Brass glanced at his watch. “If he is not here soon we will leave without him.”

“We should check on them to make certain they are fine.”

“They sounded fine. Perhaps his need to protect her is overriding his conditioning. She wasn’t screaming for help when she said his name.”

“I’m still worried.”

“Have faith in the male. I do.”

Shadow hesitated. “He was always stronger than I was. I have to believe he won’t harm her. We will leave without him anyway. One of us has to remain behind to guard the female or we’ll have to trust some of the human males to care for her here while we are gone.”

Brass’ fingers tapped the tabletop. “I was hoping to take her with us. I wanted to use her to bait Bill. We’ll give them more time.”

* * * * *

Lauren huddled on the bed with the towel wrapped around her when the shower ended and Wrath entered the room with a matching towel tucked around his hips. His dark gaze sought her out and he slowly approached until he lowered to his knees in front of her. Sadness showed in his expression and it tore at her heart.

“I’m sorry. I scared you, didn’t I?”

“I don’t understand. Are you into pain? Is that it?”

“No.” He stroked the back of her hand with his fingertips. “Mercile did some things to me that make me afraid I will hurt you.” He stopped rubbing and gripped her hand. “They used images of human females to cause me pain. I’m afraid I will lose control if I’m inside you because they combined pleasure with severe pain. I don’t trust myself enough yet to risk taking the chance that I’d lose the ability to separate the experiences.”

“You, um, were so rough with, um, you know.” Her cheeks burned.

“They gave me a high pain tolerance while forcing me to give them my seed.”

Tears filled her eyes but she blinked them back. “They forced you to masturbate? Do you like pain now with sex? Is that it? I read a lot of books and I know some people need that.”

A soft growl rumbled from him. “No. I don’t wish pain for either of us. I just am afraid if I enter you that I’ll lose control because it will feel too good. I’m terrified I’ll take you too roughly and I won’t be able to stop.”

She stared deeply into his eyes. “I don’t believe that.”

“It happened. They did vile things to me.”

“I meant I don’t believe that you’d be rough with me and cause me pain. You’ve been nothing but wonderful. I admit my sexual experiences aren’t that vast but I wish you could see yourself the way I do now.”

“Give me time.”

The humor struck her and she laughed. “I can’t go home, remember? We have plenty of that.”

“I’m sorry you’re stuck with me.”

She squeezed his hand. “I’m not.”

“We should get dressed and go eat. We’re both hungry.”


“I am sorry.”

“It’s okay.” She meant it. There was a lot she didn’t understand but he was a tortured soul, one who had experienced deep emotional pain as well as physical, and obviously actual intercourse was something he feared. “We’ll work through this.”

He released her hand, stood, and got them both clothes from his dresser. She was becoming accustomed to him seeing her naked, didn’t hesitate to drop the towel, and made the best of the sweats he gave her. They were too large but he used a knife to cut off some of the legs and the arm length enough to free her hands and feet.

“This is not my most fashionable look.”

Wrath studied her body. “You look very attractive to me.”

That made her smile. “Thank you.”

They both used the bathroom and Wrath insisted on brushing out her hair. She sat on the bed facing away from her while he tenderly removed all the tangles. It was nice, a bit too personal, and a new experience for Lauren. No man had done that for her but she enjoyed it.

“Let’s go.” He stood, dropped the brush and walked to the door.

He opened it and waved Lauren to step out into the hallway. Wrath gripped her hand in his and stayed at her side until they reached the main room. Lauren hesitated when she saw two of the men from last night seated at a table. Vengeance wasn’t one of them.

“He’s gone,” Wrath said softly, as if he could read her mind. “Vengeance was sent back to Reservation early this morning.”

Lauren felt relief. The two men at the table stared at them as they approached. Shadow was the one to speak.

“You both overslept and missed breakfast. I put your plates in the refrigerator for you.”

Wrath nodded. “Thank you.” He showed Lauren to a seat. “I’ll warm them. You relax. You’re a guest.”

Lauren glanced at the two men to discover Brass openly staring at her hair. It was still wet from the shower. She watched the large man until his gaze flicked to hers.

“It is beautiful hair. I imagine when it is dry it is breathtaking.”

“Thank you.” She smiled.

“How are you today?” Shadow drew her attention next.


“Vengeance caused you no injury?”

“I have a few bruises but I’m fine. Wrath said he’s gone now.”

Brass nodded. “Yes. A helicopter and some of our people came to take him home. We apologize again for what he tried to do to you. Forced mating is forbidden and so is forced breeding.”

“Wrath explained the difference to me.”

Shadow blinked. “He did?”

She nodded. “I was curious and asked him. I didn’t understand what Vengeance was talking about.”

Shadow glanced at Wrath before meeting her gaze again. “I wondered how the subject came up.”

Brass shook his head and the two men frowned at each other. Shadow turned back to Lauren.

“We would like to ask you a favor.”

“What do you need?”

Brass spoke. “We would like you to take one of us into your work and see if you can find out where Bill is.”

Lauren was stunned at that request. “You plan to just grab him if he’s at work?”

“We have the right to arrest him for his crimes against New Species,” Brass assured her softly. “I doubt he will be there but he’s made friends at work, hasn’t he? Perhaps you could find out from them where he is.”

Lauren glanced at their black clothing. “I guess I could do that but one of you would definitely have to change clothes and wear…” She studied their eyes. “Sunglasses. Otherwise if Bill is there he’s going to spot you right away. The black clothing will draw attention and if Bill worked for Mercile Industries he’s going to be alarmed to see a New Species.”

“We’re sure he’s the correct human male. We thought of this already.” Brass hesitated. “We thought we’d have Wrath dress up however you think he should. He could pretend to be a client of yours and walk inside the building with you. Would it be appropriate for you to take a client to work?”

“Sure. I’m due in to work at ten today.” She glanced down at her clothes. “Could we stop by my apartment first? I can’t go to the office wearing this and my boss would have my ass.”

Brass shrugged. “That would be fine. What would be appropriate for Wrath to wear?”

Wrath sat a plate of warmed scrambled eggs, bacon and toast in front of her. She gave him a smile and picked up her fork. She glanced at Wrath, who took the seat next to her and noticed he had two large steaks on his plate. That was all he had. He didn’t reach for his silverware.

“You may not want to watch him eat,” Shadow suggested softly. “We enjoy our meat barely seared on the outside and raw on the inside. We find it easier to eat with our fingers than with your utensils.”

Lauren glanced at Shadow before purposely smiling at Wrath. “Eat up.”

Wrath shrugged and dug into his food. He grabbed hold of one of the steaks with both hands and bit into it. His dark eyes met hers as he tore a section of the meat off. Lauren wasn’t horrified but she was more than a bit curious. Blood dripped onto the plate and the interior of the steak was raw, red meat. She wasn’t repulsed in the least. She glanced back at Shadow.

“Have you ever seen kids eat? I am from a large family. At least you guys don’t shove peas up your nose and shoot them out.”

Brass laughed. “No. We don’t.”

Shadow laughed. “Did you do that as a child?”

She shook her head. “No. But I used to gross my cousins out by telling them my spaghetti was worms and sucking them up. I was always kind of a tomboy.”

Brass smiled at her and asked, “What should Wrath wear to your job?”

Nothing. That was her first thought but she didn’t say it aloud. She’d love for Wrath not to wear a single thing ever again since he looked so good naked. “Nice jeans and maybe a casual dress shirt. Good shoes. Realtors notice those things right off the bat to judge if a client can really afford to buy a home. It’s how we try to root out the looky-loos from the real buyers.”

“What are good shoes?” Shadow questioned.

“Real-leather, casual dress shoes would work nicely. Do you happen to have any around?”

“No.” Shadow shrugged his broad shoulders. “We have military boots and running shoes.”

“Military will work. I could tell my boss that Wrath is in the service. We sell homes to them all the time. They always have good credit and the ability to get financing. I don’t suppose you could get your hands on a military uniform of some sort, could you?”

Brass stood. “That we can do.” He left the room.

Shadow continued to watch Wrath. “Brass and I had some time this morning to make plans while we waited for you to come out here.”

Wrath finally looked up from his food to meet his friend’s stare. “Good.”

Shadow and Wrath seemed to be having a stare down as the silence in the room lengthened. Lauren darted her gaze between them, watching their facial expressions change just slightly.

“You two are doing that silent mind communication thing again.”

Wrath turned his head, winked, and gave his full attention on his remaining steak.

“Eat quickly, Lauren,” Shadow ordered softly. “We want to leave here soon since you need to get clothing from your apartment.”

Lauren dug into her food. It wasn’t good but she was starving. Reheated scrambled eggs tasted rubbery, the bacon was greasy and the toast a bit soggy. She ate it all anyway since she wasn’t sure where her next meal would come from. The thought of Brent actually being at work when they arrived wasn’t a good one. Wrath and his friend would grab her coworker and set her free. She wouldn’t have a reason to spend more time with Wrath and that concept left her depressed.

Wrath excused himself to go change his clothing and left her with Shadow at the table. The blond one waited until his friend was out of sight before he spoke.

“He likes you.”

Lauren knew which him he was talking about. Wrath. “I like him too.”

Shadow’s blue eyes were intense and he frowned.


“We are not similar to the males you know. I just want you to understand that.”

“What does that mean exactly?”

“I’m just warning you. You’re playing with fire with Wrath.”

“I’m not playing anything.”

His blue eyes narrowed. “It was just a warning. Wrath is very intense and we have had difficult lives.” He stood. “Let’s go.”

Chapter Eight

Lauren got to her feet, wanted to ask Shadow what he meant by that, or why he’d accuse her of playing some kind of game with Wrath but he didn’t give her the chance. His long legs moved fast as he crossed the room and stopped at the elevator. She had to scramble to catch up with him as the doors opened after he punched in a code on a keypad.

“Aren’t we waiting for Brass and Wrath?”

“They are either already upstairs or will be along shortly. This isn’t the only elevator.”

“I don’t have keys to my apartment. They were in my purse.”

“Your car and your possessions are being stored above. We had them moved here last night. Your purse is in your car.”

“Someone drove my car?”

Shadow nodded, stepped into the elevator and pressed a button. She followed him before the doors closed.

“Yes. We were not going to leave it in the parking lot to draw suspicion. We weren’t sure if you were Bill’s girlfriend or not. We wanted him to find nothing wrong if he sent someone looking for you. Finding your abandoned car would have been suspicious.”

Lauren couldn’t fault the logic. “I can see that.”

Shadow smiled. “We know what we are doing. This isn’t our first hunt and capture.”

“You didn’t know I wasn’t Brent’s girlfriend. Sorry—Bill. You thought I was that jerk’s lover. No offense but you were way off the mark on that one.”

He shrugged. “You are the one who came in his place and you smelled of the perfume he gifts females he shares sex with. We have interviewed many of them as we’ve tracked him.”

Shock tore through her. “You have more women locked up down here?”

He shook his head. “We knew he had abandoned the females we spoke to before we reached them. They had all filed criminal charges against him for stealing from them and that’s how we were able to track him. He uses their money to fund his living but victimized women in this area recently. We used their photographs of him—ran them through the driver’s license database—and his false new name showed up.”

“He’s a thief too? What a loser.”

“He is a bad male.” Shadow sighed. “We told the women he had deserted the Army when he was younger and that he would serve many years in prison for this. Those females were very willing to give us any information we asked for to help track him down. Most of them were very pleased to learn he was wanted by us.”

“I bet. He’s batting a thousand for winning the scum-of-the-decade award.”

A comical look passed Shadow’s face as he gawked at her when the elevator doors opened. “There is such a thing?”

“No.” She laughed. “It’s a saying but it gets the point across. He’d win, wouldn’t he? I’ve only been around him three months and I know I could live with him being locked up for a while. The man is a first-rate creep.”

“That is what most of them said about him. They had other names for him as well but none were flattering.”

“I can imagine.”

He motioned that she leave the elevator first and she hesitantly entered a parking structure. It was dimly lit and had concrete walls. Her car sat within sight about twenty spaces away from the elevator and half a dozen black SUVs were parked with it.

“We did not damage your car.”

The elevator closed behind them and Lauren didn’t see Wrath as her gaze continued to study her surroundings. She started to feel nervous about being alone with Shadow. She knew he and Wrath were close but after Vengeance, the only one of them she trusted was Wrath. The driver’s-side door opened on an SUV and a guy dressed in all black climbed out. He approached them quickly, his gaze locked on Lauren.

She tensed but immediately identified him as human since his face wasn’t covered by sunglasses, and his features were clearly shown. He had short brown hair, brown eyes and was almost as big as the New Species she’d met, minus a few inches in height. The uniform was the same that Brass and Shadow wore.

“Who’s the woman?” He glanced at Shadow.

“She’s helping us track our target.”

The man grinned and offered his hand. “I’m Brian. How are you?”

Lauren shook his hand firmly. “I’m Lauren. I’m fine.”

The elevator doors opened and Lauren turned to see who entered the parking level. Wrath and Brass stepped out of the elevator. Brass was dressed in black like Brian and Shadow but Wrath had changed into green fatigues. Wrath growled suddenly and lunged at Lauren.

She gasped as his arm hooked around her waist. He jerked her off her feet and spun her until his body blocked her from Brian. Another snarl came from him as he eased her back to her feet but kept his arm anchored around her middle. She twisted her head to look up at him but he glared at Brian with a scary expression.

Brian stepped back and put his hands up. “What’s wrong?”

Shadow sighed. “You touched her and were standing too close. He’s protective.”

Brian put more distance between him and the angry New Species. “Sorry, man. I didn’t know it would upset you. I was just introducing myself. It’s a normal human interaction.”

“Don’t get near her,” Wrath warned. “Are we clear, Brian?”

“Perfectly clear, sir.”

Wrath relaxed. “You know my name is Wrath. Don’t call me sir.”

The man nodded. “Sorry. It’s just that you’re the boss when I’m assigned to escort you guys. You’ve got the rank. ‘Sir’ is what I usually call the team leader. It’s just how Tim runs the ranks.” He paused. “What’s our game plan today?”

Brass stepped forward, taking charge. “We are driving the female to her apartment for her to change her clothing. She’s going to be taking Wrath into the target’s workplace while we monitor them from a distance. The female will talk to Bill’s coworkers and see if she can locate him.”

Brian nodded. “Good.” He glanced at Lauren. “Do you think they will talk to you?”

She nodded. “They should. I work there too.”

Brian’s eyes widened in surprise. “Okay. Good. Are we ready to go? I assume I’m driving since I know the area?”

“Yes,” Shadow sighed. “Let’s roll.”

Wrath slowly released Lauren’s waist but gripped her hand quickly. She noticed he still appeared slightly upset over her shaking Brian’s hand and wondered if that was taboo with his kind. Maybe it was rude to touch an unknown male in Species culture. She wasn’t too sure about the reasoning but she made a mental note not to do it again. Wrath led her to the SUV and opened the back door.

“Get in. You sit in the middle.”

“What about my purse and keys? I need them.”

“I’ve got them,” Shadow called out, rushing to catch up.

Lauren scooted across the seat to the middle and Wrath climbed in after her. Shadow opened the other door and took a seat next to her, while Brass and Brian entered the front. They all reached for their seat belts and she did the same.

The New Species all put on dark sunglasses before Brian even started the engine and Brass shoved a cap on. It made her really notice the tight braid at the back of his head for the first time. Her eyebrows arched but she didn’t ask why he had long hair when the other two New Species had cut theirs so short.

Wrath was careful not to touch her and it became more apparent as the miles passed that he avoided her on purpose. He leaned away from her when the vehicle swayed through turns. She studied his features, hated the dark glasses that hid his eyes and leaned into him until he turned his face in her direction.

“Are you mad at me?”

“No. I’m preparing for the mission. I like to go over all possible scenarios we may encounter and plot my reactions.”

“Okay.” She wasn’t sure what that meant but it must be a man thing.

Shadow laughed. “We all do that. This is your world and not ours. Everything is strange to us and we try to make sure our responses are as smooth as we can make them.”

She could see how out of place they would probably feel in the big world. She’d read about the NSO Homeland and the NSO Reservation. They were massive properties that housed all New Species and were run by the New Species Organization. They had their own civilizations on those two properties but little was known beyond bits and pieces of information that the press got wind of. No one really knew what was true or not.

Curiosity piqued her. “What is it like where you come from?”

“I lived at Reservation for over a month before I took this assignment. Wrath and I both agreed our time would be better spent tracking down our enemies than learning how to play sports. Reservation is a big, forested area with few buildings. They have a hotel, just opened a movie theater, and we have a bar where our social events are held. We don’t enjoy drinking alcohol but a lot of us like to dance. It is a good place to live.”

“Do you miss it?”

Shadow hesitated. “What we do is important and we had less to lose than most since we were so recently freed. We volunteered for this duty and we’re honored to represent our people.”

Wrath growled. “Enough.”

Shadow frowned, shot him a dirty look and continued. “We not only hunt criminals who harmed Species but some of our people are still being held captive. Wrath and I are examples of that. We were not rescued in the raids of the original testing facilities that were located. Before that even happened, we were stolen by some of the staff and taken to new locations. They used us to make money to begin new lives in other countries and escape justice.”

“Shadow, enough.” Wrath’s voice came out a growl now.

“She needs to know and I don’t hear you telling her.” Shadow paused. “We are hoping that anyone we capture who worked for Mercile will have information to help us locate other Species.”

Lauren turned her head and stared up at Wrath. He frowned at his friend and once again she wished she could see his eyes. “What is wrong with him telling me that?”

His lips parted but then he sealed them in a tight line.

“He is probably worried that you might think he is cruel to go after humans despite the harm they caused Species.”

“I don’t believe that.” Lauren reached out and placed her hand over Wrath’s. “I think it’s very brave.”

He didn’t pull away and she relaxed in her seat. She turned to Shadow again to get more answers since he was talkative. “I thought all the New Species had been found and freed.”

“We didn’t know a fifth testing facility existed but it was located. There is evidence there may be more and who knows how many others were stolen away in the manner Wrath and I were.”

“That’s horrible.”

Shadow jerked his head in agreement. “Yes. That is why we live away from our kind and sacrifice so much to do our duty.” His chin lifted and he stared at Wrath. “We must not forget the commitment we have made to our people.”

Wrath growled, his head snapped in Shadow’s direction and his fangs flashed in a scary show of temper. “Enough.”

Lauren glanced between the two men, wondering what she was missing.

“What’s your address?” Brian’s gaze met hers in the mirror. “It’s hard to drive there if I don’t know where I’m going.”

Brass gave Lauren’s home address before she could. He turned in his seat to meet her surprised stare. “We learned everything we could about you the second you showed up at that warehouse. I could tell you how much money you made four years ago and what you charged on your credit cards if I wished.”

The silence in the SUV stretched on until she realized they were near her home. “It’s the tan building with the big bushes. You can take the driveway to the left and park in the back. I have a visitor’s parking space.”

Brian parked where she indicated and Wrath helped Lauren climb out of the SUV. She spotted her neighbor and waved at Mr. Adams, flashing him a big grin. Amusement made her chuckle at the way his eyes widened behind his glasses as she passed him with her four large escorts.

“What is funny?” Wrath handed her purse over when she paused in front of her door.

She unlocked the door, pushed it open, and stepped inside. “Sorry if my place is a mess. I wasn’t expecting company.”

Wrath paused next to her. “Why did you find it amusing when the old man gaped at us? You are still smiling.”

Lauren chuckled. “Mr. Adams is a gossiping busybody with a wild imagination.”

“I don’t understand.” Brass spoke. “What is that?”

Brian laughed. “It means he’s very nosy. He’s always talking to everyone and makes things up.” Brian turned to Lauren. “They don’t understand some of our terms.”

