Chapter Five

Draven started them walking again. He pushed the cart down the next aisle he came to. He felt Wyatt’s gaze following him as he walked. That fucking Rick. He’d said a bunch of shit Draven wasn’t ready to tell Wyatt about. Now Wyatt had questions he wanted answered.

“Draven? Are you just going to ignore me?”

Yup, Wyatt definitely wanted answers. “Let it go. The bastard was talking crap just to see if he could get a rise out of me.”

“Well, he must have, because I don’t think it would have taken much to have you swinging a punch at him.”

“Oh, it would have been a lot more than me using my fists on him, believe me.” He turned his head toward Wyatt. “Look, let’s get what we came for, all right? I really don’t want Rick to mess up the day we had planned for ourselves.”

“Fine, but if he comes around again, I might be the one throwing the first punch.”

Draven came to an abrupt stop once again, causing Wyatt to almost run into him. “No, you won’t. Do I make myself clear?”

Wyatt scowled. “Why? I might not be much of a fighter, but if threatened I don’t back down.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about. You don’t know what he’s capable of. I’ll put it to you this way, if you fought him, you wouldn’t come out of it in one piece.”

Wyatt gave him a cool look. “Whatever you say. I obviously don’t know him as well as you do.” He then maneuvered around the shopping cart and walked farther down the aisle.

Shit. Now Wyatt was pissed off at him. Just another reason why he should go wolf all over Rick’s ass. The asshole had deserved to be kicked out of their pack, forced to go lone wolf. Rick had sold drugs to some of the younger members. Alone, that crap was bad enough, but how it reacted to the magic all werewolves carried inside them was even worse. It messed with their ability to shift. Certain drugs, if taken long-term, took it away completely. Forever, with no way to get it back. Unable to ever take on their wolf forms again, it wasn’t unheard of for the affected person to end their life. Draven shuddered at the thought of never being able to shift.

He silently followed behind Wyatt as the other man turned down the next aisle. This one was where all the personal hygiene products were, along with condoms and lube. He watched Wyatt go to the shelves where those items were and pick up one of each. Without another word, he turned toward Draven and walked over to him before he threw the things he carried into the cart.

“That’s everything I needed to buy,” Wyatt said.

“Should we make a trip to The Beer Store before we hit the rental?”

“I brought a twelve pack up with me. We only had one each out of it.”

“I brought one as well. So I guess we don’t need to go there. Let me get some snack things, then I’ll pay for all of this.”

That accomplished, Wyatt remained silent as they stood in line, and even after they carried the bags out to Draven’s car. With them stored in the trunk, Draven got into the driver’s side, but he didn’t turn the key in the ignition.

He looked at the man sitting in the passenger seat. “Are you pissed off at me, Wyatt?”

“Not really.”

“Then why the silent treatment?”

Wyatt turned to look at him. “I’m trying to figure out this other side of you. Before Rick came along, I felt you were more open with me. Now it feels as if you’re keeping something back like the prick said. I’ll tell you this right now—I don’t like being lied to.”

“I’m not lying to you about anything. There’re just some things I’m not comfortable talking about. The subject of Rick is one of them. I didn’t mean to be sharp with you. I was only angry at him.”

“All right. I can accept that. He pissed me off too.”

“He’s gone now. Let’s move on.”

“Fine with me.”

Draven started the car and pulled out of the grocery store parking lot. With Wyatt’s directions, he drove to the rented cottage. The narrow gravel trail that led to it was in as much of a neglected state as everything else on the property. Draven was sure no car would be able to drive down to it come winter time. Not with the amount of snow Muskoka got.

He parked next to Wyatt’s older-model car. Following his would-be mate to the cottage door, Draven noticed the rust mixed in with the faded red paint job. He made a mental note to buy Wyatt a brand new vehicle. As his mate, Draven had the right to ensure all of Wyatt’s needs were taken care of. That included making sure he didn’t have an old beater to drive. The other man didn’t know it yet, but once Draven claimed him, Wyatt’s life was about to change. He wouldn’t want for anything ever again.

