Hayden didn’t think he had ever seen anything so exquisite, so breathtaking as the vision of Isla lying naked and wanting beneath him.

Her black locks were spread around her, her chest rising and falling rapidly, and her startling ice-blue eyes locked with his. She was aroused and ready. Waiting.

For him.

Her slender, curvy body had been taken straight from his dreams. He wanted to touch all of her, learn every nuance of her body in order to bring her pleasure so intense, so incredible she wouldn’t be able to string two words together.

But where to begin first was the problem.

Unable to deny himself another taste, Hayden leaned down and kissed her. She eagerly opened for him, spurring his already burning lust to new heights, engulfing both of them in the reckless flames of desire.

Her hands, tentative and soft, touched his sides before moving up and over his back. In the wake of her touch, trails of heat lit his flesh.

Every touch, every sigh only brought him deeper under her spell. Only made him crave her, covet her ever more since the moment he had found her on Cairn Toul.

He shifted to his side and placed his hand on her hip as he deepened the kiss. She moaned into his mouth, impatient for more. Hayden glided his hand over the swell of her hip to the indent of her small waist up to her breast.

His thumb caressed the underside of Isla’s breast before he cupped it. Her nipple was hard and straining, eager for his touch.

He wanted to go slow, to savor her, but need rode him hard. Coupled with Isla’s growing passion, Hayden knew he would have to force himself not to lose control or he’d hurt her.

The fact he was kissing, caressing a drough didn’t dampen his passion. He didn’t stop to ask why, just accepted it for the moment. Later, he would allow himself to wonder how he could desire her as he did.

Hayden groaned when her nails scraped his back, sending chills over his skin. He’d never yearned, never hungered, never needed anyone as he did Isla in that moment.

He kissed down her neck to the valley between her breasts as he rolled her nipple between his fingers. She panted, soft moans of delight passing from her seductive lips.

His cock ached to be inside her, but he held himself in check. He wanted to taste more of her, learn more of her before he gave into his need.

Her back arched, a strangled cry fell from her lips when he pinched her nipple. Hayden smiled and wrapped his lips around the other nub. He swirled his tongue around it, teasing it, stroking it, until Isla whispered his name.

His name on her lips moved something inside him he had thought long dead. There was passion and wonder and joy in her voice.

Hayden could have suckled at her breasts for hours, but there was more of her to explore, more of her to enjoy yet. He lifted her hips to grind into her. The feel of her soft, supple body against him drove him mad with longing.

He could push into her now, sheath himself in her hot wetness, but he wanted her to scream his name first, to see her body bucking with a climax.

Then he would take her.

Slowly. Thoroughly. Savoring every moment.

Isla was mindless with desire. It raged through her body like a storm, overwhelming her with intense, fiery need. Her skin was extra sensitive and her blood burned in her veins. Every little touch, every caress from Hayden only stroked the flames within her.

Her breasts ached for more of his touch. She’d never felt anything like it before, and it had been amazing. The throbbing between her legs intensified, causing her to rub her hips against him. Heat consumed her, scorched her with passion.

Isla sucked in a shocked breath when Hayden shifted between her legs and held her thighs apart with his large hands. His black eyes rose to her, daring her to stop him as he leaned down and licked her sex.

She moaned, caught between the desire spilling through her and embarrassment that Hayden held her open for his view. The desire quickly won as Hayden’s tongue expertly stroked her clitoris. Isla forgot to breathe as the pure, amazing pleasure pulled her under.

It was too much. The sensations racking her body were too pure, too powerful to take. Isla tried to get away, but Hayden held her hips firmly in his hands. Just when she thought it couldn’t get more intense, the desire couldn’t build any higher, her world shattered.

She cried out, Hayden’s name on her lips as ecstasy unlike anything she’d ever known filled her, enveloped her. Even as her body calmed, she hungered for more.

Before she could take in a breath, Hayden was leaning over her, his hands beneath her back. He turned her, lifted her until she straddled his hips as he sat on the edge of the bed.

His arousal, hard and thick, lay between them. She wanted to touch him and stroke him as she had done her. She wanted to give him the same kind of pleasure, and she hoped he let her.

Isla cupped his face, running her hands over the rugged, chiseled features. She traced his wide lips with a finger, and was surprised when he pulled it into his mouth.

His wicked tongue sucked and licked her finger as his eyes blazed with desire. Isla knew it was the time to tell him she had never been touched by a man, but she feared Hayden wouldn’t want her then. And she wasn’t about to be denied now.

He looked at her as a woman, not a possession or drough. He saw her as she had longed to be seen. And he touched her as she had only dreamt about.

Hayden lightly wound his fingers around her wrist and pulled her finger from his mouth. He kissed her palm before flicking his tongue over the skin.

“Such passion,” he whispered.