Lauren chuckled. “By tonight he’s going to be telling everyone in the complex that I brought four big guys home and he’ll probably say we had an orgy.”

Brian grinned.

Wrath inched closer to her side. “Is that a party?”

Lauren laughed. “Kind of. An orgy is…” She looked at Brian for help. “Do you want to explain that one?”

He laughed. “The old man will tell everyone that Lauren had sex with all of us at once. An orgy is where a group of people all strip down naked and have sex together in a pile of bodies.”

Wrath growled as he turned his head to Lauren, his lips pressed in a tight line from anger before he shot a warning look at every other male in the room. “I’d hurt anyone who touched her.”

Shadow’s mouth twitched with a near smile. “Easy, friend. She wouldn’t survive four of us at once and we don’t share well.”

“Um, okay. I’m going to go change clothes so we can get this over with. Make yourselves at home.” Lauren spun and walked down the hallway.

Wrath followed, his presence something she couldn’t ignore, and both of them paused inside her bedroom. She glanced at him to watch his face as he peered around her room. She really hated that he wore the dark glasses that hid his eyes, more than a bit curious what he thought about her large four-poster bed and feminine décor. It was a far cry homier than what he was used to if his own bedroom was an indication.

Her cat leaped up on top of the bed, startled them both, and Wrath shot his arm out. His hand flattened on Lauren’s stomach and he knocked her back roughly, against the wall.

The cat stared at Wrath and suddenly tensed, his back arched and he hissed. Wrath bent slightly, snarled and showed his own teeth. Lauren was stunned as both of them continued to hiss and snarl at each other.


“Don’t move,” he rasped and reached for his weapon.

“No!” Lauren shoved the hand pinning her to the wall and lunged for his body, put hers between him and the bed, and caught his wrist as he raised the gun. “That’s my cat! Don’t shoot him.”

His head snapped down. “What?”

“That’s Tiger. He’s my cat. My pet.”

Tiger hissed again behind them but Lauren didn’t spare him a glance, too worried the man in front of her would shoot her cat. Wrath slowly holstered his weapon at his waist and frowned.

“That is your pet? It’s not some wild creature that managed entry inside your home?”

“I know he probably needs to go to the groomer but he’s not wild. He goes outside since I hate litter boxes but yeah, he’s my pet.”

He relaxed, the tight muscles bunched under her hand softened just slightly, and Wrath lifted his head.

“Your pet doesn’t appear to be friendly.”

She glanced at Tiger. “He’s usually not like this. Stop it, Tiger. Bad kitty! Stop hissing at Wrath.”

The cat bolted, rushed out the door, and Lauren laughed at the situation. “I take it you don’t like cats?”

“I don’t like cats who are small and don’t talk.”

A loud growl sounded and glass broke. Lauren cursed and darted around Wrath to rush toward the living room. Tiger yowled loudly and a deep, scary growl quickly followed. She halted just inside the entryway where Brass and Shadow had cornered her cat. The poor, terrified cat had his claws extended, his hair stood on end and he hissed at the men.

“Stop that!” Lauren lunged, getting between the men and her pet.

“What is that?” Shadow snarled.

Brian laughed. “They are canine. Dogs and cats don’t get along. You should have warned them you had one.”

“It’s not an animal that got into your home?” Brass stopped growling and straightened to his full height.

Lauren turned and dropped to her knees. “No. Come here, Tiger. It’s all right. They didn’t mean to scare you. Come here, baby. Come here, Tiger.”

“Tiger?” Brass laughed. “You named him Tiger? I have a friend by that name. I can’t wait to tell him about this.”

Lauren scooped up the shaking cat and used her body to shield it from the men in her living room. She moved, keeping her cat from seeing them as well and walked back down the hallway. Wrath stood inside her room at the foot of her large bed. She walked in and placed Tiger in the bathroom away from her guests, closing the door so he didn’t rush back into danger.

“You sleep here in that?” Wrath turned his head to face her.


He walked to the side of her bed and shocked her by tearing back the covers, exposing her sheets. She stood there mute as he bent over, pressed his nose against the pink material and sniffed loudly. He straightened and smiled as he adjusted the blankets back to where they’d been.

“What are you doing?” It was weird but she wasn’t about to state that aloud.

“I only smell you and the cat. No one has slept here with you.”

Anger stirred. “I live alone. I told you I haven’t dated in a while and I wasn’t lying about that. I’ve told you the truth. You didn’t have to do that to check up on me.”

He closed the distance between them and one hand raised to cup her cheek. “I’m sorry. I was curious. I do believe you.” His hand dropped to his side. “You need to get ready. Is your animal safe in the bathroom? I won’t snarl at it. I was startled and I thought it would attack you.”

“He’s fine in there. He’s an indoor and outdoor cat and I keep the window open in there for him since I don’t have a pet door. He’s probably already fled after the way you and your friends scared him.”

“I am sorry.”

She shrugged. “I should have told you I have a pet. I take it that you aren’t around too many cats?”

“Not small, domestic ones.”

Lauren let that one slide. He wanted her to get ready for work and the team waited in the living room for her. She spun around, jerked open her closet, and grabbed clothes off the hanger. Tiger was gone when she opened the bathroom door and stepped inside. She closed the door while she changed, washed her face, and applied light makeup quickly. Wrath was touching things on her dresser when she stepped back into her bedroom. He spun to face her.

“You put your hair in a bun,” he rumbled. “I enjoy seeing it down more.”

“I have to put it up for work to appear more professional. It’s too curly and tangles too easily otherwise.” She bent by the door, grabbed a pair of black pumps and put them on. “I’m ready.”

Wrath slowly stalked closer to her. The way he moved once again reminded her that he wasn’t a normal guy, and it was kind of hot. She still wished she could see his eyes. He stopped inches away from touching her body.

“You look nice but I prefer you naked.”

Her heart raced and heat warmed her cheeks. She couldn’t help but trail her gaze down his body and then back up. He looked sexy in the military fatigues. The outfit complimented his fit body but she wanted to be honest as she stared at his glasses.

“I like you naked better too and definitely without those glasses. I hate not being able to see your eyes.”

Wrath reached up and removed them. Desire darkened his already deep-brown eyes and instantly made Lauren feel hot all over. He moved closer and her heart rate increased.

“We need to leave,” Shadow called from the doorway.

Wrath tensed and put his glasses back on. Lauren wanted to curse. She was pretty sure Wrath had planned to kiss her but the moment had been killed. She turned her head to shoot Shadow a dirty look but he’d already started walking back down the hallway.

Lauren spun, refused to glance at Wrath, and followed his friend back into the living room. The two New Species turned their heads her way. She wished she could see their eyes but presumed they were looking over her outfit. Brian was the only one not wearing the sunglasses she was growing to hate and he grinned openly at her as his gaze lowered down her body.

“You clean up damn nice, Lauren.” He winked. “You are one attractive woman.”

Wrath growled behind her, probably only inches away. “She didn’t clean up. She changed clothes, bound her hair and put stuff on her face. Don’t stare at her that way.”

Brian’s grin died and he shot Brass a worried look. “He growls at me a lot.”

Brass nodded. “They haven’t been free as long as most of us have been. He’s protective of the female and you need to stop flirting with her immediately. That’s the second warning he’s given you and you should be real careful not to push his patience too far. He will attack you.”

Brian paled and backed a few feet away from Lauren, his wary gaze fixed on Wrath. “I got it. I won’t look at or even speak to her if that’s what you want.”

“Good.” Wrath reached out and grabbed Lauren’s hand. “Let’s go.”

Mr. Adams was outside still when they left and Lauren made sure she waved at him. Yeah, she thought, the neighbors are going to be talking about me tonight.

Wrath helped her into the SUV. The drive to her work was only five minutes away. Brass twisted in the seat to address Wrath.

“No growling. You’re fully human. Remember that.” Brass turned to face Lauren. “We can hear everything near Wrath. He’s wired. Just act normal when you talk to the humans you work with and find out if anyone has seen or heard from Bill. Find out if they know where he is.”

“I got it.” It sounded easy enough to her.

Lauren and Wrath climbed out of the SUV half a block down the street from the office and watched it park across the street. She faced Wrath. “Let’s call you Paul Williams, okay?”

He nodded. “My name is Paul Williams.”

“You’re interested in buying a two-bedroom condo. I have a ton of those listed and they would be in your price range with what you should be making in the military. You are single since you don’t have a wedding ring on. I’m sure no one will really talk to you but just in case it’s better to have our ducks in a row.”

“Ducks in a row?” He arched an eyebrow.

“It’s a saying meaning…well, having your shit together.”

He grinned. “Why didn’t you just say that?”

She smiled. “I’m trying to avoid cussing in front of you. It’s not ladylike.”

His smile died. “I don’t care if you’re a lady or not. I like you.”

She felt heat spreading through her at his words. “Let’s go.”

Chapter Nine

Lauren fought down nervousness as she opened the door of her work for Wrath. He’d tried to open it for her but she’d shaken her head no. “You’re a client. I’m supposed to impress you instead of the other way around. I appreciate the gesture but now isn’t the time to be a gentleman.”

He said nothing as he stepped into the office. Lauren smiled at Kim, the receptionist, and hoped it didn’t appear forced. Her heart raced, she didn’t want to let Wrath or his team down and catching Bill was important to them.

“Hello, Kim. This is Mr. Williams. We’re going back to my office so I can pull up condo listings. Is anyone else in yet?”

“Mel was here when I arrived, John B and John T are here too, and Gina is in her office having a meltdown with a bank manager who is giving one of her clients some grief about their loan.” Kim winced. “Avoid her. She’s pissed.”

“Thanks for the warning.” Lauren took a few steps but paused. “Oh, last night Mel had me show a property for Brent. The guy was interested but he had some questions I couldn’t answer. There are some ugly, large cargo containers inside the warehouse and he wants to know if those are staying or going. Is Brent coming in today?”

“I don’t know. I could page him if you want and find out.”

“That would be great. The man had some other questions so if Brent calls you back, please transfer his call to my office. The buyer is really interested in the property.”

Kim nodded, reaching for the phone. Lauren smiled at Wrath and led him through the archway to a larger room. Lauren spotted John T at one of the computer stations and approached him.

“If you’ll just take a seat here, I’ll be right with you, Mr. Williams.” Lauren directed Wrath to take a chair close to where John T worked.

Wrath sat and Lauren focused on her coworker whom she knew spent time with Brent. They liked to go barhopping together and she figured he might be her best bet at locating the missing monster Wrath hunted.

“Good morning, John. I got a call last night from Mel to show one of Brent’s properties. The buyer is really interested but he had some questions I couldn’t answer. Do you know where Brent is? The buyer wants the warehouse but he wasn’t thrilled seeing huge cargo containers on the property. I don’t know if the owner plans to remove them or if it’s an ‘as is’ deal.”

“He got a call yesterday after work and took off out of here like a bat out of hell.” John shrugged, still typing. “I haven’t heard from him since. He was supposed to show up at the Bugle last night.”

“What’s that?”

He grinned. “It’s our favorite strip bar. We go there a few times a week.”

She tried to appear nonchalant. “Oh. Well, if you can reach him, will you have him call me?”

“Sure.” He reached for his cell, picked it up, and turned in his chair. He spotted Wrath, appeared startled, and dropped his phone on the desk. He fumbled, grabbed it and spun to face the screen again. “I’ll call him now.”

Lauren turned, smiling at Wrath. “This way, Mr. Williams. I’ll pull up those condo listings.”


Lauren jumped, turning. Mel stood in her office, staring at Wrath with an odd expression on her face.

“Hi, Mel. This is Mr. Williams. He’s interested in condos.”

Mel smiled but it looked forced. “May I speak to you for a moment?”

Lauren nodded and motioned Wrath toward an open door near the front by the reception area just around the corner. “This is my office. Go on in and I’ll be back in a second.” She moved toward her boss, wondering if she was in trouble for trying to argue the night before over showing the property. “What is it, Mel?”

Mel waited until Lauren was inside her office before she spoke. “Who is he?” She kept her voice down.

“That’s Mr. Williams. He was just stationed in this area and plans to stay a while.”

Mel chewed on her bottom lip for a few seconds then frowned. “He called you and set an appointment?”

Lauren nodded and hoped her boss wasn’t planning to screw her over by trying to steal a client. It wouldn’t be the first time. Of course Mel didn’t realize Wrath wasn’t a real client and she worried what would happen if her boss wanted to show him listings instead.

“How did the showing go last night?” Mel changed the subject.

Lauren managed to hide her relief. “Good. Mr. Herbert is interested in buying the property but there are these large cargo containers left inside the warehouse that he wasn’t interested in. He asked me about them but it’s not my listing. I didn’t know if they stay or if they’ll be removed. He wanted to talk to Brent.”

“I’ll pass that along.” Mel studied Lauren. “Okay. Go ahead and deal with Mr. Williams but I called a meeting in half an hour. You can set him up with some coffee while he waits for you. It won’t take long.” She glanced at her watch. “My office in half an hour and it’s mandatory. You can go show him the properties he’s interested in right after the meeting.”

“Is everything okay? We usually don’t hold meetings when clients are here.”

A smile curved Mel’s mouth. “Everything is fine, Lauren. We had some parking issues come up with the landlord and I swore I’d talk to all the employees. The man is a pain in the ass but we don’t want to lose our lease. It won’t take more than a few minutes. I just want to address everyone at once so no one feels singled out but we both know who the two worst offenders are. Both John T and John B know better than to use the alley. The other tenants complained.”

“Okay.” She left Mel, returned to her office and smiled at Wrath. She sat down at her desk and glanced at the open doorway, lowering her voice. “We’ll be here for at least half an hour. My boss called a meeting and she said it was mandatory. That should mean that he has to show up for it too. He could walk in at any time.”

“Did you hear that?” He seemed to be listening to his earpiece and gave Lauren a slight nod, keeping his voice low too. “They heard.”

“I’ll pull up listings while we wait. We’ll just pretend to look at them to pass the time.”

Lauren had him scoot his chair closer so both of them could view her computer screen. “While we look at condos, we can watch who walks in the door. I never get tired of looking at these. Some of them are kind of cool.”

“I like the curved stairs and the big bathtub.” He pointed at the computer monitor but his other hand brushed her thigh and rubbed before he leaned back in his chair.

They had viewed several listings when Lauren’s phone rang about fifteen minutes later and she answered. “Lauren Henderson.”

“Hello, Lauren. It’s Brent.”

Her gaze flew to Wrath. “Hello, Brent.”

Wrath tensed in his seat and leaned closer. Lauren tilted the phone, hoping he could hear both sides of the conversation.

“I heard you were looking for me.”

“Yes. I had to show a warehouse property for you last night. The guy is interested but he doesn’t want the cargo containers. He had some questions about the roof, well, you know the drill, but I didn’t have any answers for him. He wanted me to get the answers and meet with him today.”

She looked at Wrath for direction and held up her hands questioning about what else to say. He nodded at her. He mouthed “at the warehouse at noon”.

“He wanted me to meet him there at noon today to show it to him during the daylight hours. I told him I’d try to send you instead so you can answer his questions since it is your listing. He seems really hot for the property.”

Brent chuckled. “Great. I’ll meet him instead. Thanks, Lauren. I know we don’t get along but this was really nice of you to call me. You could have screwed me out of the whole thing.”

“It’s your listing, Brent. One day I could have an emergency and you might have to show one of my properties. I would hope you’d do me right.” She refrained from snorting. The guy would have no qualms over stealing a deal right out from under her.

“Thanks. I’ll meet him at noon.” He hung up.

Lauren grinned at Wrath, happy that she’d been able to help him. Brent was a bad guy who needed to be arrested. Bill, she corrected. He was an ex-Mercile employee who had hurt people like Wrath and that just pissed her off.

He smiled and lowered his voice. “He’s going for a noon meeting at the warehouse.”

Lauren suddenly realized how close she was to losing Wrath. “Well, what happens next?” Her gaze fixed on his dark glasses. She whispered, hoping the pain she suddenly felt didn’t sound in her voice. “Is this where you just leave me and go back to your life while I go back to mine?”

“We haven’t captured him yet. You’re coming with me.”

Lauren silently admitted she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Wrath. He leaned closer to her and his hand inched up her skirt, caressing her leg. The desk hid them from anyone walking past her office and she stared at the sunglasses she hated, knew he watched her back, and could feel the desire they both shared sizzle between them.

She decided to tell him the truth. She’d miss him and hoped they could see each other after they captured Bill. “I—”


Lauren jumped, startled by her friend’s voice. Wrath jerked his hand away from her leg as Amanda stepped into the office. The other woman’s eyes widened as she openly gawked at Wrath and licked her lips.

“I’m with a client, Amanda. Mr. Williams, this is my best friend, Amanda Davis.” She hesitated, giving her friend a frustrated look. “This isn’t a good time. I’ll call you later.”

Amanda didn’t budge but she did puff out her chest. “Hello, Mr. Williams.”

Lauren gritted her teeth. Amanda was eyeing Wrath’s body as if he were a pork chop, which she loved.

“Please tell me that you’re single.” Amanda sat in the chair by the door, crossed her legs and seemed to get comfortable.

Wrath smiled. “I am.”

Amanda glanced toward the ceiling. “There is a God.” She laughed and batted her eyelashes at Wrath. “I’m single too. And looking.”

Wrath kept his smile in place. “Okay.”

“Amanda,” Lauren said in a tight voice, “Mr. Williams is a client. What are you doing here so early?”

“I was bored and thought I’d come to see if you could have dinner with me this evening before the movie.”

“I’m busy. As a matter of fact I’m going to have to cancel our movie plans. We’ll go tomorrow instead.”

Amanda pouted.

“I’m showing Mr. Williams some condos.”

Amanda grinned. “I have a condo to show you. Mine.” She winked. “I think you’d particularly enjoy my bedroom.”

“Amanda,” Lauren warned. “Stop.”

Amanda ignored her. “Want to go home with me and see my bedroom, gorgeous? Why buy one when you could just move right in with me? I think you’d cheer my place right up. You work out a lot, don’t you?”

“Amanda!” Lauren was getting pissed.

Amanda flashed her a smile. “This is why you’re single. I’m trying not to be. Hush. He’s all big and single. How many chances do I have to try to lure him home with me?” Amanda grinned at Wrath. “So, what do you say? Want me to show you my condo today? We could leave right now.”

Wrath stopped smiling. “I appreciate the offer but Lauren is going to show me condos today.”

“I want to show you more than just a condo.” Amanda smoothed down her shirt, shoving her chest out again. “And I know I want you to show me more than a condo.” Her gaze dropped to his lap and stayed there.

“Amanda!” Lauren gasped.

John T came to the doorway. “Meeting time, Lauren.”

Lauren stood, shaking with anger. She turned to Wrath. “I shouldn’t be long.” She spun, giving her friend a glare. “Amanda, knock it off and behave.”

Amanda grinned. “But I don’t want to be good.” She winked at Wrath. “I want to be bad. Verrrry bad.”

Lauren stormed out of her office, silently swearing to kill her best pal later for hitting on Wrath. Amanda should never hit on one of Lauren’s clients but she could have laughed that off. What wasn’t funny was that she’d gone after Wrath. Her anger burned.

Mel’s door was open so she just entered. Her boss stood by the desk facing Brent and both of them turned to stare at Lauren. She tried to hide her shock at seeing him there. They’d somehow missed him passing by her office and she wished she could signal Wrath. She schooled her features, she hoped, and tried to appear calm. It was rough, knowing she was in the same room with a killer and someone who had abused New Species.

John T and John B entered the office behind her and closed the door. Gina was absent. Mel quickly walked forward and gripped Lauren’s shoulders.

“You need to tell me right now how that man in your office contacted you and when.”

