

“Don’t move,” she demanded. “Be calm and listen to me carefully. One of those humans is a female mated to one of our males. I’d hate to take you home only for you to be killed by him when you give him no choice but to protect her. Any of the humans you come into contact with are our friends. Do you understand me?”

He snarled but didn’t fight.

Midnight hesitated before she released him and rose to her feet. She offered him a hand. “You’re weaker right now. You’ve been caged and I doubt they fed you well. I could take you in a fight. Behave. You are free but that doesn’t mean you can be an asshole.”

Lauren closed her mouth and watched the tough female pull the male to his feet. He didn’t snarl again but kept away from her. All his anger seemed to have been knocked out of him as effectively as the air in his lungs must have been when he’d been dumped on the floor.

The golden-haired feline made a rumbling noise and Midnight spun toward him. She tensed and her features tightened.

“Do you need to be taken to the floor and talked to?”

He shook his head and slowly grinned. “You’re a fierce female. Are there more of you where we are going?”

A chuckle escaped her and her hands dropped to her side. “Yes. You’re a lover more than a fighter, aren’t you?”

He sniffed. “I smell no male on you. Is there one in your life?”

“There is. I’m not mated to him but there are plenty of females for you to get to know better. We’ll discuss that on the drive back to our home. I’ll inform you of the right and wrong way to approach them.”


“Where is my female?” 140 began to pace his cell, agitated. Midnight moved closer to him.

“Easy,” she whispered. “They will bring her soon.” She shot a worried look Shadow’s way.

“Can I go to her? I know where she is. Please? She will be—” 140 stopped talking and snapped his head in the direction of the hallway. He lunged forward, left his cage and rushed in that direction.

Brass appeared suddenly carrying a tall, frail-looking New Species woman in his arms. A blanket was wrapped around her body but it didn’t hide how thin she was. Her head rested against his chest and it didn’t appear she was conscious. He saw 140 coming and froze, staying that way.

140 reached them and opened his arms. “Give her to me.”

Brass hesitated. “She needs a doctor. We need to airlift her to our medical facility.” He glanced around the room, searching for someone. “Tim? Get one of our helicopters here right now. She’s in critical condition.”

“Give her to me,” 140 snarled.

“I’m going to,” Brass assured him. “You can hold her but we need to get her to our doctors.” He inched closer to the upset Species and transferred the woman into his waiting arms. “Do you know what they did to her? The humans we captured won’t talk.”

140 gently cradled the woman in his arms and rested his cheek against the top of her head. Pain sounded in his voice.

“They have been giving her pills that make her sicker. I don’t know what. They refuse to tell us what they do. Please help her.”

Brass turned to one of the human task force members. “Call Homeland and tell them to get everyone awake. Have Medical standing by.” He looked at one of the New Species. “Slash, call Justice. Let him know what is going on and that we need to find out what they did to her. We’re sending the prisoners to Homeland and I want Darkness there to interrogate the bastards. He’ll make them talk.” He finally looked back at 140. “We are going to do everything we can to save her. You have my word.”

Lauren blinked back tears. The woman was so pale, so lifeless, that she already seemed dead. The grim mood in the room assured her that everyone was more than aware of how ill the New Species was.

“Follow me outside,” Brass urged 140. “I promise no one will take her from you. You can stay with her but our doctors need to work on her when we reach them. You have to allow them to do that. I swear that they will do everything possible to save her life.”

“Please,” 140 whispered.

Brass moved and everyone parted for them to make their way outside. A few of the men kicked down the wall under one window so 140 didn’t have to step over it to get outside. A helicopter could be heard approaching and Lauren hugged Wrath tighter, grateful they were together and had a happier outlook than 140 and his mate.

“That could have been you needing a doctor.”

Lauren stared into Wrath’s beautiful, haunted eyes and knew they both pondered the same thing. He continued to hold her until she wiggled.

“You should put me down. I’m not exactly light.”

He shook his head. “No. Let’s get out of here. I’m taking you back to my home.”

She probably should have felt embarrassed from the many eyes that had to be watching them but she wasn’t as Wrath walked with her outside. She buried her face in his neck, closed her eyes and just clung to him.

He had to put her down when they climbed into the SUV to open the back door. She scooted inside, he came after her and Shadow opened the other door. The men were on either side of her and she felt safe. Her gaze drifted to the mostly destroyed building, all the windows were gaping holes now and she hoped to never see it again. Jasper’s had once held fond memories but not anymore.

Wrath suddenly turned in his seat, his hands dug behind her back and under her thighs, he lifted her and settled her sideways over his lap. She didn’t protest, instead just leaned against his chest and curled into his big body.

“Are you really well, Lauren?”

She nodded against him. “I am. I’m just glad it’s over.”

“You are very brave,” Shadow stated. “We found the male you killed inside your home. I was proud.”

Her stomach rolled at the reminder and she wasn’t sure what to say to that. Her silence stretched until the front doors of the SUV opened. Two human task force members climbed inside and both glanced back. A familiar face grinned at her from the passenger seat.

“Hey, Lauren,” Brian greeted. “We’re glad to have you back. How are you doing?”

“Much better. How are you? You were bleeding and out cold the last time I saw you.”

“I’m fine. What’s a little concussion and blood loss? That’s why I’m not driving you today. I heard what was going down, who was taken, and I wasn’t going to miss this assignment.”

“Thank you.” Emotion choked her voice. “Please thank everyone for me who was here today.”

“Let’s go home,” Wrath roughly snarled. “Now. Lauren needs a shower. Start the engine and return us to headquarters. I don’t know how much longer I can keep in control.”

Lauren’s gaze flew to Wrath. It surprised her at his blunt intentions to get her naked but she was amused by it too. “You missed me that much, huh?”

He growled instead of answering but he didn’t appear turned-on. His angry expression confused her as she watched him in the dim interior of the vehicle, hoping it wasn’t because she’d talked to Brian. She remembered that he thought the guy was flirting with her before.

“You reek of another male,” Shadow explained. “He’s already agitated because he was worried that we wouldn’t get you back alive and well. He had all kinds of horrible scenarios running through his mind of what those assholes could do to you. He’s highly stressed and the smell of another male on you makes it a lot worse. You’ll need a shower before he can calm down. It’s a Species trait. We don’t enjoy smelling another male on the female we have feelings for.” Shadow chuckled. “Sharing sex with him after ridding your body of the other male’s scent would probably put him in a much better mood too.”

Lauren stared into Wrath’s eyes, not sure she really understood the reason for his distress. She could accept that he wasn’t like other men. “He just kept me warm and nothing happened between 140 and me. I’m sorry you’re upset. I’ll let you wash my back, okay? It’s only temporary.”

“I know. I hate that I wasn’t there to protect you.”

She wasn’t sure how to comfort him. He was really upset and she just curled back into his body. His arms wrapped around her tightly.

Shadow answered a cell phone when it rang and listened for a few minutes. He hung up. “Our new people are on the helicopter safely. The on-flight doctor is looking over the female but it doesn’t look good. They are going to do everything they can.”

Sadness crept through Lauren. Poor 140. She lifted her head and met Wrath’s eyes. If I lost him forever… She pushed the thought away. She didn’t even want to contemplate a life without him.

“I could smell the sickness on her,” Wrath admitted. “Will it never end, Shadow? Will those assholes never stop hurting our people?”

