Those marked with an asterisk are attested in history.

Whitechapel Irish

Elizabeth O’Malley—a young woman

James O’Malley—her father, a prisoner in Newgate

Owen Darragh—a boy, missing seven years

Maggie Darragh—his sister

Mrs. Darragh—his mother, an invalid

Fergus Boyle—a troublemaker

Father Tooley—a priest

Dónall Whelan—a fairy doctor

No. 35 Cromwell Road

Louisa Kittering—a rebellious young woman

Mrs. Kittering—her mother

Mrs. Fowler—housekeeper to the Kitterings

Ned Sayers—footman to the Kitterings

Ann Wick}

Sarah} maids to the Kitterings

Mary Banning}

Society for Psychical Research

*Frederic William Henry Myers—a spiritualist investigator

*Henry Sidgwick—his friend, likewise an investigator

*Eleanor Sidgwick—wife of Henry, likewise an investigator

*Annie Marshall—wife of Myers’s cousin, now deceased

Iris Wexford—a medium

Scotland Yard

*Adolphus Williamson—Chief Inspector of the Special Irish Branch

*Patrick Quinn—Police Sergeant of the Special Irish Branch

*Augusta Ada King—mathematician and Countess of Lovelace, now deceased

*Charles Babbage—an inventor, now deceased

*Eliza Carter—a girl from West Ham

Mrs. Chase—a widow from Islington

Eveleen Myers—wife of Frederic Myers, and a photographer

Delphia St. Clair—wife of Galen St. Clair, now deceased

Francis Merriman—a mortal seer and founder of the Onyx Hall, now deceased

Princes of the Stone, in chronological order

Sir Michael Deven

Sir Antony Ware

Dr. John Ellin

Lord Joseph Winslow

Sir Alan Fitzwarren

Dr. Hamilton Birch

Galen St. Clair

Matthew Abingdon

Colonel Robert Shaw

Geoffrey Franklin

Henry Brandon

Alexander Messina

Benjamin Hodge—the current Prince


The Court of London

Lune—Queen of the Onyx Court

Sir Peregrin Thorne—Captain of the Onyx Guard

Sir Cerenel—Lieutenant of the Onyx Guard

Dame Segraine—a lady knight of the Onyx Guard

Dame Irrith—a sprite, and lady knight of the Vale of the White Horse

Amadea—Lady Chamberlain of the Onyx Court

Tom Toggin—a hob; valet to the Prince of the Stone

Bonecruncher—a follower of the Prince

Invidiana—a previous Queen, now deceased

The Goblin Market

Nadrett—a criminal boss

Dead Rick—his dog; a skriker

Cyma—a former lady, in debt to Nadrett


Nithen} followers of Nadrett

Old Gadling}

Chrennois—a French sprite, and follower of Nadrett

Valentin Aspell}

Hardface} Goblin Market bosses


Orlegg—a thrumpin in service to Valentin Aspell Greymalkin—likewise in service to Valentin Aspell

Po—a Chinese faerie, ally of Lacca, and keeper of an opium den

Hafdean—keeper of the Crow’s Head

Blacktooth Meg—hag of the River Fleet

Charcoal Eddie—a less-than-bright Puck

The Galenic Academy

Abd ar-Rashid—a genie of Istanbul, and Scholarch of the Academy


Wilhas von das Ticken}

Niklas von das Ticken} Academy Masters

Lady Feidelm}

Ch’ien Mu}

Yvoir—a French faerie, and scholar of photography

Kutuhal—a vanara from India

Fjothar—a svártalfar from Scandinavia

Rosamund Goodemeade—a helpful brownie

Gertrude Goodemeade—likewise a helpful brownie, and Rosamund’s sister


Scéineach} Irish fae, of a nationalist bent

Suspiria—founder of the Onyx Hall, now deceased

Father Thames—spirit of the River Thames