Alarm shot through Lauren. Her heart pounded in her ears and she stared mutely at her boss. She finally managed to get her brain working. “He called yesterday and set up the appointment. Why? What’s going on?”

Brent glared at her. “Didn’t you notice something off about him?”

Lauren shook her head. She hoped Wrath’s good hearing could detect what was going on in the office. Fear gripped her that they suspected the truth but she didn’t understand how they’d know Wrath wasn’t exactly a normal guy. Brent hadn’t seen him and he was the one who might recognize a New Species.

“No. Why?”

John T frowned. “He’s got glasses on. How the hell would she know unless she’s seen one of them, seen the facial differences? I doubt she ever has.”

Oh my God. Lauren panicked but tried to control her features to hide her fear. John T knows for sure what Wrath is, but how?

Mel nodded. “You need to leave now, Lauren. That man in your office is…a rapist. He gets realtors to show him properties and he attacks the second they’re alone. We’ll handle this.”

“But…” Lauren was at a loss for words. She studied the people in the office and felt chilled to the bone. They were lying and all four of them knew Wrath was a New Species. “Okay but my purse is in my office. I’ll get it, make an excuse, and leave.” Warn Wrath.

“Just leave it.” Brent suddenly grabbed Lauren. “Go now.” He shoved her toward the back door of Mel’s office.


Lauren was pushed out the back door and into the alleyway before she could protest. It slammed in her face, the bolt slid loud enough for her to hear, and shock washed through her at being locked out.

They knew Wrath was a New Species, had gotten rid of her, and they were protecting Brent for some reason. Terrified for Wrath’s safety she spun and ran down the alleyway to get to the SUV to tell his team what was going on. They needed to warn Wrath to get out or they needed to go in there.

Amanda was with Wrath. More fear drove her to run faster. She almost broke an ankle in her haste, the high heels impeding her, but she was grateful when she spotted the SUV. A car nearly hit her when she forgot to look before crossing the street. The driver hit the brakes, honked his horn and flipped her off.

Brass opened the passenger door, climbed out and caught her when she practically slammed into his big body. Firm hands gripped her arms.

“What is wrong? Where is Wrath?”

“I think they know he’s New Species. They fed me some bullshit about Wrath being a rapist before they shoved me out a back door. Brent is in there, they were all acting weird and my coworkers seem to be protecting him.”

Brass cursed. “Stay here.” He lifted her off her feet, pressed her against the side of the SUV and let go. “We’re going in.”

Lauren tried to catch her breath. “The alley.” She panted, swearing to buy a treadmill in her near future to get more in shape. “They can get out the back if they try to make a run for it.”

Brass turned to Brian—both he and Shadow had exited the SUV. “You take the alley and make sure they don’t escape that way.” Brian took off at a run in the direction Lauren had just come from.

“You stay, Lauren.” Brass checked the guns strapped to his hips. “You’re safe here.”

“My friend Amanda is in there too. She’s a blonde wearing a blue shirt and a black skirt.”

“Understood,” Shadow said.

Both men jogged across the street and down the sidewalk toward her office building. Lauren finally caught her breath and frowned. She didn’t want to wait with the SUV, too worried about her friend and Wrath to be that patient. They might need her. She pushed away from the side of the vehicle and quickly followed them.

She was so worried and distracted by what could be happening to Wrath, his team, and Amanda that she nearly fell on her butt when she spun to face the voice that called out.


Amanda waved at her from the street, standing in front of the open driver’s door of her car, which was parked a few away from her at the curb. “God, that man was hot. I want to strip him down and sprinkle him with salt so I can take tequila shots off his body.”

“I thought you were inside.”

“Your boss ordered me to leave. She said she had sent you on an emergency call to let in a plumber at a property. That woman is such a bitch she probably wanted to take a shot at him herself but I’m not letting it go down. Tell me you have Mr. Williams’ number and what in God’s name, is that man’s first name? He wouldn’t tell me.”

Lauren twisted her head to stare at the office building. “Stay here. Just…stay here. Don’t move!”

“Okay! Bring me his number.”

Lauren nodded, turning her attention back on the office, dying to know what was going on inside it. Amanda was safe. That was a big relief but she wouldn’t calm down until she saw Wrath. She walked across the grass and avoided the front sidewalk, which could be seen from the reception area. Kim’s desk was empty when she inched up to the window and peeked. Lauren frowned.

Lauren eased around the side of the building and crept toward one of the windows of the office area. She hesitated, lifted her head and peered inside. What she saw made her gasp. Brass and Shadow were facing a wall and John T had a gun pointed at their backs while Mel and Brent stood close by, arguing. She could hear their raised voices but couldn’t understand the words. Where’s Wrath? Where’s Kim, Gina, and John B?

Lauren ducked and kept low to prevent being seen through the windows. She practically crawled toward the back of the building until she reached the alley. She gasped. Brian was sprawled on his back on the ground next to the back door. She ran for him. Fresh blood was smeared on his forehead. Someone had hit him with something but he was breathing. Her hands shook badly as she searched his pockets and located a cell phone, glad he had one.

The top number said BASE when she checked recent outgoing calls and she pressed it to have the cell dial it. A man answered on the first ring.


“This is Lauren Henderson. Is this headquarters?”

The man hesitated. “Who is this and how did you get Brian’s phone?”

“He’s bleeding on the ground.” She rattled off the address and name of her work. “They have Brass, Shadow and Wrath inside. My coworker has a gun pointed at Brass and Shadow. I haven’t seen Wrath yet but he was inside. Should I call 9-1-1?”

“No,” the man ground out. “We’re on our way. Stay with Brian. Is he breathing?”

Lauren checked Brian over again, verified his chest rose and fell and took a calming breath, trying to control her panic. “Yes but he’s out cold. He was hit in the head by something but it’s not here next to him and I don’t see anything with blood on it. We’re in the alley behind the building.”

“Don’t move and stay on the phone. Do not hang up. We will have teams out to you in minutes.”

Lauren left the phone line open and tucked it into Brian’s vest so it wasn’t in sight but the guy could still hear what was going on. She had no intention of just standing there to wait for help to arrive when Wrath could be in danger. She got to her feet, rushed to the other side of the building and crawled past the windows until she reached her office.

Lauren listened, heard nothing, and raised her head enough to stare into her office through the window. Wrath remained in the same seat he’d been sitting in when she’d left her office but it appeared as if he’d fallen asleep—his head was tipped back and his arms dangled limply over the arms of the chair. A red-tipped dart stuck out of his chest. She could see it move as he breathed, which assured her he was alive but obviously drugged.

Adrenaline rushed through her. Wrath needed help. She had no idea how long it would take for someone else to arrive. No way was she going to just stay there and do nothing. The screen came off easily and she gently rested it against the side of the building. Her gaze lifted to the inside lock, knew that window well since it stuck often when she opened it, and gripped the metal side with her fingers. She wiggled, tried to be quiet about it, and focused on her open office door. There was no movement but she’d have to hide if someone came.

The lock popped and she paused, straining her ears for any sign that someone inside could have heard it. She faintly heard yelling but couldn’t make out what was being said. No one rushed into the room so she eased the glass along the track to get it all the way open. Wrath was so close. She had no idea what to do once she reached him, but maybe she could barricade her office door to lock them both inside until help arrived.

The voices were loud enough with the window open that she could distinctly make out her coworkers’ angry shouting. She lifted up to the waist-high opening, raised a leg and jerked her skirt out of the way. Climbing in wasn’t easy but she managed and dropped to her knees to crawl behind her desk to hide.

“What the hell are we going to do?” Mel demanded.

“Just calm down,” Brent said. “I keep telling you that I’ll think of something.”

“It’s probably your fault!” Mel yelled. “Did you get drunk and tell someone who you really are? Damn it, Bill. I told you that you were putting us all at risk but would you stop being such a selfish prick? Hell no!”

“I didn’t.” His voice dropped and she couldn’t make out the rest of what he said.

“They found us!” Mel shouted. “You said no one would be able to trace us here and I trusted you.”

“They did find us.” It was John T speaking and he was obviously mad. “Let’s just think of what we’re going to do now. I say we kill them and get the hell out of here.”

“And go where?” Glass broke, Mel was so irate, she’d probably thrown something. “We sank all our money into this place for our cover identities. They probably froze our account at the bank. We’re screwed! I’m going to have to call my sister and you know how much I don’t want to do that. I wanted away from this shit. I never wanted to see one of those bastards again and now we have three of them. In…our…offices!”

“Enough!” John B roared. “They offer reward money for them. We have three. Everyone calm down. I can’t think when you’re shouting. We can use them to get fast cash and start over somewhere else.”

“Who is going to exchange them? Huh?” Brent yelled. “Not me. That’s stupid. They’ll just set a trap and we’ll go to prison forever. They aren’t really going to pay us.”

“We’ll get them out of here and it will buy us some time to think of a surefire way to get paid by the NSO to return these three. We’re smarter than those bastards. We just need to get out of here before more arrive.”

“Don’t move or I’ll shoot you!” John T yelled.

“Calm.” Brass’ deep voice barely reached Lauren since he wasn’t shouting. “The NSO will pay for us. Just don’t harm the women.”

“See? I told you they were sappy enough to protect innocents. You move and I slit the receptionist’s throat. She isn’t a part of this and she’s two months pregnant. Fight us and she dies. I can take out Gina too before you reach me.” John B snorted loudly. “The NSO will pay us. We just need to get out of here. Bill, where are more darts? We’ll tranquilize these two, tie up the women, and split.” His voice rose. “More of them could be on the way. These three could be scouts or something. They are hunters, right? Shoot them with darts, we’ll carry them out and figure the rest of this out when we’re safe.”

“Please,” Kim begged. “Let me go.”

“Shut up. I didn’t bring enough darts.” Brent sounded furious. “You told me there was one of them. Not three.”

“He came in alone!” John T yelled. “If I’d known there were more, I would have told you on the damn phone.”

“Don’t move!” John B yelled. “I swear he’ll shoot you both and you won’t get another warning. These women will die too. Do you want their blood on your hands?”

Lauren’s heart pounded and she knew she had to do something. She lifted her hand to call 9-1-1 from the phone on her desk but memory of the phone system stopped her cold. Every phone would show a line in use by flashing red. She couldn’t risk making a phone call but her coworkers were planning on taking Wrath and she couldn’t allow that to happen.

She pushed on her desk to test the weight of it but it didn’t budge. It was the only thing big enough in the room to keep them from breaking down the door if she barricaded it. That plan wouldn’t work though because they could as she had—go around the building, and come in through the window.

“Move,” John T ordered. “In that back office now. Keep your hands above your heads, move real slow. If you even twitch, I’m going to shoot you.”

“Yeah,” Brent said, “do that. We have phone cords. We’ll tie them up, take them out the back and grab the last one after we get them settled in the van.” He paused. “Go get the van.”

“My minivan?” John B gasped. “Everyone will see inside it.”

“The company van, you idiot!” Mel shouted. “It’s bigger. It’s got the cargo area and tinted windows. Just dump the signs out of the back.”

“Fuck,” he shouted. “Move, Gina. You too, Kim. You’re staying close to me. If they attack, you’re both dead.”

“Keep moving,” John T ordered. “Keep your hands up. Mel, go rip out the phone cords. You have three in there. Use the ones to the fax machine too.”

Lauren glanced around her desk, saw no one, and crawled forward until she could peek out the door. Her coworkers weren’t in sight and she leaned out enough to see Mel’s office. John T’s back was to her and he blocked most of the doorway, preventing her from seeing what was going on in Mel’s office. All of them seemed to be in there.

Pure terror gripped her but she moved, shoved up to her feet and grabbed Wrath’s chair by the arms. The back of it dug into her belly as she pulled. As the wheels moved over the carpet his boots dragged, making it tougher on her. She pulled, prayed he wouldn’t slide out of the seat. He would be too heavy to put back if he did.

She paused, listened, and heard her coworkers arguing in Mel’s office. She glanced around the corner again, saw John T’s back was to her, and she frantically pulled. The chair left her office, she bit back a groan, and kept pulling Wrath toward the front. She just needed to make it about ten feet to the reception area. She made it without anyone spotting her. Guilt ate at her over leaving the New Species and her coworkers being held at knifepoint. She couldn’t help them though. Wrath was the only one she could save. She needed to get him to safety first and just prayed the man she’d spoken to on Brian’s phone arrived in time to help them. It would be suicide to rush into Mel’s office to attempt to rescue anyone else.

Her back hit the exterior glass door but it didn’t push open when she pressed against it. She hit it with her ass but the glass just barely moved. She twisted her head, realized someone had locked the door, and fought to turn the deadbolt. The glass door opened and fresh air filled her lungs as she sucked in a deep breath. She pulled, dragging the chair and Wrath out of the building.

No one was on the sidewalk. Gravity helped move the chair since the building was higher than the street. She turned it, pulled frantically, and kept going. Her eyes remained on the building. She expected her coworkers to come out after them at any second when they realized they were missing a New Species but she made it to where she’d left Amanda.

“Open the back door now.” Lauren pulled harder, moving faster.

Amanda saw Wrath, the chair and Lauren. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened.

“Open the fucking door,” Lauren snapped at her. “Now! Move it. Back door. Get it the hell open. Now, Amanda. Now!”

Amanda moved. She hit the button to unlock the doors and almost tripped on the curb as she ran around the car to open the back door but she swung it open just as a panting Lauren dragged the chair there.

“Help me get him in.”

“What the hell?” Amanda’s eyes were wide and she looked unusually pale.

“I’ll explain later. Help me. He weighs a ton. We’ve got to get him out of here before someone sees us.” Lauren grabbed the protruding dart from Wrath’s chest and dropped it inside her skirt pocket. “Hurry.”

Amanda grabbed Wrath’s other arm and Lauren positioned the chair facing the backseat of the car. She gripped him firmly and they lifted to maneuver his limp form out of the chair.

“Jesus,” Amanda grunted. “My back is breaking. He’s got to weigh at least two hundred and fifty pounds.”

The two of them managed to dump the unconscious Wrath into the backseat. Lauren bent his legs up to make him fit. Wrath didn’t look comfortable but he was in and his face wasn’t pushed against the seat. She slammed the door and yanked open the passenger one.

“Get in the car,” she panted at Amanda.

Amanda ran around the car and jerked open the driver’s door, collapsing into the seat. The engine started and Lauren’s pounding heart threatened to explode from exhaustion and fear. One glance at her office assured her no one had rushed out yet and she twisted in her seat to duck down in case that changed.

“Drive, damn it. Get us out of here.”

Amanda punched the gas. “Oh my God,” Amanda babbled. “You’re going to get us both arrested. I know I keep complaining about being single but have you lost your mind? You can’t just kidnap a man. He’s really hot but what were you thinking? Are you on drugs? Let’s just call the police and tell them you had a breakdown. We could take him to a hospital and have them admit you for an evaluation.”

“I didn’t kidnap him, damn it. This isn’t what it looks like. We need to go. Drive! I’ll explain it all to you later but he’s in danger.”

“You know how friends tell friends when they’ve lost their mind?” Amanda licked her lips. “This is that time.”

Lauren lifted her head enough to see her friend’s flushed face and glared up at her. She opened her mouth but just closed it. She was too tired to yell at that moment. She decided to just be honest.

“You need to trust me. Please drive, Amanda. This really isn’t as bad as you think.”

“Where do we go?”

“Your place.”

Amanda nodded. “Okay. Oh man, are we in deep shit. You better have a hell of a reason. I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

Lauren wanted to use Amanda’s cell phone to call the police but didn’t dare after being ordered not to. She prayed the team arrived but wasn’t willing to stick around to make sure help came in time. Getting Wrath out of there was the priority, the only thing she could do.

Chapter Ten

Lauren had managed to stop shaking by the time Amanda pulled into her garage. The electronic door sealed them inside and the interior light stayed on. Amanda turned off her engine and stared at her best friend.

“Do you think he’ll press charges? Forget that. Of course he will. You knocked him out somehow and kidnapped him. What were you thinking? We’ll get you help. Let’s go inside and call someone. It’s not too late to fix this, okay? We’ll get you the best attorney. Insanity is a great defense. I never meant for you to do something so drastic to get me a man.”

“Stop that,” Lauren sighed. “It’s not like that.”

Amanda frowned. “Then why did you drug him and bring him to me?”

“I didn’t drug him.” Lauren shook her head, tired, frustrated and wondering if her friend needed some therapy. “It’s a long story. How are we going to get him inside your place? Any ideas?”

Amanda turned in her seat and studied Wrath, frowning. “I don’t know. He’s a big one. Did you have to lose your mind and kidnap the biggest guy you could find? I know I said I was desperate for a date but Jesus, Lauren!”

“Stop it!” Lauren shot her a glare. “He’s not a sex toy that I stole for you. I haven’t lost my mind and I didn’t do this in some misguided attempt to get you a man. His name is Wrath and he’s in danger.”

“I thought you said his last name was Williams.”

“I don’t think he has a last name. His real name is Wrath. It’s a long story.”

“I guess we have time for you to tell me what is going on since we have to think up a way to get him out of the car and up those steps.”

Lauren hesitated. “Did you notice his features?”

“Who cares about his face when he’s got that great body?”

“Look at him, Amanda. Look at his nose and think of your ultimate hero on television, the one you drool over. Here’s a hint. Justice North.”

Amanda turned in her seat so she could get a better view of the man behind her. She stared, tilted her head slightly and the color slowly drained from her face. Her mouth dropped open and she gaped at Lauren.

Lauren nodded. “He’s New Species.”

“Holy shit. What have you gotten me into? He’s like an endangered species, right? They have really strict laws about them. Lauren, what were you thinking? We’re going to get the electric chair if something happens to him. If you kill one of them, even accidentally, it’s the death penalty for a hate crime.”

“I didn’t do this. The people at my work shot him with some kind of drugged dart and it knocked him out cold.”

Amanda blinked. “Why? Did he have bad credit or something? I know your boss is a bitch but that’s even harsh for her.”

“Very funny,” Lauren snorted. “It’s complicated and a mess. I guess I worked with some jerks who used to work for Mercile Industries. They saw him and did this to him. They planned to take him away but I got him out of there first. We need to hide him in your condo until I can get him some help. His team and two of my coworkers who aren’t involved in this mess are back at the office. I could only save him. I didn’t know what else to do.”

“Who are you going to call? The police?”

Lauren shook her head. “No. The people Wrath works with told me not to call 9-1-1 so I guess I’ll have to leave them out of this.” Lauren climbed out the car. “Let’s get him inside.”

Amanda climbed out of the car and frowned at Lauren over the roof. “How? I don’t have a crane handy in here to lift him out of the car and up the steps. He’s heavy.”

Lauren studied the steps leading into Amanda’s condo and had a thought. “Do you still have that twin air mattress you use when your niece comes to visit?”

“The princess one?”

“Yeah. We could inflate it, put him on it, and drag it into the kitchen.”

Amanda sighed. “I’ll go get the electric pump and fill it.” Amanda’s gaze drifted to the backseat as she stared through the window. “I wouldn’t do this if he wasn’t hot. He’ll owe me.” Amanda suddenly grinned. “He really does look hot in those clothes. Once we get him inside it would only be kind to take some of them off him.”

Lauren groaned. “Amanda!”

“What? Just his shirt. Be a friend. I was the getaway car driver and hell, I should get some kind of reward after we drag him into the house. I think I already got a hernia from getting him in the car.”

Lauren shook her head. “I think you would benefit from taking drugs and I worry about you.”

“You should be worried. If I don’t get laid soon I’m going to shrivel up and die.”

“The things I put up with,” Lauren mumbled.

“You? I just helped you dump the body of a hunky New Species guy in the back of my car and I’m harboring an endangered species in my home!”