“We’ll find them all,” Shadow swore. “We captured the humans and they’ll tell us what they did to the female.” Shadow paused. “By the way, you are brilliant, Lauren. I wanted to compliment you on your intelligence. We are all very proud of how you manipulated the human into calling Homeland. Wrath would mention this himself but he’s too emotional right now.”

“I was scared and Mark was desperate enough to go for any plan to get him out of that mess. He said he used to work for Mercile and ended up working for the woman running that hellhole. I’m sorry about the lies I said about being Wrath’s mate and the way I implied I could make deals for the NSO.” She met Shadow’s eyes. “I had to say a lot of things to survive and try to guide you and get you to come for us.”

“You did very well and the lies you told were good ones.” Shadow chuckled. “You amused and impressed Justice North. I’m sure he would like to meet you, Lauren. He said you are a very brave female.”

“That’s good to hear. I’ve seen him on television a lot. He seems really nice.”

Shadow grinned. “He is unless he deals with someone who worked for Mercile or betrayed our kind. Then, not so much.”

“We’ll speak of all this later.” Wrath brushed his fingers through her hair, stroked her cheek and pulled her tightly against him. “I need to hold you to assure myself you are really here.”

Lauren settled against him until they arrived back at headquarters. She still had no idea where it was located, had forgotten to pay attention again. Wrath helped her out of the SUV, scooped her into his arms and strode for the elevator with Shadow at their side.

“I can walk.”

Wrath ignored that and turned his head to talk to Shadow instead. “Could you please bring her food? Her stomach is growling.”

“Of course. I’ll send out someone to get her something good to eat. It shouldn’t take long and I’ll knock to let you know it’s outside the door.”

“Thank you.” Wrath stepped into the elevator when the doors opened. “I’ll put her clothes in the hallway. Will you dispose of them for me?”

“My clothes?” Lauren’s eyes widened. Why did he want her clothes thrown out? They needed to be washed but they weren’t torn or stained that she could see.

“I will,” Shadow agreed, pushed a button on the panel and spoke to Lauren. “He never again wants to see what you’re wearing. It will only remind him of how close he came to losing you.”

Shadow followed them all the way to Wrath’s room and opened the door for his friend since Wrath was determined to carry her everywhere. Lauren watched him close the door firmly behind him. She glanced at Wrath. They were finally alone.

He avoided her gaze, carried her into the bathroom and lowered his body enough to set her on her feet. The room wasn’t very big, Wrath was, and it was cramped as he bent to turn on the shower.

“Undress,” he urged, his voice gruff, as he adjusted the temperature of the water. “Hurry.”

“I’m really okay, Wrath. You’re being so sweet but you can relax now. We’re here, together, and everything is going to be fine.”

A snarl tore from his throat. He spun around and his hands gripped her arms. It didn’t hurt but he could move fast. His size was intimidating and it shocked her when his fangs were displayed.

“Don’t be afraid of me. I’d never hurt you. I’m enraged at myself for allowing you to come to harm. You are trying to make me feel better but nothing will do that. I never should have allowed you out of my sight. I should have made certain everyone at Homeland knew that I didn’t want to come back to find you gone and I should have insisted that they bring you to me immediately. I let you down, left you vulnerable to my enemies and you could have died.”

Tears filled her eyes. It broke her heart to see him so distraught and to realize how deeply he cared about her. “It’s not your fault, Wrath. Please don’t blame yourself. Do you know who you should be mad at?”

His hold gentled. “Who?”

“The assholes who took me but I’m glad it happened.”

Rage tightened his features.

“We never would have known about those five New Species if I hadn’t been kidnapped. I was scared, hungry, and it really sucked, but let’s not forget the bottom line. Five of your people are at Homeland now because I was taken. That makes it all worth it to me.”

“Your life is more important to me.”

Her heart raced and tears filled her eyes. “You mean that.” Hope flared that he was in love with her as much as she loved him. The words rose in her throat but she didn’t have the chance to tell him how she felt.

He glanced away, let go of her arms and took a step back. His hand shot out and slammed the bathroom door, closing them inside. “We’ll talk of this later. I need his scent gone, Lauren.”


He stared into her eyes. “Don’t fear me.”

“I’m not afraid.” She wasn’t.

His hands tore at the shirt. He jerked it right off her body. She didn’t protest when he dropped to his knees, frantically removed the rest of her clothes until she stood totally naked before him. He rose to his feet, gripped her hips and she grabbed his upper arms to keep her balance when he lifted her into the spray of warm water.

He paused while half in, half out of the shower stall. Material tore when he shed his clothing quickly and discarded them to the floor. Lauren appreciated every beautiful inch of perfect skin he bared and her heart raced faster when he finally stepped completely into the small space with her. No guy had ever been in such a rush to get buck naked in a shower with her before and it left her a little breathless.

Wrath was sporting a major erection as her gaze lovingly examined him. His raw masculinity made her feel even more feminine, and even tiny, compared to his size. He pressed closer, peered down at her and growled in that deep, sexy voice of his.

“I need to wash every inch of you.”

Lauren pressed her back against the tile and spread her arms and legs apart to give him total access to the front of her body. “I’m all yours, baby.”

The hot desire that flared in his dark-brown eyes nearly melted her where she stood. His hand shot out to the built-in shelf, grabbed the bottle of body wash and dumped a bunch of it into his palm. The bottle hit the floor and made her jump from the loud sound but Wrath’s hands were suddenly all over her. Big hands gripped her shoulders, slid down to cup her breasts, and kept exploring down her hips.

She had to remember to breathe as she leaned against the tile, his hands leaving soapy trails from her throat to her waist. It became harder to do when he lowered to his knees and those hands trailed down to her feet. The rough texture of his calloused fingertips turned her on.

“You weren’t kidding about getting me clean, were you?”

“No,” he growled. “Turn around.”

Wrath battled the urge to howl. He’d nearly lost Lauren, another male could have claimed her and the knowledge that she’d been touched by one lingered even after he’d washed away 140’s stench.

She is mine! That thought drove him to slide his hands up her legs to the vee of her thighs, part them, and explore her sex. Lauren’s small gasp urged him on. His knuckle teased the seam of her pussy and his gaze focused there. He needed to remind them both who she belonged to.

He pressed her legs farther apart. The urge arose to bury his face there and lick her until she begged him to take her. He snarled from the overriding desire to taste the arousal that would assure him that she wanted him too.

Mine! A feral emotion gripped him and he pushed her tighter against the wall. He nuzzled her stomach with his face as his fingers explored the tempting seam of her pussy. He knew he was losing control but at that moment it didn’t matter. He needed her and he would take her.

His enhanced hearing picked up the sound of the outer door to his room opening and frustration struck fast. A growl rumbled from his throat as he hoped they’d go away. It didn’t happen though and it took every ounce of his control to pull away before he forced Lauren to open her thighs wider to allow his tongue to delve inside her warm, enticing pussy.

Chapter Eighteen

Someone knocked on the bathroom door and it startled Lauren. Wrath stood, grabbed Lauren and spun her around to face the tile before she could do it on her own. His body pressed against hers, pinned her there, and he turned enough to hide her behind his body from anyone who entered the room. She couldn’t miss the hard length of his cock trapped between her lower back and his hips.

“Come in.”

Lauren jerked her head up and gawked at Wrath over her shoulder. They were naked in the shower and he’d just invited someone to come in.

“Relax,” he urged. “It’s Shadow. He’s taking your clothes away.”

