“I can’t believe you guys got disqualified from the final event. You were in second place headed into it.” Keil sighed in disgust. They sat on the front porch of Tad’s house, watching Jared and TJ out on the front lawn arguing as Jared hobbled around on crutches.
Erik laughed. “There’s something in the rules that says competitors with broken legs are not eligible, no matter how fast we heal. When the idiot got hit by a car while gawking at the ladies en route to the challenge, there was no way to explain to the human authorities Jared didn’t need to go to the hospital. It’s okay, everyone was impressed we had the most clues after acing the Peter-and-wolf thing. We also got awarded the trophy for most sportsmanlike team.”
“It’s a damn big trophy—looks great in the pack house. The old timers were thrilled to see it.”
Tad drove up and rolled down his window. “Have you guys seen Jamie? Missy wants me to bring him to the hospital to meet the babies.”
Erik rose from his chair. “I think he’s with Maggie in the kitchen. I’ll go get them.”
He rounded the corner, following the invisible connection he had with his mate. The sensation made him smile. He always knew where she was, but more importantly, now she knew she was right where she was supposed to be.
With him.
They still had to figure out where they were going to live until they built their house, but the satisfaction of making those decisions together met a great need in him.
Jamie raced past, his fat little legs pumping wildly.
“You can outrun your mama, but you can’t outrun me.” Maggie scooped up the squealing toddler, tossing him into the air before catching him and tickling him. His laughter filled the room.
Erik leaned against the wall, soaking it all in.
She glanced at him, her eyes bright with love. “I knew you were there.”
“Unca Eri.” Jamie squealed louder. He squirmed out of her arms and attacked Erik’s leg, his pudgy fingers grasping the cotton fabric of his pants leaving sticky smears behind. Maggie giggled behind her hand as he picked the little tyke up and tickled him under the chin.
Erik beamed at her. “You want to go visit Missy and the girls again? Tad’s taking Jamie.”
Maggie raised her brows. “Hmm, that means the place will be empty.” She winked at him. “I’m thinking I should stay here, just in case anyone needs something. I can…guard the house.”
“Oh.” He transferred the toddler to his other arm and held out his hand to her. She cuddled in close, rubbing against his chest. “Do you need a hand? The guarding? I think it’s a big house, with lots of bedrooms.”
“Uh-huh. I could use a little backup.”
They grinned at each other.
Erik cleared his throat. “By the way. Pam left another bunch of phone messages for you. You’d better call her soon and let her know we didn’t bury your body in the bush.”
Maggie laughed. “You really okay with us inviting her to the wedding? It’s going to make things awkward, since no one will be able to shift while she’s around.”
He shrugged. “We’ll have two ceremonies. The second after she leaves will be the one with naked wolves roaming the halls of the pack house. In the meantime…” He squeezed her tight for a second, adjusted little Jamie in his arms, and led them off in search of Tad. “We have someone to deliver to his daddy, and then you and I, little wolf, have a date.”
She tugged his hand until he bent over far enough for her to press a kiss on his cheek. “I love you. I’m so glad I was brave enough to come north again.”
“I love you too. You’re brave enough to face a whole pack of wolves. Even one as big as me.”