“Good point. You’re the best friend ever.” Lauren smiled. “Go get the mattress. Don’t you have some tarps in here somewhere from when we painted your bathroom last month?”

Amanda pointed to the corner. “Somewhere over there.”

Lauren turned to search for one while Amanda entered the condo. Lauren found a few of tarps folded under a shelf and opened the back door of the car, checking on Wrath. He remained heavily drugged. She spread out the tarp on the floor next to the open door and was grateful that Amanda had a double car garage with only one car so they had plenty of room to work. Amanda returned, lugging a big pink inflatable mattress she dropped on top of the tarp.

“He is really heavy.”

“I know,” Lauren agreed. “I’ll get his feet and pull him out. You climb in the other side and watch his head. I don’t want to bump it when we get him out of the car.”

“Okay.” Amanda laughed. “Are you sure we can’t take his clothes off? It would drop a few pounds off him.”

“I’m sure.”

“Damn. I always wonder if they have tails or any fur hidden anywhere. You know there’s talk that some of them could have those. They could shave their arms and faces to hide some hair issues. We could totally find out.”

Lauren gripped Wrath and tried to ignore Amanda. She was glad the boots were solidly on his feet as she straightened his legs and pulled on him by the ankles. Amanda gripped his arms, kept him from falling out of the car when his ass slid off the seat, and both of them struggled to get him flat and centered on the mattress.

“I should get to keep him since I think I just threw out my back and I’m going to need someone to take care of me.”

Sweat trickled down her body and she knew it would only get worse when they had to lift him up the stairs. There were only three steps but it seemed an impossible task. Lauren kicked her shoes off and out of the way. She leaned down and grabbed the sides of the tarp and lifted.

Amanda grabbed the other ends and stared down at his face. “He’s really good-looking. What color are his eyes? Do you know?”

“Dark brown and beautiful,” Lauren grunted, pulling on Wrath. “Don’t get attached. He’s taken.”

“He’s got a girlfriend? Damn! Why is it that all the good-looking ones seem to be taken or gay?”

They managed to get Wrath up the stairs by protecting his back with the mattress and turning the tarp into a hammock. Both of them collapsed to their knees when they reached the living room, after dragging him from the kitchen into the bigger room.

“I’m not taking him upstairs,” Amanda swore. “Stick a fork in me. I’m done.”

“Me neither. We’d never make it.”

“He looks good right there next to the coffee table. The wood matches his tan.”

Lauren struggled to her feet, got them bottled water from the fridge and passed one to her best friend. It was a warm day and lugging around Wrath had exhausted them both.

“I have an idea,” Lauren announced. “I’m going to use your phone.”

“Help yourself. Forget taking off his shirt. I’m too worn out.” Amanda lay back on the carpet. “I’ll just die here for a while.”

Lauren walked to the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room and sat down on the barstool. She reached for Amanda’s phone and dialed information. She groaned when the automated voice answered.

“Damn automation,” she muttered. She gave them the city she thought was right and the state. “NSO,” she said clearly. She repeated it. She was put on hold for a person.

Lauren asked for the number of the NSO. They didn’t have a listing. She asked for the number by their full name. “It’s the New Species Organization.” They found the number and she wrote it down and dialed.

A man answered. “NSO Homeland. How may I direct your call?”

Lauren took a deep breath. “Hello. My name is Lauren Henderson. I didn’t know who else to call but I have a New Species man in my friend’s living room about ten feet from where I’m sitting. He’s been shot with some kind of dart and he’s out cold. I need you to send help for him.”

There was silence on the other end of the line for a few seconds. “It’s against the law to make crank calls to us, female.”

“This isn’t a crank call. His name is Wrath and he’s living at headquarters. That’s all they referred to it as. I was taken by him yesterday because he said I was working with someone who used to be an employee for Mercile Industries. We went into my office today to try to find the person he’s hunting but it turned out that almost everyone in the office seemed to work for Mercile. They shot him with some kind of drugged dart. I got him out of there but I—”

The man cut her off. “You said his name is Wrath?”


The man growled. “I have a list of all New Species right in front of me. There is no one named Wrath. Female, if you ever call here again I will send the police to your home. We have your address right here. Any incoming calls are immediately traced.” He recited Amanda’s address. “Never call here again.” He hung up.

Lauren clenched her teeth. She turned her head to stare at Wrath. He was definitely New Species. She dialed again and the same man answered.

“Listen to me, whoever you are. I’m looking at him. He’s right here in the living room. Please send someone to arrest me because when they get here they are going to take one look at him and know I’m not lying. He’s been shot with a dart and he’s unconscious. He needs help, I’m worried about him, and have no idea what was in that dart. I was told not to dial 9-1-1 so I haven’t. They took two more of your people, are holding two women hostage and hurt a man named Brian. He was bleeding in an alley.”

“Who did this to the male and those others you mentioned?” He sounded bored.

“My boss and some of my coworkers. They took two of your people at gunpoint and were going to put them in the courtesy van my company owns. They—”

“Don’t call here again, damn it. Call a head shrink.” The man hung up.

“Fuck!” Lauren hit the top of the bar.

“He didn’t believe you?” Amanda lifted her head.

Lauren was pissed. “No. He hung up on me again. I wish I knew where headquarters was but I wasn’t paying much attention when we left there.”

“Well, all you can do is hope that whatever they shot him with wears off soon and then he can tell us what to do.”

Lauren pushed off the barstool and walked toward him. She sank down on her knees and put her hand on his chest while she studied his face. She removed the glasses with gentle fingers, stroked his cheek and hoped that he’d wake soon.

“I hope it was just a sedative. What if it wasn’t?”

“We’ll watch him and if he stops breathing or something, we’ll call for an ambulance.”

Lauren nodded. She shifted her body, getting comfortable, to stay by Wrath’s side. She wasn’t about to let anything happen to him.

* * * * *

Saturn shook his head, trying to shake off his anger. Didn’t humans have anything better to do than screw with him? He got a bunch of crazy calls every day. An hour before a female had called to see if she could hire a Species to be present at her child’s birthday party as if one of them would visit just to entertain children. The call before that was from a man saying he wanted to marry a Species female. Now a female was calling to tell him someone in a courtesy van was kidnapping his people and she had one of them in her living room. He snorted.

“Bad day?” Tiger, his supervisor, smiled.

“I hate phone duty,” Saturn admitted. “Humans are crazy.”

Tiger nodded. “I know. I can never decide if the ones who call to tell me to die are worse than the ones who call and ask me if they can get a ride back with us to our home planet.”

“Direct line, Tiger,” a female Species called out. “It’s Tim Oberto and there’s a problem.”

Tiger cursed. Four—no, three—of his Species males were working with Tim’s task force. He prayed there wasn’t another issue. One of the males had already turned out to be unstable and unfit for duty. He hoped another one of them hadn’t cracked under the pressure. He walked to the phone and lifted it to his ear.

“What is wrong?”

“We have a big fucking problem. One of my men and all three of yours have been taken. We’re tracking two of your men and our man at this moment. They had their uniforms on and they are tagged. We’re in pursuit and we should have them at any time unless they are stripped of their clothes. Unfortunately one of your men wasn’t wearing his uniform and didn’t take a tracker. We have no idea where he is, Tiger. He’s off radar unless he’s with the others.”

“Son of a bitch. Which one is missing?”


Tiger frowned. “Who?”

Tim sighed. “You called him 919. I ordered them to pick names and that’s the one he chose.”

“Wrath?” Tiger pushed back anger that something had gone wrong and fear for the safety of his males. “What happened?”

Tim quickly explained what the mission had been. “The woman called in on Brian’s phone to alert us all hell was breaking loose. Brian is one of my men assigned to your guys. She’s in the wind too now, wasn’t on scene when we arrived, and to be honest, I’m playing catch-up. Your men didn’t run this by me first or I would have sent more backup, Tiger. I just pulled the damn notes Brass made so I know what the hell was going on and who this woman is. No one was there when we got to the address. The entire office was abandoned. We found our SUV around the corner and some blood on the ground where she said Brian was injured.”

“You think the woman stole them?”

Tim sighed. “She alerted us to something being wrong. Otherwise we wouldn’t have known to activate their tracking devices until they didn’t report in. That would have been a few hours. We’re assuming she’s friendly at this moment and was taken with the team.”

“Got it. So a human female is missing too? What is her name? Did 358 pick a name too?”

Tiger wrote it down. “I’ll alert my people. Maybe whoever has them wants a ransom. Call me back the second you close in on those signals.” He hung up.

Tiger spun and raised his voice. “Everyone, we have a situation. We have three missing Species males, a human male and a human female. Our males were on a retrieval mission with the human male driver from the task force and a human female who was helping them locate the target. Our men missing are Brass, 919 and 358.” He paused. “Sorry. They picked names. 919 is going by Wrath and 358 is going by Shadow.”

Saturn suddenly cursed and stood. “Did you say Wrath?”

Tiger fixed his gaze on Saturn.

“Would the human female’s name possibly be Lauren?”

Tiger strode across the room toward him. “Yes. Lauren Henderson.”

“Shit. She called us but I thought she was a crackpot. I hung up on her twice. She’s got Wrath and wanted us to help him but I didn’t believe her.”

* * * * *

Lauren grew more alarmed as time passed and Wrath didn’t wake. She had borrowed clothes from Amanda, changed into something more comfortable, and stayed by his side. Amanda had tried to convince Lauren that he’d rest easier if they removed Wrath’s shirt. Lauren shook her head at her best friend.

“Give it up. We’re not stripping him down.”

“But he’d be more comfortable.”

“Not when he woke up and needed a shower from you drooling all over him.”

“I’ll get a drool rag and tie it around my neck.”

Lauren laughed. “For the last damn time, no! You aren’t taking his clothes off.”

“You removed his boots.”

“Well, that’s just his feet. He’s sleeping. No one should do that with their boots on.”

“He’s got big feet and hands. Think that saying is true?” Amanda grinned.

“It is in his case.”

Amanda’s eyes widened. “You peeked when I was changing, didn’t you? God, you’re such a bitch. You are supposed to do everything with your best friend.”

Lauren hesitated and decided to just tell her friend the truth. “I didn’t peek while you were changing. I’ve showered with him.”

“No! Get out! You’re lying just to make me jealous.”

“We spent last night together.”

Amanda let her eyes roam up and down the man on the pink inflatable mattress. Her gaze returned to Lauren. “You are my hero, girlfriend.”

Lauren stood and entered the kitchen. “I’m getting hungry. How about you?”

The doorbell rang. Lauren instantly felt fear as she spun and her gaze flew to Amanda’s. “What if it’s the jerks from my work?” she whispered.

Amanda hesitated, paled, and whispered back, “How would they know where I live?”

“We work in real estate. Duh! We do title searches all the time.”

“Do they know my last name?”

Lauren shrugged.

Amanda rose to her feet and tiptoed closer to the door. “I’ll peek.”

Lauren grabbed the largest knife in the kitchen and a rolling pin. She ran for the door too, ready to do battle if they tried to break down the door to steal Wrath. Amanda frowned and glanced at the things Lauren gripped in her hands, before rising up to peek out the tiny hole in the door. Amanda jumped back, spun, and looked terrified as she met Lauren’s gaze.

“Two really large men wearing all black with sunglasses are out there. They look huge,” she whispered.

“Lauren Henderson?” The male outside spoke loudly. “You called the NSO. We are here as you requested. We know you aren’t a crazy female anymore and we’ve come for our male. Will you please allow us in to see Wrath? We mean you no harm.”

Lauren eased closer to the door, rose on tiptoe and peered through the tiny hole. The two men were really large but the glasses and prominent bone structure assured her they weren’t trying to trick her. She dropped back.

Amanda gave her a questioning look.

Lauren nodded at her. “Let them in.”

Amanda shook her head. “Did I mention they are really badass looking and huge?”

“Open the door. Damn it, Amanda. Wrath needs help.”

“Fine but I am going to annoy the shit out of you in the afterlife if you get us killed.”

Lauren rolled her eyes. Amanda unlocked the door and slowly opened it. She jumped back, almost tripped, as two very tall, wide men wearing all black stepped into the room. They had long hair, down past their shoulders, and were wearing identical sunglasses. They closed the door behind them.

One of them frowned and slowly reached up to remove his sunglasses. Lauren was shocked when she met a pair of catlike eyes. He blinked at her before his attention dropped to her hands.

“Are you going to cut us or try to beat on us with those?”

Lauren realized she was still holding the knife and wooden rolling pin. She flushed and put them down on the nearest table. “I’m sorry. We were afraid you were the men from my work. Wrath is over there.” She pointed.

They had to walk around the couch to see the unconscious Species. The man who’d spoken to Lauren suddenly laughed. “Is that a pink castle?”

“It’s my niece’s,” Amanda admitted. “She loves to sleep in my room so I bought her that. It’s got a princess under him.”

The man grinned. “I’m Flame and this is Slash.”

Slash was as tall as Flame, about six foot three, but he had streaked, light-brown hair with silver highlights. He removed his glasses. He had the same catlike eyes and they were an odd shade of blue. The man nodded at Lauren and Amanda.

“What happened?” Flame focused on Amanda.

“Talk to her. I’m just the getaway driver. I didn’t know what he was or I might have at least bitched more on the drive here but she’s my best friend so what else could I do? She said to drive and I put the pedal to the metal.”

Flame turned to Lauren. She quickly explained everything that had happened and retrieved the dart she’d saved, handing it to Flame.

“This was what they stuck him with. I kept it in case you could test it to tell what drug they used.”

Flame took the dart and sniffed it. He cursed. He dug out a cell phone and quickly dialed someone. “We need a helicopter out here now. Wrath has been tranquilized with a heavy dose of sedative and a paralyzing agent. There’s a park half a block from here. We’ll meet it there.” He hung up and stared deeply into Lauren’s eyes. “You did really good, human female. The sedative lasts longer with the paralyzing agent. It’s a trick those bastards discovered to stop our bodies from working through their drugs as quickly. His heart could stop if they overdosed him.”

Lauren nodded. “Will he be all right?” She was worried.

Flame nodded. “I believe so. His breathing is steady and strong. Grab some clothing quickly. We are taking you with us.”

“But—” Lauren started.

“Let me grab my bag,” Amanda said at the same time. Amanda shot Lauren a dirty look. “They want to take us with them. Be a friend, shut your mouth and let’s grab some clothes.”

Lauren frowned.

“Duh! Hunky guys. Move your ass, Lauren.” Amanda was already turning, running for the stairs. “Don’t leave without me!”

Lauren glanced at Flame and couldn’t miss his shocked expression or widened eyes.

“Did she say hunky guys?”

Lauren sighed. “She’s single and looking.”

Flame frowned. “Looking for what?”

“She doesn’t have a man in her life and she wants one. You’re both men.”

Flame relaxed and laughed. “Oh.”

Slash made a weird noise. “What does she want one of us for?”

Flame grinned. “She’s looking for a mate.”

Slash shook his head. “Not me. Females are trouble and I don’t want a mate.”

Flame chuckled. “One wouldn’t want you either.” He stared at Lauren. “The helicopter will be arriving in fifteen minutes and we must leave here in seven to meet it. You may want a spare set of clothing.”

Lauren ran upstairs to find Amanda in a fit of packing. Lauren shook her head, staring at three open suitcases on the bed and her friend tossing clothes at them.

“Put the cocktail dress down. We’re leaving in a helicopter and that means one bag.”

“But I have to look good. Did you see the both of them?” Amanda fanned herself. “So hot.”

“They either fit you inside the helicopter or all those bags you’re packing. How badly do you want to leave with them?”

Amanda hesitated. “Right. I can do one bag.” Her voice lowered. “Who knows. Maybe I won’t need any clothes.” She winked. “Dibs on the talker. He’s got the deepest, sexiest voice, and did you see those eyes? Meow! I totally want to rub him.”

Lauren lowered her voice too. “They have really good hearing and he probably just heard what you said.”

“Then he knows how I really feel. Life is too short not to go after something you want. I’ve learned that.”

“I know you have. Let me help you. One spare outfit, something to sleep in and we should be good.”

“You can borrow whatever.”


They returned downstairs and Lauren immediately went to Wrath’s side to check on him. He was breathing slowly and deeply, his coloring was good, but he still didn’t rouse. She was really worried about him. She turned her head to find both Flame and Slash a few feet away watching her intently.

Flame stepped forward. “I’ll take Wrath. Please don’t try to run. You will be safer with us than staying here. The people who shot him may be looking for him.”

“Oh, we won’t run,” Amanda assured sincerely as she smiled up at him. “Try to lose me—it won’t happen. I don’t want to leave your side.”

Flame grinned. “I like you, female. You are direct.”

“That’s me.” Amanda winked. “Direct and single but you could change that.”

Lauren stood and allowed the other man to bend down where she’d been. It stunned her when the large New Species just lifted Wrath as if he weighed nothing, shifted his body, and straightened with the other New Species draped over one broad shoulder.

“Let’s go.” He turned and his partner opened the front door.

“Holy shit,” Amanda gasped.

Flame turned, eyeing Amanda silently. Amanda stared at him.

“He weights a ton and you just lifted him like he’s a body pillow.”

Flame wrapped an arm around the back of Wrath’s legs to keep him secure. “We are strong.”

Slash walked forward and put Flame’s glasses back on his face, hiding his eyes.

Slash put his own glasses back on. “Let’s go.”

Flame nodded. “Females, let’s go.”

Amanda grinned at Lauren. “We’re females.”

Lauren shook her head and sighed. “Really? I thought you were a drag queen.”

“Bitch.” Amanda chuckled, elbowing her.

“Geek,” Lauren mouthed back. She noticed the two New Species men were watching them silently. “We’re ready.”

“So…” Amanda smiled. “Where are you taking us?”

“We’re returning to Homeland,” Flame informed them, leading them out of the condo.

A black SUV waited at the curb and the driver opened the doors and the back. He wore sunglasses too but Lauren just knew he wasn’t New Species since she could see his nose clearly. He reminded her of Brian and worry ate at her.

“Did you guys find Brass, Shadow and Brian? Did you save the two women I work with? They were being held hostage.”

Slash shrugged. “That is not our mission. We don’t know. We were sent here to pick up Wrath and whoever was with him.”

Flame put Wrath in the back of the SUV and then he, Lauren and Amanda sat in the backseat. The driver and Slash took the front seats. Lauren turned, watching Wrath. She reached over and touched him to make sure he kept breathing.

“Why are you keeping your hand over his chest?” Flame asked.

Lauren turned to him, not knowing what to say.

“Oh, they spent last night together,” Amanda chuckled. “She’s seen him naked.”

Lauren blushed. “Shut up, Amanda.”

Flame chuckled. “Really? You and Wrath?”

Lauren ignored him and Amanda. She turned her attention back on Wrath. Why isn’t he waking up? If the drugs were going to kill him, wouldn’t they have done that by now? She kept her hand on him, feeling him breathe, as they drove down the street.

Chapter Eleven

The NSO Medical Center wasn’t like anything Lauren would have imagined. It was a large building with a glass front. Inside were chairs lined along the wall, a long counter, and behind that were desks and open space. She saw hallways on each side of the room. Wrath had been wheeled down the one on the right and Lauren waited with Amanda. Slash left with their bags, stating that they needed to be searched, but Flame sat down with them in the chairs by the windows.

“What is your association with Wrath?” He removed his glasses and studied her.

“I met him yesterday. I was kind of taken against my will to where they were staying. Headquarters? Whatever that is. Wrath was assigned to take care of me and watch me. I had an incident with one of your kind. There was a fight between him and Wrath. I spent the night in Wrath’s room with him.”

“Tell me you did something with him,” Amanda urged. “Please tell me you didn’t let an opportunity like that go.”