She had to wiggle enough to see the door. Shadow didn’t even glance toward the shower when he picked up all their clothing off the floor. He turned away, closed them inside once more, and Wrath backed off her. Lauren turned to face him and Wrath shrugged.

“Sorry. I forgot to take them out to the hallway. He knows I’ll want that male’s scent removed and it lingers on our clothing—yours from being with him and mine from holding you.”

Lauren remembered the advice Shadow had given her in the SUV about improving Wrath’s mood and inched closer to him. She was all for sex and so was he, judging from the condition of his body. Her hand reached for his cock but his fingers gripped her wrist before she could caress him there. He spun her back around, pinned her facing the wall again and she gasped when his free hand fisted in her hair.

He didn’t hurt her but he gently forced her head back. She stared into his eyes but he looked away and released her wrist. He yanked the detachable showerhead from its holder and water soaked her hair as he aimed it there. She closed her eyes to keep out the water.

“I need to wash your hair. I can smell him still,” Wrath growled.

“Is it that difficult for you?” It amazed her that he could still detect any traces of 140 on her.

He released her hair and the water stopped pouring down the back of her head. “Yes,” he admitted gruffly. “I can’t stand smelling another male when I breathe in your scent.” The shampoo was cold as he poured a generous amount on her hair and worked it in with both hands, from her scalp to the ends, lathering it well. “My scent and only mine should be on your body.”

It felt good as he rinsed out the soap. He worked in conditioner next and massaged her head while doing it. He made sure he rinsed it all out before he suddenly gripped her hips from behind and his body pressed against hers. His head lowered and he growled.

“You keep telling me that you’re mine. I told you not to do that but you didn’t heed my warning. I believe you.”

Lauren opened her eyes and peered up at him over her shoulder. His gaze held hers and the intensity she saw there made her heart race again. So did the feel of his cock pressed against her lower back. Her lips parted and she blurted out the one thing that she wanted to say most.

“I love you, Wrath.”

He growled low, inched back and suddenly turned her in his hands. He pushed her against the tile when they were facing each other, pinned her there and stepped into her again. She tilted her chin up and his mouth tried to take possession of hers. She twisted away before he could kiss her.

“I need to brush my teeth first. I ate bloody meat. Kind of gross. Hold that thought and give me a minute.” She tried to wiggle away to go do that but he held her against the wall.

“I don’t care. I want you.”

“I want you too, baby. I just want to brush my teeth first.”

Amusement lifted the corners of his mouth. “I’m too big to be a baby.”

“It’s an endearment, remember?” She smiled.

A serious look suddenly wiped away his good mood. “I could have lost you. I won’t allow that to happen. Do you really feel love for me?”

She tensed a little and prayed he wouldn’t lecture her about how they hadn’t known each other long enough for her to confess those kinds of feelings. Most guys would run, commitment wary, but she didn’t regret telling him.

“I do. I know what you’re probably thinking but I—”

He pulled away and released her. “Let’s get dried off and you can brush your teeth.”

Shot down. Damn. She nodded. Wrath faced away, turned off the water and opened the shower door. He handed her a towel, stepped out of the stall to dry off out there and the silence became slightly uncomfortable.

Wrath opened the bedroom door, sniffed and exited, leaving it open. “Shadow has come and gone. There is food here for you on the nightstand.”

Wrath tried hard to calm his racing heart and the urge to grab Lauren, take her to his bed and claim her. The wild side of him wanted to do just that. He just figured it might scare her if he threw her over his shoulder, carried her to his bed and showed her why he was the right male for her. He’d fuck her until neither of them could move.

It wouldn’t just be sex. With Lauren it was so much more. She claimed to feel love for him and he wanted to throw back his head and howl out his joy. She kept saying she was his. His hands clenched at his sides to keep him grounded in reality. Lauren was human, not Species, and they were different. He needed to remember that. She hadn’t offered him forever, probably wasn’t even aware that’s what he wanted and he wasn’t certain what to do about it. He was still a mess, too newly free, and logic stated he wasn’t ready to take a mate. He wanted her though.

The desire was so strong his body shook. She’s mine. She said she feels love for me. Take her. Keep her. Mine! He wanted to roar out his frustration as he battled with his urges. He knew she’d need more time to make that kind of commitment to him. He was ready to make it to her.

He had given his word to work with the task force team. His gaze darted around the drab room—it would be hers too and could he do that to her? Ask her to live in the small space? She deserved better. He wanted to give her a real home but all he could offer would be the equivalent of a cell with an unlocked door. Not that she could leave the building. It was too dangerous and what had happened to her just proved it.

He’d put her in danger by association. His enemies had tried to use her against him and all Species to gain what they wanted. He growled when the water turned off in the next room, trying to come to a decision. He knew what he wanted, what he needed, but love was about putting the needs of someone else above his own.

She needed to eat before he touched her. That would be his first priority. They would talk. It wasn’t a choice. She needed to understand that every time she claimed to be his that he took it to heart. Letting her go would be hard but keeping her against her will would be unforgivable. It was Lauren’s choice. Pain squeezed his chest. He’d want to lie down and die if she walked away from him. He would never stop thinking about her, longing for her to be near him or wanting to hold her.

He’d never seen this coming. He was antisocial and afraid to trust himself with a human woman, yet Lauren had managed to change him. He’d learned to yearn for things he hadn’t even known he wanted.

* * * * *

Good going, Lauren berated herself. I should have kept my mouth closed and not blabbed about loving him. She took her time brushing her teeth before she followed him into the other room with just a towel wrapped around her body.

He stopped pacing when she entered the room. The towel hooked around his waist was all he wore, he hadn’t gotten dressed while she’d tended to her teeth. His dark gaze fixed on her.

“Come here.” He pointed to the spot in front of him. “Please.”

Lauren walked to him without hesitation. The serious look in his eyes alarmed her but her spine stiffened. She’d faced a lot of tough things in her life but being rejected by Wrath would probably top her list of “moments that sucked”. She stopped where he pointed and refused to look away. She wanted to see his eyes, read his emotions. She wouldn’t cry in front of him. She loved him enough to want to avoid making him feel guilty.

“I’m not one of your males.”

That wasn’t what she had expected him to say. “I know.”

“I’m not even fully human. I’m part canine.”

“I know that too.”

“I snarl and have mood swings because I battle with both sides of myself. I’ve also suffered abuse.”

Ah, the reasons why he’s going to dump me. The sensation of tears made her blink rapidly to fight them back. “I know that too, Wrath.”

“I don’t understand what normal is. I have nothing in common with you and we grew up very differently.” He looked away from her to glance around the room before he caught her gaze again. “This room is nice to me. It’s far better than anything I could have ever expected. There are no chains here, no locks to keep me inside and no one comes to hurt me. I’ve seen inside your home and there’s a drastic difference.”

She couldn’t refute anything he said but she could point out what they did have. “None of that matters to me. Do you know what does?”

Something flickered in his gorgeous eyes but she wasn’t sure what emotion caused it. She waited to see if he even wanted to hear what she had to say or if he’d already made up his mind.


“You make me happy. I hope I make you feel that way too. This…” She waved her hand at the room. “Doesn’t matter. It’s just being with you that does. I know your past and mine are drastically dissimilar but it’s the here and now that I care about.”

He took a deep breath.

“Is this goodbye? Don’t drag it out.” Her voice dropped and her heart broke a little. “Tell me if you want to end this. I love you, I probably shouldn’t have blurted it out that way, but there it is. I don’t regret letting you know how I feel because life is too short. I’d regret not telling you that. You can make excuses all night for why we have no future but just tell me the truth, okay? You don’t feel the same way about me? Just say that. I can take it.”