Wyatt unlocked the cottage and Draven walked in behind him. “Why don’t you go grab your things while I pack up the food to take with us?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Wyatt said in return. “You’ll find the boxes I used in the kitchen on the floor near the back door.”

Draven nodded and walked to where Wyatt indicated. He picked up one of said boxes and went to the fridge. It didn’t take him very long to pack the food for the trip to his lake house. He carried them one at a time out to his car and put them in the trunk with the other groceries.

He’d just come back inside to grab the beer when Wyatt came out of the single bedroom carrying a large duffle bag. “I have everything.”

“I already put the food in my car.”

“Then we’re all set. I’ll follow you to your lake house.”

Draven nodded and led the way outside. He waited as Wyatt locked the cottage, then got into his car. Once Wyatt was behind the wheel, Draven headed for the trail to the main road with the other man following behind.

It wasn’t too long of a drive, since they were just looping around the lake. At his place, Draven brought the groceries he purchased inside, then helped Wyatt with his things.

As Wyatt put away the last of the food, Draven took the other man’s duffel bag up to his bedroom. There was no question why Wyatt wouldn’t be sharing his bed. Starting today.

After his run-in with Rick, Draven had to bite the bullet and tell Wyatt about werewolves and what it meant to be a mate to one. Even though he hadn’t said as much to his would-be mate, he had a feeling they hadn’t seen the last of Rick. And Draven knew it was going to come down to the other werewolf challenging him, which meant a fight in wolf form.

Draven set Wyatt’s duffel on the floor at the end of the bed. Before he turned to leave the room, a package of condoms and lube flew past him and landed on the mattress. Draven spun around to find Wyatt standing behind him.

“I was just going to—”

Draven never got a chance to finish his sentence. Wyatt closed the small space between them and took his mouth. He sank his hands in Draven’s hair and held him in place as he increased the pressure on his lips, pushing his tongue past them.

With a loud groan, Draven wrapped his arms around Wyatt’s waist and held him tight, grinding their cocks together. The control over his mating urge was tenuous at best. After what they’d done in the shower earlier, the need to claim his mate rode him almost to the breaking point. It was also part of the reason why he’d let Rick get to him so much.

The sound of their harsh breathing filled the room before Wyatt let him up for air. “You no longer have any excuse to not make love to me, Draven. I want you—bad. I want your big cock buried in my ass. And I’m not going to take no for an answer, because I know you want me as much as I want you.”

Draven felt his control slip even more. The scent of Wyatt’s arousal had him weakening. He wanted him, wanted to take his mate in every way he could. The longer he spent with his would-be mate, the harder it was to deny him, especially when he was denying himself as well.

Seeing the hunger in Wyatt’s eyes, the longing deep inside them, Draven felt he was losing the battle. Lust and desire caused his control to seep away until he felt as if he would never feel whole again without claiming Wyatt as his. The mating urge dug its claws deeper into him, his wolf pushing for what was his.

Wyatt’s gaze became even more heated. He moaned low in his throat as he took Draven’s lips again. He nipped and sucked, his hands clutching Draven’s ass while he rubbed their cocks together. The friction made Draven harder. The rest of his resolve to wait faded away, leaving nothing but pure longing behind.

He let Wyatt have control for a bit longer before he took it from him. His control was going up in smoke. To resist his mate was a fight he was losing, fast. Only the certainty that Wyatt would want him forever too had him admitting defeat. He kissed him hungrily and turned the other man toward the bed. With a flick of his wrist, he tore back the covers and urged Wyatt onto the mattress. Draven followed him down, stretching onto his side along Wyatt.