Flame frowned as he stared at Amanda. “What opportunity? To share sex with one of my kind?”

Amanda smiled at him. “Your kind? Hell, I’m talking about a cute guy.”

Lauren wished a hole would open up under her. “Amanda has been single for a long time. She thinks if a good-looking man is interested that I should be interested too.”

Flame nodded. “I see. It is not a race issue but just a male issue?”

“I don’t care what race you are,” Amanda flirted. “You’re hot.”

Flame laughed. “Thank you. You are attractive as a female too.” He glanced at Lauren. “Have you shared sex with Wrath?”

Her face warmed more. She was totally uncomfortable where the discussion had headed. “That’s none of your business.”

“She admitted to seeing him naked.” Amanda chuckled. “She had sex with him if she’s smart. She’s been single a long time too and she’d really be dumb if she had the chance and didn’t take it.”

“Amanda, stop. He’s going to think you’re nuts.”

Amanda smiled at Lauren. “Shut up. I’m flirting.”

Lauren pressed her lips together and was grateful Flame seemed amused by her friend’s outrageous behavior. Lauren tuned them out while she stared down the hallway where they’d taken Wrath. An older man with white hair entered the hallway and walked toward them. Flame stood.

“How is he?”

“919 will be fine.”

Lauren frowned. “919?”

“That was his testing-facility name.” Flame nodded at the doctor. “Thank you, Dr. Treadmont. Is he awake?”

“He is. He’s showering.” He paused and studied each of the women. “Would one of you be Lauren?”

Lauren’s heart did a somersault. “That’s me.”

The doctor met her gaze. “He asked about you. He wanted to know where you were.”

“She’s here.” Flame hesitated. “He has taken the name Wrath.”

The doctor nodded. “I’ll update his files. It’s good that he chose a name.”

“Tell him the female is here and safe.” Flame shifted his stance. “He’ll rest easier knowing that.”

Dr. Treadmont walked back down the hallway and Lauren felt Flame’s gaze on her. She turned and lifted her head to look at him and found him grinning.

“What is that look for?”

“You shared sex. For him to ask about you right after waking up tells me this.”

“That’s my girl,” Amanda laughed. “Good for you. You’re not as dumb as you look.”

“Please stop embarrassing me,” Lauren almost begged.

“She doesn’t look dumb.” Flame gave her an up-and-down run with his gaze, looking confused.

“It’s because she’s blonde.” Amanda winked. “We tease blondes about being dumb but she’s actually really smart. She’s just kind of a prude.”

Flame chuckled. “I see. I know what a prude is. It was my word of the day not too long ago.” He turned to stare down at Amanda. “We are learning new words so we get a word of the day. Are you a prude too?”

“God, I am so not,” Amanda admitted.

“Should I leave the room so you can attack him?” Lauren was only half kidding.

“Attack me?” Flame frowned. “Why would she want to do that?”

“I meant it to mean making a pass at you. Do you know what that means?”

Flame grinned. “I do.”

Wiggling her eyebrows, Amanda grinned at him. “Would you be interested?”

Flame growled. “I would be.”

Lauren couldn’t miss the way her friend’s eyes widened when he made that slightly scary sound. “When they make noises like that, it’s a good thing. It means he’s interested.”

“Hot damn!” Amanda chuckled. “Way cool!”

“Please get a room first,” Lauren pleaded, not wanting to see her best pal in action with a guy, up close and personal.

Flame moved closer to Amanda. “I have a room. After my shift is over I will show it to you if you want to see where I live. It’s a one-bedroom apartment located in the men’s dorms. Females are allowed to visit there.”

“I’d love to see where you live.” Amanda smiled up at him.

“You will be assigned somewhere to stay if my people plan on keeping you here overnight or for a few days.” Flame pulled out his cell phone. “Let me call and see what they want done.” He walked away from them and across the room.

Lauren eyed Amanda. “Are you sure you want to go to his room? You shouldn’t tease a man like that.”

“Who’s teasing? Look at him. I’d love to get him out of his clothes.”

Lauren sighed. “He’s definitely not a puppet type.”

“Definitely not.” Amanda agreed.

Lauren lowered her voice. “They growl when they get turned-on and have sharp teeth he might show you. No tail or fur so please don’t ask him about those.” She shot a glance at Flame, saw his back was turned and he seemed intent on his phone conversation, before taking Amanda’s hand. “Just don’t get your feelings hurt if this doesn’t work out. I hope it does though. He seems really nice but try to take it slow, okay? I can’t handle seeing you with a broken heart again.”

Amanda squeezed her hand and released it, suddenly very serious. “I can’t let what happened to me ruin the rest of my life. I just hope the scars don’t turn him off if I get him to that point.”

“I’m really proud of you for being so brave. Have fun but be safe.”

Lauren studied her friend and remembered getting that horrible call five years ago. Amanda’s live-in boyfriend had shot her and she was in critical condition. He’d turned out to be a real piece of shit who’d duped her best friend, taken out a hefty life insurance policy on her and then tried to kill her after making it appear as if a robbery had gone wrong. Amanda had fought him off long enough to reach help before succumbing to her injury. Lauren had stayed at her side for three days in intensive care until Amanda had started to recover.

Flame returned to them. “You were assigned a visitor’s cottage. It’s a two-bedroom. I hope you don’t mind sharing. We have some other human guests and the housing is full except for the one.”

“We don’t mind,” Lauren said softly. “Thank you.”

“I was told to escort you there now.”

Lauren glanced at the hallway. “What about Wrath? I’d like to see him before we go.”

Flame nodded. “I’m in no rush. It shouldn’t take him long.”

They waited until Wrath finally came walking down the hallway. Lauren stood and took a few steps toward him. Wrath smiled and walked right up to her, their gazes locked together. He’d changed from the camouflage fatigues into jeans and a formfitting T-shirt. Lauren didn’t miss noticing his well-defined muscular arms and wide shoulders.

“Thank you, Lauren. I was told what you did to get me out of there. You risked your life for mine.”

“You fought Vengeance to save me. I guess we’re even.”

He cupped her face. His gaze left hers to study her hair and he sighed. “I hate seeing it like that.”

She smiled. “I’m sorry. I could take it down.”

His hands rose to the top of her head. He pulled the pins out one by one and unwound her hair. Lauren felt the weight of her hair falling down her back. Wrath’s fingers brushed through it. He smiled and his hands rested on her shoulders.

“Much better.”

“Are you all right? I was worried when you didn’t wake up after a few hours.”

“I’m fine.” His fingers were playing with her hair. “What you did was very stupid but brave. They could have captured you too or just killed you for trying to save me.”

“I’m sorry you didn’t capture Bill.”

Wrath blinked. “He was captured. We captured Bill, two other males and the female as well. We are trying to identify them. Shadow, Brass and Brian were recovered. They are well, along with the two innocent females they used to control our males.”

Lauren let that information sink in. Her boss and coworkers were arrested and that put her out of a job. Of course on the whole, it was a good thing. They were monsters who’d worked for Mercile. “I guess I’ll be sent home.”

He nodded. “Tomorrow.”

Swallowing, Lauren hated the twinge of pain and loss she felt. “I guess I won’t see you again, will I?”

He leaned closer. “I would like to spend time with you while you are here.”

“I’d love that.”

Wrath nodded and his hands dropped. He glanced at Flame over Lauren’s shoulder. “I will go where you take her.”

“They have been assigned human housing. You can meet them there when you’ve been cleared.”

“The doctor said I am fine to leave.”

Wrath took Lauren’s hand and tucked it over his arm. Flame opened the door and offered Amanda his arm. They walked toward a golf cart that was parked at the curb.

Flame drove with Amanda next to him while Lauren and Wrath sat in the back. Flame took them to a cute yellow cottage-style house next to a large lake. He parked in the driveway.

Lauren just wanted to be alone with Wrath but came to terms with the fact that the other couple would be with them. Flame led Amanda into the house first. The living room was spacious with an open floor plan to a dining room and kitchen. Down a hall were two bedrooms that had their own bathrooms.

Flame pulled Amanda aside after the house tour but his words carried. “I am off shift now that I’ve brought you home. Would you still like to go see my apartment?”

Amanda smiled. “I’d love to.” She took his hand. “Is this going to be an all-night tour or am I coming back here tonight?”

“It’s your choice but I would like to keep you all night.”

Amanda reached down, grabbed her bag and waved at Lauren. “Don’t wait up. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Flame took the bag from her hand. “Allow me to carry it. Are you hungry? I’d like to take you to a bar. We can eat and dance before going back to my apartment.”

Amanda smiled up at him. “You’re perfect. Has anyone ever told you that?”

“No, but I like hearing it.”

Lauren watched the couple walk down the hallway and out of sight. She heard the front door close. She turned her head to peer into Wrath’s dark gaze.

“Tomorrow is goodbye.” Lauren felt depressed instantly. “Will you stay the night with me?”

He nodded. “I hoped you would ask me to sleep with you one last time.”

Lauren backed up into the bedroom, tugging on his hand. He closed the door behind them. Lauren released his hand and reached for her shirt. She shoved it over her head, dropped it and kicked off her shoes before she reached the bed. Wrath advanced on her, following her step for step. She stopped and unfastened her bra, let it drop and smiled at him.

Wrath growled. Encouraged, Lauren reached for her borrowed stretch pants. She hooked the waistband with her thumbs, making sure she caught her panties as well. She pushed them down her legs and stepped free of them. She stood in front of Wrath completely naked.

“This is our last night since I’m going home tomorrow.” Lauren moved, putting her hands on his chest. “I want to go all the way.”

His features tensed. “You want me to enter you?”


The look in his eyes baffled her. He almost looked sad. “I can’t.” His voice came out raspy.

“Why not?”

“There are things you don’t know about me. I don’t want to risk hurting you. I have been damaged, Lauren. I could lose control and that would be a dangerous thing.”

She shook her head. “I know you won’t. You will be very gentle with me. I know that from the way you touch me. I trust you. Have some trust in yourself.”

“I—” He closed his mouth.

“You won’t if you’re afraid of getting me pregnant. I’m on something that prevents it. I have a clean bill of health.”

He shook his head. “That is not my fear. I have been harmed in the past and it makes me afraid I might revert to that conditioning. It could make me dangerous.”

Lauren sat down, ignored her naked state, and tugged on him until he sat next to her. She turned to face him, stared into his eyes and licked her lips.

“There’s nothing you could tell me that would change how I feel about you. I’ve done some reading on New Species and I heard rumors that sometimes some of you would end up killing the jerks who held you. Is that it? Did you kill some of them? If that’s it, I’d award you a medal. They deserved it for everything they did.”

The pain reflected in his eyes tore her apart.

“That isn’t it.”

She took a deep breath. “Just tell me. The worst thing is keeping a secret. Once it’s out, we can deal with it.”

He gripped her hand and his gaze drifted away from her to stare at the carpet near their feet. Lauren waited patiently, didn’t want to push him, and wondered if he’d really talk to her. She was hopeful.

“My life in the testing facility was rough.”

She squeezed his hand but remained silent, waiting for any details he wanted to share.

“But then they moved a few of us to a new place. There was Shadow and another male we didn’t know. He had a mate but the humans killed her.”

Tears filled her eyes at the horror of what he must have seen and endured but she kept silent, waiting. He refused to look at her and she saw his mouth tense, a coldness seep into his stare, and his voice deepened with emotion.

“They drugged me to make me aroused, hooked me to a machine and showed me videos of human naked women touching themselves to force my seed from my body. They would do it for hours until the pain became too much and I would pass out. I grew to hate the sight of human females.” He paused and finally lifted his gaze to hers. “I feel rage, thinking about what was done to me, the humiliation I suffered, and I know you aren’t responsible but I’m afraid of losing control. I might have a flashback and cause you pain.”

Lauren blinked back tears. “I’m so sorry, Wrath. You’re a victim and you’re right—I wasn’t there and I’d never be a part of that.” She gripped his hand tighter. “They can’t hurt you anymore and we don’t have to have sex if you aren’t ready. We could hold each other. I’m okay with that. I don’t believe for a second that you’d hurt me though. You’re the gentlest man I’ve ever met.”

His eyebrows arched.

“I mean that. The way you touch me is special and you make me feel that way too.”

A soft growl rumbled from his throat. “I never believed I’d be attracted to a human female but you’re all I want.”

“I’m right here. We can do whatever you want or what you feel comfortable with.”

“Do you see me as less now?” There was a catch in his voice. “Less male now that you know what was done to me? I should have been stronger and resisted more. They took my seed by force.”

Her heart broke. “No. God no, Wrath.” She moved, released his hand and climbed onto his lap. He let her and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her face against his throat and clung to him. “You’re amazing, strong, determined and brave. You hunt down those assholes that hurt your people. That’s so noble and yeah, brave. I admire you and think you’re the sexiest guy ever. I’m so glad you came into my life.”

His arms wrapped around her and he clung. “I want you but I’m afraid.”

Her lips pressed against his skin and she kissed him. “I’m not afraid of you. Why don’t you get naked? I love holding you.”

“I want that.” His voice deepened again.

She leaned up enough to see his eyes and smiled. “We’ll just take everything slow and see how it goes. You’re highly overdressed.”

He chuckled and suddenly lifted her off his lap, placed her in the middle of the bed and rose to his feet. “Give me a moment to fix that.”

He stripped out of the shirt, revealing that wonderful array of perfectly sculpted abs first then his broad shoulders. The discarded shirt hit the floor. He bent, tore off his shoes and straightened. Lauren held her breath as he reached for the front of his pants and opened them. She loved the expanse of skin that assured her he was going commando.

“No boxers?”

“They didn’t have the kind I like. I’d rather do without.”

“I like you without.”

He chuckled and shoved the pants down, freeing his cock, and impressing her by revealing how thick and hard he was. He might not be ready for sex but his body said otherwise. He stepped out of the jeans, kicked them away and hesitated.

“I don’t want to just hold you.”

Her gaze lingered on his hard-on. “I see that. I’m all for anything you want to do with me.”

A soft growl came from him as he slowly took a step toward the bed. Lauren stretched out on her back, hesitated then spread her arms and legs apart on the bed. Wrath’s eyes widened and he put a knee on the mattress.

“What are you doing?”

“You’re in charge.” She held his gaze. “I’m all yours.”

The color of his eyes seemed to darken as they widened but he put his hands down flat, crawled over her, and a deep snarl came from his parted lips. “Don’t say that.”

She wasn’t afraid. “That you’re in charge or I’m all yours?”

His gaze lowered down her body and he licked his lips. “That you are mine. I might believe it and you wouldn’t want that.”

“Why?” Her heart raced.

He lowered, his face hovered by her throat and warm breath fanned her there. “You have no idea what I want from you.”

“Tell me.”

Dark eyes stared into hers. “Right now I want to touch you.”

“Go ahead.”

He leaned in and brushed a kiss over her throat. Lauren turned her head and exposed it to his wandering mouth. His tongue traced a pattern, sharp teeth gently brushed too and she resisted the urge to reach up and grip his shoulders just to have something to cling to.

He lowered down her body slowly, teasing and awakening her desire with each caress of his hot mouth. She moaned when he sucked on one taut nipple and her restraint broke. Her hands lifted, opened on his chest and she stroked him.

A deep growl came from him, his hot, rigid cock brushed her leg and she spread them wider apart. Wrath suddenly pulled away and their gazes met.

“I want you. I hurt for you.”

“Take me. I said I’m yours.”

One of his hands opened on her belly, slid downward and Lauren moaned when his thumb rubbed against her clit. His fingers tested to see how turned-on she was, found how sleek and wet he’d made her with his mouth, and just the sight of his body.

“You’re so ready for me.”


His eyes closed and his head hung a little. Lauren’s hands left his chest to cup his face. Wrath looked at her then, his gaze tortured with longing and something else…maybe fear. She hated to see it and lifted up until their mouths were mere inches apart.

“Kiss me, baby. It’s okay.”

An eyebrow arched and his lips curved upward just slightly. “Baby?”

“An endearment. I could call you sexy. You really are.”

“So are you.”

“Please kiss me?”

His focus fixed on her mouth. He paused and glanced back up. “I’ve never kissed someone before on their lips.”

She tried to hide her shock. “Never?”

His gaze slid away as he avoided hers. “My experience is limited to breeding experiments. Mercile enjoyed testing pain drugs on me more. The few females who were brought to me didn’t want that kind of intimate personal contact since they didn’t know me.”

“Look at me, Wrath.”

He did and she identified his pain for sure then. “I’ll kiss you. Everyone has a first time. I’m honored that I’ll be yours.” And I wish I were your last. The idea of him touching someone else, being with them, made her chest hurt. “Just relax and put your mouth over mine. I’ll show you.”

Wrath wanted Lauren, wanted to experience everything she offered and so much more. Fear of losing control gripped him but he breathed through the worst of it. She was waiting for an answer.

He allowed all the feelings he experienced to surface and quickly determined that he’d do anything to avoid causing her any harm. It gave him confidence to face down his ultimate fear of having a flashback to his abuse strike at an intimate moment.

He was a strong male. He needed to have faith in his ability to control himself. He refused to allow the past to ruin his future. Lauren stood before him, willing, ready and eager to share sex with him. Nothing had ever tempted him more.

He took one deep breath and made a decision. I can do this. I’m stronger than my conditioning. Lauren isn’t someone I’d ever harm and that will keep me from losing control.

He leaned in closer, closed his eyes and Lauren fused her lips to his. Her tongue darted out, licked the seam of his mouth and entered to explore. He was hesitant at first but caught on quickly, devouring her with passion as they stroked each other.

His weight pinned her down as he stretched out over her. Lauren lowered her head back to the bed, released his face and wound her arms around his neck. She only paused for a second before wrapping her thighs around the backs of his legs. With his height, he’d have to move up for him to enter her since his cock was below her pussy. She arched her back to urge him on. Her breasts pressed tightly against his chest and Wrath snarled.

Kissing her, the taste of her, drove him insane. He wanted more, needed it, and quickly knew he was about to lose control. The desire to take her nearly overrode everything else. Calm, he ordered his body. You can do this. Focus on her desire…her desire…

He knew they needed to slow things down. He was determined to be the male she deserved and that would be one who could take her with tenderness. It might kill him but he wanted her bad enough to face his own inner demons.

Wrath broke the kiss, breathing hard, and their gazes held. Desire made his eyes appear almost black as he stared at her. Lauren gazed back and ached for him to continue kissing her. Her lips parted but he spoke first.

“I want you.”

“I want you too.”

He braced his arms on the bed and pushed his chest off hers, put space between their bodies, and Lauren refrained from protesting. She unlocked her calves from behind his thighs to free him. She didn’t want him to feel trapped by her in any way and prayed he wouldn’t call their lovemaking to a halt.

“Will you roll over for me?”

Her mind worked. “You want to take me from behind?”

“Yes.” His voice deepened.

She nodded. “I like doggy style.”

He suddenly laughed.

Her face burned, realizing he might take that wrong considering he was New Species and had mentioned he was canine. “I mean—”

“It’s fine. I knew you meant the position. It is my favorite.” He chuckled again. “I wonder why.”

Lauren laughed and rolled over, breaking eye contact with him. Wrath rose to his knees, his hands gripped her hips and he pulled her up to her knees.

“Spread your legs just a bit more,” he urged. “I’m much taller than you. I need to put my legs on the outside of yours but you’re so small I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you.”

She looked back at him and arched her eyebrow. “Most people don’t tell me that.”

All humor left his face. “I don’t want to hear about other males touching you. It makes me angry.”

“I meant that people don’t call me small.”

“You are, compared to me.”