He inched closer. “I feel more for you than I ever thought possible. I don’t want to say goodbye to you but I don’t want you to hate me either.”

“I could never do that.” She wanted to touch him and her fingers curled into her palms just to resist.

“You will if I stop fighting what I want from you. I’d keep you with me, Lauren. I’m stuck here in this place until my duty is done and you deserve better. I know this. I would never let you go if you were to stay. I couldn’t.” His voice deepened. “You keep saying you are mine and it taunts me to claim you.” His gaze traveled down her body. “I’d mate you and your life would change forever. Your world is too dangerous if you were with me. You’d have to live in mine, give up everything you have, and…”

“And what?” Her heart raced and hope soared that he loved her too.

“I love you too much to ever make you choose between your world and me.”

More tears filled her eyes but she didn’t bother to blink them back. He loves me! “It’s an easy choice to make if you’re asking me.”

He tried to turn away but she reached out and grabbed his arm. He peered down at her and she saw raw pain staring back at her.

“Ask me, Wrath. Please?”

“I can’t. I’m not fit to be a mate and I have nothing to offer you.”

That did it. Anger rose. “Nothing? You’re wonderful and amazing, Wrath. You’ve had such a rough life yet you’re the kindest man I’ve ever met. You’ve given me more in the short time we’ve had together than anyone else ever has. You risked your life to get me back. You fought for me when Vengeance went a little nuts and I love you. Do you know what it does to me when you hold me? I feel like I’m exactly where I belong. You touch me and I’ve never been so alive. You have scars inside and out but you faced your fears to make love to me. That’s the best gift anyone could give.”

He shrugged off her hold. His hands rose to cup her cheeks and leaned down until their faces were just a few mere inches apart and searched her eyes. She wasn’t sure what he looked for but she knew he’d find honestly.

“I won’t ever let you go if you agree to be my mate. Ever. It won’t be easy but I’d do anything for you to make you happy. I would die if you ever left me. I couldn’t survive missing you.”

“I choose you, Wrath. Always you. You’re not going to lose me.”

He inhaled and nodded. “I’ll put my scent back on you.”

She gasped in surprise when he suddenly dropped his hands and hooked her around the waist. Lauren was yanked against his big body and pressed flush against his firm torso. He rubbed up and down along her front and she laughed.

“What are you doing? That tickles.”

He stopped and adjusted his hold on her, scooped her into his arms and grinned. “I have a better way to put my scent on you. Don’t be afraid.”

“You can stop worrying about that, baby. I kind of get hot when you make those noises and I love how aggressive you can get.”

His eyes widened when he stared at her as he walked over to his bed. “Honestly?”

“Oh yeah. And the fact that you can pick me up so easily and do it often? You make me feel sexy and feminine. I really appreciate that.”

“You are very desirable and all female.” He lowered her to his bed until she lay on it, released her and backed up. His hands gripped his towel and he dropped it to the floor. “See what you do to me?”

“Yeah.” She licked her lips, staring at his rigid cock, aimed right at her. “I see. Very impressive and I hope I do it for you all the time.” She wiggled, tore at her towel and tossed it to the floor. “I love looking at you. I could do it all day. I hate it when you get dressed.”

He moved to the night table, tore open the drawer and grabbed the lotion. Lauren smiled when he brought it back to the bed, lowered next to her and shoved the discarded towels under his knees to cushion them from the hard floor.

“You won’t need any of that. I’m already turned-on.” She knew she was wet and it had nothing to do with the shower. Wrath loved her and he was naked, wanted to mate her and that was all the incentive she needed to be ready for him.

A smile curved his mouth as he opened the lotion and held it out to her. “Touch me.”

She sat up and hesitated. “You want me to use that on you?”

“Yes. I’m too excited and I won’t last. Make me come first. Sit on the edge of the bed and face me.”

Okay. She was eager to put her hands on anything he wanted. She shifted enough to spread her legs open so he was between them. Her gaze locked on his cock and she opened a palm.

Wrath poured a generous amount of lotion into it and capped the bottle, just dropping it to the floor next to him. He hissed when she wrapped her hand around his shaft to spread the lotion and gripped him with her other hand too. The slick one slid to his nuts, cupping him there and she gently scored him with her fingernails while gripping his cock to give the hard length a gentle squeeze.

Wrath threw his head back, his body tensed and he growled. Lauren loved watching him, the way his body tightened to reveal the definition of each muscle, and her gaze fixated on his six-pack abs. Her tongue darted out and wet her lips as she leaned in and inhaled the smell of soap and man.

He jerked when her mouth opened on his ribs, her tongue laved the skin under his nipple and the tip traced the round, flat disk that grew taut at the slightest touch. His hands reached up, gripped her thighs, and his hips started to grind in slow, sensual thrusts to rub his cock in her hand.

“So sexy,” she breathed and backed up enough to look down and watch him, imagining him doing that inside her pussy. “I love the way you move.”

He growled as she stroked his shaft one-handed, teased the sensitive skin along the underside of his balls and scooted a little closer until her stomach brushed the head of his dick. His hands tightened on her, his breathing grew harsh and his cock began to swell bigger in her hold.

“That’s it, baby,” she urged. “Mark me.”

He jerked his head down to stare at her. She looked up and the raw passion in his eyes made her almost come. He snarled, flashed those sexy fangs of his and hot semen shot across her belly and ribs. His features tensed, his eyes narrowed, and watching him get off was enthralling.

His body stilled, the tremors eased as she stopped stroking him and his hold on her thighs relaxed. Lauren gasped when he suddenly gripped her arms, pushed her flat onto her back and released her. Big hands opened on her abdomen and she could feel him spreading his release over her skin. Her gaze met his as he leaned closer with a nearly feral expression.

“Mine,” he rasped. “I need you now. Spread your thighs wider and let me claim you.”

She parted her thighs more, a little stunned that he’d just come but wanted to be inside her. He did the unexpected instead of fucking her. He backed up a little and inhaled, growled loudly and glanced up once more.

“You carry my scent now.” A wickedly handsome grin curved his mouth, he licked his lips and adjusted his hold on her again, pinning her legs open and slowly lowered his face until hot breath fanned her pussy. “I want yours now.”

Her fingers clawed the bedding as a hot, thick tongue teased her clit. Wrath didn’t go at her gently or slowly. A hungry, near desperate mouth fastened onto the bundle of nerves, licked rapidly and snarls added a slight vibration to the ecstasy he was dishing out.

“Oh, Wrath,” she moaned.

He grew more aggressive, as if he was frantic to make her climax, nuzzled his face in tighter against her pussy and his bottom teeth lightly raked the supersensitive spot he paid special attention to. She moaned and he did it again, then again. Her back arched and she would have slammed her legs closed because it was too intense but Wrath wouldn’t allow it with his strong hands pinning her.

She cried out his name and enjoyed every mind-blowing wave of ecstasy that shook her body. His mouth tore away from her pussy, he rose and she opened her eyes just as he collapsed on top of her. Her arms were pulled above her head, he shackled her wrists together with the fingers and thumb of one hand and cupped her face.

“I’ll never let you go. I’ll die for you. I have to have you right now.”

He entered her pussy with his thick, still-rigid cock in one steady, slow thrust. Lauren gasped at being parted, taken. She unquestionably felt claimed when he paused while buried deep inside her and his body surrounded hers as he came down over her even more.

