Chapter Four

Draven rolled over in bed and groaned as the sunlight that filtered into the room through the slight gap in the curtains hit his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to bury his head under one of his pillows and get some more sleep. But there really was no point in that. As a byproduct of the mating urge, his rest had been filled with erotic dreams of Wyatt, bringing him awake aching and hard. And they would continue to plague him every time he slept deep enough until he claimed the other man. So it was pointless trying to make up what he’d lost through the night.

At the thought of Wyatt, Draven turned his head and looked at his closed bedroom door. He couldn’t hear the other man moving around. Having his would-be mate sleeping just down the hall had been torture. Each time he’d woken up after one of those erotic dreams, he’d been so tempted to climb into bed with Wyatt. Only thoughts of what would happen if he did had kept him in his own.

Draven quietly chuckled as he recalled how Wyatt had told him about his penchant for fucking while asleep. That would make the nights they did sleep in the same bed very interesting. If it weren’t for the mating urge riding his ass, Draven would have actually told Wyatt it didn’t matter. Even if they didn’t have any condoms. As a werewolf, Draven couldn’t “catch” anything or pass it on to his partners.

He stretched, sat up and readjusted his erection in his sleep pants. He didn’t normally wear anything to bed, but since Wyatt was here, Draven had figured being naked was only asking for trouble if Wyatt came to his door for some reason during the night.

Draven threw back the covers and swung his legs over the side of the mattress. He’d take a shower, then go see if Wyatt was awake. He really didn’t have anything to make for breakfast, but they could get something in Gravenhurst before they hit the grocery store to pick up food and the other items he’d used as an excuse last night.

After pushing to his feet, Draven took off the sleep pants and walked naked to the en suite. He only took the time to brush his teeth, then used the toilet before he got into the shower.

He was rinsing his hair when he heard the sound of the shower curtain being opened. With his eyes closed to prevent shampoo from getting in them, he said, “You do realize coming in here with me is playing with fire.” Draven felt Wyatt’s presence at his back.

“You in the shower is just too hard to resist,” Wyatt said as he wrapped his arms around Draven’s waist. He reached lower and grasped Draven’s cock. “And especially when I had a feeling you’d be in this condition.”

Draven groaned as Wyatt pumped his shaft. He couldn’t stop himself from pushing himself tighter into the other man’s hand. After all the erotic dreams he’d had of his would-be mate, he was horny as hell. Letting Wyatt make him come would only increase the mating urge even more, but Draven was past caring. He wanted it. He needed it.

He pulled Wyatt’s hand off him and turned in his direction. “I guess both of us want to play with fire this morning.”

Draven brought their mouths together in an intense kiss. The warm spray of the shower beat on his back as he pressed his front against Wyatt. The scent and feel of his would-be mate in his arms increased his libido. And it showed how much Draven had missed being with Wyatt, even though he had only been the short distance down the hall the entire night.

He backed Wyatt to the end of the tub until the other man’s back hit the tiles. Draven angled his head to get a tighter fit of their lips as he stroked Wyatt’s tongue with his, savoring the taste of him. Wyatt must have made use of the spare toothbrush and paste in the guestroom’s en suite, since he tasted like mint.

Draven left Wyatt’s mouth and placed kisses along his jaw. He pushed his hips forward until his cock pressed up against his would-be mate’s. They both moaned in response. Draven ground along him, loving the friction it caused.

“Fuck, Draven,” Wyatt said with a low groan. “You make me want to come so bad.”

“Then I shouldn’t make you wait.”

Draven took hold of Wyatt and spun him around so he faced the wall that had been at his back. He then got the other man to place his hands flat against it. He ran his own down Wyatt’s body, tracing and learning every inch as he went. Draven stopped his downward progress when he reached Wyatt’s ass. It was muscled and taut. He cupped each globe in his hands, squeezing. Wyatt moaned and pushed back.

“You’re driving me crazy, Draven.”

“But in a good way, right?”

“God, yes.”