Putting all the pent-up hunger the mating urge stirred inside him into his kiss, Draven took hold of Wyatt’s t-shirt and lifted it to his chin. He broke contact with his mate’s mouth only long enough to yank the shirt off. Draven trailed his hand across Wyatt’s defined pecs, stroking a fingertip across his flat nipples.

Wyatt yanked on the bottom of Draven’s shirt, pulling it up his back. Draven took hold of it by the collar, released the other man’s lips and drew it over his head. With eyes mere slits, he watched Wyatt stroke his hands along his chest, then down to the button on Draven’s jeans. Wyatt made short work of undoing them before he pushed the parted material open wider, springing Draven’s cock.

“Do you always walk around like this?” Wyatt asked huskily. “Wearing no underwear?”

“Actually, yes. I never got used to them.”

Wyatt chuckled. “Well, I’m not going to complain about that.” He wrapped his fingers around Draven’s shaft and stroked him. “I like being able to just open your pants and have nothing else come between me and your cock.”

Draven moaned and pushed himself tighter into Wyatt’s hand. “It does make it easier.” He rocked his hips. “I want you naked. Now.”

In short order, Draven had Wyatt out of his pants and underwear before tossing them onto the floor. His own jeans soon followed suit. Now pressed skin to skin with his mate, he turned his attention to Wyatt’s dick. It was fully engorged and pre-cum leaked from the tip.

Unable to resist, he went down on Wyatt, sucking the other man’s cock into his mouth. Wyatt moaned, his hands landing on Draven’s head as he thrust his hips, pushing his shaft deeper. Draven growled low, loving how turned-on Wyatt was. He continued to suck Wyatt’s dick as he reached between his mate’s legs and fondled his balls. Wyatt’s moans grew louder, his breath rasped in and out of his lungs.

After a few minutes, Wyatt yanked at Draven’s hair. “Enough,” he panted. “You’re going to make me lose it.”

Draven released him and rose farther up his body. “Not yet. I want to be deep inside you when you do that.”

Reaching around in the covers, Draven found the two items he’d bought at the store. With hands that shook with his arousal, he tore open the lube’s packaging and unscrewed the cap on the tube. He urged Wyatt onto his stomach, then squeezed some of the lubricant onto his fingers.

He nipped the back of Wyatt’s neck as he delved between the other man’s cheek’s. Wyatt groaned and spread his legs wider. Draven circled the puckered hole, lubing it up before he pushed a finger inside. Wyatt’s anus gripped the digit as Draven sank past the ring of tight muscle.

“Yes,” Wyatt moaned. “Give me more.”

Draven added a second finger, scissoring them as he pumped in and out to ready Wyatt for his cock. “It’s going to feel so good being inside you. So damn tight.”

“Fuck me, Draven.”

He made sure Wyatt’s ass was lubed up enough to ease his way before he reached for the box of condoms. After taking one out, Draven opened the foil package. He rolled the latex down his shaft, then thoroughly lubricated himself.

“Get on your hands and knees, Wyatt.”

His mate did as he asked, his head hanging down as he panted. Wyatt’s erection stuck out straight from his body, leaking with his need. Draven shifted into position behind him. He rubbed his cock in Wyatt’s crack, teasing them both.

No longer able to hold back from being inside the other man, Draven took hold of Wyatt’s hips and pressed the head of his shaft slowly into his mate’s body. He took shallow thrusts, each one taking him deeper until he passed the ring of muscle that wanted to keep him out.

Once he was buried to the hilt, Draven gritted his teeth to stop himself from coming. Wyatt’s ass gripped his cock in a tight fist. He pulled back then pushed forward. Wyatt moaned, rocking backward to meet each of his strokes. Draven increased the pace he set, his thrusts faster, harder.

“Fuck, take me, Draven,” Wyatt ground out. “You feel so damn good.”

A wolf’s growl rumbled out of Draven before he could stop it. The pleasure of taking his mate, claiming him, was beyond compare. Right at that moment, Draven felt it. Felt the mating bond begin to form between them. A piece of his soul reached for Wyatt’s. Draven pumped harder, growling and moaning, as Wyatt’s soul met and became one with his.