“Look at me,” he demanded.

Lauren couldn’t have looked away from his piercing gaze if she wanted to, not that she did. She watched his eyes narrow as he slowly withdrew until he almost left her pussy, he paused, but drove back into her deeply. Pleasure and oversensitivity made her gasp, her body still recovering from her climax.

“Take me, Lauren. Let me love you.”

She’d have done anything for him, given him anything at that moment. He moved again, slowly pulled back until he almost left her body then surged forward abruptly to make all those nerve endings inside jolt awake from the way he stroked them.

“I want to hold you,” she panted and tried to free her wrists but his hold just tightened.

“I’m in control and I need to stay that way. Your hands on me make me lose my mind.”

He held her down. Their gazes locked as he kept fucking her and Lauren had to admit it was sexy as hell being pinned, unable to do anything but feel Wrath, his powerful body driving into hers. He shifted his position, adjusted the angle of his cock and did it again. She cried out louder as more pleasure raced to her brain and Wrath grinned.

She wanted to ask him what was so amusing. Her body burned, the need to come again nearly unbearable, but she didn’t get the chance. He released her face, reached down to clutch the top of one thigh and began fucking her in earnest. He hammered her with his cock, hit that same spot over and over, rapidly, and she threw her head back. Her eyes closed—she couldn’t keep them open—and she forgot how to breathe as rapture rippled through her. A haze of white wiped out her ability to think, she screamed and the body over hers jerked enough to shake the bed.

A howl deafened her. Wrath’s hips bucked against her pussy and he came hard inside her. She could feel the swelling as he locked inside her. He released her wrists and thigh, braced his arms to avoid crushing her under his body and his face lowered until hot breath fanned her neck.

“Always, Lauren,” he whispered. “I give you my life, my loyalty and my heart forever.”

Her arms lifted, wrapped around his neck, and she clamped her legs around his ass to hold on to him as tightly as her exhausted body could.

“I love you, too.”

His mouth opened and he gently nipped her throat. “I hope you meant it when you said I have you because I can’t let you go. You’re my mate, my other half, and my soul.”

Tears filled her closed eyes and she smiled. “I’m all yours, baby.”

Chapter Nineteen

Lauren opened her mouth and shook her head. “This is ridiculous, Wrath. I can feed myself.”

He growled at her, dark eyes narrowed and he waved the fork in front of her mouth. “Open.”

Her lips parted and he eased the bite inside. She took it, chewed, and enjoyed the taste of sesame chicken. Wrath turned a little, stabbed the fork into a veggie and watched her eat. She knew he waited for her to finish it so he could make her take another bite.

His cock twitched against her vaginal walls, a reminder that she straddled his lap, and they were still connected. He’d rolled her over, their bodies still locked together after a third round of hot sex and he’d shifted their bodies until he sat on the edge of the bed to be able to reach the nightstand.

She’d forgotten about the food Shadow had said he’d bring until Wrath had torn open the plastic bag, opened the large container and she’d smelled the Chinese food. Someone had run for takeout, gotten a huge amount of it in a big to-go tray and had even remembered to bring a few sodas in cans with two forks. Wrath had insisted on feeding her.

“Eat more. You’re little and you need your strength.”

Amusement made her chuckle and she allowed him to feed her another forkful of food. “You’re going to be bossy, aren’t you?”

Uncertainty flashed in his gaze. “I’m sorry but your care and well-being are my first priority. You are hungry, your stomach sounds reminded me that you haven’t eaten and I’d be a bad mate if I didn’t make sure all your needs were met.” He inhaled, puffed up his chest and a stubborn streak shone in his stare. “I will learn to be the best mate.”

He was so damn cute and if he didn’t already have her heart, he would have won it over in that moment. She reached up and traced his cheekbone. “You already are the best.”

His cock twitched again, was rock hard, and she wiggled a little. He felt so good and she wanted to ride him. His hand released her hip and his open palm tapped her ass. It didn’t hurt but it was enough to startle her.

“Stop that and eat. Food first and then I will mount you from behind. You will enjoy it.”

Laugher boiled up and she didn’t smother it. “I believe that.”

He fed her more food. She grabbed the second fork, and offered him a bite. He hesitated and opened his lips, accepting it.

“I want to be the best mate too.”

He swallowed. “You already are. You make me happy, Lauren.”

A knock sounded at the door and Wrath responded by snarling. “Do not enter!” His voice lowered as he gripped Lauren’s hips and lifted her off his lap, abruptly parting their bodies. “Go into the bathroom and close the door.” He rose to his feet, got in front her and effectively blocked her body if anyone walked inside the room.

She fled for the bathroom, noticed Wrath stayed at her side the entire time and bit back a laugh. He was making sure no one got a glimpse of her body. He closed the door for her and she wrapped a towel around her. She couldn’t hear what was going on in the next room but waited patiently for a few minutes.

The door opened and Wrath had donned on a pair of loose sweatpants but nothing else. His expression was grim as he met her gaze.

“Is everything all right?”

“We’ve been requested to go to Homeland. Justice wants to meet with us.”

“Justice North?” It shocked her. “The leader of the New Species? I see him on television all the time. Why does he want to meet us?”

“I believe he wishes to meet you and discuss your relationship with me.” Wrath took a deep breath. “We need to discuss a few things.”

“Okay.” She tried not to feel apprehensive. Wrath loved her, had claimed her as his mate and he didn’t want to lose her. That was the worst thing he could say and he wasn’t about to do that. “What do you want to talk about?”

He took her hand and led her back to the bed, sat and pulled her down on his lap. He hesitated, met her gaze and took a deep breath.

“There are things you should know as my mate. I don’t want someone else to tell you before I do. They will assume we’ve discussed everything but we haven’t.”

“Kind of hard to do when we’re having sex. A lot.” She grinned. “Not that I’m complaining.”

He didn’t smile back. A serious look settled over his handsome features. “You and I may be able to have children. No one can know that in your world, even the human males who are on the task force don’t know this. It’s too dangerous with the hate groups and crazy humans who believe we are animals. They wish for New Species to die out after a generation but a few babies have been born with human and Species mixed mates.”

Lauren let that information settle in and understood why they’d want to keep it a secret. “I’m on the shot. I can’t get pregnant unless I don’t take any more of them. I’m due for another one in two months.” Her heart speeded up a little. “Do you want to have a baby?”

“I’m not certain.” He glanced away before meeting her gaze again. “I need to learn how to care for a mate first.”

“We should have some time together before we think about having a child.”

He seemed relieved. “I am not opposed to making a family with you but I am wary due to my past.”

Her arm wrapped around his neck and she leaned into his chest to rest there. “I understand. We’ll talk about this later when we’re both ready but I’m glad that is an option. I always wanted to have a baby or two but only when we’re both prepared.”

A smile curved his lips. “I am sure once I learn to be a mate that I will want to learn how to be a father.” He took another deep breath and his body tensed. “I am afraid Justice will have issues with our mating.”

That killed her good mood. “We’re already mated, right? You said that. What’s involved?”

“I want you for my mate and you agreed. We are mated,” he firmly stated, getting a little emotional when his voice deepened. “My worry is that he won’t want you to live here with me but you can’t return to your home. You were already taken once and you are in danger. I won’t allow that. I will not permit him to separate us even while I fulfill my obligation.” His gaze left hers to drift around the room. “I will make it more of a home for you here. Brass is in charge and he said I could keep you. Tim has some issues but Brass overruled him.”