He reached around for Wyatt’s hard cock at the same time he stroked a finger down his crack. Draven pumped his fist up and down the other man’s entire length, catching the pre-cum that leaked from the tip, using it as lubricant. He delved deeper between Wyatt’s ass cheeks and ran a fingertip around his hole. His would-be mate pushed back as he panted. Draven sank a digit inside Wyatt’s anus, slowly working his way deeper. He slid it in and out, matching his strokes on Wyatt’s cock, before he inserted a second finger to join the first.

As he finger-fucked the other man’s ass, Draven said huskily, “This is where I want my cock, deep inside you. Only when I do, you’ll be on your hands and knees and I’ll take you from behind.” He hit Wyatt’s prostate. “I’ll make it so you’ll want no other cock but mine.”

Wyatt cried out as his climaxed, his cum shooting out of his shaft, hitting the tiled wall as his ass spasmed around Draven’s fingers. Once the tremors subsided, he pulled out and ground his aching shaft against Wyatt’s butt, pumping his hips until he bellowed with his own release. His seed shot out along Wyatt’s lower back and Draven’s stomach when he leaned into the other man, wrapping his arms around his would-be mate’s waist.

Once he’d caught his breath and he was sure his eyes no longer glowed, Draven turned Wyatt and gave him a languid kiss. After he lifted his head, he said, “We both need a shower now.”

Wyatt smiled. “Not that I’ll complain about why I need one.” He glanced down at Draven’s still hard cock. “Are you sure you’re finished, though?”

“Don’t worry about it. It will eventually go down. Maybe. Being around you just makes me horny all the time.”

Wyatt nipped Draven’s chin. “You do realize I’ll want to see how many times you can come before you finally lose your erection?”

“I don’t think I’ll mind that. But I have a feeling I’ll tire you out first before that happens.”

“Hmm, a challenge. I do love those. Once we get the condoms and lube, you better watch out. I might not let you out of the bed for the rest of the day.”

Draven spun them around so Wyatt ended up under the spray of water. “In that case, we’d better hurry up and hit the store. And since I really don’t have anything much to eat around here, we can go out for breakfast first.”

Wyatt tipped back his head and wet his hair. “Now that I can go for. I’m starved. Too bad we didn’t catch any fish we could eat last evening. Oh, and on the return trip, we should stop by the cottage so I can pack my things and get my car.”

“Good idea.” Draven grabbed the shampoo bottle and squeezed some into his hand. He then washed Wyatt’s hair. “I’m glad you said you’ll stay here with me, Wyatt.”

The other man leaned in and kissed Draven. “I’m glad you invited me. I like the idea of having you all to myself.”

“I feel the same way.” He motioned for Wyatt to rinse his hair as he reached for the bottle of conditioner. “It will also give us a chance to get to know each other better. And once your holidays are over, we can work something so we can be together afterward.”

“You want to see me once I go back to Mississauga?”

Draven bent his head so he looked directly into Wyatt’s eyes. “Of course I do. You don’t think I invite just any man to stay here with me, do you?”

Wyatt gave him a sheepish smile and shrugged. “Well, to be honest, the thought did cross my mind. I’m sure you have men lining up at your door.”

He shook his head and put his hands on the top of Wyatt’s shoulders. “No, I don’t. Not that I would want it, anyway. I’m a private person and generally keep to myself. That’s part of the reason I like coming up here so much. I have no neighbors on either side of my property and I have the bush to explore.”

“So I guess it means something, since you did invite me to stay here?” Wyatt asked.

“Definitely. And I want to continue seeing you after you go home. I think you’re exactly what I’ve wanted in a partner.” When Wyatt didn’t say anything right away, Draven asked, “Did I say something wrong?”

“No, not at all. I’m hoping I don’t do anything to fuck this up.”

Draven chuckled. “You won’t have to worry about that. You’ll soon realize it.” He grabbed the bar of soap. “Let’s get the shower over with so we can get something to eat.”

“And get back here so we can indulge in our other cravings.”

Draven had a feeling he’d be telling Wyatt about his being a werewolf sooner, rather than later. He didn’t think he’d be able to hold off his would-be mate much longer. He’d just have to make sure they took their time in town and returned later in the day to the lake house.