With a loud howl, Draven felt the point of no return hit him. He rammed into Wyatt one last time, then emptied his cock into the other man’s ass. Wyatt groaned and came all over the sheets. Draven held him in place until his shaft stopped pulsing. Pulling free of Wyatt’s body, he got out of bed and disposed of the used condom in the small wastebasket next to the nightstand.

Before climbing back up next to Wyatt, he collected the discarded box of protection and lube. Draven handed them to his mate and stretched out next to him. “Take me. Make me yours.”

Wyatt chuckled as he reached down and stroked Draven’s still hard cock. “Unlike you, I’m still not raring to go.”

“I think I can help with that.”

Draven took hold of Wyatt’s softened shaft and stroked him. He’d get Wyatt hard again. Draven’s wolf wanted to be claimed, wanted his mate to mount him. With the mating bond in place, every time he made love to Wyatt, it would only bring them closer, making their feelings for each other stronger. Draven loved Wyatt, had known it the instant his mating urge went off, which wouldn’t have happened if Wyatt hadn’t been meant to be his. Love at first sight was the norm for werewolves because of that fact. Wyatt had to be capable of loving him as well, or he wouldn’t have been his mate.

Wyatt’s dick twitched, showing definite promise. Draven inched down the mattress and took Wyatt into his mouth to speed things up. His mate groaned, stroking his cock between Draven’s lips. He didn’t have to work very hard to have Wyatt standing at full attention.

Draven released Wyatt’s shaft and in one smooth move, rolled to his back and pulled his bent legs to his chest, exposing his hole. “Now, Wyatt. Fuck me hard and fast.”

The other man made short work of lubing up Draven’s ass, preparing him for what was to come. He then rolled on a condom. Wyatt settled on top of him, kissing Draven hungrily as he pushed his cock into Draven’s ass.

Draven bore down on Wyatt’s shaft, loving the burn and pleasure of being stretched and filled. He closed his eyes and fisted his hands in the sheets as Wyatt rode him hard, hitting Draven’s prostate with each thrust in.

The sound of their heavy breathing and bodies slapping together filled the room. Draven’s dick ached with the need for release. He wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped, matching Wyatt’s thrusts in his ass.

Wyatt groaned. “I’m going to come again.”

“I’m right there with you.”

Draven pumped his cock faster, increasing the pressure of his hand. Just as Wyatt stiffened above him, his shaft pulsing with his orgasm, Draven let out a shout as he found his own. His cum shot in thick streams over his and Wyatt’s stomach.

His mate slowly pulled his softening cock out of Draven’s hole. He then flopped onto the bed next to him. “That was pretty intense,” Wyatt said as he fought to catch his breath.

Draven turned on his side and put an arm across his mate’s chest and kissed his shoulder. “I have a feeling it’ll always be like this between us.”

Wyatt chuckled. “If that’s the case, I doubt either one of us will live very long.” He got up and disposed of the condom before he returned to the bed and took Draven into his arms.

Draven snuggled closer, his ear pressed to Wyatt’s chest, listening to the other man’s heart beat. “I think we’ll survive. Tough men like us.”

This time Wyatt laughed. “I don’t know how tough I am right now. My legs feel like rubber.”

“Then I suggest we take a little rest, because I’m far from done with you.”

Wyatt looked down at Draven’s still erect cock. “You’re going to have to teach me how you do that, so I can keep up with you.”

“Sorry, it’s not something you can learn. I’m just gifted.”

“I have to agree with that. I just hope I’m the only lucky man who gets to use that special ability of yours.”

Draven cupped Wyatt’s cheek and brushed his lips over his. “You’re the one and only. Now try to get some sleep. We still have most of the day, and I don’t intend to leave this bed for the majority of it.”