“I will get you a television, a bigger bed and whatever will make you happy. I have to leave sometimes for my duties but I won’t be gone long. I will always return to our bed to sleep with you and the time will pass quickly. We’ll visit Homeland and Reservation, see which of them you feel would make you happy and live there when I leave here for good.”

“My best friend lives near Homeland. I’ll be allowed to see Amanda if we live there, won’t I?” Worry struck her hard at the thought of something preventing her from doing that.

“Homeland is nice and Amanda will have to visit you there. I am certain it won’t be an issue.”

“Good.” Lauren knew Amanda was going to be thrilled to have a reason to visit and see Flame whenever possible. “That’s a relief.”

“Do you have family?”

“Yeah but they live back east.”

“Will they hate me? Will they be upset that you chose me over a human?”

“No.” She shook her head, sure of that. “They are going to love you, Wrath.”

Her grandmother was going to be thrilled she’d found a man to settle down with, her grandfather was going to think it was cool he was related to New Species since he found them fascinating, and her sister was going to turn green with jealousy once she got an eyeful of Wrath. She smothered a grin at remembering all the times her thinner sister used to warn her that she’d never find a man until she lost weight. I not only found one but he’s amazing!

“Do you have family?”

“All Species are considered family to each other. Very few have blood ties to each other but some do. There are two sets of twins and some who were from the same DNA that was donated to Mercile when they created us. No matches were found to mine but I consider Shadow a brother. We were in the cells next to each other in the same testing facility, we were moved to a new location together, and have been inseparable since we were freed. We count on each other.”

“I understand that. Amanda and I aren’t blood related but she’s more of a sister to me than my biological one. We grew up together.”

He smiled and lifted a hand, pushing her hair back from her cheek. “You and I are inseparable now, mate. I will deal with Justice if he is concerned about you living here. It is safe. The building is very secure and no harm will come to you.”

“He seems really cool on television.”

“He is a very wise male and I am sure he will see reason.”

“No worries then.”

“I have you. That is all that matters and we will face whatever happens together.”

Lauren liked that.

“We need to shower and get ready. I’ll ask Tim to send some men to your apartment to get clothing and bring your pet here.”

“That isn’t a good idea. He’d hate it here. He likes going outside. I’ll ask Amanda to take him home. She loves Tiger and her condo allows cats. I would like to have him live with us once we get our own place.”

“We can do that.”

“The helicopter leaves in twenty-five minutes to fly us to Homeland.”

Nervousness struck Lauren but she fought it down. It was going to work out. She had faith in that and in Wrath.

“You shower first while I make the arrangements. I’ll be right back. Wear my clothing. What is mine now belongs to you.”

“I love you, Wrath.”

He softly growled, desire darkened his eyes, and his hands tightened into fists at his side. “I want you but we don’t have time. Later I am going to mount you from behind. I will show you love.”

She couldn’t wait.

* * * * *

Wrath worried. The helicopter ride had been too short. He had no idea why Justice wanted to talk to him alone and he hated leaving Lauren in the reception area with one of the Species females. His mate hadn’t seemed to mind. She was very friendly and the other female seemed happy to have a human to chat with. He stared at Justice, sitting behind his desk. Wrath closed the door and slowly stalked forward.

“I’ve taken a mate and she has agreed to live with me at headquarters.” His body tightened, poised for a fight, and he was prepared for one if Justice refused to allow Lauren to stay with him. “Brass said we could make it work.”

Justice’s eyebrows arched, his expression unreadable, and he pointed. “Please sit.”

“I’d rather stand.”

“You can calm down, Wrath. I’m happy you’ve taken a mate. I’d never ask you to be parted from her and I’m glad she agreed to stay with you. I know that had to be a difficult decision for a human to make. They are used to having a lot more freedom to roam wherever they wish in the outside world. Please sit.”

Wrath folded into the chair, still wary, but relieved Justice hadn’t asked him to have Lauren live behind the protection of the NSO walls. “Why are we here?”

“I wanted to meet your mate, mine wanted to meet her as well, and we wished to congratulate you.”

“You could have done that over the phone or with her at my side.”

A grin curved Justice’s mouth. “You want to be alone with your mate. I understand that and I’m sorry I pulled you from your bed.” He hesitated. “You haven’t been free long. I wanted to share information about having a human mate that will help you. That’s why I asked to speak to you alone first.”

“Lauren and I are different but we share love. We both are dedicated to making it work.”

“I’m really happy to hear that. We mate a female and it means everything to us. Mating is unfamiliar to them. They have marriage in their world.”

“I am familiar with what that is.”

“Good. Here’s my first bit of advice. Ask her to marry you. I saw her file, she has family and they will accept you easier if you’re her husband. They won’t understand that mating is a deeper commitment but marriage will assure them that you are in her life permanently. My mate, Jessie, has made some calls and we can have a minister here within the hour if you wish to do this.”

“I do. I want Lauren to be happy.”

“I assumed you would. Tim sent a team to her house to collect her clothing and I had one of them look inside her jewelry box to learn her ring size.” Justice got a baffled look. “They need rings for some reason. It is a visible way for them to show they belong to a male and they expect males to wear a matching ring to show females they belong to her.” Justice lifted his hand to show the gold band. “See? I don’t wear it all the time since Jessie and I have managed to keep our mating from the press but I do while at home and at the office. It feels strange at first but you will adjust to something being on your finger.”

“How do I get rings?”

“Jessie is taking care of it.”

“We will thank you.”

“Lesson number two. Human females love romantic gestures. No need to be confused. It means giving them surprises that show our love while being thoughtful at the same time.”

“That’s a mate and what we do. We try to make them happy and put them first.”

“We are good at this. We just have to learn not to be so blunt. Don’t thank Jessie. She wants you to tell your mate that you had the NSO handle the arrangements when you spring marriage and the rings on her. It’s not a lie, the NSO did make all the arrangements since Jessie is considered Species and she had our people working on this. I trust my mate on these things and she said your female will be ‘blown away’ by the romantic gesture.” Justice chuckled. “I don’t argue with my mate on human matters. That’s lesson number three.”

“Don’t argue with my mate regarding human issues?”

“Exactly. You can’t win and I’m always learning new things. Humans are vastly different from us. That’s lesson number four.”

“Thank you.”

“Lesson number five is easy. Just be yourself. They know we’re Species, accept us for who we are and they chose to be with us over human males. Don’t try to be something you are not, thinking it will make her happier. Just expect to answer a lot of questions when she doesn’t understand something about us, be honest and remember that we’re aggressive by nature. Try to refrain from going over the top.”

Wrath nodded. “Thank you, Justice. I will remember.”

The other male stood. “Any questions?”

“She’d like to live here at Homeland once my duties to the task force are fulfilled. She has a friend living in the outside world and she wants access to her. They are very close.”

“We’ll work it out. Her friend is welcome here.”

“I don’t want to live with my mate in the dorms.”

“You’ll be assigned a real house, Wrath. We have the dorms because they were already being built when we were given Homeland. Our males enjoy spending time with each other and it’s easier for them to be closer to where they work. Mated males and some of the higher-ranked officers prefer some space and privacy. We’ll take care of it.”

A weight lifted from Wrath’s shoulders. “I am going to be the best mate possible.”

Justice stood and smiled. “I know you will. Congratulations.”