* * *

Wyatt let out a low whistle when he got his first look at Draven’s luxury sedan. The shiny, dark-gray paint job sparkled in the bright sun. A quick glance inside showed it had black leather seats.

“Now this is what I call a ride,” Wyatt said as he looked over his shoulder at Draven. “You’re going to laugh at my piece-of-shit car when you see it.”

“No, I won’t,” Draven said. “I might be rich, but I’m not a snob.” He cupped the back of Wyatt’s head and gave him a quick, hard kiss. “I want you for who you are.” He smiled. “And your hard body as well.”

Wyatt grinned back. “I think I can live with that.”

Draven aimed the remote on his keychain at the car and pushed the button to unlock it. “Get in before I think of other things I’d much rather be doing with, and to, you.”

He laughed as he got in the passenger side, then watched Draven walk around to the driver’s. Once the car’s engine roared to life, the other man turned onto the gravel trail that would take them to the main road.

“I never asked,” Draven said. “Have you stayed at Buck Lake before?”

“No, this is my first time here, but not to the Muskoka area. Growing up, my parents liked to rent a cottage in Bracebridge for a week during the summer every year. It was situated on Wood Lake.”

“You said you went there as a kid. Does that mean you visited Santa’s Village as well?”

Wyatt chuckled. “I have to admit we did. I remember I especially liked the swan paddle boats. And seeing the deer and Santa. Of course that was when I was much younger. At twenty-six, I’m way too old for it, and it’s not as if I have kids to take there.”

Draven glanced over with a smile. “Are you sure you aren’t too big to go see Santa? Maybe you’d like to sit on his knee.”

“Ha ha. The only Santa’s lap I’d be willing to sit on would be yours, if you were dressed up in his red-and-white suit.”

“I’ll have to remember that when Christmas comes around. Then you’ll have to show me just how much of a good boy you are.”

Wyatt burst out laughing. “I bet you would want me to. Picturing you in a Santa suit is going to make me get a hard-on every time I hear his name.”

“Kinky,” Draven said with a wink.

Wyatt shook his head. “You’re bad.” He then looked out the windshield and saw they were entering the town. “So this is Gravenhurst.”

“Yeah. It’s a little smaller than Bracebridge, with a population of around eleven thousand. One of its claims to fame is having the oldest operating steamship in North America. Apparently, the R.M.S. Segwen was built in 1887. Its homeport is the Muskoka Wharf.”

“Interesting. You know, I’m surprised you chose this part of Muskoka.”

“Really? Why?”

“Well, for one thing you’re rich. I would have thought Port Carling would have been more your style. They have those really big cottages there on Lake Muskoka.”

“I told you already that I like my privacy. Port Carling wouldn’t have given me that.”

“That’s true. That area does tend to get a fair amount of tourists.”

Draven pulled into the parking lot of a family-type restaurant. He drove into an empty space, then turned off the engine. Once they both got out of the car, Draven said, “You should like this place. I know I do. They have the best omelets around, and the servings are on the large size, so I’ve never walked away without a full stomach.”

“My kind of place,” Wyatt said as they headed for the entrance. “If I go out to eat, I at least want to feel as if I got my money’s worth.”

It didn’t take long after they were seated and ordered for their food to arrive. As Draven had said, the omelet Wyatt ordered was one of the best he’d ever eaten. And with the mound of home-fried potatoes that came with it, he doubted he’d need to eat anything more until dinner.

After their meal, it was only a short trip to the local IGA grocery store. As Draven grabbed one of the shopping carts, Wyatt said, “You’re probably not going to want to buy a whole lot of food. I bought enough to last me at least the week before I left Mississauga. I figured the last week I’d come into town to purchase what I’d need for the rest of my holidays.”

Draven nodded. “All right, but I think I’ll pick up a few extra items that you might not have brought with you. I’m going to get us some thick steaks and ribs to do on the barbeque.”

“If I weren’t so full, that would sound good right about now. I take it you’re a meat eater.”

Draven seemed to stiffen at his question. “What do you mean?”