She couldn’t dispute that. Wrath was one big, tall, buff man. She spread her thighs, braced her palms flat on the bed and watched him shift his legs to the outside of hers. It made them more level in height that way. One of his hands settled on the small of her back and his gaze locked on the curve of her ass. He stared into her eyes finally.

“I will go slow. Tell me if I hurt you.”

“I’m hurting already but it’s because I want you so bad.”

His tense features relaxed slightly. “I am in control.”

“Yes, you are.”

He smiled. “I was reminding myself of that, not you.”

“You aren’t going to hurt me, Wrath. You’re large.” She glanced at his straining cock. “But I can take you.”

“I hope so,” he muttered.

“I’m a lot of things but fragile isn’t one of them.”

Lauren turned away, lowered her head and waited. She knew he was worried about having a flashback to being abused but she trusted him. His hand pressed down and she lowered, tilting her ass higher, and he leaned in closer until the head of his cock touched the slit of her pussy. He rubbed her there, stroked her clit, and she moaned. The blunt head of his cock slid higher, pressed against the entrance to her vagina, and he slowly pushed.

Her body didn’t admit him easily. She’d never been with someone so large and she spread her legs a few more inches to help him. He growled, pushed, and she moaned slowly at the feel of being parted and stretched.

“You’re so tight,” he snarled.

The sound turned her on more. Wrath sank into her slowly. She could feel her pussy stretched taut around his thick shaft and it felt amazing. She kept her body relaxed as he eased in. It allowed her to adjust to him as he bent over her. One hand braced on the bed next to her shoulder as he curved over her back, pinned her there, and his other hand reached around her to play with her clit. A louder moan broke from her lips.

“Am I hurting you?”

“Don’t stop,” she got out.

He growled in response, withdrew a little and pushed inside her deeper. His hips moved slowly, rocking against her gently until he was fully seated. He paused there and allowed them both to share that connected feeling before he started moving again. He fucked her faster, his finger tapped the bundle of nerves, and Lauren realized she wasn’t going to last long. It was too much sensory overload having him inside her while he stimulated her clit.

“Yes,” she panted and shoved her ass back at him, urging him to go faster.

He bent farther over her, his weight pinned her and his mouth opened on her shoulder. Sharp teeth raked her skin but didn’t hurt. He turned his head, lightly bit the back of her neck and Lauren cried out as the climax struck.

Wrath snarled, jerked his mouth away as her vaginal muscles clamped down tightly and fluttered from her orgasm. Pressure suddenly filled her as his hips ground against her ass. He stayed buried deep inside her, his hand jerked away from her pussy and his arm wrapped around her waist to lock her in place.

His body tensed, shook violently and he cried out. It wasn’t like any other kind of sound she’d ever heard—it was a mixture between a shout and a howl. His cock felt as if it grew even bigger. She felt pressure inside her pussy, and warmth.

Wrath leaned his weight to the right, kept a tight hold on her and they both fell over on the bed, hitting it on their sides. It surprised Lauren but she didn’t protest as he wrapped around her more, spooned her tightly in his embrace and brushed a kiss on the side of her arm up near her shoulder.

“Did I hurt you?”

She turned her head as he bent his elbow and propped his head on his hand. Their gazes met and she smiled. “No. You, um, feel bigger.”

“My dick swells. Are you sure it’s not painful?”

She reached up, cupping his cheek. “I’m okay. It doesn’t hurt.”

“I can’t stop it. I will hurt you if I tried to pull out right now. I’m locked inside you but it will only last a few minutes.”

Shocked a bit, Lauren stared at him. “Locked inside me?”

He nodded. “It’s part of my altered—”

“It’s okay,” she promised him, not really caring why it happened but just accepted it. “It’s part of you.” A chuckle escaped. “Don’t move. Stay right where you are.”

Shock filled Wrath’s eyes. “You think this is funny?”

“Not exactly funny but it’s kind of cool from my prospective. Most men just pull out and roll away from a woman after sex. You can’t do that, can you?”

“No but I admit I have no urge to separate us. I’m where I want to be.”

Lauren knew right then she had lost her heart to the big New Species.

Chapter Twelve

Lauren wiped at tears, feeling grateful Wrath hadn’t been there to witness her sadness at leaving the NSO Homeland. Regret lingered too, that they hadn’t gotten the opportunity to say goodbye but she knew it was probably for the best. It was hard to walk away from the man she was pretty sure she loved but they’d captured her coworkers so there was no logical reason for her to stay at his side anymore.

“Don’t cry.” Amanda handed her a tissue. “Then you’ll get me started and I don’t look good at all with red, puffy eyes.”

“We didn’t get to talk during the trip back to your condo since we didn’t have any privacy.” Lauren studied her best friend. “How did your night go?”

Amanda sat on the couch next to her in the living room. “Not exactly as I had planned. Flame took me to their bar, it’s really cool there, but they don’t drink alcohol. Kinda weird, huh? They are totally into juice and sodas. Anyway, we ate a nice huge steak dinner—he ate three of those babies—but he is a mountain on legs, in his defense. I swear, I feel downright dainty compared to that hunk of kitty love.”

A smile curved Lauren’s mouth. “God, please tell me you didn’t call him that.”

“I didn’t. I thought it though. He can dance.” Her eyebrows wiggled. “I mean, he can bump and grind with the best of them but he got called away on some emergency.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Me too. It was cool though. I didn’t want to go back to the cottage since I knew you and super stud needed some alone time. I hung out with their women. Man, they are kickass fit. I got to go to the women’s dorm for a sleeping party in the living room. They think it’s totally cool to have slumber parties and I admit it was fun. There are a few little women too. They made me feel huge. You know?” She rested her hands on her stomach. “But we watched movies and they asked me a ton of questions. Now it’s my turn to grill you.” Amanda studied her. “You are in love with him, aren’t you?”

“I’m that easy to read? I think so. He’s amazing. I never thought I could fall so fast for someone.”

“You don’t cry often yet there you are sniffing and leaking. Is he going to call you?”

“I don’t know. He had to leave for some kind of meeting early this morning. They needed to ask him questions about what happened. He kissed me, told me breakfast had been delivered to the living room and he’d be back as soon as he was able. Instead two guys showed up after I ate and told me it was time to go.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Me too. I wanted to at least say goodbye. I left him a note and my phone number.”

“He’ll call. I saw the way he looked at you.” Her gaze dropped to Lauren’s chest. “And you’ve got big boobs. Men always call women with those.”

Hot tears welled again and Lauren admitted the truth. “I wasn’t ready to let him go.”

Amanda leaned closer, putting her arm around her best friend. “This is probably why we don’t date. We suck at this whole one-night-stand thing.”

“I had two nights with him,” Lauren corrected. “How am I going to sleep without him tonight? He holds me so tight in his arms. I never felt so safe and so right with someone before. He’s special.”

Amanda suddenly snorted. “You slept? Shame on you. I would have stayed up to enjoy every moment with Flame if he hadn’t had to leave. That’s a man who needs a warning label tattooed across his chest that says ‘a woman needs a strong heart to climb on this ride’. I’m really disappointed I didn’t get to find out for sure but I gave him my numbers. He promised to call.”

“I’m sure he will.” Lauren took her hand. “What a pair we are.”

“I just hope it wasn’t something dangerous for Flame. The word emergency implies something awful, doesn’t it? The women said it was probably something to do with those stupid protesters who are always giving them grief. I wanted to march out to the front gates and bitch-slap the lot of them. My poor Flame has already been through so much and having to deal with the worst types of human trash just pisses me off.” She sighed. “Especially since it took him away from me. He’s such a good man and I just wanted to kiss him and take him to bed. I think I’d make a hell of an ambassador to show him some real goodwill and human kindness.”

Lauren laughed. “You’re terrible.”

“No. I fell for him and wanted to fall on a mattress with him too.”

“You’re such a slutty bitch.”

“You’re such a…oh hell, Lauren. I think I’m in love. You know how we used to snort at the love-at-first-sight thing? Not so funny now. I spend a few hours with him and he’s all I can think about. It’s not just because I’m horny and haven’t had a date in forever. He’s funny, sexy, and I know he would have rocked my world.”

“Lucky you. I am pretty sure I’m in love with Wrath.”

They sat there. Lauren yawned and caused her friend to do it too. They glanced at each other and laughed.

“Are you staying here or are you going home?”

“I need to go home and check on Tiger.” Lauren pulled away. “I also want to be there in case he calls me. I don’t want to miss it if he does. God only knows where my cell phone ended up…or my purse. I have keys though.” She patted her pocket. “One of the NSO guys handed them to me and said my stuff would be delivered to me later. I don’t even have a car until they bring it back.”

“Do you want to borrow my car? I’d offer to drive you myself but I’m so tired I’m afraid I wouldn’t make it back without falling asleep behind the wheel. I’ve got a hot redhead to live for.”

“The walk will do me good and it’s only a few blocks away. I hope Flame calls you soon.”

“Me too.” Amanda looked sad. “I’d so love to go visit him again but only when he’s got a few days off because I don’t want him called into work again. Want to go storm the gates of the NSO with me soon? That’s my plan if he doesn’t call me. I’m not letting this one go.”

“Only if Wrath wants to see me.”

Amanda nodded. “I’m sure he will. I saw the way he looked at you when we were in their medical place and he first walked out from the back.”

“I hope you’re right. I’d feel better about it if I’d gotten to talk to him before they took us away.” Lauren stood, stretched, and another yawn passed her lips. “Call me later. Much later.”

Amanda turned on her side, stretched out on the couch and waved. “Lock the door, okay? I’m too tired to go upstairs.”

“Sweet dreams.”

“You know who I’m going to be spending my snooze time with. He’s total fantasy material.”

Lauren let herself out, locked the bottom lock, and made sure the door latched well. The sun hurt her tired eyes but she trudged home and managed to avoid most of her neighbors since they’d already left for work. Walking inside her home reminded her of the last time she’d been there with Wrath and his team members.


He was stretched out on her bed. He raised his head and peered at her.

“No scary guys today, unfortunately, but hopefully at least one of them will be back soon. You’re going to like him as much as I do once you get past that whole growling thing. It’s sexy. Trust me.” She kicked off her shoes, stripped out of her clothes and stared at her answering machine by the bed. It didn’t blink, there were no messages, so she closed her eyes as she curled up under her covers.

He’ll call. He has to call me!

* * * * *

Wrath was furious as he glared at Fury. “You had her escorted off Homeland and taken to her friend’s home while I was gone? How could you do that? I planned to spend time with her after I was done with my duties.”

The other male frowned. “Is she your mate? I wasn’t informed of this.”


Fury tilted his head, studied him closely, and Wrath shifted his stance. The scrutiny left him feeling nervous and meant he’d probably crossed a line. “Are you sure the female isn’t your mate? You look upset, Wrath. Does she mean a lot to you? We need to discuss this.”

“She means a lot.” Opening up about his feelings wasn’t easy to do except with Shadow. “Lauren is all I think about and I’m feeling anger that I didn’t get to say goodbye to her. I hoped to see her again soon.”

Fury smiled. “I understand. I felt a pull toward my Ellie from the first. We went through a lot but she was special to me. Perhaps you should take this time apart to do some thinking. You agreed to give the task force at least six months of your time and I know you’re still struggling to come to terms with who you are.”

The idea of not seeing Lauren for five more months sent panic shooting through his body. She could meet another male who might claim her in that time or she could forget about him.

“You are bad at hiding your dismay.” Fury chuckled. “She left you a note.” He withdrew it from his back pocket and held it out. “Read what she wrote and perhaps it will be something you wish to know to take that stricken look from your face.”

Wrath lunged for it. He tried to ignore the way his hand trembled as he unsealed the envelope. It tore in his unsteady grip but the paper inside remained undamaged. He stepped back, ignored everything around him, and read the few short words. His heart slowed to a more normal rate and he glanced up to find Fury watching him.

“She gave me her phone number and wants me to call her.”

“Poor bastard,” Tiger sighed, stopping next to him. “I heard enough from my office to know you’re going down too.”

Fury frowned at his friend and shook his head. “It is not a disease or a bad thing to find a female who makes a male feel whole. Ellie is the center of my world and so is our son.”

Wrath jerked his head up, his gaze leaving Lauren’s neat writing to gawk at the male in front of him. “You have a son with your mate? I hadn’t heard that.”

Tiger gripped his shoulder. “You’ve been gone, you were with the task force, and they aren’t allowed to know about our ability to have children. Only Tim knows the truth. Fury’s son is a few weeks old and as cute as hell. I’m surprised to find Fury in the office. He rarely leaves his mate’s side but I’m betting our females have swarmed his house again to visit and make funny noises at the baby. He tends to flee in case they snarl at him over how painful labor seemed. Our women are very protective of Ellie but of course, no one took it worse than Fury did. Trisha threatened to Taser him and have Slade sit on his back if he didn’t stop snarling at everyone when Ellie had a contraction. He acted as if everyone was the enemy because he got protective of her.” Tiger laughed. “Are our females still threatening to neuter you?”

“Shut up,” Fury snapped.

“They are.” Tiger snickered. “None of our females want to do surgery on my nuts and that’s another reason I don’t want a mate.” He released Wrath. “Don’t allow our females to get attached to yours if you take a mate. Only threats can come of it and a lot of pissed-off Species females with grudges.”

“Don’t you have phone calls to make or someone else to taunt?” Fury glared at him. “I was talking to Wrath.”

“He loves me. My man is just grumpy because he’s not getting any loving.” Tiger laughed.

“I am though.” A smile curved Fury’s mouth. “There are many ways to do that.”

Wrath glanced between the males, knew they were friends, and wished he could escape their good-natured argument. “I have a phone call to make.”

“Not so fast.” Tiger shifted to block his path and all humor left his face. “You did agree to work with the task force for six months and we can’t afford to lose you. We’re already one Species down since Vengeance didn’t work out. Whoever this female is, she can wait.”

“You could keep her with you. You have your own sleeping quarters, correct? I can talk to Justice and he’ll be able to smooth things over with Tim.”

Excitement struck Wrath for a few heartbeats as he absorbed Fury’s offer. “I don’t know if she’d agree to that.”

Tiger growled. “That’s too risky. She’d have to—”

“Agree to remain there during the rest of your mission.” Fury shot Tiger a warning look. “He has feelings for the female. You may not understand but I do. I’d live anywhere with Ellie and she’d live with me. It could be inside a cave in the woods but she wouldn’t care as long as we’d be together. This female might return his strong feelings.”

“Tim is going to pitch a fit. I know him better than you do. He will adamantly refuse to allow a human female to live with one of our males.”

Fury shrugged off Tiger’s assessment. “That’s not his call to make since he works for us and we give the orders.” He stared at Wrath. “You should find out how deep her feelings run for you. Justice and I both have mates and we understand how important they are to our happiness. He’ll support me on this issue. Do you love her?”

“She is all I think about,” Wrath confessed. “I’ve never been happier than when I’m with her.”

“Sounds like love to me.” Fury chuckled. “Stop wasting time with us and go call her. Find out if she loves you.”

Wrath hesitated, staring at the other male. “What if she doesn’t return my feelings?”

“It’s her choice and her heart. You can’t be mates unless the love and need to be inseparable flows both ways. It’s what makes the mating bond alive. Just don’t be surprised if she asks for time to figure out if she is willing to give up her life as she knows it to be with you. They are different from us and I’ve heard their males aren’t as intense as we are. She may not take you seriously due to how some human males don’t understand the true meaning of loyalty and commitment for life. It’s your duty to tell her how we are, that it’s for life, but you aren’t allowed to share classified information about Species until after she is your mate.”

“He means use condoms to prevent her from becoming pregnant and don’t tell her there’s a possibility of it until she’s really yours. I’d wait until you live at NSO before you do that. We can’t allow the humans to know we can have children. It’s too dangerous and you getting her pregnant while living with the team would reveal our secret.”

Wrath understood the importance of protecting his people and their future. “She is on the birth-control shot.”

“Good. Make sure she keeps taking it. They assume we can’t get them with a baby and might decide she no longer has to take it.” Tiger spun on his heel. “I do have calls to make. Good luck.”

Fury nodded toward Wrath. “Call her.” He stepped into his office and closed the door.

Wrath hesitated and walked outside to find privacy under a shade tree before he pulled out his cell phone and dialed the number on the note Lauren had left him. His stomach twisted from the uncertainty of what she would say or how she would react. They hadn’t started out on good terms when he’d taken her from that warehouse but emotionally they’d come a long way in such a small amount of time. He was willing to risk anything for her, even the pain of rejection.

* * * * *

The phone woke Lauren and she lunged for it. “Hello?”


Her heart instantly squeezed at hearing that deep, wonderful voice. “Wrath.”

“The briefing took longer than expected and then I was asked to be present while Bill was interrogated. I returned to the cottage to see you but was informed you’d been escorted to your friend’s home.” He paused. “I wanted to see you and was deeply disappointed that you were gone.”

“I wanted to see you too but they didn’t exactly give me a choice.” She sat up and clutched the phone tighter, fully alert. “You got my note.”

“I have it right here.”

She only hesitated for a second before blurting out what she really wanted to say. “I miss you already. I know I shouldn’t say that, it probably makes me seem kind of clingy but I just wish I was there with you.”

“I miss you too and wish you were in front of me.” He growled.

Her body instantly responded to that sexy sound. “Don’t do that. It makes me miss you more and I’m remembering the night we spent together and how you would make that exact sound when we were making love.”

He growled again and she closed her eyes, listening to him breathing, and hated holding the phone instead of him.

“I want to touch you so badly.” It stunned her that those words had come from her but she didn’t regret them. It was the truth.

“I will be returning to the task force headquarters tonight.” He paused. “Would you stay there with me? It’s too dangerous for me to stay with you since your place isn’t secure. I have to stay where I’ve been ordered to live—at headquarters. I know my room is small. My bed isn’t as big as yours and you have a pet.” He growled again. “It sounds as if I’m trying to talk you out of staying with me but that’s not the case. I’m just thinking of all the reasons you can use to say no but I’m hopeful you won’t. I want to sleep with you in my arms.”

“I’ll pack a bag.” Lauren grinned, opened her eyes, and excitement gripped her. “I’ll make sure Tiger’s food dispenser is full and I’ll ask Amanda to check on him. I’ll even put out extra for him and fill the bathtub so he’s got plenty of water. Not that he really needs it since he roams outside a lot of the time and probably has his own ways of getting it. I don’t have a job anymore so no worries about not going to work tomorrow.” She laughed. “Is it just for tonight or should I pack for a few days? Where do I go to meet you? I’ll drive there if they’ve dropped off my car. Just give me a place and a time. I’ll be there.”

“I’ll pick you up. Pack a lot of clothes. Expect me between seven and eight.”

“I’ll be ready!”

“I will be there as soon as I am able, Lauren. I can’t wait to see you.”

“I can’t either. Hurry up. I’ll be ready! Goodbye, Wrath.”

“It is never goodbye between us, Lauren. I’ll see you soon.” He growled again and hung up.

“Yes,” she laughed, hung up, and dialed. Wrath wanted to see her, spend time with her and she needed to pack. First though, she needed to call Amanda.

“Hello?” The groggy voice assured her that her friend was still sleeping.

“Sorry I woke you up. He called me! He’s coming tonight to pick me up and I’m going to spend at least a few days with him. Did you hear from Flame yet?”

“No.” Amanda sighed. “But I’m happy for you. Run with scissors, Lauren. If there’s ever a time to take a stupid and crazy chance where you know you could get hurt, well, he’s the one.”

“Thank you. I’m sure Flame will call you soon.” She glanced at the clock. “He’s probably still at work. It’s only four o’clock. Most people get off work around five, right? You’re a wonderful person and he’d be stupid not to realize that. He seemed pretty smart to me in the little amount of time I got to spend with him.”

“I hope so. He did say he was sure I could make him roar.”