* * * * *

Lauren laughed. “Really? You refuse to take a mate?”

Breeze nodded. “We enjoy our freedom and our males tend to be overprotective and like to keep us close. Just be firm with yours. Do what I said.”

“Don’t take any shit.” She really liked the New Species woman. “I can handle that but Wrath is a sweetheart.”

“Our males never do anything half-ass, I can assure you of that.”

Lauren hesitated, unsure if it would be okay to ask. A question bothered her though. “Did 140’s mate make it? Wrath and I haven’t heard anything.”

The female nodded. “She is holding steady. Her mate is at her side and our doctors know what was done to her. I’m not sure of the details but they are hoping for a full recovery. It will just take time for her to regain her strength.”

“What about the others?”

She chuckled. “They are adjusting to life very well. One of them keeps asking to share sex with me but he’s got an attitude problem. Canines can be a little too aggressive when they are on the hunt. He’s been without a female for far too long and is attempting to make up for it now.”

“Is he the one who gave Midnight a little trouble and she dropped him on his ass?”

“Yes.” Breeze glanced at the door and smiled. “Your mate and Justice are coming. It’s just like I said. Justice was giving Wrath helpful hints about having a human mate. We always look out for each other and want everyone to be happy. You are Species now too.”

“Thank you. That means a lot to me.” She meant it.

The tall Species stood. “Okay, my babysitting duties are over. I have a training session to barge in on. Some of the task force newbies are here and they get to fight some of our males to improve their skills. I enjoy watching that and sometimes I like to step in. Human males think women can’t take them down on the mats and it’s fun to see their shock when they find me pinning them down.” She winked. “Plus, I am considering sharing sex with one at some point. My best friend has told me some things that have piqued my interest.”

“What kinds of things?”

Breeze strode for the door. “You would consider it TMI. I know that saying. Happy mating, Lauren. Welcome to the family.”

The door to the hallway opened a second after Breeze left and Wrath smiled at her. The man behind him made Lauren nervous and she hoped she wouldn’t embarrass herself. Justice North was a celebrity and she’d never met one before.

“Are you well?” Wrath sniffed. “Where is Breeze? I smell her but she’s gone. I asked for a female to stay with you while I spoke to Justice.”

“She just left a few seconds ago. She is really nice.” Lauren glanced at Justice and her cheeks warmed when he smiled at her. He looked much more handsome in person. “Hi.”

“Welcome to Homeland, Lauren.” Justice nodded. “I would shake your hand but your mate would want to break mine for touching you. You’ll learn that he won’t respond well when other males get too close to you. It is an instinctual act for us.”

The door Breeze had just exited opened and a redhead walked in, wearing a black T-shirt, jeans, and biker boots. Her fiery-colored hair hung past her butt and she walked right up to Justice, put her arm around his waist and leaned against him. Her gaze fixed on Lauren.

“I’m Jessie.” She grinned. “Justice is my husband and mate. We heard what you did to get that asshole to turn on the people who held you by tricking him into placing that call to us. I’m damn impressed. Great job.”

“Thank you. I was terrified and got lucky.”

“Well, it’s over and you’re safe now. That’s the important part.”

“We captured all of them.”

Jessie glanced up at her mate who had spoken. “And that.” Her attention returned to Lauren. “I hope you don’t mind but we’re throwing a little celebration for you both. It’s always a huge event when someone takes a mate and it cheers everyone up.”

Lauren was surprised by that news but refrained from asking why.

Jessie seemed to read her mind. “Between the shit we get from the media, the protestors and the occasional kidnapping, good news is something to throw a party over around here. I hope you don’t mind.”

“We are honored,” Wrath admitted and pulled Lauren to his side to put his arm around her. “Would you mind if we spoke alone before we go?”

Justice grinned. “Of course. We’ll be outside waiting.”

Lauren watched the couple leave and wondered why Wrath needed a private moment with her. He waited until the door closed before he released her, sat in one of the chairs and hauled her onto his lap.

“Will you marriage with me?”

Surprise smacked her and her heart did a flop in her chest. “You’re asking me to marry you?”

“Yes. Marriage. It is a ceremony humans have and your family will know I am sincere about my love for you. You’re my mate and I want your family to understand that I respect their human world.”

“Oh, baby. Yes! I’ll marry you!”

He grinned. “Good. I was hoping you would agree. The NSO is putting our wedding together and we will have matching rings.”

Tears filled her eyes and she didn’t bother to blink them back. “That’s so sweet and my grandmother is really going to love you. She’d have been happy that I was with you but she’s going to be over-the-top thrilled that she won’t have to tell everyone we’re just living together. I think it will help me feel mated too, with a ceremony. I don’t want anything big, just something fun and casual.”

“I will make sure you get what you want.”

That made her love him even more.

“We can do it today.”

“Today?” Wow, he never stops stunning me.

Apprehension tensed his face. “Is this a bad thing?”

“No. Not at all. I’d marry you any day, any place, any time. My family will understand me not waiting but I do have one request.”


“I would like Amanda to be here.”

“Call her.” He nodded toward the desk across the room. “Invite her. Tell her to come and I’ll inform the gate she’s on her way. They will bring her wherever we are.”

Lauren leaned against him and brushed her mouth over his. He growled, fully taking possession of her mouth and she had to admit the guy was a quick learner when passion flared between them. He could kiss like nobody’s business. He was the one who broke away, panting, and desire darkened his eyes.

“Call her and let’s hurry with this marriage. I want to mount you.”

“And I want you to do that.”

He lifted her up. “Make the call. I will tell Justice we want a minister and the rings. Just come out when you are done.”

Lauren dialed Amanda and blinked back more tears. It amazed her how drastically her life had changed since walking into that warehouse. Her friend answered on the third ring.

“Um, hello?”

“Why do you sound so unsure? Is it hello or not?” Lauren teased.

“Lauren! I saw the caller ID and had no clue why Homeland would be calling me.”

“I’m getting married.”

“Oh. My. God! No way! You lucky fucking bitch!”

“Can I borrow that blue dress you bought for your Christmas party? I love that.”

“You’re not wearing white?” Amanda snorted. “Kidding. Wouldn’t that be a hoot though, to do that? Not only can you borrow it, you can have it. Do I get to throw you a bachelorette party? We could do strippers.”

“Nope. The only hot guy I want to see naked is Wrath.”

“Yeah. That’s true. He probably looks better than anyone I could hire anyway.”

“Did Flame call you?”

“Yes.” Some of Amanda’s happiness faded. “They had an issue up north at Reservation and he was called up there for a few weeks but he promised to call me when he gets back. I mean, he called so that’s got to mean something, right?”

“Yes. He’ll call you.”

“I’m hoping so because I’m kind of obsessing over him but we’ll talk about that later. When is the happy day? I’m totally going to hit up a sex shop and buy you guys a ton of shit you’ll have to show him how to use. Well, maybe not. I mean, do they have a sex shop at NSO?”

“I don’t know but that’s going to have to wait.”


“Today is the day. Grab the dress, put something on that you want to wear to my wedding and jump in your car. I’m at Homeland.”

“No shit!” Amanda shouted.

“Really. Also, can you keep Tiger for me for a few months?”

“You know it. Where are you going to be?”

“You can’t tell anyone about any of this. I’ll handle my family later. I’m going to be living with Wrath but we can’t keep Tiger there. We’ll be getting a bigger place though and then I’ll get him back from you as soon as possible.”