“All the meat you want to buy. I assume you aren’t one of those people who think it’s bad for you, especially the red variety.”

He chuckled. “Oh. No, I’d never be able to give up meat. If it were all I had to eat, I’d have no problem having it every day. And I like my steaks really rare.”

“I like mine cooked a little bit more than that, but it has to be pink on the inside.”

They arrived at the meat department and Draven picked up the most expensive steaks he could find and put them in the shopping cart. Wyatt couldn’t afford cuts like that on his budget.

“Well, well. If it isn’t the queer.”

Wyatt turned toward the male voice the same time Draven did. Draven’s upper lip curled into a snarl as he stared at the other man. “What the hell are you doing here, Rick?”

Rick walked closer. “Maybe I’ve been looking for you.”

Wyatt shot his gaze from Draven to Rick and back again. It was more than obvious there was bad blood between the two of them. They way Draven held his body, he looked just about ready to pounce on Rick, and not in a good way.

“And why would you be doing that?” Draven asked with an almost growl.

“You know why. It’s because of you I had to go lone wolf. If you’d just kept your nose out of my damn business everything would have been fine.”

“Maybe some of the other assholes you surround yourself with would have let it slide, but I’m not like that. You know what drugs do to us. I can’t believe I ever considered you a friend.”

“Do you think I care? The money was good. I’m not as old as you, Draven. I haven’t had all those years to amass the fortune you have. And I don’t want to wait that long to enjoy the better things in life.”

Looking at Rick, Wyatt didn’t think he was that much younger than Draven. If anything they appeared to be around the same age.

“Which goes to show how much of a pup you still are,” Draven shot back.

Rick got right up into Draven’s face. “Don’t ever call me that again.”

Draven shoved the other man away. “Back off, Rick. Think of where we are.”

Rick rolled his shoulders. His gaze landed on Wyatt and he sniffed the air. “I don’t think you’re worried about that so much as the fact this one probably doesn’t know the truth about you.” He laughed. “You were always a sucker for his kind. Are you going to properly introduce me to your boyfriend, Draven? You don’t have to be afraid about me trying to steal him away from you, since I don’t like shoving my cock up some guy’s ass.”

There was no mistaking the growl that rumbled out of Draven for anything but what it was. Wyatt thought Draven’s eyes might have glowed mutedly for a split second before Rick laughed again, drawing his attention.

“At least I don’t have to force my bed partners to sleep with me. Unlike you,” Draven said between clenched teeth.

At first glance, Rick was just as good-looking as Draven. It wasn’t until Wyatt stared into the other man’s eyes did he see the cruelness that seemed to cling to him, making him appear less attractive. To be honest, Rick gave Wyatt a bit of the creeps. Just as big and tall as Draven, Rick was one person he’d never want to meet in a dark alley.

Rick’s face turned hard. “I’d watch what you say to me.”

“I’m not scared of you,” Draven said. “You want a piece of me? Name the place and time and I’ll gladly show you who the better man is.”

Rick slowly backed away as he pointed at Draven. “That day will come, old man.” With that said, he turned and walked away.

Wyatt gazed at Draven and found him still staring in the direction Rick had gone. His fists were clenched at his sides, the muscles in his arms standing out. This was a side of Draven he hadn’t seen before. A wilder, fiercer one.

“Why the hell would he call you an old man?” Wyatt asked. “He can’t be that much younger than you.”

Draven took a deep breath and slowly unclenched his hands. He turned to the shopping cart and walked away. “He was just being an asshole. Forget about him.”

Wyatt hurried to catch up with Draven. “It looked as if the two of you were ready to tear into each other, literally.”

Draven came to a sudden stop. “Rick is no concern of yours. Like I said, forget about him.”

“But he said he’d been looking for you.”


“Aren’t you a little worried he might try and confront you again?”

Draven turned a hard look on Wyatt. “He can try, but I guarantee he won’t come out of it unscathed. The bastard knows better than to challenge me.”

“What did he mean about his being a lone wolf? And what was the crack about me probably not knowing the truth about you?”