“He’s part lion or something. He purred at me a few times while we were rubbing up against each other on the dance floor. It was the hottest thing. I swear it made me wet.”

Lauren chuckled. “TMI, Amanda. I don’t need to know that.”

“We’re best friends so there’s no such thing. Give it up, besty. Does Wrath purr?”

“He’s canine. He growls and snarls.” She bit her lip. “His cock swells at the end of sex and he’s locked inside me until it goes down. He snuggles with me afterward. It’s wonderful but that information stays between us.”

“No! Seriously? Wow. What did that feel like? The swelling?”


“I wonder if Flame swells. I can’t wait to find out. Of course now I’m a little frightened. He is seriously hung. I couldn’t miss that when we were pressed together and I noticed it was ‘ouchie’ sized. I can’t imagine it if he swells even bigger. I might take on more than I can chew.” She chuckled. “Or suck. You know what I mean?”

“Way too much info.”

“What about Mr. Hunk? Anything to write home about in that department?”

“He’s more than a letter. He’s worth an entire book.”

Amanda snorted. “Maybe it’s a New Species thing. Good thing they weren’t mixed with horses. That would totally be scary, right?”

“No shit.” Lauren scooted off her bed and dropped to her knees to dig one-handed under her bed for her suitcase. “I need to pack. I’m taking my cell if it’s in my car—hopefully they’ve brought it back here by now—but if not, Wrath probably has a phone I can use. I’ll call you in the next few days.”

“You better. Are you going to the NSO? Tell Flame to call me.”

“We’re going back to that headquarters place. It’s a secret so keep it hush-hush.”

“I’m the queen of discreet.”


“What is it like there?”

“He lives there underground. A lot of people hate them so keep your lips sealed about that place. He says it’s not safe for them to live where it isn’t secure—I guess that means anywhere other than their compounds—or he’d just stay here with me. He’s got a private room with a bathroom. They also have a big room with a kitchen and a living room. There’s even a pool table.”

Amanda laughed. “You could have him do you on it. Pool table sex is hot.”

“It’s in a room everyone uses.”

“Even better. The thrill of maybe getting caught.”

“I worry about you.” Lauren laughed. “Go back to sleep. I need to pack and get ready.”

“Don’t worry about how long you’re gone. I could pop in there and check on Tiger. I know where you keep the food.”

“Thanks. That would be great.”

“That’s why we have keys to each other’s places. Are you telling anyone else where you’re going?”

“Nope. Just you. If my family happens to call, tell them I’m out of town or something. You know the drill.”

Amanda laughed. “I’ll tell them you joined a nudist colony that worships women with big boobs. I’ll say a dozen sex-starved naked men grabbed you in a van and you’re doing the whole free love thing. They’ll enjoy that. When they start to bitch at me about how come I didn’t try to stop you, I’ll just tell them I was looking out for you by buying you a don’t-come-a-knocking-if-the-van-is-rocking bumper sticker. I’ll remind them how supportive I am.”

Lauren laughed. “Don’t you dare.”

“I’ll assure them that you’ll come home as soon as someone knocks you up and with all that sex with a dozen guys it shouldn’t be too long since you forgot your pills. They don’t know you take the shots, right?”

“I swear, Amanda, if you do that, and I know you would just to freak out my bitchy sister, I’ll personally call your grandma and tell her you’re ready for her to introduce you to men again because you so desperately want to get married. Remember the last time she started sending men your way? I don’t know which one was worse. The mortician she hooked you up with since most of her friends keep dropping dead or the horse jockey she met when she was dating that guy who liked going to the races. What was he? Four-nine? You had nightmares for months about those dates you suffered to avoid hurting her feelings.”

“You wouldn’t dare. It took me months to get Monty the creepy-ass mortician to stop calling me. He sent me flowers and I swear to God he stole them from graves. He missed one of the condolence cards once. He said he really wanted to have sex with me in a coffin and that was his version of tempting me to go on a second date with him. I refuse to talk about the jockey. He asked me if I’d ever worn a saddle while I tried to eat my dinner. I don’t even want to go to that bad, ugly place, Lauren. That was just mean to remind me. You just forget Grandma’s number and I’ll make up something nice to tell your family if they call me.”

“Love you. I’ll call.”

“You better. Love you too.”

Lauren hung up, dropped the suitcase on the bed, and returned the phone to the cradle. It didn’t take long to pack, shower and grab her e-reader. She downloaded a bunch of books while it charged, packed it, and prepared Tiger to be alone for a few days.

Wrath was coming! She glanced at the clock, only had a few hours to go, and time couldn’t move fast enough.

Chapter Thirteen

Lauren grinned when the doorbell rang early and rushed for the door. Wrath must be as impatient to see her as she felt to see him. She’d already gotten dressed, had eaten an early dinner and was more than ready to leave when she threw open the door with a grin in place.

Her joy died instantly when a stranger stood on her doorstep instead. The tall, thin woman bore an uncanny resemblance to her boss, Mel Hadner. Her heart raced, she tried to hide it, and had a sinking feeling this person just might be related to the woman who had tried to hurt Wrath and his team.

“Hello,” she got out. “May I help you?”

“I believe so. You work for my sister, Mel. I went to her office today after receiving an urgent message from her yesterday that she needed to speak to me but no one was there. Do you know where my sister is?”

“No,” Lauren lied. “No idea at all. She was in her office when I left.” That part was true.


“Yesterday. Today is my day off.”

A frown curved the woman’s thin mouth downward and lines appeared on her forehead. “I came here because I spoke to a few of the businesses near the office and they saw you pushing a man out of the office in a chair. They said he appeared drunk. My sister is missing and so are a lot of your coworkers. I’ve already been to their homes and they aren’t there, didn’t sleep in their beds last night, and haven’t been seen.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Their cars are in the parking lot but they have just disappeared. Do you know anything about that?”

Shit! Think! “I had a man come in to see condos yesterday who had a bad knee. He injured it when he stood after sitting so long viewing listings. I had to push him out to his car.”

The woman’s arms slowly lowered and a cold look entered her eyes. “That was almost believable. Not bad. You’re a fast thinker, aren’t you, Lauren?”

Mel’s sister lunged suddenly and grabbed Lauren’s shirt with both hands, shoving her back. A large man suddenly stepped out from where he’d been hiding against the wall next to the door and entered the apartment. Two more came from the other side of the door and yet one more entered and closed the door firmly behind the five intruders who’d invaded the living room. It was the last guy who held Lauren’s attention.

He wore a hat and sunglasses but his features were something she’d learned to identify with the wider cheekbones and flatter shaping of his nose. His full lips were sealed but she knew he was New Species. His big frame and tall height also pointed to him being one of them. Of course the three human men were no slouches in the muscle and sheer-size departments either. They all were bruisers.

“Where are they, Lauren? I’m not screwing around. I want answers.”

“I don’t know. Who are you?” She knew she was in deep shit. The only thing she couldn’t figure out was why a New Species was with Mel’s sister. She forced her gaze away from him to stare at the woman still fisting her shirt. “I haven’t seen them since I left the office yesterday.”

“140? Tell me what you smell right now.”

The New Species lifted a hand, removed his glasses, and stepped forward. He inhaled, sniffed a few times, and his eyes widened slightly while he frowned. Lauren stared into his eyes. They were catlike—an amazing swirl of bright blue, rimmed along the outer edges with deep amber. They were beautiful, striking, and almost unreal. No one should have eyes that looked like that. His tan skin and black hair only added to how dramatic and exotic they appeared.

“Well?” The woman turned her head and shot him a glare. “Tell me, damn it.”

“Their scent isn’t here at all. Not on her or inside this place.”

“What do you want to do, Mary?”

The woman shot a glare at one of the thugs with her. “She knows something.”

She shoved Lauren hard enough that she hit the back of the couch but she was free. Lauren assessed her situation and knew it was grim.

Mary backed up a step, held her gaze, and it chilled Lauren to the bone. If the eyes were the windows to a person’s soul this woman had a dead one. A shiver ran down her back.

“I know you brought a New Species into the office yesterday. My sister called me and told me that. She was freaking out and scared. I didn’t get home until this morning to hear her message. Where the hell are they, Lauren? Tell me the truth and stop playing games or you’re going to regret it.”

“I don’t know anything,” Lauren lied. “Mel pulled me into her office and said the client was a rapist and she shoved me out the back door. That’s all I know. She wasn’t alone with him though. Brent and both John T and B were in her office with her.” She paused. “I was sure Kim was still there when that happened and Gina should have been in her office. Ask them again because I’m sure they were there after I left.”

One of the thugs snorted. “They can’t talk. They had accidents.”

Horror hit Lauren and she didn’t need to ask. They were dead. She wanted to scream but managed to stay on her feet, a real victory since her knees wanted to collapse under her.

“I’m a real bitch,” Mary admitted. “You’re going to tell me where my sister and her friends are or I’m going to have 140 start breaking your bones one at a time until you tell me what I want to know I have my sister back. You took that New Species out of there in a chair after he was shot with a tranquilizer dart. My sister said they had one of them out cold and two more captured. All the witnesses couldn’t be wrong and they know you. Kim and Gina were pawns who are no longer a threat.” Her gaze raked Lauren. “A chubby blonde was pushing him out of the office and down the street. Tell me now or you’re going to die a really slow, agonizing death. You are done lying to me.”

Lauren stared up at 140, decided she’d be honest, but only with him. “Why are you with them? You’re being called a number as though you weren’t freed. Is that it? I’ve seen two New Species fight and you could kick these humans’ asses. Your people have been freed and you don’t have to stay with these people.”

He growled. “They have my female.”

Shit. Lauren swallowed. “Can’t you just kill them and get her back?”

Mary struck hard and fast, backhanding Lauren in the face, and the blow threw her back against the couch where she nearly flipped over the thing. Pain made her curse, grab her injured cheek, and glare at her.

“I guess you weren’t joking about being a bitch, were you?”

“Where is my sister and her men, Lauren?”

She figured out quickly it would be a death sentence the moment she confessed they’d been taken by the NSO. They’d already killed the other two innocent people who’d worked in her office. Kim and Gina hadn’t worked for Mercile but they’d been witnesses to what had happened inside that office. Her only hope would be to stall for an hour until Wrath and his team arrived. If they arrived at seven. Otherwise there’d be two hours to drag out to give her any hope of surviving.

“I might let you live if you just tell me.” Mary rubbed the hand she’d struck her with.

Lauren glanced at the New Species. He shook his head, telling her not to trust what she was told and she believed him. He was obviously being forced to be there but it didn’t mean he liked it if he was willing to give her that tiny signal of warning.

“Okay. I’ll tell you the truth.” She remembered the conversation she’d overheard from her office. “I didn’t know what he was until Mel told me. Brent and both Johns wanted to ransom the three guys for a lot of money.”

Mary glared at her.

“Mel didn’t want to cut you in on it. Brent said to throw you off the track and they’d just disappear after they got paid. Your sister doesn’t want to give you any of the money. I’m sorry but that’s the truth.”

Lauren hoped her plan would work. Mel’s sister should be mad, thinking Mel was trying to screw her out of a bunch of money. It might possibly make the woman buy the story enough to wait around for a nonexistent phone call.

“If I don’t answer, they are going to be in the wind. That’s what John T said.”

Mary hit Lauren again, harder, and the taste of blood filled her mouth as she spun hard and sprawled over the back of the couch. It was the only thing that kept her on her feet.

“You’re lying. My sister wouldn’t do that.”

“You didn’t find the courtesy van in the parking lot, did you? That’s what they used to transport the New Species. They don’t want whatever phone they are using traced to my phone since I’m calling the NSO. They are having some stranger call and I’m supposed to answer with a code word. You’re not getting that out of me because then I know you’ll kill me.” She watched her blood drip on the couch, stain it, and used her hand to wipe some of it from her chin. “It’s Mel you should be pissed at. I’m just the idiot who lost her job and desperately needed money enough to do whatever she said.”

“They wouldn’t run like that,” one of the men said. “Mel wouldn’t do that. You know that, Mary. She’s lying.”

“You have five minutes to tell me where my sister is before I have the animal start breaking your bones. Do you know he can snap them in seconds? I won’t have him kill you by breaking your neck. You’ll lie there bleeding on the inside, in the kind of excruciating pain you can’t even imagine, until you die of shock. It will be the longest minutes of your life. Tell me where to find my sister. You’re going to die but it’s up to you how painful you want your last moments to be.”

Lauren saw the truth in her eyes and one glance at the New Species’ grim expression assured her that he believed it too. She had to change tactics. Nothing was going to save her if she didn’t think of something fast.

She allowed the tears to well in her eyes, not something difficult to do since the inside of her mouth hurt.

“Fine. I do have a number for them. I was supposed to call it when the NSO has the cash ready for the exchange but I’ll let you talk to your sister. She will tell you not to kill me.”

“What’s the number?” Mary seemed to calm.

“I don’t know it by heart. John T wrote it down and I hid it in case the NSO showed up here. It’s in the top drawer of my desk.”

“Get it.” Mary jerked her head at one of the thugs.

The desk sat across the room by the hallway and Lauren’s mind tried to figure out her next move. It was hard to think around the fear that gripped her but she wanted to live. She purposely stumbled, held her head, and hoped she appeared more hurt than she really was. Her cheek throbbed, the taste of blood lingered in her mouth, and she knew the inside of it was torn up a bit. One of Mary’s men trailed closely behind her as she walked to her desk.

The desk was old, a hand-me-down from an uncle, and the drawer had to be wiggled to get it open. A stack of her bills were on top and she shifted papers. The thug moved to her side. She glanced at him, but he wasn’t watching what she was doing. Instead he peered around the room.

Her fingers brushed metal under the papers, gripped it, and Lauren allowed sheer panic to lead her actions. They were going to kill her, she wasn’t getting out of this mess alive, and there was only one thing to do. Her other hand gripped the small scrap of a fortune cookie message that had been funny enough to keep. She purposely dropped it on the floor.

“Sorry. I’m shaking. It’s on there.”

He bent to retrieve it and Lauren acted. It horrified her, she screamed inwardly, and knew her life changed forever in the instant that she plunged the letter opener as deep as she could into the back of the man’s neck. Her hand fisted the handle of the sharp implement, she twisted hard to do more damage and heard his gasp of pain.

His body dropped to the floor, she dodged in the opposite direction and hit the side of the wall in her haste to flee toward her bedroom. She screamed, hoping to draw attention from the neighbors. It might scare off the remaining people in her living room if they thought the police would be called.

“Get her, 140,” Mary yelled.

Lauren reached her room, spun around and grabbed the doorknob. She got a glimpse of the big, grim New Species coming at her as she slammed the door closed and locked it. The shelf full of paperback books next to it was only waist high but heavy as she had to strain to tip it over. It fell sideways to block the door. Another scream erupted as something big thumped against the door.

She spun and dashed for the bathroom, slammed that door too and locked it. She tore open the drawer that housed her makeup to block the door and scrambled to climb up on the sink. The window she always left halfway open for Tiger was her only escape.

The thing stuck, didn’t want to open all the way, but desperation drove her to find that extra amount of strength to jerk it up. A loud sound in the other room assured her that the New Species had just burst through her barricade and now had breached her bedroom.

It wasn’t easy to fit through the tight space and she silently swore to get on a treadmill as she wiggled and finally fell to the ground below the window. Pain shot up her arms as her hands braced the impact to protect her face from hitting the grass first. She fought to her feet and screamed again, sure some of her neighbors would hear her now that she was outside and ran for the front of the building.

Two strong arms grabbed her and tore her right off her feet. The body she hit was solid, big, and two thick, muscular arms were banded around her waist. Lauren twisted her head and stared up in horror at 140.

“Don’t fight me. I don’t want to hurt you,” he growled.

“I’m not your enemy,” she panted. “They are. Please let me go. You’re New Species.”

Confusion clouded his extremely blue eyes. “What does that mean?”

“It means they are bad people and you’re not. New Species are good.”

He refused to release her. “They have my female and will kill her if I allow you to escape. I’m sorry.”

Hot tears filled her eyes. “Please let me go.”

“I wish I could.” He hesitated. “I smelled unknown males in your home and again in your bedroom. Some of them are like me, aren’t they? Did you really help her sister kidnap others of my kind?”

“No. I rescued him and helped him get away from her sister. His name is Wrath and I love him.”

His eyes widened and he frowned. “You don’t scent as his mate.” He sniffed. “I can’t smell him on you. Where is her sister? Do you know? Tell me.”

“I showered but he’s coming for me. Please let me go. Her sister and the men with her were arrested by your people. They have them at the NSO. That stands for New Species Organization and they run it. A lot of your kind have been freed from Mercile. They’ll help you if we get out of here and call them. You’re one of them and they’ll do anything for you.”

“I can’t allow you to escape. If Mary doesn’t call the one who holds my female every hour, he’s been ordered to shoot her in the head.” He turned her in his arms, threw her over his shoulder as if she were as light as a body pillow and growled.

“Act as if I hit you hard enough to knock you out,” he ordered. “Don’t move or talk. I’m going to try to save you. I know you have no reason to trust me but I don’t wish you harm. I will treat you as if you are the mate of another one of my kind. I would hope someone would do the same for my female if ever given the chance.”

Lauren went limp over his shoulder, knew no amount of struggling would get her free of someone so strong, and closed her eyes. Regret swamped her over telling him the truth about her ex-coworkers’ whereabouts. She shouldn’t have trusted 140 but she wanted him to know how hopeless her situation was. She couldn’t help Mary get her sister back, that was a lost cause, and now she was useless. That meant they’d kill her.

He moved fast, her body swayed with each step, and she knew when they entered her home again because, even with her eyes closed, she felt it when they stepped out of the sunshine.

“I didn’t tell you to kill her,” Mary snapped. “Fucking stupid animal.”

“She’s not dead. I struck her and knocked her out.” Anger made his voice deepen. “The ‘fucking stupid animal’ will tell you how to get your sister back if you’ll allow me to speak. I know where she is. I made this one tell me by torturing her with pain.”

Lauren listened, confused over his lies, but willing to try to trust him. She was all for anything that would keep her breathing. The silence was long until Mary finally spoke.

“Where is Mel? What do you mean, get her back?”

“This one is mated to one of my kind. His scent is all over her and she told me that the NSO has taken your sister and her technicians. You can exchange her for them.” Bitterness laced his voice. “You are very aware of how far we will go to protect our mates. Hers will get your sister safely back to you if you return his female safely to him.”

“I don’t know about this,” one of the thugs grunted. “It sounds fishy.”

140 growled now. “You remember how protective we are of our mates. You have me leashed like a dog to protect mine. Otherwise I’d kill all of you. He’ll get your sister and her technicians to you, whatever it takes, to get his female back.” He turned his head, his hair brushed Lauren’s side where her shirt had ridden up and it tickled slightly.

“You keep your hands off her. Scent stays with a body for a long time and he won’t want her back if another male mounts her. He’ll insist on smelling her first before he accepts her back. I know your fondness for forcing females but leave this one alone. He’ll know and reject her.” His head turned again. “Order him to leave her alone if you want your sister and her technicians back.”

Lauren felt sick at hearing that last part. Her skin crawled thinking that one of those guys obviously was a rapist but 140 was trying to protect her from that too. The fingers gripping her thigh slightly squeezed, almost a reassuring gesture. She guessed he could figure out how terrified she felt.

“How do you know for sure that her mate has my sister?” Mary had moved closer.

“Her mate has them. She was so terrified she confessed everything to me. Trade her for them. It will be the only way you will ever get your sister back.”

The silence was lengthy. Mary sighed. “Fine. You better be right, 140. Since you’re so damn smart, how do we set up this exchange?”