“Wow. This is so cool. I’ll be there. I was your getaway driver so what’s having a wedding sprung on me at short notice?”

“You’re the best.”

“Tell that to Flame when he gets back. You’ve got pull now with the New Species.”

Lauren laughed. “You got it. Bring your camera too. I want wedding pictures.”

“Hell, I’ll grab that and the video camera. You’ll want to tape your honeymoon. That man of yours is scorching hot.”

“Leave the video camera at home.” Lauren chuckled. “I’m not into sex tapes. That’s more your speed.”

“I’d upload that baby on the internet and send it to those skinny girls from high school who used to call us names.”

“You would not.”

“I wouldn’t but it would be funny if I did, right? They’d totally understand that bigger is better then.”

Lauren laughed again. “Hurry up and get here. Don’t forget the blue dress please. They’ll be expecting you at the gate.”

“Don’t start without me.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Lauren hung up and left the office. Wrath waited outside the door.

“Are you ready to go to the party?”

Lauren stared into his eyes. “Yes.”

Chapter Twenty

Lauren blinked back tears as she stared around the room. Her bed from home sat in the corner of Wrath’s room, taking up a good portion of space but she was so touched. Battery-operated candles flickered where they had been randomly placed and a nice meal had been laid out on a table set up by the end of the bed. She turned her head to stare up at Wrath.

“This is so romantic.”

He smiled. “I wanted you to know this is your home and thought your bed would help you feel comfortable here. Tim and the task force are responsible for the rest. They know we mated and were married. They said it is a honeymoon gift. Your clothes are here too but I don’t have closets. They are assembling something called wardrobes that will be placed against the walls near the bathroom tomorrow, along with a television.”

“Wrath, I love you.” Tears slid down her face.

He growled, used his foot to kick the door closed behind them and pulled her into his arms. “Did I do something wrong?”

“These are happy tears. This is so sweet.”

He lifted her up his body. “I am not sweet.”

“Yes, you are.”

“I am not having sweet thoughts.” He walked her to the bed and halted. “I want to tear off your pretty dress and mount you from behind.”

“Put me down.”

He eased her to her feet and released her, backing away a few feet. “Sorry.”

She reached back. “Don’t be. I want to keep the dress but I’m all for sex.” She winked. “Strip, baby. The food can wait.”

A carnal grin curved his lips and he bent, tearing at his boots. Lauren unzipped the dress Amanda had given her, tossed it over the end of the bed, and shimmed out of her underclothes, kicking her shoes away. She beat Wrath getting naked, climbed on the bed and positioned her body on her hands and knees.

Wrath growled at her while he shoved off his pants and joined her in a heartbeat. He rose to stand on his knees behind her and one hand gripped her hip, while his other one cupped her pussy.

“Spread your thighs wider apart for me. You’re already wet.” His voice deepened as his fingers stroked her clit. “I need you.”

Lauren could relate. Her body was aching for him. The wedding had been everything she could have hoped for. New Species had packed the bar, Shadow and Amanda had stood at their sides and the minister had kept the ceremony short but sweet. They’d posed for pictures and then she’d learned something new about her husband. The man liked to practically fuck her on a dance floor.

It had been torture having him rub up against her, growling as he kissed her neck. The feel of his rigid cock against her belly had made her want to find the nearest private room to consummate their marriage. Instead they’d had to take a helicopter back to headquarters to finally be alone. Now she knew why he’d stalled taking her home. He’d been giving the task force time to set up his room for their honeymoon.

The slow rub of his index finger against her clit made her rock her hips, moan, and she shoved her ass up at him while her chest lowered. Wrath’s heavy breathing filled her ears and the bed shifted as he placed his legs on the outside of hers. He stopped playing with her, removed his hand and the thick crown of his cock slid through the slit of her pussy. He teased her at first until she made a protest by groaning.

“Mine,” he rasped.

“I’m all yours.” She was never going to get tired of telling him that.

His cock pressed against her and she clawed the bed as he slowly filled her, stretched her and staked his claim. He bent, curved his body over hers and braced one hand on the bed near her head. He paused when he was seated fully inside her pussy.

“I love mounting you. Tell me if I’m too rough.”

“I will but I don’t think that’s possible.”

He growled, nipped her shoulder with his teeth and the slight bite of pain made her vaginal muscles clench. His other arm wrapped around her waist, his fingers found her clit and he rubbed furiously as he started to fuck her slowly, picked up the pace, until the sounds of their heavy pants and his hips slapping against her ass filled the room.

Lauren understood why Wrath loved doggy style. He was in control with her pinned under him. The way he moved totally turned her on. He didn’t just rock his hips in the same repetitive motion most men did. He adjusted the angles of his thrusts and used her vocal pleasure to find out what felt the best to her. When he figured out the one that sent her into near orgasm, he pounded her hard and fast, having no mercy.

Her body tensed and she screamed out as ecstasy erupted. His cock swelled, he threw back his head and howled as he came. His hips jerked in tight movements against her ass to draw out their shared pleasure until he finally stilled.

“Oh yeah,” Lauren gasped. “Doggy style is my favorite too.”

Wrath lowered his head, kissed her neck and chuckled. “Canines do it best.”

She laughed as he eased them to lie on their sides, spooned up behind her and she rested her head on his arm. She turned enough to meet his beautiful gaze.

“Yes, you do.”

“We’re going to do it again, love. Rest up.” Desire thickened his voice and his cock twitched inside her. “I’m going to prove I’m the right male for you.”

“You already have but I’m all for you convincing me any time you want.”

He grinned. “I can’t get enough of you. I have already scent imprinted you. I’m possessive and dominant. We keep being told that our kind has a deep-seated need to control the people around us but you control me. You look at me and I want to do anything to make you happy.”

“Mission accomplished. I am.”

About the Author

I’m a full-time “in-house supervisor” (sounds much better than plain ol’ housewife), mother and writer. I’m addicted to caramel iced coffee, the occasional candy bar (or two) and trying to get at least five hours of sleep at night.

I love to write all kinds of stories. I think the best part about writing is the fact that real life is always uncertain, always tossing things at us that we have no control over, but when you write, you can make sure there’s always a happy ending. I love that about writing. I love to sit down at my computer desk, put on my headphones and listen to loud music to block out the world around me, so I can create worlds in front of me.

Laurann welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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Also by Laurann Dohner

Cyborg Seduction 1: Burning Up Flint

Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steel

Cyborg Seduction 3: Melting Iron

Cyborg Seduction 4: Touching Ice

Cyborg Seduction 5: Stealing Coal

Cyborg Seduction 6: Redeeming Zorus

Cyborg Seduction 7: Taunting Krell

Mating Heat 1: Mate Set

Mating Heat 2: His Purrfect Mate

New Species 1: Fury

New Species 2: Slade

New Species 3: Valiant

New Species 4: Justice

New Species 5: Brawn

Riding the Raines 1: Propositioning Mr. Raine

Riding the Raines 2: Raine on Me

Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 1 anthology

Zorn Warriors 1: Ral’s Woman

Zorn Warriors 2: Kidnapping Casey

Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever

Zorn Warriors 4: Berrr’s Vow

Print books by Laurann Dohner

Cyborg Seduction 1: Burning Up Flint

Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steal

Cyborg Seduction 3: Melting Iron

New Species 1: Fury

New Species 2: Slade

Zorn Warriors 1 & 2: Loving Zorn

Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever

Zorn Warriors 4: Berrr’s Vow

Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.


Table of Contents