Isla shivered. This was a side of Hayden she had never thought to see, a side that touched her deeply all the way to her soul. It was a side she found she greatly enjoyed.

“I cannot wait any longer.” He kissed her neck where her pulse pounded. “I have to have you.”

Isla wound her arms around his neck. “Then take me.”

His hands gripped her hips and raised her until she hovered over his cock. He moved her back and forth so that the tip of him teased her swollen, sensitive sex.

She dropped her head back and moaned at the pleasure. He slowly lowered her onto the head of his shaft. The feel of him large and imposing as he began to stretch her.

Alarm coursed through her. Isla opened her mouth to tell him she was a virgin still, but before she could, he pushed inside her the same time he pulled her down.

Isla’s gaze was locked with his. She saw his eyes widen in surprise, then his brow furrow in anger. Pain speared through her, but she refused to show any weakness, refused to cry out. He was huge, too huge for her.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were untouched?” he demanded in a low voice filled with fury and disbelief.

Isla inwardly cringed at his harsh tone. “I thought you wouldn’t want me.”

He placed a hand alongside her face. “If I’d have known I wouldn’t have hurt you. I would have gone slower, but I would still have wanted you.”

She blinked, unsure of what to say. She was to blame for her pain. But by the look on his face she could tell he took the fault as his own.

“My lack of … experience doesn’t matter?” she asked hesitantly.

He ran his thumb over her bottom lip before he kissed her soundly, completely. “Nay. Are you in pain?”

“It’s beginning to ebb.”

“Good,” he said before he rocked her hips forward.

Isla bit her lip, expecting to feel more pain. Instead, heat flooded her body. The more she moved against him, the more her body wanted. She had thought him big, but now that her body had adjusted, he slid farther inside her, filling her even more.

“Aye,” he murmured and kissed her neck just below her ear. “Open your body to me.”

Isla was powerless to do anything but what he wanted. He moved her hips, slowly, lovingly while her body continued to adjust for him. When he was fully sheathed, he let out a low groan and covered her mouth with his. He kissed her deeply, leisurely.

“Move as you want,” he instructed her.

For a moment Isla could only sit there, the feel of him inside her blocking out everything else. Isla rotated her hips and moved them front to back. The friction of their bodies had the flames of desire licking at her body once more.

She could feel her body building back up to what had occurred before her first climax. She wanted that again, wanted to feel it with Hayden inside her.

Isla held onto Hayden as her body began to spiral out of control. His arms locked around her, his breathing harsh and ragged as he thrust inside her.

He moaned and began to lift her up and down his rod. Isla could do nothing but experience the bliss of having him fill her time and again. His tempo increased and he went deeper, so deep he touched her womb.

Isla heard him whisper her name a heartbeat before his fingers dug into her back and he thrust inside her hard and fast. She could feel his cock pumping his seed inside her, and to her surprise, she peaked a second time.

Hayden held her against his chest, softly stroking her hair until she had come down. He was still inside her, holding her as tenderly as a lover would.

She dropped her head onto his shoulder and sighed. He lifted her off him and laid her on the bed before he rose and walked to the pitcher of water.

Isla watched as he poured water over a cloth and wrung it out. He sat beside her and spread her legs. It never occurred to her that she would need to be cleaned.

There were no words between them as he washed her blood and his seed first from her body, then his own. She expected him to leave then, to force some pretty words and go. Instead, he simply stared at her.

“You gave yourself to me,” he said. “Why?”

Isla glanced away. How did she tell him he had called to her on a level she didn’t understand? That she hadn’t wanted to give in, but her body hadn’t been her own?

“Is it wrong to wish to feel some happiness? Do I not deserve it?” she asked instead.

He reached out a finger and played with the ends of her hair. “I never said that. I’m simply wondering, why me?”

“You mean why you because you despise drough?”


Isla blew out a breath. “You saw me. Despite who and what I am, you saw me for me. I’ve had men lust after me. I’ve had men try to force themselves on me. But I’ve never had a man look at me with such desire or kiss me with such fire and hunger.”

Silence descended upon them until finally Isla asked what she needed to know. “Why me? Why did you come to me if you hate what I am?”

“That is a question, isn’t it?” he asked. “I’m not sure I can answer it.”

She sat up and almost reached for him, but at the last moment decided against it. “You were tender with me, concerned even when you learned I was still a virgin. I thank you for that.”

Hayden lifted a strand of her hair to his face and inhaled. “I think we’ve both made a muck of things.”

“Whatever happens, I won’t regret this night.”

He dropped her hair and stood. Without another word he began to dress. Isla watched him, fascinated with every aspect that was Hayden.

When he finished he glanced at her and climbed onto the window. She waited to see his Warrior form, to know what color he would turn, but he melded into the shadows and then was gone.