“Leave a note and a way to contact you here. He will come for her soon. You know we can’t be away from our females for long without going insane.”

Mates go insane if they are separated for too long? That bit of information stunned Lauren but of course, 140 could be lying. He was bullshitting a lot to try to save her butt. Gratitude filled her. The New Species was buying her time and trying to protect her.

“It had better work, 140.” Mary sounded furious. The threat was clear that he’d pay if he were wrong.

“What do we do with Olson’s body?” It was one of the thugs asking the question.

“Leave him. I don’t want him staining my trunk.” Mary sighed. “Write down my disposable cell number and leave it on the couch next to her blood. He won’t miss it there, will he, 140?”

“No,” he growled. “He will not.”

* * * * *

Wrath waited impatiently for the team to gather and leave. He turned his head and stared at Shadow. The male met his gaze and smiled.

“You are impatient.”

“I don’t want to be late. I told Lauren I would be there between seven and eight o’clock.”

“Brass and Tim are arguing again.”

“I’m aware.” Anger surged through Wrath. “He doesn’t want a civilian staying in headquarters and he’s still upset we had her there in the first place. The walls aren’t thick enough to miss most of what is being said.”

“He insisted that a background check be done on her and he’s right for that. She did have a strong tie to ex-Mercile employees. She worked with them.”

Wrath snarled. “Lauren is not my enemy.”

“Tim is worried about the rest of us.” Shadow suddenly grinned. “She’s so dangerous.”

“That is not funny. She couldn’t hurt a fly.”

“I’m aware. I saw her face when you were fighting with Vengeance. She’s not used to brutality. She practically begged us to call an end to it. She worried about your safety.”

He allowed that information to sink in. “She will worry about my duties with the task force. We put our lives in danger constantly when we go out to retrieve our enemies.”

“I wouldn’t mention that aspect to her. Let her believe you mostly do paperwork.”

“I will not lie to her.”

“I didn’t suggest you do but I just wouldn’t offer more information than necessary.”

He thought about that. “Do you regret agreeing to work for the task force?”

“No.” Shadow shook his head. “It’s been good for me. You?”

“The same. I met Lauren.”

Shadow smiled. “You seem more healed since she came into your life. I’m glad. Perhaps one day I’ll meet a female who challenges me to face my fears.”

“I hope so.”

Tim stormed out of the office with Brass behind him. Tim refused to meet their gazes but Brass smiled.

“We’re leaving to pick up your female, Wrath. Tim and his team are going to give us backup support. He’s irritated that we’ve left headquarters so much without more of the human teams backing us up. It makes sense, especially after we were taken prisoner. We came to an agreement.”

“Thank you.” Wrath meant it. He turned his attention on Tim. “Lauren is no threat to us.”

“Women are always bad news.” Tim spun, stormed for the door and yelled over his shoulder. “Don’t let her paint anything pink, damn it! It’s still my building.”

“Pink?” Shadow glanced at Wrath and Brass. “What does that mean?”

“I have no clue,” Brass sighed. “No wonder their females seem to enjoy our company more. Humans are strange.”

Wrath had to agree with that assessment. He didn’t care if Lauren wanted to paint or what color she chose. Just having her at his side was all that mattered.

Chapter Fourteen

Lauren was scared and angry at the same time. The backseat was a tight fit with 140 sharing the limited space. She’d given up playing unconscious after her New Species protector whispered for her to sit up.

Mary and one of her men argued at the front of the car. The other man remaining followed in another vehicle. There was no way Lauren was going to get a chance to escape but she did glance out the windows to track where they were going. She’d learned her lesson to be more aware of her surroundings after leaving the task force headquarters but having no idea where it was located.

“I don’t care what your opinion is, Marvin. Shut up. You’re giving me a headache.”

The thug driving shot the woman in the passenger seat a glare. “We should do some experimenting while we have her.” He glanced back at Lauren and his gaze lowered to her chest before he turned to face the road again. “I’ll warm her up before we hand her over to one of them.”

Mary snorted. “You’re so pathetic. You didn’t work for Mercile for the money, did you? It was the opportunity to grope women who couldn’t stop you. Forget her. You heard the animal about their sense of smell. You aren’t fucking up my chances of getting my sister back because you’re a pervert.”

Lauren stared at the balding head of the man in front of her and hated him instantly. She had a sinking feeling this was the man 140 had warned off about touching her. He was gross and seemed to have the morals of an alley cat.

“Your sister is a bitch and none of them are worth risking our lives over. They got caught so I say screw them.”

Mary reached over and pinched his arm. He howled, jerked away, and the car swerved.

“Don’t do that. I could wreck the car.”

“My sister is worth more alive to me than you are. Don’t you ever forget that.” She paused. “Plus she knows too damn much. She won’t talk but give it a month or two if they lock her up and I bet she’d sell out our own mother. Prison is a nasty place and we all want to avoid it. She could screw us over if we don’t save her ass and that goes for her team too. They know our names, we all worked together, and do you trust any of them not to turn us in to save their own asses if they are offered a deal?”

“Fucking hell,” Marvin muttered as he hit the brakes at a red light. He turned his head and stared at Lauren’s breasts again before frowning at Mary. “I need some stress relief. I won’t take her pants off. Haven’t I been loyal? Haven’t I done all the shit you tell me to?”

140 growled. “Her mate will know. Do you want me to tell you what you ate for lunch? I can. She would also fight.” He turned his head and fixed his gaze on her. “Would you allow him to make use of your body in any way? He likes to open his pants and order females to put their mouth on him.”

Disgust made Lauren want to throw up and she snapped her head to meet the gaze of the man in the seat ahead of her. “I’d rather die and I can promise you, if you unzip near me you’ll need a trauma surgeon after I am done with you.”

Mary laughed. “I’m starting to like her just a little. The idea of someone biting your dick off is amusing.” She reached out and pinched Marvin’s arm again. “Stop being such a sick son of a bitch. Eyes on the road and shut your mouth unless it’s not related to thinking with your dick.”

“Bitch,” Marvin grumbled. “Stop doing that to my arm. It hurts.”

The light turned green and he stomped on the gas in anger. “Stop drawing attention to us, idiot.” She turned in her seat and glared at Lauren. “And I’m watching you too. The windows back there are tinted but don’t try to draw any attention. Got it? The car behind us will make sure we get away. If any cops show up he will do something to distract them.”

“She’s not stupid,” 140 said and sighed. “She knows you need her and she will survive if she just complies to get you what you want.” He shifted his gaze to the driver. “It is your own technicians you should worry about.”

“He’s getting damn mouthy,” Marvin cursed. “Sounds as if we need to remind him of his place.” He suddenly barked out a laugh. “Do I need to visit your mate again?”

“Shit,” Mary snapped and her hand flew out and hit the thug in the back of the head as 140 snarled loudly in the confined space. “You are a fucking idiot. You really want to taunt him in this car? I don’t want to die when he lunges across the seat and rips your head from your body.”

“She said she’d prefer to die than feel your hands exploring her body again. I’d kill you if you had harmed her or ever do. She’s mine.”

Lauren saw the pure anger on 140’s features, the way his hands fisted in his lap, and how his chest rose and fell harshly as he seemed to pant through a fit of rage.

“He isn’t going to do shit to her,” Mary swore, trying to keep the peace for once. “I took care of it when he molested her, didn’t I?” She twisted in her seat and stared at 140. “Calm down now. That’s an order. Remember our deal? You do as you’re told and no harm comes to your girlfriend. Marvin is going to keep his big mouth shut from now on or I’ll personally pinch something far more painful than his arm.”

The glimpse Lauren was getting into 140’s life made her angry enough to want to reach forward and break Marvin’s neck herself. Of course she wasn’t strong enough but she regretted he hadn’t been the one she’d had to stab with the letter opener. The fact that she’d killed someone was pushed back. She couldn’t deal with that now. Besides, the more time she spent with the arguing pair in front, the more justified it seemed.

“What is her name?” Lauren kept her voice down and hoped to distract the still-furious New Species.

He turned his chilly gaze on her and his nose flared. “Mine.”

She let that slide, not really believing that the woman had that name. His gaze jerked to the driver and she knew that statement of possession had been for the driver’s benefit.

“Is she feline like you or canine like…” She almost said Wrath’s name. “My mate.”

“She’s primate.”

“Oh.” Lauren hesitated. “I don’t think I’ve seen one of them yet.”

“I thought you were mated to one.” Mary frowned at her from the front seat. “A lot of them survived.”

Lauren met the bitch’s stare evenly. “I am. My mate is canine and all the people I’ve met at Homeland have either been that or feline.”

“Primates aren’t common.” 140 spoke. “They didn’t make as many of them. What is Homeland?”

“Shut up,” Mary snapped. “Don’t tell him a damn thing about the NSO. Got it, Lauren? Not a word.”

She was tempted to keep right on talking but 140 shook his head. She sealed her lips together and clenched her teeth. She would bet that Mary didn’t want 140 to know about any of his people being free. It would give him hope that he could be rescued too.

The car slowed and turned. Lauren glanced out the window and realized they’d entered an old part of town where a lot of businesses had closed due to the bad economy. It had really turned into a slum in the years since she’d frequented the area in her late teens and early twenties. Boarded-up windows became a common sight as they continued to drive down a few narrow streets.

“Do you know where we are?”

Lauren met Mary’s calculating eyes and shook her head. “The east side of town. I am a realtor and I know my properties.” They were actually on the border area of the south side and almost out of the city limits.

That answer made the other woman smirk. “Yes, you sure do know your areas.” She faced the front of the car, dismissing Lauren.

They turned into a driveway blocked by an old security gate. Mary flipped down the visor and hit a remote. The gate shook and wobbled as it began to roll sideways to allow the car to pass through. Recognition struck Lauren instantly. The place had once been a popular nightclub. Jasper’s had a new name painted on the back of the decrepit building, some restaurant name, but she was sure it was one and the same.

140 gripped Lauren’s wrist gently when they parked and he kept hold of her as they exited the car. He faced Mary with a defiant glare.

“I have done everything you ordered and I have behaved. I want to see my female now.”

Mary crossed her arms over her chest, lifted her chin and glowered at him. “Do you? You are sounding a bit too confident.”

“Please,” he hissed and lowered his gaze to the cracked tar.

That seemed to make the bitch happy and she dropped her arms to her sides. “Fine. Take her to a cage and you can go downstairs. I’ll make the call.”

“Thank you.” 140 tugged on Lauren. “Come.”

The back door was rusted metal. Marvin unlocked it with a key on the car ring and it squeaked loudly when it opened. The interior was dark and the smell of mold, dust, and stale air assaulted Lauren’s nose instantly. The floor felt uneven under her shoes as they walked through what used to be a kitchen. Outdated, stained, and broken cooking appliances indicated it hadn’t been used in at least a few years.

Shock gripped her when they stepped out of the kitchen area into what used to be the dance area of the club. The windows were all boarded up and debris from parts of the ceiling littered the floor. Some broken tables had been shoved against the stained walls but it was the five large animal cages that made her stumble. They were about eight feet high, maybe six feet square and three of them were occupied. New Species males stood staring back at her from behind the bars.

They wore sweatpants, no shirts, and all looked as if they could use a bath. One of them growled—a dangerous sound—and his dark eyes fixed on Lauren. A chill ran down her spine at seeing the hatred directed at her as she glanced at each one.

“It is fine,” 140 assured her.

He led her to one of the empty cages, putting her the farthest away from the men, and steered her inside. The floor was solid metal while the walls and ceiling were barred with inch-thick bars. He closed the door and Marvin moved close with the keys. The sound of it being locked was distinctive.

“Go, 140. Mark is expecting you. If you misbehave before you’re locked in your girlfriend’s cage, he’s been told to shoot her in the head.”

“I know.” 140 spun, marched through another hallway that used to lead to the bathrooms, and was out of sight.

Marvin stepped closer to Lauren and lowered his gaze to her chest. “Do you want to eat?”

She said nothing but backed away from the door, not that she could go far.

“You do something for me and I’ll return the favor.”

“You’re really pathetic and repulsive. I can totally understand why a troll like you would have to lock a woman up and threaten to starve her to try to make her touch your ugly ass. No thanks. I’d rather eat my shoe.”

“Fucking bitch,” he spat. “Wait a few days and say that then.”

She turned her back on him to prevent him from ogling her breasts anymore and observed how much the old club had changed. The roof obviously leaked from the appearance of the yellowed and destroyed ceiling panels and the walls were stained. Someone had wallpapered near the boarded-up windows. It was peeling and blackened around the edges, which she figured was the source of the moldy smell that made her breathe through her mouth.

She glanced at the only light sources—the hallways from the kitchen and bathrooms. No lights were on in the open space. She doubted the overhead lights worked anymore due to the water damage.

The only thing inside her cage was a balled-up nasty-looking blanket in one corner.

“I’ll let you use the bathroom if you open your shirt while you go.”

Lauren spun and flipped him off. “I’d rather piss down my legs.”

The guy’s face turned bright red. He huffed and yanked the keys from his pocket. She tensed when he reached to unlock the door, knew he planned to hurt her, but someone walked out of the kitchen.

“Leave her alone, Marvin!” Mary yelled. “Jesus. You are a troll. Get your ass over here and follow me to the office. We have work to do.”

Marvin hesitated but Mary turned around and disappeared. His voice lowered as he shoved the keys back inside his pocket.

“I’m going to hurt you, bitch. Don’t get too smug. Just wait.”

Lauren watched him go and figured he meant the threat. The creep was a total perverted asshole. She faced the three New Species when they were alone and felt fear at their hateful scrutiny. But they were locked up too. They couldn’t get to her.

“I’m Lauren.”

No one spoke.

She gripped the bars and gave them a firm shake but they were as solid as they appeared. She took a deep breath, blew it out and studied each one of the men. Two of them had feline traits while one had eyes shaped very similar to Wrath and Shadow’s.

“Why are you looking at me that way? I’m locked up too and I am not with those assholes. I’m a good guy.”

One of them frowned. “You’re female.”


“A guy is a male.”

Her mouth parted, stunned that he took what she’d said so literally. The blond one with catlike eyes sniffed the air. “She smells good. Maybe they want to do breeding tests.”

“Breeding tests?” Her eyes widened. She understood they thought she might have been brought for them to have sex with and wanted to clear that misconception up immediately. “I was kidnapped so they could exchange me for other people. I’m not here to do any testing.”

The dark-haired canine growled. “I want her. It’s been too long since I had a female under me.”

“It’s going to be a lot longer because that’s not happening.” She frowned. “I’m hoping we’re all found and rescued soon.”

The one who’d been silent until then, a golden-haired feline, hissed. “By who?”

“The NSO. They’ll be looking for me, well one of them will be, and if he finds me, he’ll find you too.”

“Who is he? What kind of name is NSO?”

“The NSO is the shortened name for the New Species Organization.” She paused, realized by their blank stares that they didn’t comprehend, and remembered they probably didn’t know anything. Her guess was that they’d never been freed and she figured she was spot on about that since Mary had told her to shut up about the subject.

“New Species are like you, the people Mercile Industries created. My kind found out about what was being done to yours so they broke into the testing facilities and freed your people.” She paused, expecting some kind of reaction, but their facial expressions never changed.

“They started the NSO. Your people have two large plots of land where they all live together and they search for New Species just like you who haven’t been freed. Hopefully they will find us and we’ll all be rescued.”

The blond snorted. “She is here to taunt us.” He turned his back, crouched down and sat on the floor. “Ignore her.”

“That’s rude and I’m telling you the truth. I don’t know why you’re in this place but I’ve heard enough to know the jerks who are holding you here used to work for Mercile Industries.”

“They still do,” the dark-haired canine snarled. “You are with them.”

“I am not. Don’t insult me like that. Mercile Industries no longer exists. They were exposed, put out of business, and everyone who worked in their research divisions and knew about the testing facilities are wanted by the police. They are facing serious criminal charges. I read that a lot of them are already serving extended prison time.”

“Be silent. Lies.” The canine snarled again.

He was staring to piss her off. “Don’t listen to me but once I get out of here I’m going to do everything I can to send help back to you. You’ll see then.” She paced the small space. “Wrath will get me out of here.” She had faith that he’d save her somehow, even if he did have to exchange her life for Mel and her other ex-coworkers.

The canine growled again. “I hope they brought her here to try to gain our trust and make us believe her lies. I will not be kind or gentle when I mount her.”

The golden-haired Species growled. “Enough. She’s human and they’d never hand her over to one of us. Did you see the way 140 treated her? The way he gently touched her? He implied she wasn’t the enemy. He knows more about her than we do and I saw no rage in his eyes when he looked at her. I don’t know why she is here but don’t make threats until we know more.”

“She’s one of them.” The canine growled again. “Our enemy. They are all evil and tell lies to try to fool us into doing what they want. She is planning something.”

“I’m planning on getting out of here.” She moved to the door of the cage again, gripped the bars and rattled the thing. Frustration rose. “I’ll do everything in my power to send the NSO to rescue you.”

“Human lies,” the canine snarled.

“I resent that.” She frowned, rattled the door again, but wasn’t willing to give up just yet. Maybe she could shake the lock loose. “I get that you have been mistreated. I can’t imagine all you’ve suffered but what I said is the truth. A lot of your people have been freed, they aren’t locked up anymore and they will be searching for you just as soon as I tell them what I know.”

“What does free mean?” The golden-haired feline squatting in his cage watched her with narrowed eyes.

“You won’t be locked up anymore, no one will hurt you, and we’re equal.” She glanced at him.

“What does that mean?”

She turned away from the door to face him and sighed. “It means you have the same rights as I do. We’re not enemies but instead friends. No one will test you anymore. You’ll have homes instead of cages and you never have to deal with assholes like the ones who have you now.”

The canine snorted. “Next she will say we will get to eat when we are hungry, get clean when we are dirty, and get access to females when we want one.”

“That is exactly what I’m saying.”

The blond turned his head and shot her a glare. “How many of us are a part of this NSO?”

“I don’t know the exact numbers but hundreds at least.”

“Lies,” he growled, jerking his gaze away to give her the back of his head.

“Are any of our females there? Were they freed?”

Lauren met and held the curious gaze of the golden-haired feline. “Yes. There aren’t a lot of them, from what I understand, but my best friend said she met a bunch of them.”

“What is the bad news of this?” The canine was obviously the grim one of the bunch. “There is always a price. What do they expect for those privileges?”

“There is no they. I assume you think it’s like here where they threaten you to make you do what they want or you’re punished? I know they are holding 140’s girlfriend over his head. The NSO are your people. They just want you to be happy.”

“Lies,” the blond hissed.

Lauren knew they didn’t trust her, thought she was making stuff up, so she stopped trying. The only way to show them she wasn’t full of shit would be to survive long enough to hopefully be exchanged and then she could tell Wrath about them. Maybe the NSO could arrive before they were moved.

Chapter Fifteen

Wrath strode quickly from the SUV and knew Brass and Shadow followed him. The sun had gone down, he was late—they’d been stuck in traffic—and he hoped Lauren hadn’t given up on him and gone to bed. His excitement over seeing her could barely be contained.

He was about ten feet from her door when the smells filled his nose and he jerked to a halt. He sniffed loudly, knew the two males with him did the same, and he snarled. The smell came from Lauren’s home and he could see that her front door hadn’t been closed completely. He lunged, shoved it all the way open and alarm shot through him.

Brass moved to his side and sniffed. “Three human males, one human female, and a Species male.”

“Do you smell that?” Shadow hissed. “Mercile.”

“I do.”

Fear shot through Wrath as another smell filled his nose. Blood, decay and death. He rushed forward, terrified he’d find Lauren’s body as the source, but a human male lay crumpled on the floor in the darkness. It took only seconds for his eyes to adjust but one of the males flipped on the light.
